(Almost) unlimited, NO-PREP, differentiated sets of Maths worksheets. At the click of a button all numbers (and visuals ) are randomized, creating a new worksheet with different numbers .... as many times as you want with answers automatically generated every time. Check out one of the Freebie samplers to see how they work.
(Almost) unlimited, NO-PREP, differentiated sets of Maths worksheets. At the click of a button all numbers (and visuals ) are randomized, creating a new worksheet with different numbers .... as many times as you want with answers automatically generated every time. Check out one of the Freebie samplers to see how they work.
This set of resources covers addition and subtraction up to 1000 with the visual aid of dienes.
There are 8 sets of worksheets for both addition and subtraction, making 16 in total :
Worksheet 1 a & b. No exchange or regrouping .
Worksheet 2 a & b. Exchange of units (units add up to more than 10)
Worksheet 3 a & b. Exchange of 10s( 10s add up to more than 100)
Worksheet 4 a & b. Exchange of 10s and units, both 10s and units need regrouping.
At each level:
Worksheets a: * both numbers to be added are represented by numbers and dienes, so the dienes are essentially a support tool.
*- Worksheets b: *pupils have to deduce the two numbers to be added from the dienes blocks and then do the sum.
Worksheet 1 a & b No exchange, regrouping or borrowing .
Worksheet 2 a & b. Exchange 10 into ten units
Worksheet 3 a & b Exchange 100 into 10 tens
Worksheet 4 a & b. Exchange 10 into ten units and 100 into 10 tens
At each level:
Worksheets a: the first numbers is represented by a number and dienes, so the dienes are basically a support tool
Worksheets b: pupils have to deduce the first number from the dienes blocks and then do the subtraction.
The questions on each of the worksheets can be randomised at the click of a button, so the one resource can be used any number of times for classwork, revision, homework, assessments etc.
An answer sheet is produced every time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of one of the Worksheets go to PREVIEW: Addition & Subtraction to 1000 with Dienes
UK Mathematics Program of Study Key Stage 2
Y4: Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number.
Y5: Round decimals with two decimal places to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place.
Y6: Develop skills of rounding, rounding answers to a specified degree of accuracy.
This page has been set up so you can freely download and have a more in depth view of “Rounding Decimal Numbers Worksheets” and try out a limited version of the Worksheets so you can see for yourself the potential of this resource for your class.
This page has been set up so you can freely download and have a more in depth view of Addition & Subtraction of 5 to 8 digit numbers and try out a limited version of the Worksheets so you can see for yourself the potential of this resource for your class.
No frills set of worksheets for practicing addition and subtraction of big numbers from 5 digit numbers to 8 digit numbers, providing (almost) endless pages of questions.
The worksheets are divided into 2 formats:
Numbers arranged vertically for practicing the standard format.
Numbers arranged horizontally with space provided on the page to either practice laying out the question in the standard format or any other way.
Each format provides a page of additions with a mix of 5, 6, 7 & 8 digit numbers and the same for subtractions.
As always with these resources, the Worksheets are Dynamic. At the click of a button all the numbers are randomised. Because the numbers change each time you could create a different worksheet for classwork, homework, revision, assessments etc or even a different one for each pupil in your class
Answers are automatically generated every time.
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
UK National Curriculum. Year 5 Programme of Study
Number - Addition and Subtraction.
Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of the Worksheets go to PREVIEW: Addition & Subtraction of 5 to 8 digit numbers
UK National Curriculum. Year 3 Programme of Study:
Number - Addition and Subtraction.
Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
This is a no frills set of Worksheets providing an (almost) endless source of practicing column addition and subtraction of two, three or four 3-Digit numbers, differentiated to help introduce regrouping using the standard algorithm.
The first set of worksheets has adding & subtracting a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number can serve as a useful interim step between adding & subtracting 2-digit numbers and adding & subtracting 3-digit numbers.
Add a 3-Digit and a 2-Digit number & Subtract a 2-Digit from a 3-Digit number
This preliminary set of worksheets serves as a useful interim step between adding & subtracting 2-digit numbers and adding & subtracting 3-digit numbers.
No regrouping
Regrouping I - Units only
Regrouping II -Units and tens
Add two 3-Digit numbers
Regrouping I - Units only
Regrouping II -Units and tens
Regrouping III -Units, tens and hundreds
Add more than two 3-Digit numbers
Adding three 3-Digit numbers
Adding four 3-Digit numbers
Subtraction with two 3-Digit numbers
No regrouping
Regrouping I - Units only
Regrouping II - Units and tens
This will give you a choice of differentiating from the very start, or setting the level of work for the whole class.
A choice of formats
All the sets worksheets listed above come in 2 formats
The questions are laid out ready to work on with the numbers in the vertical format and the answer line ready to fill in.
The questions are presented in the horizontal format so that your students have to properly align the digits based on their place values, which is essential for accurate addition & subtraction.
(almost) Unlimited Worksheets ?
Yes ! At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, and will therefore change every time so you can create as many different worksheets for classwork, homework, revision, preparing for assessment, review before moving on to 3-digits, etc.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
No-Prep Worksheets
These are straightforward no-prep worksheets that require no extra work. Simply CLICK-PRINT AND GO. This makes them ideal to have printed and ready for a replacement teacher if needed.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
You may also like:
Add and subtract 2-digit numbers with & without regrouping
Add, Subtract 2 and 3-Digit Numbers formal and informal BUNDLE
This "Dynamic PDF Worksheet " contains a mix of randomly generated addition and subtraction questions up to 10 , with pupils being asked to find the addend, minuend, subtrahend or sum. Answer are revealed at the click of a button. You can use this one page of exercises as many times as you need for classwork, homework or revision and the questions will change every time.
Click on the “HELP” button for further instructions.
*This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
UK Mathematics Program of Study Key Stage 2
Y4: Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number.
Y5: Round decimals with two decimal places to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place.
Y6: Develop skills of rounding, rounding answers to a specified degree of accuracy.
This set of resources is ideal for introducing and developing the skills for rounding decimals to 1 decimal place, 2 decimal places and the nearest whole number using a Number Line as a visual support. Virtually unlimited Worksheets.
The worksheets have been divided into three levels:
Worksheet 1:The focus is on rounding numbers with 1 decimal place to the nearest whole number. As with all the worksheets pupils are encouraged to find the number on the number lines provided before rounding
Worksheet 2: Numbers with 2 d.p. need to be rounded to either the nearest whole number or to 1 d.p.
Worksheet 3:Numbers with 3 d.p. need to be rounded to either the nearest whole number, to 1 d.p. or 2 d.p. In this worksheet the language of the questions is more varied.
Answers are automatically generated.
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of the Worksheets go to PREVIEW: Rounding Decimal Numbers
Digital Teaching Material
These are designed to help you introduce the content of (all) the worksheets to the whole class on an Interactive Whiteboard, or on a PC or Mac for 1-1 tuition and again you have (almost) unlimited examples to practice with.
UK Mathematics Program of Study Key Stage 2
Y4: Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number.
Y5: Round decimals with two decimal places to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place.
Y6: Develop skills of rounding, rounding answers to a specified degree of accuracy.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
An introduction into sharing with ratio using the bar model as an ideal visual aid.
Watch the video here for a quick tutorial on how to use these resources
There is a teaching resource designed to be used on an Interactive Whiteboard or on a PC or Mac for one-to-one tuition.
This is accompanied by a set of differentiated worksheets.
Pupils are asked to share a quantity in a given ratio. A bar of the correct number of parts is created and pupils can either color in the bar in the ratio given and / or calculate the amount to go in each part.
Another set of questions is based on being given the ratio & one of the final answers with the aim to find the initial quantity.
For added differentiation the totals to be shared are:
Level 1: Under 100
Level 2: to 1000 in multiples of 10
Level 3: to 1000
The Teaching Resources are interactive and the Worksheets are dynamic which means that at the click of a button the numbers in the questions are randomised. Answers are provided every time.
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
For more information about teaching Ratio understanding
UK National Curriculum for Mathematics: Key Stage 1: Year 2 Addition and Subtraction
Non statuary guidance states that for Year 2 & 3 - *" Secure fluency in addition and subtraction facts that bridge 10, through continued practice" *
Bridging through 10 is a mental math technique that can be used when adding two numbers with units that have a sum greater than ten.
This pack has 2 parts
1. Worksheet Sets
Worksheet Set 1
Adding 1 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers, bridging up to 100 - with visual support
Worksheet Set 2
Adding 2 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers, bridging up to 100 - with visual support
Pupils have the opportunity to practice this topic further either by using the visual method from Worksheets 1 & 2, or using their own graphics that support the concept of bridging.
Worksheet Set 3
Adding 1 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers, bridging up to 100.
Worksheet Set 4
Adding 2 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers, bridging up to 100.
How many worksheets are in each set ?
Almost Unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so you can create as many different worksheets as you need for classwork, homework, revision, preparing for assessment, fillers etc and the numbers will change every time.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
2. The "Interactive Teaching Resource"
Designed to be used by teachers and pupils on an Interactive Whiteboard or on a PC/Mac computer for one-to-one tuition. Examples are randomly generated at the click of a button, so you can use this one page as many times as needed. There is also the option to take the pupils through the process in 3 separate steps, one at a time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
For more information about this topic and understanding
You may also like Subtracting by bridging through 10s up to 100
After counting using visual, tactile, and various mental strategies to explain and practice addition and subtraction, there arrives the transition point where these fundamental operations must be understood and written out in equations that become the foundation for so much mathematics that follow.
These Sets of worksheets hopefully provide a more than sufficient set of differentiated resources for working with the equations of addition and subtraction up to 20 that covers the requirement of most curricula around the world, with the flexibility to provide almost unlimited practice.
The 10 Sets include
1: Add and Subtract within 10 - find the sum or difference
2: Add and Subtract within 10 - Challenge - find the missing number in the
3: Add within 20 - find the sum
4: Subtract within 20 - find the difference
5: Add and Subtract within 20 - find the sum or difference
6: Add and Subtract within 20 - Challenge - find the missing number in the
7: Add and Subtract within 20 - right or wrong quiz
8: Maze - Addition within 20
9: Maze - Subtraction within 20
10: Maze - Addition and Subtraction within 20
*Even though the focus is on adding and subtracting within 20 in some curricula students move on to larger numbers, so I have included the following *
Extension Sets
11: Add and Subtract within 30, 40 or 50 - find the sum or difference
12: Add and Subtract within 30, 40 or 50 - Challenge - find the missing number in the equation
13: Maze - Addition and Subtraction within 30, 40 or 50
How many worksheets are in each Set ?
Almost unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time which allows you to create new worksheets for extra practice or revision throughout the year or even give groups of pupils in your class different Sets of questions.
No-Prep Worksheets
Click, PRINT and Go !! Ideal to have ready at hand as an extra activity, or a resource for a replacement teacher that requires no instructions.
Answer are automatically generated each time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
This resource has been expanded so there are now 2 Interactive Teaching Pages and 2 worksheets.
“Adding up to 5 with Jellyfish 1” introduces the concept of adding and the symbols + and = by first counting two sets of objects and then selecting the equivalent total.
The equation with numbers can then be revealed, one element at a time, and comparison between the two can be made.
“Adding up to 5 with Jellyfish 2” invites the pupils to complete the addition sum and if needed do a check through counting.
The 2 static worksheets cover most of the combinations of numbers that add up to 5 or less.
See the “HELP” Page for further guidance.
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
Year 3 programme of study - Number – number and place value - compare and order numbers up to 1000
Print out as many unique worksheets as you need choosing from five different ranges of numbers up to 1000. Your students will never run short of new worksheets to practice with.
Students are asked to compare a set of four 2-Digit numbers or four 3-Digit numbers and place them in order between inequality signs.
You can choose to order numbers in the range:
1 to 20
1 to 50
1 to 100
1 to 500
1 to 1000
This will give you a choice of differentiating from the very start.
How many worksheets are in each set ?
(Almost) Unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, so you can create as many different worksheets for classwork, homework, revision, preparing for assessment, etc and the numbers will change every time.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
Digital Teaching Material
These are designed to help you introduce the content of the worksheets to the whole class on an Interactive Whiteboard, or on a PC or Mac for 1-1 tuition and again you have (almost) unlimited examples to practice with.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
Australian Curriculum - ACMNA013 - order numbers to at least 100
The Teaching Page when projected onto a screen or interactive whiteboard allows you to go through the standard algorithm for multiplication showing each step of the process to your class. Every time you press one of the randomising buttons it changes the 3 digit multiplicand. Each button represents a different multiplier from 2 to 9, so you have an endless set of examples to practice with.
The two printable Dynamic PDF Worksheets provide an (almost) infinite number of practice questions .
12 questions are laid out on the page. When any of the buttons (at the bottom of the page) is clicked all the 3 digit multiplicand will change.
On Worksheet 1 each button represents a different multiplier from 2 to 9 , so for example you can have a whole page of 3 digit numbers multiplied by 4, or 5 etc.
On Worksheet 2 each button represents a range of multipliers e.g. 3 to 6. Each row of questions will multiply the 3 digit number by a different number, first row by 3, second row by 4 etc.
Answers are generated automatically every time.
UK National Curriculum. Year 4 Programme of Study:
Number - Multiplication and Division.
Multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout
Need to review multiplication of a 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number ? Go [here]https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/multiply-a-2-digit-number-by-a-1-digit-number-worksheets-12440654)
Need a similar set of free resources multiplying 4 digit by 1 digit numbers ? Leave a request in the Review section.
An Interactive PDF Teaching Resource AND Dynamic PDF Worksheet
The minuends and subtrahends are randomised at the click of a button and you can choose from 6 ranges of numbers:
1- 10
1 - 20
1 - 50
1 - 100 in 10s
1 - 500 in 10s
1 -1000 in 10s
The Teaching Resource is designed to be used by teachers and pupils on an Interactive Whiteboard or on a PC/Mac computer for one-to-one tuition. Ideal as a warm up activity at the start of a lesson or game at the end.
The Dynamic PDF Worksheet provides 2 Subtraction Squares on one page, (again with randomisation of numbers in the same range as on the Teaching Resource), that you can print out for the pupils.
Answers are viewable for both the above resources.
A Help Guide and is included.
*This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.