Brilliant Classes by Creative Educational Resources Designer
Average Rating2.92
(based on 14 reviews)
We design creative educational digital teaching resources for the grade levels Prek-12.
It mainly includes the Science-Maths-ELA subjects with a wide range of resources such as lesson plans,whole lessons/Units, Activities, Quizzes, Worksheets, Assessments sheets, Vocabulary, Reading,Grammar,History, Flash cards, Graphic organizers, Literacy,Lesson plans(Bundles&Individual), Posters, Printables,Task cards, Thematic unit plans.
We design creative educational digital teaching resources for the grade levels Prek-12.
It mainly includes the Science-Maths-ELA subjects with a wide range of resources such as lesson plans,whole lessons/Units, Activities, Quizzes, Worksheets, Assessments sheets, Vocabulary, Reading,Grammar,History, Flash cards, Graphic organizers, Literacy,Lesson plans(Bundles&Individual), Posters, Printables,Task cards, Thematic unit plans.
As you know that Brag tags are little tags that students earn for working hard, putting forth effort, having positive attitudes, setting a good example, and so on. These brag tags are related to academic performance in various subjects which works great in class.
Students can earn new tags at any time and as often as you are willing to pass them out. The tags are added to a chain necklace where they can be easily stored and shown off.
To use this set of FULL COLOR brag tags, simply print the pages you want to use (card stock will make for a more durable and long lasting tag), laminate each page, cut out the tags, and hole punch the top.
In this download you will receive 360 different brag tags. They are including 12 different subjects:
Total subjects -12
Total slides_24
Each slide- 15 tags
Version:colorful and black and white
The following topic are covered;
Super Science
Marvelous Math
Best in biology
Power of Physics
History with Mystery
Iconic Art
Melodious music
Clever Chemistry
Genius Geometry
Awesome Algebra
Learning Literacy
Strong Social studies
Don’t forget to give your valuable comments and ratings after downloading this unit.
If you would like to share my lesson plans with a co-worker, your team, your school, or your district, please purchase multiple licenses which are offered at half price.
Being a follower of my store you`ll learn about my new products, sales, and discounts!
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
The school year is coming to a close, it is good to get some feedback from your students on how you can become a better educators! It helps teachers to improve the effectiveness of their teaching learning methodology.
It designed based on the following sensitive criteria:
(Only for Laboratory Courses)
I got a lot of good feedback which will really help me to improve my self as a teacher for the many coming years!
This unit in the form of pdf file and covers everything from what fossils are and how they are formed to the types, its age and examples of fossil, along with vocabulary.
It also includes numerous worksheets to hands on practice and review of knowledge for the students. Please view the preview to get an idea of what this unit has to offer your students!
It includes engaging, colorful, informative, visually stimulating and eye-catching photos and diagrams as per the topic need that will greatly enhance your explanation to your students.
Please view the Preview File to obtain a sense of my style, see how my unit is structured and evaluate my work.
At the end of the unit, different worksheets and activities are provided to evaluate the understanding of the students in the classroom. Hope students will love it while answering and will have the fun.
The following topics are included in this Unit:
What is fossil?
What do fossils tell us?
What is Fossilization or taphonomy
How do fossils form?
Five main types of fossils in detail with examples:
Mold and cast
Carbon films
Preserved remains
Where are fossils found?
Paleontologist Vs Archeologist
Collecting fossils
Mummification and premineralization
Estimation of the age of fossils:
Radiometric dating and relative dating
Index fossils
Clue to the past
Fossils – The evidence for evolution
Don’t forget to give your valuable comments and ratings after downloading this unit.
NOTE: While I always strive for accuracy, I am human and can make editing mistakes. If you find anything that needs correcting, please send me a message immediately in Q/A section. I would be happy to correct and upload a new file before you rate it! :) Thank you in advance.
Please note: these units are for the use of one educator.
If you would like to share my lesson plans with a co-worker, your team, your school, or your district, please purchase multiple licenses which are offered at half price.
BECOME A FOLLOWER OF MY STORE! :Being a follower of my store you`ll learn about my new products, sales, and discounts! Become my follower by clicking on the BLUE box on my shop page and receive email updates in your nbox.
Back to school classroom posters with quotes to brighten up your classroom and inspire your students! It includes 10 beautifully designed posters that work in any classroom.
These quotes provide great back to school inspiration at the beginning of the school year and can also be used as writing prompts, can easily be printed and laminated, perfect for classroom decor, playroom, nursery and home.
Click on the preview to view these colorful posters!
Each poster is provided with quote base motivational image…
Enjoy and thank you.
Pumpkin Life Cycle Scavenger Hunt
Purpose : At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn about the different stages of ‘Life cycle of Pumpkin’ with many vocabulary words.
Print the 20 Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines.
Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy.
Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard or wherever you like.
Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
If you have any questions or would like to sample a unit for quality please email me and I will gladly assist you any way I can. Thank you for your time and interest. Thank you in advance for rating and commenting on this activity.
Don’t forget to give your valuable comments and ratings after downloading this unit.
NOTE: While I always strive for accuracy, I am human and can make editing mistakes. If you find anything that needs correcting, please send me a message immediately in Q/A section. I would be happy to correct and upload a new file before you rate it! :) Thank you in advance.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more
Discounted Animal Science Scavenger Hunt Bundle!!!!!!
(All of the below material that I am including in this Bundle are sold separately on my TES store. Below is the complete list of what you are going to receive in a bundle with the description. You can also click on the link given at last on this page to buy individual resource or unit.)
This bundle is for students of grades 4 to 9 contains SIX ‘ANIMAL SCIENCE SCAVENGER HUNT’ based ACTIVITIES as a part of “ANIMAL SCIENCE UNIT”(Scavenger hunt activities on Animal classification-32 cards, Animal behavior- 24 cards, Animal hibernation-24 cards, Animal habitat-20 cards, Animal adaptation-24 cards, Animal migration-28 cards )for a discounted price! It will help you to save total of 5 POUND !!!!!
Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original PDF contains clear images.
All scavenger hunts are in the form of PDF file which includes engaging, colorful, informative, visually stimulating and eye-catching photos and diagrams as per the topic need which enhances interest of the students to play the activity.
This bundle contains the following SIX scavenger hunts on :
1. Animal Migration Scavenger Hunt:-
This activity is designed based on my Animals Migration unit which you can get from this store.
Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original .pdf file contains clear images.
This scavenger hunt includes key information and everything you’ll need to teach your students about the various Animal Migration and science behind it.
There are 28 scavenger hunt engaging cards with colorful and eye catching pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary and science on Animal Migration.
Directions to use and purpose:
1. At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the vocabulary and science behind the Animals Migration.
2. Print the Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines.
3. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy.
4. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard, or wherever you like.
5. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
2. Animals Classification Scavenger Hunt:-
This scavenger hunt introduces to students an information and basics science about the whole animal kingdom.This activity is designed based on my animal classification unit which you can get from this store.
There are 32 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary as well as science on animal classification.
Directions to use ‘Follow the procedure given in above description’.
3. Animal Adaptation Scavenger Hunt:-
This scavenger hunt introduces to students an information and basics about the animal adaptation and how do they adapt them in various conditions to survive their life.
There are 24 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary and science on Animal Adaptation with neat, colorful and clean images.
Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original .pdf file contains clear and colorful images.
Directions to use ‘Follow the procedure given in above description’
4. Animals & Habitats Scavenger Hunt:-
This activity is designed based on my Animals & their Habitats unit which you can get from this store.
Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original .pdf file contains clear images.
This scavenger hunt includes key information and everything you’ll need to teach your students about the animals and their different habitats on the earth.
There are 20 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary and science on animals and their habitats.
Directions to use ‘Follow the procedure given in above description’
5. Hibernation Scavenger Hunt:-
At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the HIBERNATION (A way of deep sleep that some animals adapt to climate and land during winter ) with its vocabulary. Its a great tool to review the any subject units.
Colorful and neat images on cards will create a deep interest among kids to perform the game with great visualization.
Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original .pdf file contains clear images.
Directions to use ‘Follow the procedure given in above description’
6. Animal Behavior Scavenger Hunt:-
This activity is designed based on my Animals Behavior unit which you can get from this store.
Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original .pdf file contains clear images.
This scavenger hunt includes key information and everything you’ll need to teach your students about the various Animal Behaviors and science behind it.
There are 24 scavenger hunt engaging cards with colorful and eye catching pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary and science on Animal Behavior.
Directions to use ‘Follow the procedure given in above description’.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Individual scavenger hut activities you can find from the below links:-
Easter Bundle!!
This bundle is for students of grades 2 to 6 contains FOUR Easter Day Units for a discounted price! It will help you to save total of 4.5 pound!!!!!
Hi dear ones! Easter is just around the corner and this Activity bundle pack is just what you need to have a blast of learning! This worksheets and different activities pack will be great for language arts as well as drawing classrooms to do the practice.
The Bundle includes:
Unit1. Easter scavenger Hunt - {An activity on Easter History/Symbols/Fun Facts} with 24 fact cards and questions sheet.
This is a fun activity that can be used during your students free time or at an Easter celebration. You could even use this with the children in your family during the Easter holidays.
This scavenger hunt introduces to students an information about the history,symbols used for celebration of Easter and some known fun facts on Easter Day occasion.
There are 24 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary and history on Easter day.
Directions to use ‘Easter Scavenger Hunt’
Purpose: At the end of this ‘scavenger hunt’ students will be able to learn on vocabulary of Easter and history behind it.
1. Print the given all 24 cards on a card stock or any other good paper and cut them along the black line.
2. Get the print of Scavenger Hunt questions pages and each student should be given this copy.
3. Place printed Scavenger Hunt cards around the classroom. For example you can place it on chair, on table, on benches, behind the classroom doors, besides the computer or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the cards in a classroom in order to find out the answers of the questions. Students can complete this exercise in a group with classmate or alone.
Unit 2. Easter Day Cut, Set and Paste Puzzles with 15 Worksheets.
Unit 3.Easter word search puzzles worksheets
Unit 4. Five different Easter Activities included are:
Easter cross word puzzle - 5 worksheets
Easter Egg Hunt by coloring the pages - 4 worksheets
Easter word search puzzle - 1 worksheet
Helping Easter buddies to find their destination - 4 worksheets
Easter Vocabulary - 1 worksheet
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Discounted (save 15% of total price) Animal Science Units Bundle!!!!!!
(All of the below UNITS that I am including in this Bundled Unit Download are sold separately on my TES store. Below is the complete list of what you are going to receive in a bundle with the description. You can also click on the link given at last on this page to buy individual resource or unit.)
This bundle is for students of grades 4 to 10 contains SIX Animal science units as a part of ANIMAL UNIT
(Adaptations/Habitats/Behavior/Hibernation/Migration/Classification) for a discounted price! It will help you to save 15% of total price!!!
(Please note that this discounted bundled set is a compressed zip file. Please be sure you have the ability to unzip a file before making this purchase. Due to many images its a large file ..So please be patient while downloading the file.)
This bundle contains the main following SIX units on Animal science:
Animal Adaptation :- 13 Worksheets included
1. Introduction to animal adaptations
2. Classification of adaptations
3. Physical adaptations
4. Structural adaptations
5. Behavioral adaptations
6. Innate behavior
7. Important definitions such as Migration, hibernation, estivation etc...
8. Learned behavior
9. Homiostasis and their adaptation
10.Endotherms and their adaptation
11. Ectotherms and their adaptations
12.Use of animal adaptations as animal defense
13.Adaptation application for various animals such as, camel,Giraffe, Polar bear, Penguin, Shark, Ostrich, Tigers, Duck,Red eye tree frog, Turtle and Golden eagle.
The following subtypes of the adaptations are covered in above main topics.
Camouflage, Mimicry, Hibernation, Estivation, Mimicry, Migration, chemical defense, Food storage, Body covering.
Animal Habitats :- 6 worksheets included
• Rain Forest
• Tundra
• Prairie
• Freshwater
• Swamps and wetlands
• Coral reefs
• Forest
• Marine
• Zoo
• Island
• Mountain ranges
• Urban
• Coniferous forests
• Factors that shape the habitats
Animal Behavior :- 9 worksheets included
1. Introduction on behavior
2.Various behaviors and ethology
3.Main types of behavior
a. Innate behavior
b. Learned behavior
4.Different examples of Innate behavior
6.Learned behavior with examples
7.Types of learned behaviors
• Habituation
• Observational Learning
• Classical Conditioning
• Operant Conditioning
• Learning by Playing
• Shaping of Behavior
• Trial and Error Learning -nature setting
• Extinction of Behavior
• Insight Learning
8. Animal behavior vocabulary
9. Worksheets on
a. Writing of questions & answers
b. Paragraph based questions and answers
c. Finding the correct phrase on animal behavior from the given sentence
d. Action/behavior/definition chart
e. Identification of true/false statements
f. Circle the letter of correct choice
g. Finding and matching the correct vocabulary word
h. Fill the given blanks
Animal Classification :- 14 worksheets included
It covers the two main groups of animals in the animal kingdom:
1.Invertebrates and 2.vertebrates.
It also covers a detailed characteristics on two main groups of animals with beautiful and colorful pictures for easy understanding.
Why is classification done?
Two major groups: Vertebrates/Invertebrates
Warm-Blooded Vs. Cold-Blooded
Groups of Vertebrates with detailed characteristics and examples:
Groups of Invertebrates with detailed characteristics and examples:
• Molluscs
• Flatworms
• Annelids
• Roundworms
• Sponges
• Echinoderms
• Cnidarians
• Arthropods with the following groups:
o Arachnids
o Centipedes & Millipedes
o Crustaceans
o Insects
Animal Hibernation :- 13--Worksheets/Activities
The unit involves the following Completed facts and topics:
Introduction to hibernation
Why do animals hibernate?
When do animals hibernate?
Preparation for hibernation
Animals entering the hibernation
Changes in animals during hibernation
Different kinds of hibernation
Various animals like (bear, fat tailed dwarf lemurs, garter snakes, snail, bat, woodchuck, raccoons, woodfrog, box turtle, hamster European hedgehog, birds) and their hibernation
Animal Migration :- 9 Worksheets with one reading passage included
Introduction to Animal Migration
Signals to Animals for when and where to migrate?
Finding Their Way
Surviving the journey
Some record migrations
Different Types of Migration :
1. Seasonal migration
2. Reproductive migration
3. Nomadic migration
4. Removal migration
5. Complete migration
6. Partial migration
7. Multi-generational migration
8. Irruptive migration
Some examples of Migrating Animals :
All the given topics are very well explained with number of the clear and beautiful pictures which will create a deep interest among students to know more and more about the Animal units.
At the end of the each unit number of the worksheets / Activities are provided as a review exercise or test to check students' knowledge as a part of assessment which will be very helpful to students.
If you have any questions on a unit for quality please email me and I will gladly assist you any way I can. Thank you for your time and interest in this bundle. Thank you in advance for rating and commenting.
Here is the pack of Parent Teacher Conferences forms that will be very helpful during parent teacher conference session. !
Included in this pack are:
Conference request form
Conference reminder notice
Pre-conference Survey form
Student self evaluation form
Minutes of meeting
Parent-teacher GOAL setting form
Parent-teacher Conference Sign In
Please contact us if there are any other forms you would like to see added to this pack.
This is the handy and an easy way to introduce your students to all of the necessary rules and procedures in your school classroom for **3rd grade to middle school students.
Use this resource on back to school at the beginning of the year to teach rules, procedures and expectations to your new students.You can even print and post these pages, or go back and do a quick review whenever necessary!
There are about **40 procedures **given in power point slides.