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Are we good global citizens?
This lesson explores the theme of global citizenship and religious attitudes to stewardship.

Are humans more important than animals?
This lesson explores the ethics of animal rights and Christian attitudes to the importance of animals

Are the 10 commandments still relevant today?
In this lesson, learners will understand what the 10 commandments are and the context in which they were written
Evaluate their importance in society today

How do we make Moral decisions
This lesson explores the big question ‘how do people make moral decisions?’
It introduces the learner to 3 ethical theories and helps them understand how these decisions could change the outcomes of ethical dilemmas.

What does it mean to be good?
This lesson explores the following objectives:
Describe different ways a person can be good
Explore different ‘good’ people and create a Good Place charter in a group
Evaluate why people choose to do ‘good’

End of Summer Term Quiz 2023
a 5 round quiz with attached answers to get you through those final days of Summer term!

Year 9 - Miracles
A lesson that explores how God shows care through miracles. It comes with worksheet,n powerpoint and learning mat.

OCR GCSE RS: Religion, peace & conflict lesson 2: Terrorism
This is the second lesson in the Religion, peace & conflict unit titled ‘terrorism’. Her we explore what is meant by terrorism, what islamic extremism is and how the UK tackles the issue, how christian attitudes towards terrorism and its causes differ and also whether religion should have a part in politics with reference to the IRA.

OCR GCSE RS religion, peace & conflict lesson 1
This is the first lesson in the philosophy and ethics GCSE unit: Religion, Peace & conflict. including a powerpoint presentation and case study.

OCR GCSE -Christianity (practices full unit of work)
This is the full 8 lessons in the Christianity practices unit with resources avaialble.

OCR GCSE RS - The role of the Church in the wider world
This is the final lesson in the Christianity - practices unity of the new OCR GCSE. Provided is a full lesson (which will be covered over 2 hours) with attached resources outlining ecumenicalism, the meaning of Church, Churches Together Movement, the persecuted church and the work of Christian aid agencies.

OCR GCSE - The role of Church in the local community and living practices
This resource looks at the different rites of passage, the sacraments of initiation and the Christian marriage ceremony. It comes with an article to get students discussing what the role of the Church is and a worksheet to fill in the sections of marriage.

GCSE OCR - Christianity - Practices - Prayer
This is lesson 3 in the practices unit of the Christianity topic.
Focusses on prayer, types of prayer and the Lords prayer.

GCSE OCR Christianity: beliefs and teachings - revision lesson
Here is a revision pack for the GCSE unit of work on Christian beliefs and teachings to accompany the assessment (attached).
It consists of 6 revision stations:
Keywords game
Nature of God (be the teacher challenge)
Genesis and the fall (full mark answer challenge)
Sin and Salvation (art task)
Jesus' example role play
Eschatological belief (AO1 + AO2 Bible story challenge)
All with hints and tips for students to self assess as they go through.
Students then have the opportunity to complete a R.A.G. review to see which areas they need to further focus their revision on

OCR Religious studies 1.3.1 - Genesis 3 - The Fall of Man
Follow on lesson from the Genesis creation accounts where students explore the issues surrounding the story of the fall and analyse the different Christian interpretations of the account