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I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.




I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Revision Notes on Applied Ethics (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Revision Notes on Applied Ethics (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Sexual Orientation, Heterosexual Sex Outside of Marriage, Gay and Lesbian Sex, Adultery with Reference to Divorce, Annulment and Mrs. Bergmeier, Marriage as well as Gay and Lesbian Marriage/ Civil Partnerships Alongside Part B Debate Style Question Material.
Revision Notes on Marketing Mix (A Level Business Studies)

Revision Notes on Marketing Mix (A Level Business Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: The Price, Factors that Determine Price of a Product, Pricing Strategies for Product Launch, Pricing Strategies for Existing Products, Pricing Methods, Pricing Tactics, Price and the Rest of the Marketing Mix, Marketing Mix - Place for Distribution, Marketing Mix - Promotion, Marketing Mix - The Product and An Integrated Mix.
Revision Notes on Contemporary Urban Environments (A Level AQA Geography)

Revision Notes on Contemporary Urban Environments (A Level AQA Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: Processes of Movement of People - Urbanisation, Suburbanisation, Counter-Urbanisation, Urban Resurgence, Population Growth in Urban Areas - Mega City, World City, Cities Urbanise in Different Ways - Economic, Social, Technological, Political, Demographic, Cities in Developed Countries Processes of Change - Deindustrialisation, Rise of the Service Economy, Decentralisation, Schemes to Improve Cities in the UK Since 1979 - Urban Development Corporations 1979-1990s, Enterprise Zones 1981-Present, City Challenge 1991-1997, Partnership Schemes 2010-Present, Urban Form - Physical Factors, Human Factors, Central Business District (CBD), Modern Urban Areas - Town Centre Mixed Developments, Cultural and Heritage Quarters, Fortress Developments, Gentrified Areas, Edge Cities, Changes in Modern Urban Areas - Economic Inequality, Economic Inequality Issues in Cities, Strategies to Reduce Poverty and Economic Inequalities in Urban Areas, Strategies to Encourage Social and Cultural Integration, Case Study - London, Case Study - Sao Paulo, Urban Heat Island Effect - Four Main Causes of the UHI Effect, UHI Effect Explanatory, Particulates - Sources of Particulates, Traffic Measures to Reduce Pollution - Congestion Charging, Pedestrianisation, Public Transport Improvements, Schemes for Reducing Traffic - Legislation, Alternative Fuels, Buildings Impermeable Materials - Methods to Manage River Catchments, Restoring Water System - Enfield, Three Primary Sources of Waste, Waste Streams and Components of Waste Vary - Economic Characteristics, Lifestyles, Attitudes, Methods of Waste Disposal Environmental Impacts - Case Study - Singapore - Atmospheric Pollution, Water Pollution, Urban Dereliction, Bangkok - Case Study - Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Dereliction, Manchester - Case Study - Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Dereliction, Cities Local Impact on The Environment, Dimensions of Sustainability, Cities Local Impact on The Environment, Dimensions of Sustainability - Natural, Physical, Social, Economic, Liveability - Different Strategies for Increasing Sustainability.
Revision Notes on Water and Carbon Cycles (A Level AQA Geography)

Revision Notes on Water and Carbon Cycles (A Level AQA Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: Systems, The Water Cycle - Water Distribution and Stores, Cryospheric Water, Terrestrial Water, Atmospheric Water, Oceanic Water, Reservoir and Residence Times, Factors Affecting Changes in Carbon Store, Factors Affecting Hillslope Hydrology, Soil Water Budget, Hydrographs, Factors Affecting Storm Hydrographs, Land Use Changes Affect the Water Cycle, Differences in Groundwater Levels, The Carbon Cycle, Carbon Stores, Atmosphere, Movement of Carbon, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Decomposition, Combustion, Carbon Sequestration, Changing Carbon Budget, Drivers of Change in the Amazon, Impact of Change - Climate Change, Vegetation Change and Soil and Rivers.
Presentation on Coastal Systems and Landscapes (A Level AQA Geography)

Presentation on Coastal Systems and Landscapes (A Level AQA Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation Covering: Natural Systems, Sources Of Energy At The Coast, Sources Of Sediment, Sediment Cells And Budgets, Sediment Cell Diagram, Weathering, Mass Movement, Marine Processes- Erosion, Marine Processes- Transportation, Marine Processes- Deposition, Sea Level Change, Landforms Caused by Changing Sea Level, Contemporary Sea Level Change, Coastal Management, Sustainable Integrated Approaches, Case Study Holderness and Case Study Odisha, India.
Presentation on Population and The Environment (A Level AQA Geography)

Presentation on Population and The Environment (A Level AQA Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation Covering: Demographic transition: how the rate of growth changes over time, Demographic Transition, The Components of Population Change, Factors Affecting Population Change, The Population and Resources Relationship, Who Was Right? Over, Under and Optimum Population, Definitions, How can resources be defined and classified? Definitions, Classification by Source and How changes in technology and society may result in changes in the definition of resources?
Presentation on Globalisation (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Presentation on Globalisation (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation that covers: Concerns About Unsustainability, Social, Political And Environmental Tensions, Consequences Of Globalisation, Controlling Globalisation And Defending Culture, Inequality Measures, Global Interconnections I: Megacities, Global Interconnections II: Migration, Westernisation, Opposing Globalisation, The Global Shift I, The Global Shift II: China, Measuring Globalisation, TNC Influence, Switched Off Countries, Political And Economic Decision-Making: IGOS, Political And Economic Decision-Making: Trade Blocs, Political And Economic Decision-Making: Governments, Political And Economic Decision-Making: Governments and The Time-Space Compression.
Revision Notes on Globalisation (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Revision Notes on Globalisation (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: History of Globalisation, Containerisation, A Shrinking World, How Globalisation Works, Pakistan’s Fisherman, Global Players, The World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organisation (WTO), International Trading Blocs, Ghana’s Cocoa Trade - Case Study, Vietnam Calling - Case Study and Cotton in Guatemala - Case Study.
Presentation on UK Pressure Groups (A Level Edexcel Government & Politics)

Presentation on UK Pressure Groups (A Level Edexcel Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that covers: Pressure Groups and Power, What is Pluralism? Robert A Dahl’s Work on Power Structures and Pluralist Democracy, Pluralists and Democracy, Pluralists and the State, Evidence for the Pluralist View, Problems with Pluralism, Criticism of the Pluralist Position, What is Elitism? Is this Democratic? So Where is the Power? The Distinction Between Pluralism and Elitism, What Determines the Success of Pressure Groups, Functions of Pressure Groups, Mobilise Public Opinion, Example of the Mobilisation of Public Opinion, Education, Example of the Educative Role, Encourage Participation, Pluralism and Diversity, Example of Encouraging Participation, Single Issues, Example of Single Issue, Redress of Grievance, Example of Redress of Grievance, Representation of Minorities, Example of Representation of Minorities, Expert Knowledge, Example of Expert Knowledge, Public Policy, Example of Public Policy, Check and Balance to the Power of Executive Government and Example of Check and Balance.
Revision Notes on Ecosystems Under Stress (A Level AQA Geography)

Revision Notes on Ecosystems Under Stress (A Level AQA Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: The Structure of Ecosystems, Energy Flows and Nutrient Cycling, Trophic Levels, Food Chains and Webs, Ecosystems in the British Isles Over Time - Succession and Climax, Development of a Succession, Lithosere, Hydrosere, Temperate Deciduous Woodland, Arresting Factors, Plagioclimax: Heather Moorland, Tropical Biomes, The Tropical Equatorial Rainforest Biome - Climate, Soils, Characteristic Features, Vegetation, The Effects of Human Activity on Plant Succession, Causes of Deforestation, Impacts of Deforestation, Tropical Biome – Savannah Grassland, The Savanna Grassland Biome - Climate, Precipitation Varies, Temperature Varies, Ecological Responses - Soil Moisture Budgets - Northern Ghana, Northern Ghana Characteristics, Adaptations by Vegetation, Impact of Human Activity, The Tropical Monsoon Forest Biome - Climate, Ecological Responses - Soil Moisture Budgets, Adaptations by Vegetation and Animals, Impact of Human Activity, Development Issues in the Three Biomes, Ecosystem Issues on a Local Scale - Urban Niches, Colonisation of Wasteland, Succession - Industrial site, Ecologies Along Route Ways, Introduction of New Species, Gardens and Parks, Changes in the Rural Urban Fringe, Ecological Conservation Areas, Dulwich Upper Wood Conservation Area, Species in the Wood, Why the Site is Interesting? Ecosystem Issues on a Global Scale - Human Activity, Biodiversity and Sustainability, Management of Fragile Environments, Case Study: Central Amazon Conservation Complex - Management, Case Study: Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania - History, Management, The Sundarbans Reserved Forest, Bangladesh - Threats, Flora and Fauna and Management.
Revision Notes on Tectonic Processes and Hazards (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Revision Notes on Tectonic Processes and Hazards (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Francis Bacon 1620, Robert Mallet 1870s, Alfred Wegner 1911, 1948 Ewing, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Palaeomagnetic Evidence, Ocean / Continental Divergence, Oceanic / Oceanic Convergence, Continental / Continental Collision, Constructive Margins, Conservative Margins, Deep Sea Trenches, Rift Valleys, Hotspots, Volcanoes, Extrusive Landforms, Intrusive Landforms, Primary Effects of a Volcanic Eruption, Secondary Effects, 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökul Impact, Mount Etna 13th July 2001 Impact, Nevado Del Ruiz Eruption 1985, Haiti 2010 Earthquake, Northridge USA 1994, Tsunami, Effects, Short Term Responses and Long Term Responses.
Revision Notes on The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Revision Notes on The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Physical Factors Affecting Water Supply, Water Sources, Fresh Water is a Finite Resource, Water Stress, Human Impacts On Water Availability, Access to Water, The Water Poverty Index, Water Geopolitics, Trends In Water Demand, Three Alternative Futures, Water Players And Decision Makers, Responses To Rising Demand and Water Technology.
Presentation on The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Presentation on The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The Global Water Cycle is of Enormous Importance to Life on Earth, Important Fluxes, The Water Budget, The Drainage Basin, An Open System Within The Global Cycle, Basin-Wide Factors, Precipitation, UK Precipitation, Human Disruptions, The Water Cycle Involves Water Budgets And River Systems At A Local Scale, Annual Budget Graphs, The Impact On Soil Water Availability, River Regimes, Storm Hydrographs, Why And How Storm Hydrographs Vary, Physical Factors Influencing Storm Hydrographs, Human Factors Influencing Storm Hydrographs, Players, Water Deficits, Normal Years, La Nina, El Nino, Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) And The Future, How Does Human Activity Contribute To Deficits? The Impact Of Deficit On Ecosystems, Water Surpluses, Impacts Of Storm Desmond 2015, Other Causes Of Surpluses, Human Actions Increasing Flood Risk, Climate Change, California, Implications, Water Insecurity, Physical/Human Causes Of Water Insecurity, Increasing Pressure On Water Resources, Future Projections, The Consequences Of Water Insecurity, Why Does The Price Of Water Vary? Water Privatisation, Water Poverty Index (WPI), The Importance Of Water Supply For Development, Supply And Wellbeing, Murray-Darling Basin Insecurity, Potential For Water Conflict, Nile Basin Conflict, Gaza Water Conflict, Colorado Basin Water Conflict, The Varied Sustainability Of Water Supply Management Schemes, Hard Engineering, Sustainable Schemes and Players In Reducing Water Conflict.