Effective ways to scaffold for students - CPD / PD for staff
Effective ways to scaffold for students - CPD / PD for staff
Effective Use of Retrieval Questions (CPD Session for Staff)
Effective Use of Retrieval Questions (CPD Session for Staff)
Retrieval questions are a powerful tool to enhance student learning by encouraging them to recall and apply information they have previously learned. These questions help students consolidate their understanding, improve long-term retention, and identify gaps in their knowledge. By incorporating retrieval questions into lessons, teachers can promote active recall, strengthen memory, and increase student engagement. Here are some effective ways to use retrieval questions across different subjects and grade levels.
Effective Ways to Model for Students (CPD Session for Staff)
Modelling is a key teaching strategy that involves demonstrating the skills, strategies, or behaviours you want students to learn. When done effectively, it provides a clear example that students can observe, understand, and replicate. Below are several effective modelling strategies that can be applied across various subjects and grade levels. These strategies can help teachers scaffold learning, make abstract concepts tangible, and encourage active student engagement.
Effective Use of Exit Tickets (CPD Session for Staff)
Exit tickets are a simple and powerful formative assessment tool that allows teachers to gauge student understanding at the end of a lesson. They are quick, effective, and provide immediate feedback that can help inform future lessons. By using exit tickets regularly, teachers can adapt their teaching to address any gaps in understanding and ensure that learning objectives are being met. Here are some key principles of using exit tickets effectively and provide practical tips for implementing them in your classroom.
Effective Ways for Teaching to Check for Understanding (CPD Session for Staff)
In any classroom, it is essential that teachers continuously assess whether students are grasping the content being taught. Checking for understanding ensures that learning is happening and helps identify any gaps early on. Here are some effective strategies to check for understanding, which can be used across different subjects and grade levels.
ADHD (CPD)/Professional Development for Staff
Effective Strategies for Teaching Students with ADHD (CPD Session for Staff)
Teaching students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) requires a thoughtful and structured approach that supports their unique learning needs. ADHD is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which can impact a student’s ability to focus, follow instructions, and complete tasks. However, with the right strategies, teachers can create an environment that helps students with ADHD thrive academically and socially. This overview will provide practical strategies for teaching students with ADHD and offer insights into creating an inclusive and supportive classroom.
Effective Use of Flipped Learning (CPD Session for Staff)
Flipped learning is an innovative teaching approach where traditional learning is reversed: students engage with instructional content outside of class (typically through videos or reading materials), and class time is dedicated to active learning, discussions, problem-solving, and application of knowledge. This model empowers students to take charge of their own learning and creates opportunities for deeper engagement and individualized support during class time. Here are some key strategies and best practices for effectively implementing flipped learning in your classroom.
Research Methods Application Questions with MODEL ANSWERS - Psychology
An excellent worksheet of Social Influence which has Reseach Methods Application Questions with MODEL ANSWERS.
This is an excellent resource that can be used for AS/A2 and can serve as teaching exam skills/checking their understanding and can also be used for assessments and/or homework.
Can also be used to self or peer-assessment.
Assessment and revision but also a worksheet activity.
Attachment / RM Application Questions with MODEL ANSWERS
An excellent worksheet of Social Influence which has Reseach Methods Application Questions with MODEL ANSWERS.
This is an excellent resource that can be used for AS/A2 and can serve as teaching exam skills/checking their understanding and can also be used for assessments and/or homework.
Can also be used to self or peer-assessment.
Assessment and revision but also a worksheet activity.
Social Influence / RM Application Questions with MODEL ANSWERS
An excellent worksheet of Social Influence which has Reseach Methods Application Questions with MODEL ANSWERS.
This is an excellent resource that can be used for AS/A2 and can serve as teaching exam skills/checking their understanding and can also be used for assessments and/or homework.
Can also be used to self or peer-assessment.
Assessment and revision but also a worksheet activity.
Pro-social behaviour: Piliavin's subway study - SOCIAL INFLUENCE
A full PowerPoint on Pro-social behaviour: Piliavin’s subway study in Social Influence. Complete with, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
Psychological Explanations of Anorexia Nervosa - Eating Behaviours: A-Level Psychology
A full PowerPoint on the Psychological Explanations of Anorexia Nervosa in A2 psychology (Eating Behaviours). Complete with starter activities, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
Features of Science - A2 Research Methods: A* EXCELLENT EXAM NOTES - A-LEVEL Psychology
Excellent Exam Notes for Features of Science - A2 Research Methods:
Can be given to students for revision or for teachers to use as part of their teaching
Social Influence - What is Conformity? Research investigating conformity (Description & Evaluation)
A full PowerPoint on what Confomity in Social Influence is, describing and evaluaitng research into conformity; Asch (1951)… Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, role-play acitivties, mini-whiteboard activities and how to structure evaluative points. Looks into situational factors that affect conformity. Clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE, A-Level (any exam board) and degree level.
Social Influence - What is Conformity? Research investigating conformity (Description & Evaluation) - Psychology (GCSE)
Localization of function - BioPsychology A-Level Psychology (Paper 2) complete lesson
A full PowerPoint on what localisation of function is, with excellent sceanrio questions, interactive activities, great evaluation techniques. Packed with examples, ‘apply it’ questions and exam practice. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE, A-Level (any exam board) and degree level.
Localisation of function. Biopsychology - A-Level Psychology (Paper 2)
Biopsychology: Biological rhythms - circadian rhythms. A-Level Psychology - Paper 2
Powerpoint lessson on Biopsychology: Biological rhythms - circadian rhythms. A-Level Psychology - Paper 2 (AQA). Can be used for other specifications.
DO NOT BUY Cognition and development: accommodation and assimilation
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT PPT lesson on accommodation and assimilation, can be used for GCSE/A-Level Psychology - any specification.
Great interactive lesson.
Forensic 16 marker MODEL ANSWERS (A* exemplar answers) A-Level Psychology - Paper 3
A* 16 marker MODEL ANSWERS (A* exemplar answers) for AQA A-Level Psychology - Paper 3.
Model answers for offender profiling (top-down and bottom-up approach) and ALL the explanations of criminal behaviour.
Excellent revision resource for students.
AQA A-Level Psychology Revision Checklist for Paper 1, 2 and 3
AQA A-Level Psychology Revision Checklist for Paper 1, 2 and 3 with all the option topics in paper 3, that you can then select.
Great for students to use whilst revising.
Memory Model Essays/Extended Writing/Answers - A-Level Psychology (Paper 1)
Find Excellent A* Exemplar/Model answers to essay/extended writing questions on all potential 16 mark questions on Memory, in A-LEVEL Psychology (AQA).
Points all clearly signposted with links back to the questions.
Clear highlights of A01 (Knowledge content) and A03 (Critical Evaluation).
Can be used for other specifications and adapted for GCSE
Model Essays/Extended Writing/Answers - A-Level Psychology (Paper 1)