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I am a former Head teacher , teacher of Geography and PSHE in French, teacher of Geography in English and other subjects . I used CLIL to improve standards at 3 schools when in a leadership position. I also delivered assemblies and INSET hence the resources included . June 16th 2023 I uploaded the results of 18 years of CLIL and how it has improved progress and attainment across all subjects in schools not just languages. A wonderful way to improve schools. Find it under WHOLE school section




I am a former Head teacher , teacher of Geography and PSHE in French, teacher of Geography in English and other subjects . I used CLIL to improve standards at 3 schools when in a leadership position. I also delivered assemblies and INSET hence the resources included . June 16th 2023 I uploaded the results of 18 years of CLIL and how it has improved progress and attainment across all subjects in schools not just languages. A wonderful way to improve schools. Find it under WHOLE school section
CLIL Geography in French Industry Primary industry Agriculture unit overview

CLIL Geography in French Industry Primary industry Agriculture unit overview

This unit is linked to other units on primary , secondary and tertiary industry plus case studies of the car industry, tourism and retailing .This unit uses agriculture as a case study looking at current issues in agriculture. It uses Britanny in France as a location charting changes in the intensification of agriculture that have happened since 1940. There is a case study on the green algae that has impacted on Britanny’s beaches and its causes and effects are identified. There is an assessment where students have to write letters for and against intensif farming . There are video clips and interactive activities to brng the unit to life . There is a student handbook, although a few pages on the topic of agricuture appear blank. This is because the images were orginally stuck in before copying. These missing images are included in the lesson resources as picture files. There are are pieces of exemplar student work .
CLIL Geography in French The European Union  lesson6-7  History of the EU

CLIL Geography in French The European Union lesson6-7 History of the EU

This lesson can take one or two lessons depending how many elements you build into it . The handbook contains listening cards within it which accompany the videos and also have copies of the different country details . There is a main powerpoint which has clips within it which take you through the reasons for its formation. There is cute clip of babies wearing nappies . Students identify the countries of the EU by noting the different flags on the babies nappies !!.
CLIL Geography in French The European Union Unit overview

CLIL Geography in French The European Union Unit overview

The unit on Europe and the European Union was used as the second unit in a Year 8 course which followed a Year 7 course with Mapwork and Tropical Rain Forests in one school . Every student in Year 8 had a lesson a week of Geography in French. The Europe section lessons 1-5 had an assessment at the end which looked at the physical and human geography of Europe in the context of a tour of Europe(see that resource) . The European Union end of unit assessment is a debate about advantages and disadvantages of the EU which is backed up by extended writing in the form of speeches for and against. There is therefore the opportunity to use written and spoken french at a high level. There are exemplars of student work . There are writing and speaking frames to support. There are many video clips with listening cards to support comprehension. The unit has a student handbook which can be used by students ot write in and keep as a reference resource. This unit looks at the history of the EU, what the EU provides for its citizens, how it is funded and what the advantages and disadvantages of the EU are. It looks at Brexit and its implications amid this debate.
CLIL Geography in French  Europe and the European Union Lessons1-5 Europe

CLIL Geography in French Europe and the European Union Lessons1-5 Europe

This is a unit which introduces the locational Geography of Europe . It identifies countries,capital cities rivers, mountains, seas and Oceans . It ends with a task to devise a tour of Europe which is undertaken individually , pairs or groups. The tour is presented to the class and is peer assessed. There are four examples of student work. Some of it is good and others are less os . For example it is important to point out that the students need to understand the French ie do not cut and paste . Also the level of detail needs to show detailed and accurate research .
CLIL Geography in French Industry Tertiary Retailing Lesson 12 Designing a shopping centre

CLIL Geography in French Industry Tertiary Retailing Lesson 12 Designing a shopping centre

This is the end of unit assessment . Students have to take all of the retail theories and factors that they have learnt about in previous lessons and apply these to the design of a shopping centre . They then self and peer assess the work .There are two sheets which can be used as checklists. Each student presents the justification of their design to their teacher . There are exemplar pieces of work to show what can be achieved . The plan for the centre is drawn in plan view. Students absolutely love this task , find it very accessible and thoughtfully apply concepts and justify them. The task is very motivating and creative.
CLIL Geography in French Industry Tertiary Retail  Lesson 11 Shopping choices organic fair trade etc

CLIL Geography in French Industry Tertiary Retail Lesson 11 Shopping choices organic fair trade etc

This lesson involves setting up the classroom with products which involve purchasing choices . For example washing up liquid which is environmentally friendly and that which is not. Different types of Tuna , line caught and others, fair trade chocolate , organic chocolate , supermarket basic brand . There is a form in the student handbook which can be used . Students go around the product and note the price (see page 84 of the student handbook) Students add up the prices of a fair trade , environmentally friendly products and those that are neither.They are given a budget and decide which products to buy There are powerpoints about fair trade to explain how it works. Students then justify the choices of product that they have decided to buy. There is an example of student writing
CLIL Geography in French Industry Tertiary Retail lesson 10 Types of shopper  and position of shops

CLIL Geography in French Industry Tertiary Retail lesson 10 Types of shopper and position of shops

This lesson looks at what type of shoppers exist . This is discovered by a retail quiz. It also looks at how shops are positioned on the high street ie sometimes complementary shops and sometimes comparison shops . Students use a GOAD map to identify complementary and comparison shops . They then compare the British example with a high street in Reunion island and look for comparison and complementary examples there.
CLIL Geography in French Industry  Car industry locating a factory Lesson 4

CLIL Geography in French Industry Car industry locating a factory Lesson 4

This lesson uses OS map and aerial photography to look at the locational factors for a car factory. Student use the map to find evidence of the reasons for the location of the Peugeot factory in Coventry. this factory has now closed but a similar exercise could be replicated for other UK car factories. It will show you how to use Geographical map work skills and French to achieve a good outcome .