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Land of Learning

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Hi! I currently work in London as a Deputy Headteacher. I love all things teaching and learning! I am extremely passionate about education and find researching and creating new strategies and ideas exciting. The world of teaching and leading in England is highly stressful and it's up to all of us to look after each other's well-being...I hope my resources save you some precious time.




Hi! I currently work in London as a Deputy Headteacher. I love all things teaching and learning! I am extremely passionate about education and find researching and creating new strategies and ideas exciting. The world of teaching and leading in England is highly stressful and it's up to all of us to look after each other's well-being...I hope my resources save you some precious time.
Fun with addition and subtraction - 5 lessons - covering bridging and problem solving

Fun with addition and subtraction - 5 lessons - covering bridging and problem solving

Pupils are taken through a week-long journey, starting at bridging, developing bridging and then applying and problem solving. The activities are fun, visual and will support children's understanding. L.Os are: I can add by bridging. I can subtract by bridging. I can add and subtracts to find a pattern. I can work backwards to solve a number problem. I can prove or disprove a statement about addition and subtraction. This was made for Y2 but can easily be differentiated by changing numbers/statements. I have included the answers to the questions to make your life a little easier! If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. *My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!*
Information leaflet on foxes with example on badgers - planning and resources for at least 5 lessons

Information leaflet on foxes with example on badgers - planning and resources for at least 5 lessons

Want a planning free weekend? This resource includes everything you need to teach your class about information leaflets. Follow a presentation as pupils learn about foxes and the features of an information leaflet. Included is an example leaflet on badgers so pupils can see exactly what is required of them. There are many resources, including a leaflet template and peer-assessment activity. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. *My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!*
Hamlet by Shakespeare cross-curricular activities - fun, engaging lessons - prize winning resources

Hamlet by Shakespeare cross-curricular activities - fun, engaging lessons - prize winning resources

I have recently won a TES prize for the creative teaching of Shakespeare. Here's what TES said: 'Hannah embraced the challenge of bringing Hamlet, Shakespeare’s longest play, to life in her KS2 classroom by adopting an original, cross-curricular approach. Featuring learning opportunities in and outside of the classroom, learners were fully immersed into this epic tragedy in every subject area and demonstrated their understanding in a variety of ways. From video retellings and word count pie charts to song writing and unique artistic interpretations, her teaching is the perfect example of how Shakespeare can be made accessible to pupils of all ages.' In this activity pack, there are ideas for 16 lessons and learning journeys. Many subjects are featured, including: Science, Maths, English, D&T, Art and more. The pack is made-up of resources, photos of when I did these activities with my class and planning. One of the 16 above is a cross-curricular learning journey for D&T and took us three weeks to complete - the children loved it! There are 46 pages in total. This was used with a Y5 class but can easily be adapted to support pupils from Y3 - Y8. The progress that my class made throughout this project was phenomenal! If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. *My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!*
Anglo-Saxon cross-curricular activity pack - planning and resources for 10 lessons

Anglo-Saxon cross-curricular activity pack - planning and resources for 10 lessons

A fun and engaging activity pack. These 10 lessons can be done individually or stretched into longer learning journeys. Planning - a brief description of 10 cross-curricular activities linked to: art, English, maths, history and geography. Activities - resources linked to Anglo-Saxon times, including writing coded messages in Runes, understanding the story of St. Cuthbert and designing a Sutton Hoo mask. There is also a useful list of Anglo-Saxon related websites attached. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. *My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!*
Topic Map - example and blank - cross-curricular topic planning - very visual

Topic Map - example and blank - cross-curricular topic planning - very visual

A great way to start planning a topic. Get all of your ideas down on a colourful and visual topic map. Included is an example map created for my topic on Hamlet and a blank version, which can be adapted and tailored to suit your needs. If you're running CPD on planning a topic, this is a good way to get staff thinking about cross-curricular links. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. *My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!*
Exciting phonics screening fun - read and write alien sentences and play memory and snap

Exciting phonics screening fun - read and write alien sentences and play memory and snap

This resource is an enjoyable way to tackle preparation for the phonics screening. It can be used in class or sent home for homework. -The first activity requires pupils to read gobbledygook (Pseudo) sentences. -The second activity allows pupils to write their own gobbledygook sentences for others to read. -There are also 30 alien cards (with alien picture and pseudo word) for pupils to play memory or snap with (fun to send home to get parents involved). These can be laminated to use again next year! -There are also 12 blank cards so pupils can design their own alien and write their own pseudo words to include in the games. Pupils have lots of fun doing this! -Also included is a 'real or rubbish' word game, where pupils need to sort real words from the fake words. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. *My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!*
A range of bright, attractive certificates that can be easily adapted

A range of bright, attractive certificates that can be easily adapted

Here are some certificates, which I have created over the years. They are for a range of different reasons. Certificates are in Word so that they can be easily adapted to suit any need. 1. Handwriting certificate 2. Being a fabulous pupil certificate 3. Fairytale Day certificate (given for fancy dress and great writing) 4. Lunchtime Pupil Support Assistant certificate 5. Macbeth - floating ship experiment certificate 6. Pen licence certificate 7. Roald Dahl Day certificate 8. After test certificate Thank you for looking!
Rio 2016 Olympic Activities - English and Maths fun

Rio 2016 Olympic Activities - English and Maths fun

Fancy a week without the stress of planning and making resources - here is an entire weeks worth of English and Maths resources linked to The Olympics. 18 Slides linked to activity sheets, which run through various English and Maths activities all linked to The Olympics, including: -Creating a leaflet -Writing a poem -Creating a quiz -Writing an article -Problem solving (various) -Word problems -Sorting into a Venn diagram Activity sheets are in Word so that they can easily be adapted. All resources are easy to adapt for different ages/levels. These activities will leave you with some lovely writing and Maths evidence. Lessons can easily be extended by creating longer learning journeys. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. *My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!*
EU Referendum Information for Children - 23rd June 2016

EU Referendum Information for Children - 23rd June 2016

This presentation on the EU referendum to be held on Thursday 23rd June 2016 can be used for an assembly or as a lesson. Included is an 18 slide presentation, which covers: -What the EU is. -What a referendum is. -For leaving the EU arguments. -Against leaving the EU arguments. -Activity ideas to take the presentation further. -A quiz and answers. With this resource, there is special writing paper that children could use for writing a debate or a for/against letter. There are also voting slips attached so that you can hold a class or whole-school vote. I have aimed the resource at Y3-Y7 but the presentation can easily be adapted to suit younger or older years. I have previously found introducing politics to younger years, has worked well and created curiosity around the subject, especially if the pupils get to vote themselves. My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!
Self- and Peer-Assessment INSET run for all teachers

Self- and Peer-Assessment INSET run for all teachers

Presentation and examples of rubrics, which I created when running an INSET on self- and peer- assessment. The INSET had very good feedback and teachers changed their practice as a result. It was created for an hours INSET. The presentation is 11 slides long. It asks teachers to reflect, gives information on current practice in self- and peer-assessment, has activities for teachers to complete in teams and gives examples. My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!
NPQSL Final Combined Task - completed 2016

NPQSL Final Combined Task - completed 2016

This assignment includes my: blood, sweat and tears! This is my NPQSL assignment and is focused on improving writing in a primary school. I really wish I’d had an NPQSL example assignment to look at while I was writing mine as it would have stopped me second guessing myself. However, I passed with flying colours and am now offering mine to you to make the process much easier. I uploaded the assignment on 8.2.16 and received feedback on 29.3.16. Feedback (as shown on first page) awarded all of the 9 competencies as passed at the required level. The written feedback was excellent and only includes strengths, no areas for development. I have deleted several appendices because they included photographic evidence of specific events/individuals. I would recommend that you consider doing this also as visuals are always a nice break from a lengthy piece of text. However, I have kept my action plan and report to the Headteacher in the appendices as I feel these are important for your reference. My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you! A section from my written feedback: 'Strengths were demonstrated in Delivering continuous improvement as your priorities for improvement were clearly linked to your vision for the project. You regularly reviewed progress and reflected on actions and achievements of pupils in writing. The Action plan and strategies were fully implemented and you skilfully monitored planning, teaching, learning and assessment data. Throughout the project you remained solution-focused. In terms of Modelling excellence in leadership of teaching and learning you demonstrated excellent leadership of teaching and learning. You set up and embedded the writing initiatives and adapted the teaching and learning approaches to suit the needs of pupils. It is evident that you have high expectations, model excellence and vision and have shared ideas and practice very effectively. Staff have been provided with the clarity they need in order to feel empowered and accountable in their role. Strengths were demonstrated in Learning focus as you set up and embedded the writing initiative and applied theory and knowledge of learning to improve outcomes for pupils. It is evident that you are committed to learning and achieving excellence and led valuable inset for staff to improve their subject knowledge in grammar, planning and writing. ’
Phonics Screening Mock Test - Brand New Edition 2016

Phonics Screening Mock Test - Brand New Edition 2016

I already have two free mock phonics screening tests in my free resources. If you have already used those, here is an option for a brand new (2016) edition. The test is laid out as the STA lay theirs out. There are 40 words: 20 real and 20 pseudo. There is also a tick sheet to record pupils’ answers and a class record sheet. I would advise carrying out several mock screening checks so that the children are comfortable with the format. Also, this allows you to find individual or common areas for development and plan your phonics sessions accordingly. As a school, we have had extremely good phonics screening results, 80-90%. This resource could also be printed off as a booklet and given as homework to encourage families to support their children in working towards passing the phonics screening. My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!
Activities for a Whole-School Growth Mindset Afternoon

Activities for a Whole-School Growth Mindset Afternoon

I am holding a whole-school growth mindset afternoon to continue raising the profile of the mindsets and how they can impact success. I created this powerpoint, which includes 10 mindset activities for teachers to choose activities from. Activities relate to various different subjects and are fun and engaging ways for pupils to develop their understanding of growth and fixed mindsets.
Personal Statement for Assistant Headteacher for Teaching, Learning and Curriculum FOR ADULTS

Personal Statement for Assistant Headteacher for Teaching, Learning and Curriculum FOR ADULTS

This is my own personal statement for the position of Assistant Headteacher for Teaching, Learning and Curriculum - a job which I got. Being able to download someone else’s personal statement while writing mine, would have been a huge help. Therefore, I thought offering mine, would give practitioners an option to view one before they start writing their own and thus having new ideas and a clear structure. Obviously, every personal statement should be tailored to the person specification but it is easy to use ideas from this personal statement and shuffle them around accordingly. I have removed specific names from the personal statement and instead typed, XXX.
5th May2016 Election - Presentation for Assembly or Lesson

5th May2016 Election - Presentation for Assembly or Lesson

Perfect resource for an assembly or lesson. 14 slides, which cover: -What an election is. -Who can vote. -How people vote. -What people are voting for on 5th May 2016. There is also a debate topic and quiz (10 questions) at the end of the presentation. I have aimed the resource at Y5-Y8 but the presentation can easily be adapted to suit younger or older years. I have previously found introducing politics to younger years, has worked well and created curiosity around the subject.