Powerpoint slideshow for teaching how to order from a market - revision of foods and quantities, role play activity, slap the board game and translation activity.
Spanish numbers 1-101 for classroom wall display. The thick black text is cheap to print, easy to see. Always a good idea to have basics such as numbers visible on display in classroom so that pupils can refer to them.
Key Stage 2 French Resource for a couple of lessons on creating French adverts for toys. Includes names of toys, prices, opinions and justifications. Includes games and AfL whiteboard sentence creating activities. If you collate the slides into a booklet it could also be used to support pupils with the language while they prepare their adverts. Be prepared to model an example yourself before you ask pupils to stand in front of the class - If you won't do it, they won't! It is part of the Y4 Scheme of Work I use, but could equally be used with other year groups for a fun or reward lesson.
A presentation to help pupils to order 6 flavours of ice cream: chocolate, limón, vainilla, fresa, dulce de leche, frambuesa.
Includes role play conversation, reading activity and presentation of vocabulary.
Pupils can use a greater variety of adjectives by using this Adjective Alphabet - find a Spanish adjective for any letter of the alphabet. If you have pupils who repeats adjectives when justifying opinions, give them this and tell them to find something more interesting. Can also be used for revision.
Spanish interrogatives display with visual cues. It is really important that pupils understand the question words for the new GCSE, so display these in a prominent place in your classroom where pupils of all ages will see them regularly. If you refer to them and practise using them with the questions you ask in class they will soon catch on. They could equally be used as flashcards. Includes:
¿Por qué?
Poster to print off or could be displayed on whiteboard. Lots of Spanish filler phrase to use in speaking to buy more thinking time and add fluency and spontaneity to conversations. Use regularly with conversation questions to get pupils in the habit of using them.
Bueno, pues, a ver, es decir, la verdad es que, o sea, aunque, entonces etc.
Help pupils'knowledge of everyday items in the classroom by sticking labels around your room. Includes Spanish & French, perfect for the primary classsroom or secondary MFL classroom. El profesor, el proyector, el ordenador, el equipo de música, la ventana, la puerta, la silla, el alumno, la alumna, la pizarra, el lápiz, la mesa, los libros, los rotuladores, el reloj, la pantalla, la persiana, el enchufe, el estante, la basura, la pared, los cuadernos, la chaise, la fenêtre, le bureau, la porte, le professeur, la table, le tableau, l'ordinateur, le tableau interactif, les livres, la salle de classe, les élèves.
Powerpoint for KS2 French, incorporating parts of the body and colours. Includes Gender and number agreements. This useful after body parts and before going on to Descriptions of monsters. Could Equally be used for lower KS3 to revise and consolidate body parts, colours and gender / number agreement. Assessment for Learning activities included as well as suggested games to practise the language.
French interrogatives display with visual cues. It is really important that pupils understand the question words for the new GCSE, so display these in a prominent place in your classroom where pupils of all ages will see them regularly. If you refer to them and practise using them with the questions you ask in class they will soon catch on. They could equally be used as flashcards.
A lesson to support the telling of the story of 'les quatre amis'. I have not included the story itself as there are plenty of versions available by other authors. This resource is to support pupils in learning the animals and the colurs featured in the story - le lapin (rabbit), le cheval (horse), le mouton (sheep), la souris (mouse), gris (grey), marron (brown), noir (black), blanc (white), orange (orange), jaune (yellow), rouge (red), bleu (blue), vert (green). Also included are some verbs - galope, court, sautille and trottine. Includes lots of suggestions for ways to employ this resource - games, AfL and sentence building.
Powerpoint for KS2 Spanish, incorporating parts of the body and colours. Includes Gender and number agreements. This useful after body parts and before going on to Descriptions of monsters. Could Equally be used for lower KS3 to revise and consolidate body parts, colours and gender / number agreement. Assessment for Learning activities included as well as suggested games to practise the language.
Simple graphics to teach telling the time by the hour. Some pupils may also go on to 'son las ___ y ____' What time is it Mr Wolf game also explained in resource.
Worksheet based on Viva 2 vocabulary.
Perfect for cover lesson, consolidation or homework.
Includes match up, missing vowels, anagrams, missing letters and translation.
Mes projets worksheet on future holiday plans.
Perfect for cover or consolidation, this worksheet builds difficulty gradually, and contains a grid at the top with all the essential vocabulary.
Activities include match up, missing letters, correct the order of the words, translation to English, translation to French and writing.
Future holiday plans worksheet.
Perfect for cover, consolidation or homework.
Activities include match up, missing letters, put the words in the correct order, translation into English, translation into Spanish and writing.
A list of questions on the topic of Region and Environment with sentence starters to help pupils begin to prepare answers. Also includes a checklist of components for pupils to include - connectives, opinion phrases, intensifiers, adjectives. Can be used as a prompt to create a written piece - just write the points into paragraphs instead of individual questions. I downloaded a word list from tes which pupils used to compose their answers. Could be used for year 9 to GCSE groups.
Two texts for a Y9 end of year test - translation from Spanish to English and English to Spanish. The topic is region and environment. Incorporates 3 tenses - could be used for GCSE level too.