Starter on scale factors. Worked examples on positive scale factors with a centre of enlargement and then extends to negative scale factors. Examples with integer and then fractional negative scale factors. Includes worksheet for pupils to write on. All answers (including for worksheet) included on the ppt.
Rearrange an equation to produce an iterative formula. Understand that there can be more than one iterative formula for an equation. Use an iterative formula to solve an equation.
Understand a proportional relationship and how they appear. Find how to calculate outputs from directly proportional relationships using dual-number lines, bar-models and proportion grids.
9-1 GCSE lesson looking at
Identifying information from a box plot.
Using medians, quartiles and interquartile ranges to compare and contrast sets of data
9-1 GCSE lesson examining how functions can be translated.
Starter on naming graphs. Explanation and worked examples of graph translation. Effects of f(x) + 2 vs f(x+2) explained and explored using function machines. MC questions on translations. Questions focusing on writing functions from translations. All answers included.
9-1 GCSE lesson exploring how to describe sequences using recurrence relationships.
2 starters: the first looking at general rules of common sequences, the second using worded questions to explore term-to-term and general rules. Worked examples explaining how recursive descriptions follow from term to term rules. Questions. Plenary MC quiz looking at arithmetic and geometric sequences.
9-1 GCSE lesson applying Pythagoras and trigonometry to shapes on Cartesian grids. Starter reviews identifying which trig ratio to use. Worked examples of finding lengths and angles from shapes plotted through coordinates. Questions and worked answers. Plenary looking at where a point can be i you know how far it is from an identified coordinate.
Lesson looks at rounding with Bounds. How significant figures apply to standard form. Problem Solving with standard form and Bounds. Full worked examples and ALL answers included.
What is independence. Looking at how we examine independence with conditional probability using the formula P(A given B) etc. Worked examples of all skills. Question slides. All answers worked through on ppt.
Interpret real life situations and their graphical representations.
Read information from graphs, understanding their scales.
Add information to a graph.
Interpret a graph by its shape.
Identify the functional relationship of variables from the shape of a graph (linear, quadratic etc).
Looking at how we formalise ideas from tree diagrams and Venn diagrams to explain the differences between P(A and B) vs P(A or B). Introduces formulae. Worked examples of all skills. Question slides. All answers worked through on ppt.
GCSE Higher Lesson.
Understand a proportional relationship and how it appears.
Use multiplicative grids to find a unit rate and to solve problems.
Starter, worked examples, worksheet(different questions, same formats), all answers included
GCSE Higher Lesson.
Understand the different properties of the special quadrilaterals…
Solve problems involving properties and recognise and name shapes from descriptions.
Starter, worked examples, worksheet, all answers included
GCSE Higher Lesson.
Find angles in scalene and isosceles triangles.
Find angles in the special quadrilaterals using symmetry properties and understanding of angle properties on straight lines.
Starter, worked examples, question slides, worksheet, all answers included.
GCSE Higher Lesson.
Understand how to factorise expressions into a single bracket.
Starter: Common factors, expanding single brackets.
Find Four activity on common factors of algebraic expressions. Multiple choice questions on HCF of algebraic expressions.
Worked examples on factorising into a single bracket, differentiated questions and answers. Practical problems.
Worksheet following lesson design. All answers included.
GCSE Higher Lesson.
Use inverse operations to find inverse functions, using the correct notation.
Starter: Completing input-output machines.
Explanation of inverses using input-output machines. Worked examples, differentiated questions and answers.Worksheet following lesson design. All answers included.