The PE Tutor Ltd is a community of PE Tutors that write, create and deliver teaching and learning resources and courses for students and teachers around the world.
Our sole aim is to Maximise Student Success in PE Exams.
Our ever expanding tutor team provide:
- 1.2.1 Private Tuition
- Online Group Classes
- Free Email Course
- Full Curriculum Courses of Study
learn more at
Interested in becoming a PE Tutor yourself? Email us at
The PE Tutor Ltd is a community of PE Tutors that write, create and deliver teaching and learning resources and courses for students and teachers around the world.
Our sole aim is to Maximise Student Success in PE Exams.
Our ever expanding tutor team provide:
- 1.2.1 Private Tuition
- Online Group Classes
- Free Email Course
- Full Curriculum Courses of Study
learn more at
Interested in becoming a PE Tutor yourself? Email us at
(2018) AQA A Level PE: Musculo-skeletal System Lesson Powerpoint
This is an up to date, all-inclusive Powerpoint designed for the AQA A Level PE course (2016 specification).
With 42 content slides (1 for each specification element) and 5 Timeout Sections with 20+ Study tasks between them, students will gain a secure understanding of the musculoskeletal system section in Unit 1: Applied Anatomy and Physiology.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to understand:
Joint actions in the sagittal plane/transverse axis.
Joint actions in the frontal plane/sagittal axis.
Joint actions in the transvers plane/longitudinal axis
Types of synovial joint
Antagonistic pairs and movement actions
Types of muscle contraction
The whole lesson presentation is designed to last 3-4 lessons and provides frequent mini-plenaries during the time out sections.
Reclaim hours of your planning time today, and avail of The PE Tutor’s Musculo-skeletal System Powerpoint.
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Level 3 BTEC Sport Unit 1 Muscular System Flashcard Pack
Designed for both students and teachers alike, your flashcard pack is crammed with 21 pages of in-depth revision material designed in a way that ensures you navigate exam preparation with ease and confidence.
Included In Your Flashcard Pack:
Whether printed off or downloaded locally, the flashcards are an ideal way to enhance your understanding of new topics and revitalise your memory of old ones.
Pick and choose the content you wish to study chunk by chunk, all the while marking the revision check-list to track your progress from unsure, to almost, to got it!
We believe our BTEC Sport unit 1 Flashcard Packs, really are, an all inclusive solution to exam preparation.
Level 3 BTEC Sport Unit 1 EXAM - Learning Aim D: CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Flashcard Pack
Designed for both students and teachers alike, your flashcard pack is crammed with 23 pages of in-depth revision material designed in a way that ensures you navigate exam preparation with ease and confidence.
Included In Your Flashcard Pack:
Whether printed off or downloaded locally, the flashcards are an ideal way to enhance your understanding of new topics and revitalise your memory of old ones.
Pick and choose the content you wish to study chunk by chunk, all the while marking the revision check-list to track your progress from unsure, to almost, to got it!
We believe our BTEC Sport unit 1 Flashcard Packs, really are, an all inclusive solution to exam preparation.
Level 3 BTEC Sport Unit 1 Respiratory System Flashcard Pack
Designed for both students and teachers alike, your flashcard pack is crammed with 21 pages of in-depth revision material designed in a way that ensures you navigate exam preparation with ease and confidence.
Included In Your Flashcard Pack:
Whether printed off or downloaded locally, the flashcards are an ideal way to enhance your understanding of new topics and revitalise your memory of old ones.
Pick and choose the content you wish to study chunk by chunk, all the while marking the revision check-list to track your progress from unsure, to almost, to got it!
We believe our BTEC Sport unit 1 Flashcard Packs, really are, an all inclusive solution to exam preparation.
Level 3 BTEC Sport Unit 1 EXAM - Learning Aim D: ENERGY SYSTEMS Flashcard Pack
Designed for both students and teachers alike, your flashcard pack is crammed with 13 pages of in-depth revision material designed in a way that ensures you navigate exam preparation with ease and confidence.
Included In Your Flashcard Pack:
Whether printed off or downloaded locally, the flashcards are an ideal way to enhance your understanding of new topics and revitalise your memory of old ones.
Pick and choose the content you wish to study chunk by chunk, all the while marking the revision check-list to track your progress from unsure, to almost, to got it!
We believe our BTEC Sport unit 1 Flashcard Packs, really are, an all inclusive solution to exam preparation.
x5 [Level 3] BTEC Sport Student Workbooks: Unit 1 - Anatomy and Physiology
107 Pages Of Student Workbook, for all 5 of the Learning Aims:
Skeletal System
Muscular System
Respiratory System
Cardiovascular System
Energy Systems
Included in each work book are:
Table of contents
case studies
lesson note space
exam questions
These workbooks are ideal for any and all lesson and revision notes, for students studying the L3 BTEC Sport Unit 1 Anatomy and Physiology Course.
x4 Full-length, editable PowerPoint lessons and accompanying Worksheets explaining what impacts technolgy can have on a performer, coach, official and spectator.
Learning Objectives:
Understand technological developments that impact on sport performers.
Evaluate associated advantages and disadvantages of technology for performers.
Understand the use of technology in sport for coaches and choreographers.
Understand a range of associated benefits and drawbacks of technology in coaching and choreography.
Understand the use of technology in sport for officiating.
Understand a range of associated benefits and drawbacks of technology in officiating.
Understand the use of technology in sport for spectatorship.
Understand a range of associated benefits and drawbacks of technology for spectatorship.
Access this PowerPoint along with 2-years worth of 250+ supporting AQA GCSE PE Teaching Resources for you and your students at:
A Level PE | Fluid Mechanics | Full Powerpoint Lesson
Unsure of how to plan and deliver the new biomechanical components of the A Level PE course?
Finding yourself teaching content that wasn’t around on the course you studied when you were at school?
Hard-pressed to find the time to teach yourself the content AND THEN write the lessons for class?
Well - you’ve found what you were looking for…
This is an all inclusive, 30+ slide powerpoint lesson, addressing 5 key learning outcomes for the fluid mechanics component of the Biomechanical Principles Unit on the new A Level PE Courses (AQA, OCR & Edexcel)
Learning Objectives:
Pupils Will Be Able To:
Understand the terms Laminar and Turbulent Flow.
Apply knowledge of boundary layers to sport.
Describe factors that impact air resistance and drag.
Explain the relevance of lift in sport.
Apply ‘Bernoulli’s Principle’ on airfoils to sporting contexts.
Each learning objective is addressed with:
A starter activity
Multiple slides of teaching content
Accompanying diagrams and annotations
Mini-plenary tasks.
Example content:
When might you see these two types of air patterns in sport?
Are there any positives or negatives to either?
There are 2 forms of drag; Surface Drag and Form Drag.
Surface Drag:
Within the ‘Boundary Layer’ exists thin individual layers of air traveling past each other at increasing speeds the further away they are from the surface. The friction experienced between these layers as they slide over each other is known as surface drag. The more laminar air flow around an object, the less friction produced.
Form Drag:
As air meets the first surface of an object it is diverted around it. The rougher …
**TASK **
Explain how a lift force is imparted to a discus during flight and explain its effects on the flightpath of the discus. [4 marks]
Rest assured that this powerpoint has your next few lessons on Fluid Mechanics covered.
Now, go and spend your precious time on things that really need your attention!
All the best,
14 complete, ready-to-use and differentiated lesson powerpoints written in line with the 2018 AQA Specification but applicable across OCR, EdExcel and other major exam boards of GCSE PE.
Musculoskeletal Unit:
Bones of the skeleton
Skeleton Structure
Skeleton Functions
Muscles of the Body
Synovial Joints
Freely Moveable Joints
Antagonistic Muscle Pairs
Cardiovascular Unit:
The Pathway of Air
Gaseous Exchange
Blood Vessels
Structure of the Heart
Cardiac Cycle and Blood Flow
Mechanics of Breathing
Spirometer Traces
Approximately 15-20 hours of lesson-ready content to deliver straight after downloading.
Level 2 BTEC Sport Unit 1 EXAM - Learning Aim B: Fitness Training Methods
Designed for both students and teachers alike, your flashcard pack is crammed with 22 pages of in-depth revision material designed in a way that ensures you navigate exam preparation with ease and confidence.
Included In Your Flashcard Pack:
Whether printed off or downloaded locally, the flashcards are an ideal way to enhance your understanding of new topics and revitalise your memory of old ones.
Pick and choose the content you wish to study chunk by chunk, all the while marking the revision check-list to track your progress from unsure, to almost, to got it!
We believe our BTEC Sport unit 1 Flashcard Packs, really are, an all inclusive solution to exam preparation.
Level 2 BTEC Sport Unit 1 EXAM - Learning Aim C: Fitness Testing Methods
Designed for both students and teachers alike, your flashcard pack is crammed with 34 pages of in-depth revision material designed in a way that ensures you navigate exam preparation with ease and confidence.
Included In Your Flashcard Pack:
Whether printed off or downloaded locally, the flashcards are an ideal way to enhance your understanding of new topics and revitalise your memory of old ones.
Pick and choose the content you wish to study chunk by chunk, all the while marking the revision check-list to track your progress from unsure, to almost, to got it!
We believe our BTEC Sport unit 1 Flashcard Packs, really are, an all inclusive solution to exam preparation.
(L2) BTEC Sport U1 Complete Pack
(L2) BTEC Sport U1 Complete Video Series
Designed for both students and teachers alike, our flashcard pack is crammed with 64 pages of in-depth revision material designed in a way that ensures you will navigate exam preparation with ease and confidence.
Included In Your Flashcard Pack:
50 Essential Exam Topics.
Keyword definitions, descriptions and explanations.
100+ Exam style questions
Revision Checklists for each learning aim.
Whether printed off or downloaded locally, the flashcards are an ideal way to enhance your understanding of new topics and revitalise the memory of old ones.
Pick and choose the content you wish to study chunk by chunk, all the while marking the revision check-lists to track your progress from unsure, to almost, to got it!
We believe our BTEC Sport unit 1 Flashcard Pack, really is, an all inclusive solution to exam preparation.
The PE Tutor’s video series are ideal for any student or teacher that learns best online, with visual and audible explanations.
Included In Your BTEC Sport Video Series:
Over 3 hours of video addressing the 50 essential topics from Unit 1.
30 bite-size lessons with on-screen teaching notes and explanations.
A 6000+ word manuscript to accompany all teaching content used in the series.
Students can click, watch and read-a-long until they feel safe in the knowledge that no exam question will throw them off their guard.
This Dual Package Contains:
64 Flashcards
3 Learning Aim Revision Checklists
3 Hours of Video Tuition
30 Mini-Lessons & On-screen Notes
6000+ Word Accompanying Manuscript
100+ Exam Style Activities
We’ve combined our complete powerpoint lessons on the first 3 sub-sections of Unit 1 on the AQA A Level PE Course, and discounted them for good measure!
Included are the complete lesson powerpoints, with 20+ in-lesson student tasks and video links where appropriate, for the following systems;
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
Neuromuscular System
Combined, the content will span 4-6 lesson and prepare your students for their A Level PE exam.
Watch this space for the next sub-sections - coming soon!
Level 3 BTEC Sport - Skeletal, Muscular, Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Energy Systems Flashcard Pack Bundle
Get all the skeletal, muscular, respiratory and cardiovascular system flashcard packs in this bundle.
Essential topics
Keyword Definitions
Exam Style Activities
Revision Checklists
You’ve found the time saver you were looking for! Now, reclaim an evening or two of yours and
relax in the knowledge that our 2 PPT presentations will take care of 4-6 lessons of content, video support and lesson activities for Unit 1 Anatomy and physiology; Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems.
Check back soon as the neuromuscular, musculo-skeletal and energy system lessons are on their way in time for your next unit!
Level 3 BTEC Sport - Skeletal, Muscular, Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems Flashcard Pack Bundle
Get all the skeletal, muscular, respiratory and cardiovascular system flashcard packs in this bundle.
Essential topics
Keyword Definitions
Exam Style Activities
Revision Checklists
Level 3 BTEC Sport - Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Muscular and Energy Systems Flashcard Pack Bundle
Included is a detailed video explanation and worksheet of the ATP-PC Energy System.
Essential Topics
Keyword Definitions
Exam Style Activities
Revision Checklist
Bundle Savings
Every lesson plan I’ve used and written in a 7 year period.
Ideal for a trainee, supply or NQT teacher needing a solid foundation to base their initial lessons on.
Most if not all lessons include:
Learning Objectives
Teaching Activities
Health and Safety Considerations
Contexts Include:
Table Tennis
Lesson plans cover Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Some KS5.
3 Full lessons with editable PowerPoints and Worksheets covering the entire Unit 2 section of AQA GCSE PE.
Lever Systems
Movement Analysis
Planes and Axes
Get this bundle free as part of a school portal plan that gives you and your students individual & online access to everything you need to succeed with AQA GCSE PE exams.
To learn more, visit