I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Two reading comprehension activities linked to the first two chapters of The Nothing to See Here Hotel.
Each chapter has a comprehension activity that includes 10 questions that work on different skills as well as also having the answers included separately.
A sheet that children can use to draft a diary entry that includes key focus points and a mini self-assessment at the end to check they have the key features. This is then followed by a second page for children to redraft their writing on that gives them some key focus points when redrafting.
The final three lessons in a sequence of twelve lessons that focuses on researching and writing an information text about the Amazon Rainforest. Included is the unit plan, a KWL sheet that can be used to check and develop understanding, the lesson presentation which includes pink and green bubbles to support and challenge and activities required for the lesson as well as a fact file.
A mat that can be used to focus on a word in different ways. There is a blank box to put a focus word in and then a number of different activities that focus around the original word.
An activity based around -ai for children. Included are cards with all the letters of the alphabet and the ai phoneme where children can then practise seeing what words they can create when blending sounds together. Recommended to print two sets of the letter cards.
A fact file/ knowledge organiser that can be stuck in children's books when doing the newspaper genre in writing or for a help sheet if they are writing a newspaper article in a foundation subject.
Included on the sheet is a list of key vocabulary, a labelled image of a newspaper story and a reminder about the key facts to include in any newspaper article.
A mini-assessment activity that checks children's understanding of relative pronouns and relative clauses. This is useful to check what children have remembered/ learnt or as a little recap activity to then go through with children afterwards.
The song lyrics for ‘Rewrite the Stars’ from The Greatest Showman with four different comprehension activities. Each of the activities matches up to one or more of the VIPERS skills with the activities potentially providing four reading lessons from the song.
The fourth comprehension may be better used after watching the video so that children who may not have seen the film are able to appreciate the views of the era.
A text that looks at the story of St George and how he defended the Christian faith against the Emperor of Nicomedia that then includes three sets of 10 differentiated questions related to the text.
An information text about Wollaton Hall that also includes comprehension activities with a summarising task and a sheet of comprehension questions that also includes answers.
Can be used for learning about Wollaton Hall or simply as part of reading lessons to support the ability to summarise or retrieve information from a text.
Five weeks worth of writing skills to practise independently. These can be used as a starter activity when pupils come in at the start of the morning, at the start of an English lesson as a starter or at any other spare moment during the day or even as a short intervention with a child or particular group of children. The activities over the week work on different skills around writing. These are similar across the booklets so far and include:
Putting capital letters and full stops in the right place
Completing ideas so they become full sentences
Using because, but and so to complete sentences
Writing their own independent sentences
Using other conjunctions within a sentence
Creating sentences that use particular punctuation to mark the end
Editing and improving sentences
There is also a themed booklet included with all the writing tasks for the week linked to thunder storms. This has been used to support a writing unit for a setting description that involves a storm but can also be used as a general resource.
Over time, more booklets will continue to be added that work on different skills alongside the ones previously mentioned.
A sample of the following resource:
A fact file about Remembrance Day that is also a reading comprehension. This includes three differentiated worksheets with 12 questions each and answers included to test children's comprehension knowledge as well as learning about Remembrance Day at the same time.
Find the full resource at:
An activity based around -or for children. Included are cards with all the letters of the alphabet and the or phoneme where children can then practise seeing what words they can create when blending sounds together. Recommended to print two sets of the letter cards.
A reading comprehension activity linked to the first chapter of The Girl of Ink and Stars. The comprehension activity includes 20 questions that work on different skills as well as also having the answers included separately.
Five blending activities for Phase 2 that requires children to use different letters to try and make words. Also included are word cards with examples of what they can make.