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Transforming Education

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I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.




I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Presentation on Business Growth - Growth (A Level Edexcel Business Studies)

Presentation on Business Growth - Growth (A Level Edexcel Business Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: objectives of growth - to achieve economies of scale (internal and external), increased market power over customers and suppliers, increased market share and brand recognition, increased profitability alongside problems arising from growth such as diseconomies of scale, internal communication and overtrading.
Revision Notes on Coastal Landscapes and Change (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Revision Notes on Coastal Landscapes and Change (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: Coasts are Natural Systems, Sources of Energy in Coastal Systems, Coasts Can Be High Energy or Low Energy, Sediment Sources in Coastal Systems, Six Ways Waves Erode the Coastline, Transportation is the Process of Eroded Material Being Moved, Deposition is the Process of Dropping Eroded Material, Sub-Aerial Weathering Occurs Along the Coastline, Salt Weathering, Freeze-thaw Weathering, Chemical Weathering, Wetting and Drying, Some Coastal Landforms are Caused by Erosion, Some Coastal Landforms are Caused by Deposition, Sea Level Changes are Eustatic or Isostatic, Climate Change Causes Changes in Sea Level, Climate Change Has Impacts on Coastal Areas, Sea Level Rise Result in Coastlines of Submergence, Only Some Parts of the Coast are Defended, Four Options for Coastal Management, Hard Engineering Defences, Soft Engineering Defences and Sustainable Management Strategies for the Future.
Presentation on Scottish Party Politics and Fault-Lines (A Level Government & Politics)

Presentation on Scottish Party Politics and Fault-Lines (A Level Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Characteristics of Scotland’s Devolved Party System, Key Political Cleavages, Votes and Seats in Scotland in UK General Elections 1964-2010, Differential Voting Patterns in Scottish and Westminster Elections, the 2015 Westminster Election Result in Scotland, Votes and Seats in Scottish Parliament Elections 1999-2011, Scotland’s 2011 Electoral Geography, the Electoral Geography of Scotland, the 2011 Scottish Parliament Election: SNP ahead in every Demographic Category, the 2011 Scottish Parliament Election: Voting by Identity, Explaining the Dominance of Labour in Scotland from the 1960s until 2007, The 2011 Scottish Parliament Election: Labour’s fall begins, the Scottish National Party (SNP), the SNP’s Economic Focus, the SNP in Government, the Scottish Conservative Party, Collapse of Conservative Working-Class Support in Scotland 1979-97, Scottish Liberal Democrats, the Scottish Nation, Modern Identity: Civic and Self-Governing Scotland, Trends in ‘forced choice’ (Scottish or British) & in Moreno National Identity, Religion in Scotland (2011 census), the History of Scottish Sectarianism, The ‘Sectarianism is Pervasive’ Argument, Why the ‘Sectarianism is Pervasive’ Thesis? The Response of Scotland’s Devolved Government to the Perceived Problem of Sectarianism, the ‘Sectarianism is Not Pervasive’ Thesis, The ‘Sectarianism is Exaggerated’ Arguments of Bruce and the Sectarianism a is Exaggerated Thesis.
Presentation on The Welsh Assembly and Political Parties (A Level Government & Politics)

Presentation on The Welsh Assembly and Political Parties (A Level Government & Politics)

A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Welsh Assembly Overview, Areas of (Semi) Devolved Powers, the Welsh Assembly: the Early Days, the First Minister of Wales, Secondary Legislative Powers, the Welsh Assembly: Elections, The Welsh Executive: Formations, the Richard Commission 2004, Greater Powers for the Welsh Assembly, 2011: Referendum to ‘unlock’ Powers, What has the Assembly done? Public Health Agenda, An Apathetic Population? Why Low Turnout?Attributions of Responsibilities, the State of the Parties, Labour: What’s in a Name? Welsh Labour Party, 2007 Election, 2011 Election, 2016 Election, Welsh Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, UKIP and Constitutional Preferences 2012.
Presentation on The Scottish Government and Parliament (A Level Government & Politics)

Presentation on The Scottish Government and Parliament (A Level Government & Politics)

A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Views on the Scottish Parliament, Views of the Scottish Parliament and Devolution, the Scotland Act 1998, Division of Responsibilities (Schedule 5 of Scotland Act 1998), West Lothian Problem’ Not Addressed, the Scottish Parliament, First Minister, and Executive, First Ministers, Principles Upon which the Scottish Parliament was Supposed to be Based, Implementation of Principles, The Critique of the Application of the Democratic Parliamentary Principles, Electing the Scottish Parliament: the Additional Member System, Disadvantages of the Additional Member System, The current Scottish Parliament 2011, Election Results and Proportionality, Legislation Passed by the Scottish Parliament, Problems Post-Devolution, Revenue & Tax-Raising Power, Scottish Economic Power, Calman Commission 2009, ‘Serving Scotland Better’, the Smith Commission 2014 and Devo-Max Scottish Parliament?
Presentation on Road to Scottish Devolution and Independence Vote (A Level Government & Politics)

Presentation on Road to Scottish Devolution and Independence Vote (A Level Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Issues of Governance such as the Union, the Scottish Office, Accountability/Legitimacy and the decline of Conservative Unionism. It also covers the Rise of Nationalism, the Growth of the SNP and the Unionist Responses from the Conservative and Labour Parties, examines the bringing about of devolution such as the 1st Attempt in 1979 – the campaign and result, the ‘Thatcher Factor, the Constitutional Convention, 2nd Attempt in 1997– the campaign and result and the 2014 Independence Referendum.
Presentation on E-Business Models and Strategy Part Four (A Level Business Studies)

Presentation on E-Business Models and Strategy Part Four (A Level Business Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Explores the Potential of Technology, Hardware, Software, Internet of Things, Technology Trends – 3d Printing, Technology Trends – Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Technology Trends – Augmented Reality, Big Data, Fundamental Technical Capabilities the Internet Gives to a Business, From Technology to Strategy and From Strategy to Technology.
Presentation on E-Business Models and Strategy Part One (A Level Business Studies)

Presentation on E-Business Models and Strategy Part One (A Level Business Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: What Strategy Is, Definitions of Strategy from the Literature, Strategic Elements, SWOT Analysis, Warning, Boundaries – Strengths and Weaknesses, Business Strengths and Weaknesses, Boundaries – Opportunities and Threats, Business Opportunities and Threats as well as Maxi/Mini - Maxi/Mini or TOWS. Ideal for Business Studies and Information and Communications Technology.
Presentation on Putting Knowledge to Work (A Level Business Studies)

Presentation on Putting Knowledge to Work (A Level Business Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation Covering: knowledge transfer from a network perspective, case study, why do we have to manage knowledge, KM in practice, what are the benefits of KM?, how important is KM to you?, Origins of KM, what is KM?, KM strategies, KM strategies – critical summary, KM activities, KM activities: Information processes, KM activities: know-how processes, KM activities: assimilation processes, KM activities: application processes, knowledge-based model of organisational work settings, summary: a contingency perspective on KM and from knowledge is power to sharing is power.