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Non-Chronological reports

Non-Chronological reports

This is a series of resources for learning about non-Chronological reports. It includes, texts for reading and analysis, Charts to aid planning and analysis, notes, labels and poster, and features of NC texts. They can all be adjusted to suit age groups and abilities. Notes can be used by children to practice writing texts, and then they could research and write their own NC report.


These resources include a weekly planning sheet and a powerpoint to show ideas and techniques used for Artwork at Diwali. It shows the children's work making Diva lamps and Rangoli patterns.
Design sheet   Evaluation sheet

Design sheet Evaluation sheet

These DT proformas can be used and adapted to suit any DT topic. They provide a structure for children to think about the processes and order of the stages when constructing an item. Practice in evaluating procedures is also formatted to think about the positive and negative aspect of what the children have made.
A cup of tea

A cup of tea

A power point to promote discussion among children regarding the process of dissolving and reversibility. This could be applied to other life situations for similar discussions as class or group, etc.
Angles Y5/6

Angles Y5/6

A power point to demonstrate and support exposition to teach angles and related aspects.
How can I change this material?

How can I change this material?

A power point slide show to stimulate questions and discussion about the physical effects of forces on materials. This should be a support activity after a practical activity, in which the children are able to observe and test out ideas and discover questions and answers for themselves.
Chinese artefacts and sketchbooks

Chinese artefacts and sketchbooks

This set of resources includes a four week planning sequence, a planning overview, a powerpoint of examples of Chinese artefacts that children have made, and a power point of a sketchbook produced as a response to Hong Kong. These provide the starting point for a topic, and a motivational an inspirational set of pictures.
Domino dogs

Domino dogs

This selection of resources are to promote independent and logical thinking regarding numbers and patterns. This Key stage 1 activity can be used to help children work independently or alone to find number related patterns. It can be extended to larger numbers.
Making books part 1

Making books part 1

This power point contains ideas for presenting children's work in an attractive and positive way. It shows how to use work produced to good effect, so that it can be shared and discussed by the children. It is also motivational and encourages children to think about their work and how it fits into what other do. Book can be built up over weeks to make a class collection that can be shared and enjoyed. All subjects can be incorporated in to books and ideas adapted to suit groups of children.


This set of resources include a four week planning sequence and power point of the dioramas that the children made. When all put together they made a vibrate display on a wall, and create an atmosphere evocative of the rainforest environment.
Farming and food

Farming and food

A power point to stimulate and extend discussion with children about how food is produced and how humans depend on the environment for survival. Also provides an opportunity to talk about animal welfare and ecology of the earth.
The big dog  The sneaky snake

The big dog The sneaky snake

The documents are designed to support EAL learning, specifically with regards sentence construction. They give learners opportunity to think, make judgments and decide what is appropriate. They are fun, especially when you get it wrong... The concept can be applied to other situations at the teachers discretion...
Explanitory texts

Explanitory texts

This selection includes an explanatory text about how a torch works, pictures of torches, features poster, vocabulary poster and a planning frame. This could be used as a starting point for a unit of work, to show the order and progression of how to write a text. Children should be able to then research, take notes, discuss, plan and write their own text and be able to present it in an interesting way to others. There is a selection of photographs, but ideally children should be able to use their own.
Reading and writing instruction texts

Reading and writing instruction texts

This is a collection of outlays for various aspects of learning about instruction texts. They can be modified to suit the child and once children have learned the skills, they can research and write their own instruction text, based on their own interests. As with other concepts, there are aspects that can be changed and there is always room for choice, for example, using bullet points, or numbering.
Puzzles for 6's

Puzzles for 6's

This power point and activity sheets, are to help children think logically and methodically about solving number problems. The class could rehearse the skills needed, or just let the children have a go at working out the puzzles.