
ear, air and igh
Smart notebook for teaching ear, air and igh trigraphs with alien words and pictures for the children to spell.

dge Sound
Smart notebook with activities and words to help children read and spell words containing dge.

Phase 5 Comprehension (ea, oy and ir)
Engaging phase 5 Comprehension (ea, oy and ir) featuring Ken the Koala.

Thank you Omu Planning for 1 week
One weeks planning and resources for the book Thank you Omu by Oge Mora most suited to a KS1 class. Really good when doing a topic on Nigeria.

Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson Two Weeks Plan and activities
Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson Two Weeks Plan and activities.

Emma Jane's Aeroplane Planning and Resources
Two week’s planning Emma Jane’s Aeroplane Planning and Resources most suited to a KS1 class. I did this with a Year 1 class as part of a Aeroplane topic.

My Friend The Weather Monster Planning and Resources
Two weeks planning and resources for the book My friend the Weather Monster by Steve Smallman. Most suited to a year 1 class.

Percy the Park Keeper: After the Storm 2 weeks planning
Two weeks planning and resources for the book Percy the Park Keeper After The storm. Includes; two week plan and lesson resources. Most suited for a KS1 class.

Anna Hibiscus' Song Planning
Planning and resources for the book Anna Hibiscus’ Song by Atinuke and Lauren Tobia. Most suited for a KS1 class particuarly year 1. Would be very suitable for a topic on Nigeria or Africa.

Changes by Anthony Browne 2 Week Plan
2 weeks plan and resources for using the book ‘Changes’ by Anthony Browne. Most suited for a KS1 class.

A week's Spelling Planning for Words Ending in the 'ture' and 'sure' Sound
This is a weekly plan for a week's 30 minute spelling lessons on words ending in the 'sure' and 'ture' sound. It contains a powerpoint for the week, lesson plans for the week, resources for the lessons and a homework sheet. It is suitable for the year three/ four curriculum spelling objectives.

Little Red Riding Hood Planning and Resources
Little Red Riding Hood Planning and Resources for two weeks. Includes; Powerpoint of the story, Smart Notebook and resources. Most suited to year 1.

Paddington Bear planning
Six weeks planning based on the picture book of Paddington bear. Most suited to a Year 2 class.

The Three Little Pigs Planning
Two weeks planning and resource based on The Three Little Pigs most suited for a year 1 or two class. Includes smart note book and worksheets.

Phase 5 Planning and resources
Intensive phase 5 planning covering all sounds (apart from u-e) in 5 weeks. Includes planning, smart notebooks and pictures for each phonics words in a bag activity for each day. The format of each day is exactly the same but this has helped to ensure children's learning is focused in the sounds and has been highly effective in boosting our phonics scores!

U-E E-E AND O-E split digraphs
A week’s planning and smart notebook for the ‘u-e’ ‘e-e’ and ‘o-e’ split digraph.