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Love Learning Languages French and English Resources

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I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.




I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.
French Dots and Boxes Game - L'AÉROPORT - No prep printable

French Dots and Boxes Game - L'AÉROPORT - No prep printable

French Dots and Boxes Game - L’AÉROPORT - No prep printable An easy and fun no-prep game that will elicit a lot of exposure and pronunciation for the target vocabulary! This is a one-page dots & boxes game including directions. See below for the included vocabulary. This game could be laminated and used repeatedly with dry-erase markers or played on an iPad with annotation/whiteboard tools. Objective: Complete more boxes than your component. Each player draws lines using a different color. On your turn, make a horizontal or vertical line from one dot to another. Say the words on either side of the line you drew. If you complete a box on your turn, draw an X in the box using your color. Once all of the boxes have been completed, count to see who got the most. The following words are included: un avion voyager voler débarquer un pilot un passager décoller atterrir un billet une hôtesse un steward la piste partir le départ une arrivée la sécurité l’atterrissage le décollage un bagage une valise un tableau un horaire enregistrer la douane un salon un vol une compagnie aérienne un numéro de vol un aller-simple un aller-retour un guichet un employé une réservation embarquer monter dans l’avion descendre de l’avion l’heure les toilettes un passeport se dépêcher faire la queue une carte d’embarquement attendre un bagage à main faire ses bagages classe affaire classe économique une navette un magasin un restaurant une pièce d’identité côté couloir côté fenêtre une ceinture de sécurité un écran une annonce la porte un chariot un terminal une escale
French Dots and Boxes Game - CHEZ LE MÉDECIN - No prep printable

French Dots and Boxes Game - CHEZ LE MÉDECIN - No prep printable

French Dots and Boxes Game - CHEZ LE MÉDECIN - No prep printable An easy and fun no-prep game that will elicit a lot of exposure and pronunciation for the target vocabulary! This is a one-page dots & boxes game including directions. See below for the included vocabulary. This game could be laminated and used repeatedly with dry-erase markers or played on an iPad with annotation/whiteboard tools. Objective: Complete more boxes than your component. Each player draws lines using a different color. On your turn, make a horizontal or vertical line from one dot to another. Say the words on either side of the line you drew. If you complete a box on your turn, draw an X in the box using your color. Once all of the boxes have been completed, count to see who got the most. The following words are included: avoir mal à la tête avoir mal au ventre avoir mal aux oreilles avoir mal à la gorge avoir mal au dos avoir mal aux yeux avoir de la fièvre se sentir mal avoir des courbatures avoir des frissons avoir la tête qui tourne vomir avoir de la diarrhée avoir du mal à respirer être allergique une ordonnance avaler la grippe un cachet un médecin généraliste un chirurgien une infirmière la douleur l’hypertension artérielle une crise cardiaque des démangeaisons un coup de soleil gonfler une otite une bronchite l’asthme une gastro le diabète une entorse saigner un médicament une piqûre un diagnostic une radio une échographie une IRM un ophtalmologue un cardiologue des séances de kiné le visage avoir le nez qui coule la bouche avoir mal au cou la réception prendre rendez-vous l’épaule le bras le coude le poignet la main les doigts la poitrine ausculter un stéthoscope une salle d’attente
French Dots and Boxes Game - L'ÉCOLE ET LES COURS - No prep printable

French Dots and Boxes Game - L'ÉCOLE ET LES COURS - No prep printable

French Dots and Boxes Game - L’ÉCOLE ET LES COURS - No prep printable An easy and fun no-prep game that will elicit a lot of exposure and pronunciation for the target vocabulary! This is a one-page dots & boxes game including directions. See below for the included vocabulary. This game could be laminated and used repeatedly with dry-erase markers or played on an iPad with annotation/whiteboard tools. Objective: Complete more boxes than your component. Each player draws lines using a different color. On your turn, make a horizontal or vertical line from one dot to another. Say the words on either side of the line you drew. If you complete a box on your turn, draw an X in the box using your color. Once all of the boxes have been completed, count to see who got the most. The following words are included: une école un écolier un collège un collégien un lycée un lycéen une université un étudiant un professeur un bureau un cahier une calculatrice un cartable une carte une classe une salle de classe un classeur un cours une craie un crayon à papier des devoirs un dictionnaire un examen un contrôle une gomme un livre un ordinateur une tablette une feuille de papier une règle un sac-à-dos un stylo un tableau un taille crayon un crayon de couleur une trousse un emploi du temps des ciseaux du scotch une corbeille une chaise la cantine la cours la récré les maths l’anglais le français les sciences l’art plastique la musique l’histoire-géo l’espagnol la chimie la technologie écrire réviser lire jouer le maître la maîtresse
French Daily Planner and Journal - Mon Agenda Quotidien - Full Year Program

French Daily Planner and Journal - Mon Agenda Quotidien - Full Year Program

French Daily Planner and Journal - Mon Agenda Quotidien - Full Year Program Wouldn’t you love to have your students practice their French a little every day in a very personalized way? Here’s a planner - un agenda quotidien - that your students are going to love! C’est un agenda quotidien pour leur faire faire un peu de français tous les jours. It’s a good idea for everyone to have a weekly (or daily) planner to keep up with everything that needs to be done, and this way practicing French can be checked off as well! So far there are 100 pages (50 if you print double-sided) which correspond to planners/journals for 50 days. If you choose to have your students do one per week, this can be a full year program. Be sure to watch the video I made so you can see all of the rich material inside and I can tell you how I like to use this journal. You’ll see that I printed mine (double sided) on pretty parchment paper and turned it into a book that really feels like a journal, but plain white paper and folders to store them in work just as well. Have a look at the preview to see what a few of the pages look like, the layout, and everything that’s included. For example: Je suis où? Il fait quel temps? La citation du jour (français) Je me sens (+ adjectif + parce que…) Ma petite liste de trucs à faire J’ai fait de l’exercice? (oui - non) Le mot du jour (français - anglais) J’ai fait _____ pas aujourd’hui. Ce que je vais faire rien que pour me faire plaisir… Je m’hydrate: Je bois au moins 6 verres d’eau par jour. Conjugue le verb ______ au temps que tu veux. Fais une petite phrase avec le verbe du jour. L’expression du jour (français - anglais) Écris un peu tous les jours: Termine la phrase _________ et fais un paragraphe. Je suis reconnaissant(e)… (4 choses)
French verb VOULOIR - IMPERFECT TENSE fortune tellers for conjugation practice

French verb VOULOIR - IMPERFECT TENSE fortune tellers for conjugation practice

French verb VOULOIR - IMPERFECT TENSE fortune tellers for conjugation practice Use fortune tellers to have students practice conjugating the verb vouloir à l’imparfait in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing verb conjugations at any time of the year. This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French verb POUVOIR - IMPERFECT TENSE fortune tellers for conjugation practice

French verb POUVOIR - IMPERFECT TENSE fortune tellers for conjugation practice

French verb POUVOIR - IMPERFECT TENSE fortune tellers for conjugation practice Use fortune tellers to have students practice conjugating the verb pouvoir à l’imparfait in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing verb conjugations at any time of the year. This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French verb DEVOIR - IMPERFECT TENSE fortune tellers for conjugation practice

French verb DEVOIR - IMPERFECT TENSE fortune tellers for conjugation practice

French verb DEVOIR - IMPERFECT TENSE fortune tellers for conjugation practice Use fortune tellers to have students practice conjugating the verb devoir à l’imparfait in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing verb conjugations at any time of the year. This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Le vocabulaire de Noël -One week French vocabulary program for Christmas -Set 1

Le vocabulaire de Noël -One week French vocabulary program for Christmas -Set 1

Le vocabulaire de Noël - One week French vocabulary program for Christmas Vocabulary theme: Quand je me réveille le matin de Noël… This one-week French vocabulary acquisition program will have your students working with a set of 12 words or phrases every day of the week, and is perfect for French immersion, core French, and both primary and secondary during the month of December. These vocabulary activities are specifically meant to be used along with my my Christmas themed reading and writing programs which use a lot of the same vocabulary. This program includes 7 pre-writing and writing activities for you to choose from for vocabulary exposure on this theme for one whole week - Monday through Friday. If you choose to purchase my bundled Christmas vocabulary, reading, and writing program #1, you’ll find these activities helpful before beginning the writing curriculum as your students will already be very familiar with the vocabulary that is used.
Noël - Week long French primary writing program for Christmas - Set 1

Noël - Week long French primary writing program for Christmas - Set 1

✐ Noël - Week long French primary writing program for Christmas ✐ Theme: Quand je me réveille le matin de Noël… This one week French writing program will have your students writing every day of the week, and is perfect for French immersion. The writing activities in this program include five pre-writing and writing activities for Monday through Friday. These writing prompts are a great way both to introduce and to review writing. These vocabulary activities are specifically meant to be used along with my my Christmas themed reading and vocabulary programs which use a lot of the same words. If you choose to purchase my bundled Christmas vocabulary, reading, and writing program #1, you’ll find these writing activities helpful after completing the vocabulary curriculum as your students will already be very familiar with the words that are used.
Noël - One week French reading program for Christmas - Set 1

Noël - One week French reading program for Christmas - Set 1

Noël - One week French reading program for Christmas Theme: Quand je me réveille le matin de Noël… This one-week French reading comprehension program is suitable for upper-beginner to intermediate level primary or secondary levels. This program will have your students reading every day of the week, and is perfect for core or French immersion. These reading activities are specifically meant to be used along with my my Christmas themed vocabulary and writing programs which use a lot of the same words. The reading activities in this program include five separate reading comprehension activities for Monday through Friday. These reading worksheets are a great way to practice new themed vocabulary, see sight words in action, and to improve overall comprehension. Each worksheet includes a paragraph that should be read three times, once for each of the three questions that follow. Students check off the circled numbers each time they read the text and then they answer the corresponding questions.
Le vocabulaire de Noël - One week French vocabulary program for Christmas -Set 2

Le vocabulaire de Noël - One week French vocabulary program for Christmas -Set 2

Le vocabulaire de Noël - One week French vocabulary program for Christmas - Set 2 Vocabulary theme: Qu’est-ce que je vais offrir comme cadeaux de Noël cette année? This one-week French vocabulary acquisition program will have your students working with a set of 12 words or phrases every day of the week, and is perfect for French immersion, core French, and both primary and secondary during the month of December. These vocabulary activities are specifically meant to be used along with my my Christmas themed reading and writing programs which use a lot of the same vocabulary. This program includes 7 pre-writing and writing activities for you to choose from for vocabulary exposure on this theme for one whole week - Monday through Friday. If you choose to purchase bundled Christmas vocabulary, reading, and writing program #2, you’ll find these activities helpful before beginning the writing curriculum as your students will already be very familiar with the vocabulary that is used.
Noël - One week French reading program for Christmas -Set 2

Noël - One week French reading program for Christmas -Set 2

Theme: Qu’est-ce que je vais offrir comme cadeaux de Noël cette année? This one-week French reading comprehension program is suitable for upper-beginner to intermediate level primary or secondary levels. This program will have your students reading every day of the week, and is perfect for core or French immersion. These reading activities are specifically meant to be used along with my my Christmas themed vocabulary and writing programs which use a lot of the same words. The reading activities in this program include five separate reading comprehension activities for Monday through Friday. These reading worksheets are a great way to practice new themed vocabulary, see sight words in action, and to improve overall comprehension. Each worksheet includes a paragraph that should be read three times, once for each of the three questions that follow. Students check off the circled numbers each time they read the text and then they answer the corresponding questions. If you choose to purchase my bundled Christmas vocabulary, reading, and writing program #2, you’ll find these reading activities helpful after completing the writing curriculum as your students will already be very familiar with the vocabulary that is used.
Noël - French Christmas Vocabulary Fortune Tellers

Noël - French Christmas Vocabulary Fortune Tellers

Noël - French Christmas Vocabulary Fortune Tellers Use fortune tellers to have students practice 12 vocabulary words related to Noël in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing English - French themed vocabulary. Words included are: un traîneau, le Père Noël, le Pôle Nord, le gui, un cadeau, un lutin, le houx, un renne, la neige, une bougie, une étoile, une liste, un chant, un jouet, une cheminée, Joyeux Noël. This resource includes 2 fortune tellers, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Noël - Week long French primary writing program for Christmas - Set 2

Noël - Week long French primary writing program for Christmas - Set 2

Noël - Week long French primary writing program for Christmas - Set 2 Theme: Qu’est-ce que je vais offrir comme cadeaux de Noël cette année? This one week French writing program will have your students writing every day of the week, and is perfect for French immersion. The writing activities in this program include five pre-writing and writing activities for Monday through Friday. These writing prompts are a great way both to introduce and to review writing. These vocabulary activities are specifically meant to be used along with my my Christmas themed reading and vocabulary programs which use a lot of the same words. If you choose to purchase my bundled Christmas vocabulary, reading, and writing program #2, you’ll find these writing activities helpful after completing the vocabulary curriculum as your students will already be very familiar with the words that are used.
ALLER Present Tense Game - Quel Dommage!

ALLER Present Tense Game - Quel Dommage!

Aller Present Tense Game - Quel Dommage! When you are teaching or reviewing the verb ALLER in the present tense, your students will have a great time practicing with this hands on game: QUEL DOMMAGE!! This is a review game in which students play by filling in the blanks with the verb in parentheses (aller) in the present tense. An answer key is included. The verb aller is essential to forming a strong base knowledge of French, yet it can be difficult to master without lots of practice and review. You can pull this game out time and time again over the course of the years for a no-prep activity. Detailed instructions on how to play are included so that even subs can have your students play this fun game when you need to be away. How to play QUEL DOMMAGE: All you have to do is print the numbered game cards on heavy paper or card stock and cut them out. If you laminate them you’ll have a no prep activity ready to go for years to come! Put all of the game cards in a box and divide your students into small teams. Give each team gets a box of questions and a copy of the answer key. Students must fill in the blanks by conjugating the indicated verb, and then speak the sentence correctly. When they are correct (their opponents or team members can verify responses on the provided answer key), they get to keep their game card. However, when they draw a QUEL DOMMAGE card they have to put all of their game cards back in the box. The student with the most game cards at the end is the winner. Included: 5 QUEL DOMMAGE cards - You don’t have to include them all in the game if you feel there are too many. 30 numbered game cards Numbered answer key How to play
French Futur Proche with the Imperfect - 50 Practice Cards

French Futur Proche with the Imperfect - 50 Practice Cards

French Futur Proche with the Imperfect - 50 Practice Cards - Distance Learning This is a set of 50 practice cards for students who are learning how to use the futur proche in the past using the imperfect tense. The verbs which are in the infinitive form are all regular -ER, -IR, and -RE verbs. Students fill in the blanks with the verb aller in the imperfect tense. These cards will help students grasp the difference between I am going to do something VS I was going to do something. The instructions on each card indicate that aller should be conjugated in the imperfect tense, then the sentence should be spoken, and students should then translate. All of the cards are numbered to match the answer key, which includes English translations of each sentence.