This resources contains a front sheet for teacher feedback once students have completed an assessment. It provides space for the teacher to write WWW and EBI.
The second page includes a checklist presented in a table, seperated by a series of WWW, EBI and targets students could work toward to improvde that skill. There are checkboxes provided for you to tick if a student has evidenced that skill.
The pack also contains an exam wrapper to gather information on study habits e.g. how long the students spent revising for the test, how confident they are on a scale of 1 - 10 and some questions at the end of the exam to find out how students felt the exam went.
A pack which consists of:
Cover sheet
Classroom Expectations
Directed Independent Learning guidance
DIRT guidance
Essay structure using PEEL and AJIM
Exam technique
Group Work
Presentation tips
You will need to print each one out, laminate and bind together to distribute to students.
Complete pack of Year 1 and Year 2 SOL incluidng a bonus Big Picture Plan detailing how Business departments can incorporate sustainbility, key stakeholders, ask key questions and considers threshold concepts.