This is a resource for all age groups and can be edited to suit the work you need completed from the child and shows the reward that they will get.
This is a visual board that will show the child exactly what you want completed in order for the chosen reward. The rewards have a time limit so encourage your children to bring a sand timer so they can visually see when it has ended.
This has helped many of our challenging children slowly get back into a whole day of learning in a class room setting.
This display will help your children when a movement break or brain break is needed.
Simple instructions so all children can access activity.
Completed within a couple of minutes.
Great to use when children are fidgety.
Number Blocks Display
This is a great addition to your early years classrooms / corridors / Sen Rooms.
This is a educational display that will help your children learn to count to 10.
Can be used interactively with children to engage them in learning.
Movable eyes and mouths and number cards.
Cut - Print - Stick - Done
Instructions included.
Personalized my timestable booklet.
Great for lessons, group work, revision, homework, small groups, SEN.
Each page has colouring in to keep the children engaged in activity.
Great booklet to send home with children to practice with their parents.
Low print cost.
Print - Use - Simple.
Two displays that will catch the eye of anyone walking in your room.
Children and adults need words of encourage and these displays are the best way to get adults and children to be motivated and set high goals through any tough day.
Just print, cut out, Stick up on wall. Simple
Maths Stencil and colour in worksheet.
Does your student need help writing numbers? This work sheet has a stencil to guide your students as they are learning.
Interactive with colouring to make sure no one gets bored or distracted.
Fun informative visual booklet for early learners.
This worksheet will enable all children to be able to learn how to write number in word format or number format.
Perfect for visual learners.
Can be printed A3/A4 depending on what you students need.
One number per page to not overwhelm the students.
Great for SEN groups, early years and homework.
Great to send home to engage parents in the students learning.
Great open maths lesson activity.
Black and white for low print cost.
Just print to staple in corner and it will become a booklet for each student.
Timetables 1 to 12 on a simple yet engaging colourful Inside Out based worksheet.
For all age groups KS1 / KS2 / SEN.
2 sets of timetables on each page so it is not overwhelming visually.
Emotion chart on bottom of each page so teacher can see if the person is confident with the timetables on that page.
Great for children to look back and practice timetables.
Great tool to be sent home for parents and children to do together.
Great 5 minute lesson starter activity for maths.
Great way to monitor if children are improving.
Easily printed into a booklet. Just print with staple in top left corner.
Do you need a lesson idea in being a good friend or a reminder?
Great worksheet for your children to do as a class or in small groups.
Print A3 for more space for children to add their own ideas.
Reminding children of the skills that they need to become and keep friends is very important.
Can be put on displays once completed or around the school building.
Great way to show parents, inspectors, visitors how important friendship skills are to children.
A great worksheet / booklet for
whole classes,
parent and student engagement at home,
to show student progression,
small groups,
1 to 1 work,
SEN groups.
This work sheet is for children who need help learning more than and less than.
Has pictures to colour in to engage your students for more time.
Fun easy way to learn.
Print - use!
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Print out Alphabet Cards
This document can be printed on paper or card.
Can be used in phonics sessions as help.
Can be used on displays.
Can be sent home for parents to use and engage with their children.
Children can use as a booklet to remind them of their sounds.
Helpful to all ages.
Easy - Print and Use.
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x2 Work sheets to help your children with their timetables.
Complete the blank spaces of 100 square. (some blank spaces)
Complete the 100 square. (all blank)
The first worksheet is great to use for SEN students/ small groups/ revision/ starter activety or homework, this is for students who struggle with tables.
The second worksheet is for children who have a good understanding of timestables and can use to time and gain more skills.
Creating familiarity with times tables in the pivotal early stages of a child’s academic life will prevent maths from becoming a hated subject for them in future. A good knowledge of multiplication can give children a sense of independence and teach them to think on their own by reducing over-reliance on technology.
Just print and use.
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Teaching children to count will improve their readiness for other math concepts that will be taught in the future, such as addition and subtraction.
Can be used for whole class, homework, 1 to 1 sessions, group sessions, revision etc.
Can be put onto class board for everyone to get involved with filling out the answers.
3 pages of counting.
Last page is make your own. Great way to get the children more involved and share their worksheets with their peers.
Just print and use!
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Booklet of Upper and Lower case letters in stencil font to help your children or student learn to write the alphabet.
2 letters to each page to give children enough room and not to overwhelm for SEN children who struggle with too much on each page.
Black and White for low print cost.
Great for SEN groups.
Great for early years.
Great for small groups.
Print with staple in corner to create a personalized booklet for each child.
Can be sent home as homework to help parents engage.
Great way to show progress.
Children who learn how to understand emotions in themselves and others are better able to regulate their own responses to strong emotions. Helping children to identify and label emotions is an important first step.
This power point is interactive.
It allows the children to pick which emotion they are feeling.
It opens up conversations that will teach your students a bank of emotionally strategies to use in future situations.
The student gets to pick their own emotions and pick the activity that they want to complete to continue learning.
Some children will need a time out or sometime to rethink a situation before returning to learning. This is a great tool tool to use to refocus anyone and get them back into the learning environment in a positive calm way.
Great for KS1.
Amazing for PSHE lessons.
Easy and simple for SEN groups/students.
Can be used on tablet/phone/computer screen/ white board and printed.
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