SMARTT North East Ltd is an Educational Training Provider. We are a team of highly experienced trainers, mainly ex service personnel. Since 2004 we have been delivering a number of highly successful long & short Vocational courses for schools & organisations across the North of England, mainly working with young people close to exclusion and in danger of leaving education without any qualifications. We offer a wide range of engaging resources that is tried and tested for all learners & staff
SMARTT North East Ltd is an Educational Training Provider. We are a team of highly experienced trainers, mainly ex service personnel. Since 2004 we have been delivering a number of highly successful long & short Vocational courses for schools & organisations across the North of England, mainly working with young people close to exclusion and in danger of leaving education without any qualifications. We offer a wide range of engaging resources that is tried and tested for all learners & staff
The Ultimate Book - All you need To Know 5 Complete Volume Sets
The ultimate cookbook for recipes, tips and dinner ideas to feed the whole family
If you’re struggling to find inspiration to cook healthy meals for a busy family and fussy eaters, Family Kitchen Cookbook is a must-have to save time in the kitchen. Featuring 1000’s of recipes with easy-to-follow instructions, the books contains plenty of easy dinner ideas to appeal to both toddlers and teenagers, while keeping the grown-ups happy, too.
This amazing 5 set library of cooking comes in 5 different volumes and each volume has over 160 pages in each;
Volume 4
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
The game works from just one main screen, which contains the ‘board’.
Split the group up into two teams.
The trainer will ask a question relating to one of the pre-selected letters on the board i.e. “Which T is a well known training company that creates fantastic free games?” If the blue team answer first then the ‘T’ hexagon is coloured blue by the trainer (click once on the hexagon for blue and twice for white). If a team guess wrong then the question is offered to the next team to answer, but if they don’t get it either, then the hexagon will turn black (click three times)
The aim of the game is for each team to work their way across the board. The blue team must complete a line horizontally across the board and the white team must complete a line vertically across the board. The line across the board for either team must be complete i.e. each coloured hexagon must touch another hexagon of the same colour from one end to the other.
The letters can be changed prior to a game to suit the specific needs of your
If you have any questions please contact us here
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
Get started with ChatGTP – ChatGPT іѕ a сuttіng-еdgе аrtіfісіаl іntеllіgеnсе lаnguаgе mоdеl dеvеlореd bу OреnAI. It’s аn advanced conversational AI ѕуѕtеm thаt саn undеrѕtаnd аnd respond tо nаturаl language input with humаn-lіkе intelligence. ChаtGPT is раrt оf a grоwіng trеnd in thе AI іnduѕtrу, whісh аіmѕ tо сrеаtе machines that саn undеrѕtаnd аnd rеѕроnd tо human language іn a mоrе intuitive wау.
Here are some different guides
Download the flipbook guiide Here
Download the transition guiide Here
Download the mockup guiide Here
Self Improvement and Motivation For Success
This 42 page ebook is all about ‘you’ and how you can change dimensions in order to look ahead to a better future. The upcoming chapters are a complete guide so that you can set yourself in a new direction. After all, success is all about having the right paradigm shift!
If you have any questions please contact us here
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
The ultimate tattoo book collection with 1000’s of various designs from;
Colourful Butterflies eBook
Dragon Tattoos eBook
Fairies and Angels eBook
Japanese Tattoos
Kanji Symbols eBook
Religious eBook
Star Tattoos eBook
Tribal Butterflies eBook
Tribal Tattoos eBook
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
Bleep Test | Multi Stage Shuttle Fitness Test. Same Test Used By The Army MP3
What is a good beep test score?
Beep Test Norms
Age poor Avarage
12-13 yrs 3/3 6/5-7/5
14-15 yrs 4/7 7/5-8/9
16-17 yrs 5/1 8/3-9/9
18-25 yrs 5/2 8/6-10/1
We have made a free video display template that can be fully edited (with video instructions how to edit)
This is ideal to have on display as a loop video to remind people and help young people, students, staff and others stay safe in your environment or place at work great for schools, colleges, work places, business offices and more.
As they are fully editable you can use it as a lesson filler with students
Please see below to download the editable video instructions and see the video on the template - we have also added 1 other template in the download instructions
This eBook was put together by myself and I would like to share it with fellow professions. You can use it as part of lessons or its great for personal use/guide.
Also, we have made an online view of the eBook and flip book and it can be seen here
A PDF eBook guide goes though how to identify and treat the following;
Roles and responsibilities of the first aider
First aid equipment
Minimising the risk of infection
Doctor ABCD
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
recovery position
Cardiopulmonary Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
The respiratory system
Chain of Survival
Assessing an incident
Wounds and bleeding
Obstructed Airway (Choking)
The circulatory system
Types of bleeding
Treatment of bleeding
Physiological shock
Anaphylaxis Shock
Epileptic seizure
Minor injuries
Minor cuts and grazes
Burns and Scalds
Chemical burns to the eye
Small splinters
The human skeleton
Heart Attacks
I have 20 years army background and 17 years in the training Industry hold many specialist qualifications in health and safety so feel free to ask any questions you may have on the eBook
This is a reprint from public domain from John Ronald Reuel Tolkien The Hobbit.
Its the full book and in the public domain so no breach of copyrights - Enjoy
Its In PFD, MOBI and EPUB format for use on all devices
*All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
Managing You Time - Complete eBook 56 page comprehensive eBook on how to manage your work time
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
Story Boards and Survial Quiz
Great filler for extended work or classroom activity quizes
If you have any questions please contact us here
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
60 Powerpoint amazing Characters (Colour) ideal to make engaging presentations (in PNG format
These cartoon PowerPoint templates are so diversified that they can be used for plenty of purposes. Business presentation, school projects, cooking, environment, children presentations,
Do you have to make a presentation soon? It probably isn’t your first. You know the drill: fire up PowerPoint, or Keynote, create some slides, try some new fonts, maybe play with a new template. And yet, you’re still feeling unenthused. You want something new, something different.
If you have any questions please contact us here
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
Over 190 stunning high quality, Big Bundle Of Graphics (FREE)
*As a rule of thumb, we sell theses as a package but I want to give you the offer for free and in return I would love to hear your feedback on the package *
Over 190 stunning high quality, Big Bundle Of Graphics for different occasions, Mix and match the whole collection Big Bundle Of Graphics to suit your needs. Design your own patterns, invitations or greeting cards! or add them into your lessons/presentations etc… they are all JPEG format and include the following:
Blueprint Backgrounds
Blur Backgrounds
Bokeh Blur Backgrounds
Clean Paper Backgrounds
Colorful Diagonal Lines
Colorful Stage-Backgrounds With Curtain
Colorful Studio
Fancy Showcase
Gift Backgrounds
Grungy Backgrounds
Hanging Sign
Lamp With Spotlight Backgrounds
Light Ray Backgrounds
New Dark Backgrounds
Platform With Smoky Spotlight
Polygon mosaic Backgrounds
Scene Backgrounds
Stage Mesh
Stage With 4 Lights
If you have any questions please contact us here
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
powerpoint amazing character for whiteboard - ideal to make engaging presentations (in PNG format)
These cartoon PowerPoint templates are so diversified that they can be used for plenty of purposes. Business presentation, school projects, cooking, environment, children presentations,
Do you have to make a presentation soon? It probably isn’t your first. You know the drill: fire up PowerPoint, or Keynote, create some slides, try some new fonts, maybe play with a new template. And yet, you’re still feeling unenthused. You want something new, something different.
If you have any questions please contact us here
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
Emoji Emoticon Smiley Face Stickers | Over 1000 Genuine. In GIF Format
A HUGE range of various emoji’s all in GIF format - they can be even converted into JPEG, PNG, PDF
Great to use on all types of work, emails, homework, PC/phones/laptops/tablets and more…
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
42 page comprehensive eBook
These three factors, when functioning together, propel us to do the task. The conceptual factor is responsible to form certain beliefs and reasons. All the motivations we feel arise in this region as once we form a belief about accomplishing something, we feel motivated towards that task.
The perceptual region is involved with the collection of sensory data. Once motivated, we use this perceptual sense in order to relate to our motivation and further increase it. The emotional region is involved with our emotions, which may be fear, happiness, excitement, apprehension or anything related to the task at hand. Motivation is also felt by the emotional region which then gives rise to the elements of excitement and happiness, which we feel when we are motivated.
This cycle of brain functioning tells us how our beliefs and values control our motivation. Once we have set the right approach and geared up with the right beliefs, we would never go astray from our motivated goal. A general rule regarding formation of beliefs is that one should always look for the positive things and find positive beliefs. Positivity is a great supporter of motivation and happiness and it multiplies the effect of motivation. Therefore, if our beliefs are back up by the foundation of positivity, then we would be able to firmly uphold our motivation.
To conclude with, motivation is an asset that is conditioned by our brain. It is in our control about how we condition our mind to be motivated. Therefore, have healthy and positive beliefs which can generate and make you feel motivated.
Sоmе vеgаnѕ actually lіkе thе tаѕtе оf meat and саn now get it without consuming animal flеѕh. Thеrе seems tо bе a ѕtrаіn of thought thаt ѕауѕ: іf you’re veggie оr vegan, you ѕhоuld stick tо vеgеtаblеѕ thаt look and tаѕtе lіkе vеgеtаblеѕ, nоt ones thаt hаvе bееn rесоnfіgurеd tо lооk like meat products. Fоr these саrnіvоrеѕ, іt’ѕ particularly troublesome whеn the texture and арреаrаnсе іѕ соnvіnсіng – lеаdіng tо реtіtіоnѕ in thе UK аnd a law in Frаnсе to рrеvеnt fаkе mеаt bеіng lаbеllеd аѕ mеаt.
All our products are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “Berne Act”, or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master-sellers or we own the resell or PLR rights to them.
Blogging in 21st Century: Introduction to Online Journaling
Blogging and social networking are inextricably linked in the sense that both contain certain features and certain properties of one another. Both are aimed at creating a wide movement as far as multimedia interaction is concerned. Though it is true that blogs can be regulated and kept very private, the main purpose of them is to reach out to a number of people, to have a medium to voice your opinion
If you have any questions please contact us here
Arthritis is a condition that can cause a plethora of symptoms, including deterioration of muscles and joints, a reduction of use in your main joints, and of course, severe pain.
In this report you will learn 10 of the most widely used, all-natural forms of treatment for your arthritis symptoms.
Most of the following treatments can even be done in the comfort of your own home, and can be combined with current medical treatments you may be receiving.
Hopefully, with implementation you can begin to live a healthier and more pain-free life with arthritis.
Topics covered:
Regular Exercise
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Massage Therapy
Aquatic Therapy
Tai Chi