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Inquiring Mind of the English Teacher Kind

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Say hello to a platform dedicated to industrious, yet overtasked teachers like you. Say goodbye to countless hours spent developing relevant and engaging ELA lessons. Whether you are teaching the fundamentals of grammar, creative writing skills, classic literature, or contemporary fiction, you will find thousands of activities and assessments to help you achieve a healthier work-life balance without sacrificing academic rigor.




Say hello to a platform dedicated to industrious, yet overtasked teachers like you. Say goodbye to countless hours spent developing relevant and engaging ELA lessons. Whether you are teaching the fundamentals of grammar, creative writing skills, classic literature, or contemporary fiction, you will find thousands of activities and assessments to help you achieve a healthier work-life balance without sacrificing academic rigor.
"The Bet" by Anton Chekhov Quiz and Answer Key

"The Bet" by Anton Chekhov Quiz and Answer Key

Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this plot-based quiz covering Anton Chekhov’s short story “The Bet.” The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to facilitate active engagement with fiction. An answer key and copy of the public domain narrative are included. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following aspects of plot: Point of view The context of the lawyer and banker’s encounter The lawyer and banker’s respective views on capital punishment The general tone of the conversation The terms of the bet The lawyer’s motivations Items the lawyer is allowed to possess The banker’s carelessness The banker’s willingness to commit a crime The lawyer’s revelation News from the night watchman The resolution
Lord of the Flies Close Reading Analysis Worksheets Bundle

Lord of the Flies Close Reading Analysis Worksheets Bundle

12 Resources
Save time without sacrificing rigor with this collection of challenging close reading analysis worksheets for teaching William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. Each worksheet covers a single chapter for a total of 12 resources. Answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in Word Document and PDF formats. By engaging with these materials, students will do the following: Discern what the text states explicitly and implicitly Analyze how complex characters interact and develop Apply knowledge of various literary devices including personification, slang, invective, simile, zoomorphism metaphor, onomatopoeia, situational irony, and more Analyze the author’s craft to articulate the intended effect of language and imagery Infer what is foreshadowed by a given detail using reasoned thinking Determine the most appropriate synonym for a given word in context Contrast Simon with his peers in the context of a given passage Conduct brief research on the mythological figure Triton and compare him to Ralph Identify relevant textual evidence in support of claims regarding Jack’s defiant nature and Piggy’s leadership potential Analyze the author’s craft to better understand how Jack is becoming more savage Analyze Ralph’s behavior in a given passage to infer what it reveals about his psychological state Identify textual evidence that reinforces the idea of being disconnected from modern society Articulate the internal conflict Simon experiences Contrast Jack’s behavior toward Ralph versus Piggy and evaluate what it indicates about Jack’s mindset Identify specific textual details from this chapter that reinforce the claim that Simon is compassionate and thoughtful Articulate the potential error in Ralph’s judgment in terms of the assembly’s timing Identify the qualities that make Jack successful in garnering larger scale support Infer the author’s social commentary associated with Jack’s manner of leadership Analyze how Ralph becomes a dynamic character and connect Ralph’s transformation to the author’s theme on human nature Analyze the author’s craft to identify the technique used to maximize shock value Isolate a passage that reflects the conflict between primal impulses and the conditioning of civil society Conduct brief research on the Greek myth of Prometheus and draw literary parallels between it and Lord of the Flies Identify several chapter details that contribute to Piggy and Ralph’s loss of discipline Explain how a given passage honors and dignifies the character of Simon after his death Articulate the purpose of Wilfred’s brutal punishment in terms of plot development Conduct brief research on the author and identify examples of autobiographical parallel Analyze the author’s craft to articulate how the incorporation of frequent em-dashes contributes to storytelling Write with clarity and precision
Lord of the Flies by William Golding Quiz and Answer Key Bundle

Lord of the Flies by William Golding Quiz and Answer Key Bundle

12 Resources
Evaluate general reading comprehension and promote homework accountability with this bundle of editable quizzes covering each chapter of Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in printable Word Document and PDF formats. By taking these assessments, students will demonstrate knowledge of the following aspects of plot: A general description of Ralph The reason for the boys’ presence on the island A general description of Piggy Ralph’s reaction to his surroundings The significance of a conch shell A general description of Jack The election of a leader The reason for the nature of Jack’s interactions with Piggy Ralph’s insensitivity toward Piggy A disruption to the festive atmosphere while exploring the island Ralph’s emphasis on the boys’ need to maintain patience and calm Ralph’s recommendation that rules be established Jack’s reaction to the idea of establishing and enforcing rules A new purpose of the conch shell Reasons for Piggy’s frustration with the boys An unsettling claim by a young boy Ralph’s recommendation that the boys signal for help on the mountain The tool that is used and inadvertently causes a raging fire The boys’ general reaction to the devastating event Jack’s developing talent Ralph’s commitment to manual labor Simon’s general selflessness in comparison to his peers Piggy’s perception of manual labor Ralph’s complaint to Jack about others’ behavior Ralph’s suggestion to Jack regarding new work What Jack and Ralph decide to do despite their resentments Jack’s increasing paranoia Simon’s motive for wandering off The effect of the harsh midday light on the boys The effect of the extreme night darkness on the boys The effect of the jungle fruit on the little 'uns Jack and his fellow hunters’ treatment of the little 'uns How Jack and his fellow hunters show they are becoming more savage Piggy’s desire to make a sundial A sudden observation while at the beach Why the signal fire was extinguished Jack’s response to Piggy’s criticism Jack’s desire to exercise power over Piggy Simon’s selfless deed Ralph’s decision at the end of the chapter The purpose of the meeting Jack’s treatment of the little 'uns The general reception to Jack’s speech Phil’s dreams Simon’s admission The general reception to Simon’s dialogue Ralph’s suggestion of a vote Piggy’s suggestion to Ralph after the boys break away from the meeting Ralph’s feelings toward the idea of resigning from leadership Piggy’s desires Percival’s nightmare A disturbance of the peace The characters assigned to watch the signal fire An fear-inducing incident Allegations involving the beast The reason for Ralph’s apprehension Piggy’s responsibility Ralph’s investigation of the cave The reason for Ralph’s anger toward the boys How the boys have fun Ralph’s nostalgia Simon’s reassuring nature Ralph’s reaction to Simon’s reassurance The nature of Jack’s injury The effect hunting has on Ralph The result of the hunt Robert’s near-death experience Jack’s lack of compassion How Ralph endangers his own life Simon’s volunteerism An exploration of the mountain Jack’s calling of an assembly Information Jack shares with the group Opposition to Jack’s ideas Simon’s suggestion to seek the beast Piggy’s suggestion to improve their odds of rescue Ralph’s reaction to Piggy’s suggestion Boys’ abandonment of Ralph’s faction Piggy’s reaction to the boys’ abandonment of Ralph’s faction The savage behavior of Jack’s faction Jack’s invitation Simon’s peculiar encounter in the jungle Simon’s disturbing experience Ralph and Piggy’s socialization Piggy’s suggestion to join Jack’s faction How Piggy is injured How Ralph and Piggy express disobedience Ralph’s curiosity about the hunters’ lack of storm preparations Participants in the ritualistic dance Simon’s warnings The reaction to Simon’s sudden appearance The fate of the pilot’s corpse Piggy’s explanation of Simon’s death Ralph’s sense of personal accountability Jack’s explanation for the physical appearance of the beast Roger’s status within Jack’s tribe The conflicted feelings of several of Jack’s followers Jack’s warnings to his followers Jack’s plan to steal fire Sam and Eric’s emotional and psychological state The fate of Piggy’s eyeglasses Decisions made at an assembly The purpose of the conch from Jack’s perspective A dangerous discovery at Castle Rock Ralph’s demands of Jack Ralph’s accusations The reason for Jack’s assault of Ralph The nature of Piggy’s death The identity of Piggy’s killer Ralph’s escape The treatment of the twins Ralph’s encounter with the pig’s head The identities of the armed guards Information the armed guards provide to Ralph Jack’s methods of trying to capture Ralph Ralph’s near-death experiences The reason a naval officer is attracted to the island Percival’s loss of identity Claims of leadership Ralph’s emotional state to conclude the novel The naval officer’s reaction to Ralph’s behavior
Catcher in the Rye Chs. 24-26 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

Catcher in the Rye Chs. 24-26 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

4 Resources
Measure reading comprehension and support analysis of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (chapters 24-26) with this bundle, which features a plot-based quiz and close reading exercises. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in both Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions. Through these discussions, students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development, demonstrating an ability to analyze how complex characters transform and advance the plot and themes by applying logic and citing compelling, meaningful textual evidence. They will also evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to advance claims, clarifying or challenging unclear ideas. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly, concisely, and appropriately, thereby helping their peers comprehend their thinking. Copyright restrictions prohibit the inclusion of complete literary works, so the purchaser is responsible for providing students with access to the novel. By engaging in these exercises, students will: Articulate what the text states explicitly and implicitly Write with clarity, logic, and precision Cite relevant textual evidence in support of claims Apply knowledge of literary devices including hyperbole and assonance Explore character motivations Discern meaning in complex and unfamiliar words and phrases Articulate the function of Mr. Antolini’s character in terms of Holden’s development Analyze how complex characters interact Analyze character intentions and motivations Articulate the function of Holden’s note for Phoebe Articulate the significance of Holden’s reaction to Phoebe’s declaration that she will travel with him Analyze the symbolism of the carousel in the context of the chapter Articulate how Holden is a dynamic character in context
Catcher in the Rye Chs. 21-23 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

Catcher in the Rye Chs. 21-23 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

4 Resources
Measure reading comprehension and support analysis of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (chapters 21-23) with this bundle, which features a plot-based quiz and rigorous close reading worksheets. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in both Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions. Through these discussions, students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development, demonstrating an ability to analyze how complex characters transform and advance the plot and themes by applying logic and citing compelling, meaningful textual evidence. They will also evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to advance claims, clarifying or challenging unclear ideas. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly, concisely, and appropriately, thereby helping their peers comprehend their thinking. Copyright restrictions prohibit the inclusion of complete literary works, so the purchaser is responsible for providing students with access to the novel. By engaging in these exercises, students will: Articulate what the text states explicitly and implicitly Write with clarity, logic, and precision Cite relevant textual evidence in support of claims Discern the tone of a given excerpt Analyze the greater significance of characters’ decisions Discern the meanings of words and phrases in context Make logical inferences about Holden’s mindset Evaluate Holden and Phoebe’s parents’ parenting style Analyze the author’s craft Apply knowledge of literary devices including allusion, symbolism, dramatic irony, situational irony, and hyperbole Analyze the author’s craft to articulate the intended meaning of figurative language Analyze how complex characters interact Articulate the function of a given detail Articulate the function of Phoebe in terms of Holden’s character development Analyze what Mrs. Caulfield’s actions reveal about her parenting style Analyze what Mrs. Caulfield’s frequent headaches imply about her psychological state
Catcher in the Rye Chs. 18-20 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

Catcher in the Rye Chs. 18-20 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

4 Resources
Measure reading comprehension and support analysis of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (chapters 18-20) with this bundle, which features a plot-based quiz and rigorous close reading worksheets. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in both Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions. Through these discussions, students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development, demonstrating an ability to analyze how complex characters transform and advance the plot and themes by applying logic and citing compelling, meaningful textual evidence. They will also evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to advance claims, clarifying or challenging unclear ideas. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly, concisely, and appropriately, thereby helping their peers comprehend their thinking. Copyright restrictions prohibit the inclusion of complete literary works, so the purchaser is responsible for providing students with access to the novel. By engaging in these exercises, students will: Articulate what the text states explicitly and implicitly Write with clarity, logic, and precision Cite relevant textual evidence in support of claims Explore character motivations Explore cause-and-effect relationships Apply knowledge of literary devices Analyze the portrayal of complex characters Activate background knowledge of previous chapters to articulate the irony of Holden’s decisions Contrast Holden and his older brother Analyze the nature of Holden’s relationship with Allie Analyze the author’s use of language to discern what it reveals about a character Articulate Luce’s hypocrisy from Holden’s perspective Analyze the nature of the relationship between Holden and Luce Explain why Holden’s attempts to interact with various women are self-sabotaging acts Analyze the symbolism of the broken record Apply knowledge of hyperbole Analyze how details about setting complement Holden’s characterization Analyze a given detail to articulate its irony Explore Holden’s capacity for empathy
Catcher in the Rye Chs. 16-17 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

Catcher in the Rye Chs. 16-17 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

3 Resources
Measure reading comprehension and support analysis of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (chapters 16-17) with this bundle, which features a plot-based quiz and rigorous close reading worksheets. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in both Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions. Through these discussions, students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development, demonstrating an ability to analyze how complex characters transform and advance the plot and themes by applying logic and citing compelling, meaningful textual evidence. They will also evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to advance claims, clarifying or challenging unclear ideas. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly, concisely, and appropriately, thereby helping their peers comprehend their thinking. Copyright restrictions prohibit the inclusion of complete literary works, so the purchaser is responsible for providing students with access to the novel. By engaging in these exercises, students will: Articulate what the text states explicitly and implicitly Write with clarity, logic, and precision Cite relevant textual evidence in support of claims Explore character motivations Apply knowledge of literary devices with emphasis on hyperbole and irony Define complex words and phrases in context Analyze the portrayal of complex characters
Catcher in the Rye Chs. 13-15 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

Catcher in the Rye Chs. 13-15 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

4 Resources
Measure reading comprehension and support analysis of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (chapters 13-15) with this bundle, which features a plot-based quiz and rigorous close reading worksheets. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in both Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions. Through these discussions, students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development, demonstrating an ability to analyze how complex characters transform and advance the plot and themes by applying logic and citing compelling, meaningful textual evidence. They will also evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to advance claims, clarifying or challenging unclear ideas. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly, concisely, and appropriately, thereby helping their peers comprehend their thinking. Copyright restrictions prohibit the inclusion of complete literary works, so the purchaser is responsible for providing students with access to the novel. By engaging in these exercises, students will: Articulate what the text states explicitly and implicitly Explain the significance of a given detail Write with clarity, logic, and precision Cite relevant textual evidence in support of claims Explore character motivations Apply knowledge of literary devices including idiom and malapropism Articulate Holden’s worries about fighting others Explore Holden’s misrepresentation of himself Articulate Holden’s internal conflict Articulate cause-and-effect relationships Discern the irony of Holden’s pseudonym Explore the author’s intent Articulate how Holden attempts to make himself feel better about his condition in life Articulate what unsettles Holden about Sunny Isolate a factual statement about the plot Infer the reason for Holden’s guilt Articulate the reason for Holden’s contentious relationship with Arthur Childs Explore how Holden’s atheism affects his ability to cope with trauma Infer why Maurice takes advantage of Holden specifically Explore how Holden demonstrates stubbornness and a lack of self-regulation Explore Holden’s loosening grasp on reality Explore Holden’s feelings toward the nuns Articulate why Holden gets uncomfortable discussing Romeo & Juliet with the nuns Compare Holden to the character of Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet
Catcher in the Rye Chs. 10-12 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

Catcher in the Rye Chs. 10-12 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

4 Resources
Measure reading comprehension and support analysis of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (chapters 10-12) with this bundle, which features a plot-based quiz and close reading exercises. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in both Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions. Through these discussions, students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development, demonstrating an ability to analyze how complex characters transform and advance the plot and themes by applying logic and citing compelling, meaningful textual evidence. They will also evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to advance claims, clarifying or challenging unclear ideas. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly, concisely, and appropriately, thereby helping their peers comprehend their thinking. Copyright restrictions prohibit the inclusion of complete literary works, so the purchaser is responsible for providing students with access to the novel. By engaging in these exercises, students will: Articulate what the text states explicitly and implicitly Explain the significance of a given detail Write with clarity, logic, and precision Cite relevant textual evidence in support of claims Explore character motivations Compare Allie and Phoebe Analyze the author’s word choices to discern meaning in context Verify interpretations of language using reference materials such as a dictionary or thesaurus Apply knowledge of situational irony and understatement Articulate how Holden can discern that the three women at the club are tourists Identify several specific ways in which the three women do not live up to Holden’s standards Articulate how Holden goads one of the women into showing her gullibility Articulate how the three women demonstrate cleverness Articulate how Holden wishes to be perceived, as well as how he is actually perceived Analyze the significance of a tense shift in Holden’s language Identify several of Jane’s eccentricities that Holden finds endearing Compare Jane and Holden’s methods of dealing with trauma Discern tone in context Make logical inferences about Holden’s manner of referring to others Explain how Holden exhibits psychological projection in his conversation with the cab driver Identify the nature of Lillian’s connection to D.B. Articulate what Holden implies about Lillian’s personality in the context of an excerpt Identify Holden’s personal reason for disliking Lillian’s date Articulate how Holden feels widespread praise affects art Articulate how Ernie reinforces Holden’s opinions on how praise affects art
Catcher in the Rye Chs. 7-9 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

Catcher in the Rye Chs. 7-9 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

4 Resources
Measure reading comprehension and support analysis of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (chapters 7-9) with this bundle, which features a plot-based quiz and close reading exercises. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in both Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions. Through these discussions, students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development, demonstrating an ability to analyze how complex characters transform and advance the plot and themes by applying logic and citing compelling, meaningful textual evidence. They will also evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to advance claims, clarifying or challenging unclear ideas. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly, concisely, and appropriately, thereby helping their peers comprehend their thinking. Copyright restrictions prohibit the inclusion of complete literary works, so the purchaser is responsible for providing students with access to the novel. By engaging in these exercises, students will: Articulate what the text states explicitly and implicitly Explain the significance of a given detail Write with clarity, logic, and precision Cite relevant textual evidence in support of claims Explore character motivations Demonstrate awareness of religion’s influence on Ackley’s life Make reasonable inferences about Holden’s behavior Apply knowledge of various literary devices including euphemism, allusion, metaphor, simile, cliche, acyrologia, situational irony, and more Discern the tone of a remark in context Define complex words or phrases in context Verify interpretations of language using reference materials including a dictionary or thesaurus Analyze what Holden’s behaviors and statements reflect about his psychological state Analyze Holden’s mindset as it pertains to Stradlater and articulate his internal conflict Analyze the relevance of a seemingly insubstantial detail Articulate how the conversation between Mrs. Morrow and Holden begins Identify several examples of Holden’s awkward attempts to be accepted in the adult world Identify evidence of Holden’s self-awareness Identify examples of Holden’s avoidance behavior Analyze word choices to discern what they reveal about Holden’s psychological state Demonstrate understanding of Holden’s interest in vulnerable creatures
Catcher in the Rye Chs. 5-6 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

Catcher in the Rye Chs. 5-6 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

3 Resources
Measure reading comprehension and support analysis of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (chapters 5-6) with this bundle, which features a plot-based quiz and close reading exercises. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in both Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions. Through these discussions, students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development, demonstrating an ability to analyze how complex characters transform and advance the plot and themes by applying logic and citing compelling, meaningful textual evidence. They will also evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to advance claims, clarifying or challenging unclear ideas. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly, concisely, and appropriately, thereby helping their peers comprehend their thinking. Copyright restrictions prohibit the inclusion of complete literary works, so the purchaser is responsible for providing students with access to the novel. By engaging in these exercises, students will: Articulate what the text states explicitly and implicitly Explain the significance of a given detail Write with clarity, logic, and precision Cite relevant textual evidence in support of claims Analyze Holden to discern his motivations for inviting Ackley to the movies and for not chucking the snowball at snow-covered objects Analyze the author’s craft to discern what the placement of a particular sentence reflects about Holden’s mindset Identify details that support the claim that Allie is a nonconformist, both by choice and chance Apply knowledge of hyperbole Demonstrate knowledge of Holden’s superstitious tendencies Articulate the reason Holden did not break the windows of the station wagon Articulate the unintended consequence of an action Analyze what makes a particular paragraph emotionally impactful Articulate how Holden’s traumas have affected him Explain why it is unfair for Stradlater to be so mad at Holden over the composition Articulate why Stradlater’s criticism of Holden is hypocritical Articulate why Holden is offended by a particular remark Identify what provokes a physical altercation Analyze how Holden interprets Stradlater’s rejection of the composition Articulate the implied motivation for Holden to visit Ackley
Catcher in the Rye Chs. 3-4 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

Catcher in the Rye Chs. 3-4 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

3 Resources
Measure reading comprehension and support analysis of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (chapters 3-4) with this bundle, which features a plot-based quiz and close reading exercises. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in both Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions. Through these discussions, students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development, demonstrating an ability to analyze how complex characters transform and advance the plot and themes by applying logic and citing compelling, meaningful textual evidence. They will also evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to advance claims, clarifying or challenging unclear ideas. Using this resource for structured guidance, students, ultimately, will present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly, concisely, and appropriately, thereby helping their peers comprehend their thinking. Copyright restrictions prohibit the inclusion of complete literary works, so the purchaser is responsible for providing students with access to the novel. By engaging in these exercises, students will: Articulate what the text states explicitly and implicitly Explain the significance of a given detail Write with clarity, logic, and precision Cite relevant textual evidence in support of claims Articulate how old Ossenburger acquired his wealth Infer the reason for Holden’s interest in the novel Out of Africa Identify what type of literature most appeals to Holden Articulate why Holden feels like a failure Identify examples of Holden’s sarcasm and dark humor Explore Holden’s intellectual curiosity Compare the characters of Holden and Ackley Compare the plot of chapter 2 to chapter 3 Identify what Holden does to Ackley that he did not appreciate Mr. Spencer doing to him Articulate a primary function of the chapter Identify examples of Holden’s generosity Articulate the meaning of “secret slob” in the context of Stradlater’s behavior Demonstrate awareness of Holden’s status as an unreliable narrator Explore the significance of Jane’s checkers-playing behavior in Holden’s mind Articulate the reason(s) for Holden’s hostility toward Stradlater Demonstrate awareness of Holden’s struggle to convey the importance of information to Stradlater Analyze how Stradlater’s actions and statements reflect the trait of carelessness Analyze the author’s craft to discern how the narrator’s tone influences the readers perceptions of other characters
Catcher in the Rye Chs. 1-2 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

Catcher in the Rye Chs. 1-2 Quiz & Close Reading Bundle

3 Resources
Measure reading comprehension and support analysis of Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (chapters 1-2) with this bundle, which features a plot-based quiz and close reading exercises. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in both Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions. Through these discussions, students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development, demonstrating an ability to analyze how complex characters transform and advance the plot and themes by applying logic and citing compelling, meaningful textual evidence. They will also evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to advance claims, clarifying or challenging unclear ideas. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly, concisely, and appropriately, thereby helping their peers comprehend their thinking. Copyright restrictions prohibit the inclusion of complete literary works, so the purchaser is responsible for providing students with access to the novel. By engaging in these exercises, students will: Articulate what the text states explicitly and implicitly Explain the significance of a given detail Write with clarity, logic, and precision Cite relevant textual evidence in support of claims Analyze the author’s craft to discern how language contributes to the narrator’s psychological state Explore character motivations Analyze the author’s craft to discern how Holden attempts to control the readers’ impressions of him Analyze the significance of Holden’s allusion to David Copperfield in terms of how it establishes his character Analyze Holden’s use of figurative language to discern meaning Identify the factors that contribute to Holden’s perceptions of Selma Consider plot developments from Holden’s point of view, articulating why it is not a big deal that he has been expelled from school Identify several examples of colloquial language Apply knowledge of literary devices including metaphor and overstatement Identify textual details that convey Holden’s sense of isolation Identify context clues that suggest Holden’s family is wealthy Articulate what makes Holden’s visit to see Mr. Spencer unsettling Explore how Holden’s interactions with adults contribute to his self-worth Interpret idiomatic expressions in context Analyze Mr. Spencer’s motivations Analyze Holden’s curiosities about ducks and what they reveal about his moral compass Identify and explain an example of situational irony Infer how Holden feels about the idea of getting older Analyze the phrase “good luck” from Holden’s perspective Articulate a primary function of chapter two
"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" Quiz and Close Reading Bundle

"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" Quiz and Close Reading Bundle

4 Resources
Evaluate general reading comprehension, facilitate vocabulary development, and sharpen critical thinking skills with this bundle of materials for teaching Mark Twain’s short story “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.” A plot-based quiz, a close reading worksheet, a craft analysis exercise, a vocabulary application activity, a crossword puzzle, a word search game, the short story, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. These resources may facilitate small-group discussions in which students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development. Using these resources for structured guidance, students will improve their ability to present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly and convincingly. By engaging with these materials, students will: Identify what the text states both explicitly and implicitly Define words and phrases as they are used in the text Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings Choose the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences Determine the tone of a particular passage Discern the author’s intent and its effect on readers. Explore how complex characters think, behave, develop, and interact Apply knowledge of literary devices with emphasis on allusion, hyperbole, and simile Apply knowledge of the elements of satire and tall tales Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Write about fiction with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss literature
"The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" Quiz and Close Reading Bundle

"The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" Quiz and Close Reading Bundle

3 Resources
Help high school students enhance their active reading habits and close reading analysis skills with this bundle of formative assessments covering “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Included are the following: a plot-based, multiple choice quiz; a short answer alternate quiz option for re-assessment purposes; a worksheet composed of rigorous close reading questions; a craft analysis activity; and answer keys. Materials are delivered in Word Document and PDF formats. By engaging with these materials, students will: Identify what the text states both explicitly and implicitly Determine the greater significance of a given detail Discern the intended effects of the author’s stylistic choices Explore cause-and-effect relationships Examine how characters think, behave, develop, and interact Apply knowledge of literary devices including hyperbole, personification, simile, metaphor, and imagery Argue whether the wives’ feelings toward their husbands are justified Consider whether the villagers are better off for having met the drowned man Support claims and inferences with reasoned thinking and relevant evidence Write about literature with clarity, accuracy, and precision
"The Celebrated Jumping Frog" by Mark Twain Quiz and Answer Key

"The Celebrated Jumping Frog" by Mark Twain Quiz and Answer Key

Evaluate general reading comprehension with this plot-based quiz covering Mark Twain’s tall tale “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” also known as “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog” and “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.” Alternatively, this set of questions may serve as a guided reading document to foster active reading habits. An answer key and copy of the public domain short story are provided. Materials are delivered in Word Document and PDF formats. By taking this assessment, students will demonstrate knowledge of: Setting The reason for the narrator’s frustration The speaking style of Simon Wheeler Characterization of Jim Smiley Characterization of Daniel Webster Characterization of Andrew Jackson Simon Wheeler’s compulsive gambling The reason Wheeler hands off his box to the stranger The stranger’s trickery The resolution
"The Celebrated Jumping Frog" by Mark Twain Close Reading Worksheet

"The Celebrated Jumping Frog" by Mark Twain Close Reading Worksheet

For many high school students, humorous fiction, tall tales, and satire are types of literature that maximize interest and engagement. “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” by Mark Twain is a representative short story with great literary and academic merit. With this rigorous worksheet, learners will be prompted to exercise close reading analysis skills. An answer key and copy of the public domain narrative are included. Materials are delivered in printable Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may facilitate small-group discussions in which students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will improve their ability to present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly and convincingly. By engaging with this activity, students will: Articulate what is stated in the text explicitly and implicitly Determine the tone of a particular passage Discern the author’s intent and its effect on readers. Explore how complex characters think, behave, develop, and interact Apply knowledge of literary devices with emphasis on simile Apply knowledge of the elements of satire and tall tales Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Write about literature with clarity, accuracy, and precision
"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" Close Reading Analysis Worksheet

"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" Close Reading Analysis Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond general reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking skills with this close reading analysis worksheet covering Katherine Anne Porter’s short story “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” a piece of psychological fiction that complements literature units involving modernist literature and the narrative technique known as stream of consciousness. An answer key and copy of the public domain narrative are included. Materials are delivered in printable Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may serve as the basis for small-group discussions in which students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will improve their ability to present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly and convincingly. By completing this close reading activity, students will do the following: Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly Discern the narrative’s point of view and setting Determine the intended effects of the author’s narrative techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Apply knowledge of literary devices including situational irony and symbolism Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Write about literature with clarity, accuracy, and precision
"The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" Craft Analysis Worksheet

"The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" Craft Analysis Worksheet

Help high school students explore how Gabriel Garcia Marquez used literary devices such as hyperbole, personification, simile, metaphor, and imagery to develop a compelling short story: “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World.” Delivered in Word Document and PDF formats, this resource serves well for an independent learning opportunity, as well as for small-group discussions in which students evaluate their peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to support claims. An answer key is included.
"The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" Close Reading Worksheet

"The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" Close Reading Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond general reading comprehension and practice close reading analysis skills with this rigorous worksheet covering “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This activity helps to eliminate take-home assessment planning duties, saving teachers valuable time without sacrificing academic rigor. A detailed answer key is included. Materials are delivered in Word Document and PDF formats. This resource may facilitate small-group discussions in which students decode language and pose/respond to questions relating to plot, broad topics, and character development. Using this resource for structured guidance, students will improve their ability to present information, conclusions, and supporting textual evidence clearly and convincingly. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will: Identify what the text states both explicitly and implicitly Determine the greater significance of a given detail Discern the intended effects of the author’s stylistic choices Explore cause-and-effect relationships Examine how characters think, behave, develop, and interact Argue whether the wives’ feelings toward their husbands are justified Consider whether the villagers are better off for having met the drowned man Support claims and inferences with reasoned thinking and relevant evidence Write about literature with clarity, accuracy, and precision