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Leana Andrews Shop

Average Rating3.24
(based on 26 reviews)

I am a Head of Department (RE) in a large school. I teach KS3, KS4 and KS5. I have had additional responsibilities in improving progress and attainment in RE. I teach Health & Social Care and Life Skills. I have also taught BTEC Applied Law, Psychology and PSHE. Prior to teaching my background was in forensic psychology, mental health, learning disabilities and research/quality assurance.




I am a Head of Department (RE) in a large school. I teach KS3, KS4 and KS5. I have had additional responsibilities in improving progress and attainment in RE. I teach Health & Social Care and Life Skills. I have also taught BTEC Applied Law, Psychology and PSHE. Prior to teaching my background was in forensic psychology, mental health, learning disabilities and research/quality assurance.
Five Precepts and Meditation- KS3 Buddhism

Five Precepts and Meditation- KS3 Buddhism

A KS3 Buddhism lesson that teaches students about the 5 moral precepts and meditation. It starts with exploring what the precepts are and their positive/negative aspect. Students explain their understanding through the use of examples. The second part of the lesson teaches students about Buddhist meditation and its importance. There is an opportunity to participate in meditation. This lesson is great to engage students and is an example of active learning. Suitable for all abilities/dynamics - I have found this lesson work particularly well with lower ability, poor behaviour classes due to the focus on active learning. The scripts provided are standard meditation scripts, however can be adapted slightly.
Wheel of Life - KS3 Buddhism

Wheel of Life - KS3 Buddhism

A KS3 lesson teaching students Buddhist beliefs about the wheel of life, karma and rebirth. The lesson is visually appealing and promotes high levels of interest from students. The lesson aims to teach students what the wheel of life is and why it is important for Buddhists. This lesson is student led, with the main activity planned as a presentation from students. This lesson has been taught over one lesson, but can be taught over two depending on ability, behaviour and preparation time given for the main task. Students have the opportunity to be as creative as they like. Learning is checked throughout and there are lots of opportunities for questioning.
Eightfold Path - KS3 Buddhism

Eightfold Path - KS3 Buddhism

A KS3 Buddhism lesson teaching students about the eightfold path. The lesson aims to teach students about the eightfold path, its importance and how Buddhist follow the path to enlightenment. The lesson links nicely to previous learning about the four noble truths. Activities include match up, literacy and involve students applying their learning to life scenarios. There are lots of opportunities for questioning/feedback at various points.
Four Noble Truths - KS3 Buddhism

Four Noble Truths - KS3 Buddhism

A KS3 Buddhism lesson teaching students about the four noble truths. The lesson aims to teach students about the four noble truths and their importance. This lesson has a variety of activites and is fast paced. It suits all abilities, for lower abilities/poor behaviour students I have taught this over two lesson. The lesson offers lots of opportunities for students to be involved. A good mixture of AO1 and AO2 learning.
Life of the Buddha - KS3 Buddhism

Life of the Buddha - KS3 Buddhism

A KS3 lesson teaching students about the life of the Buddha. It is perfect the start a unit of work on Buddhism or as part of a religious founders unit of work. The lesson includes a variety of activities and focuses on checking learning at various points in the lesson through in depth questioning. The first activity uses the Animated World Faiths clip (any alternative clip can be used). The final activity offers students a choice of two tasks, that can be selected based on their ability/behaviour/learning style/etc. The lesson is engaging and fun for students.
The Ummah - Muslim Community (KS3 Islam lesson)

The Ummah - Muslim Community (KS3 Islam lesson)

KS3 lesson about the Muslim community (Ummah). This lesson aims to teach students what the Ummah is, its importance and how the Ummah links to commitment. The lesson includes a range of activities e.g. group work, paired work, literacy tasks and a homework task.
Muslims in Britain - KS3 Islam lesson

Muslims in Britain - KS3 Islam lesson

A KS3 Islam lesson about Muslims in Britain. This has been taught as part of a Islam unit of work. The aim of the lesson is the explore the challenges faced by Muslims and how these can be addressed. The lesson builds on prior learning and provides students with facts. One task focuses on key beliefs and challenges faced. Another task explores two Muslim charities and their importance. The overall running theme is to dispel myths and provide students with a deeper understanding.
Qur'an - KS3 Islam lesson

Qur'an - KS3 Islam lesson

A KS3 lesson about the Qur’an from an Islam unit of work. Can also be taught as part of a unit of work on sacred texts or as a stand alone lesson. The aim of this lesson is teach students what the Qur’an is, its importance, how it is used and make comparisons to other sacred texts. There are lots of opportunities for students to become involved in the lesson e.g. reading, discussion, sharing learning. This lesson uses the Sue Penney ISLAM TEXTBOOKS, however you can use other textbooks with information about the Qur’an or information from online (i.e. BBC learning zone). The aim of this task is to introduce what the Qur’an is, its importance and how it is used. Additional note: This lesson can be taught at KS2 to older students. It may need adapting to suit the ability of the class.
Mosque - KS3 Islam lesson

Mosque - KS3 Islam lesson

KS3 lesson teaching students about the Mosque. Can be taught as a unit of work on Islam or a unit of work on religious buildings. The lesson aims to teach students about the key featues of the Mosque and its importance to Muslims and other members of the community. The lesson uses a True Tube clip (embedded in the powerpoint) where a young man shows people around the Mosque, this aims to teach students that the Mosque is very relevant for young people. The final task (also to be finished for homework) allows students to understand the importance of the Mosque and why it is an important place not only for Muslims but for other members of the community. There are lots of opportunities for student involvement in this lesson.
Life of Muhammad - KS3 Islam lesson

Life of Muhammad - KS3 Islam lesson

A KS3 lesson about the life of Muhammad, from a Islam unit of work. Can also be taught as part of a religious founder/figures unit of work or as a stand alone lesson. The lesson aims to teach students about Muhammad and the importance of his actions. The main activity is a fortune line, exploring thoughts and feelings. Students are encouraged to work with each other to review their learning. A homework task is included with this lesson.
KS3 Sikhism lesson - Khalsa and Vaisakhi

KS3 Sikhism lesson - Khalsa and Vaisakhi

KS3 Sikhism lesson teaching pupils about the Khalsa and Vaisakhi. This lesson has been taught as part of a unit of work but can be taught as a stand alone Sikhism lesson. This lesson has been judged as OUTSTANDING during a lesson observation. The lesson includes a variety of activities to engage students. Role play is used to teach students about the formation of the Khalsa (the lesson includes an alternative to role play - video link in the powerpoint). This lesson promotes deeper thinking and encourages students to use their thinking skills. The lesson also includes a homework task.
KS3 Sikhism lesson - 5Ks

KS3 Sikhism lesson - 5Ks

A KS3 Sikhism lesson on the 5Ks. This lesson can be taught as a unit of work on Sikhism or as a stand alone lesson. The lesson is quick paced and engaging. There are a variety of activities that will excite students and keen them focused on learning (e.g. market place, group work, etc). Learning is checked at various points (e.g. through a fun action game involving all students). This lesson aims to teach students about the 5Ks and how they are an expression of identity.
KS3 Sikhism - Guru Nanak lesson

KS3 Sikhism - Guru Nanak lesson

KS3 Sikhism lesson about Guru Nanak. This lesson is ideal as an introduction to Sikhism lesson as part of a unit of work, or as a stand alone lesson. The lesson introduces Guru Nanak as the founder of Sikhism. Tasks teach students about key events in Guru Nanak's life and the important teachings from Guru Nanak. The lesson ends with a comparison between Guru Nanak and Jesus (using a Venn diagram), this aims to stretch higher level students. There is a homework task attached to this lesson.
EDUQAS  Human Rights - Wealth and Poverty (NEW SPEC)

EDUQAS Human Rights - Wealth and Poverty (NEW SPEC)

NEW SPEC Eduqas wealth and poverty lesson from the topic Human Rights. The lesson aims to teach students about the differences between absolute and relative poverty, explores differing religious perspectives and offers opportunities for students to give their own options about wealth. The lesson places great focus on using religious teachings to support beliefs/views/opinions, and provides students with Bible quotes to use.
EDUQAS Human Dignity (NEW SPEC)

EDUQAS Human Dignity (NEW SPEC)

NEW SPEC Eduqas lesson on Human Dignity. The lesson aims to describe what human dignity is, explore religious and personal views and discuss why people are not treated with human dignity. The lesson has an homework/extension task to consolidate learning and to challenge students. Additional support is given with this task.
MINI BUNDLE - Shi'a Islam - A Level Spec

MINI BUNDLE - Shi'a Islam - A Level Spec

A MINI BUNDLE of A level resources used to teach the A Level Shi'a Islam unit. These lessons work well alongside the Victor Watton Islam book (or another text can be used). This unit is taught over 11 lessons, however can be adapted to suit your needs. The unit starts with an introduction to Muhammad and the origins of Shi'a Islam. There is a lot of focus through the unit on the differences in terms of key beliefs and roles of the Iman. There are opportunities for exam questions and reviewing example questions in line with the spec (Edexcel). This unit is perfect to support your teaching of Shi'a Islam and keep pupils engaged with a variety of activities.
GCSE Revision lesson - biological explanations of aggression

GCSE Revision lesson - biological explanations of aggression

GCSE Revision lesson for Edexcel psychology (can be used for other specs). Planned for a lesson observation, judged outstanding. The lesson aims to revise the revise the keys terms associated with the biological approach, explain how the brain might control aggression, and explain the role of the hormone testosterone in aggression. A range of individual and group activities. Progress checked at various points and various types of ASL/AfL.
Becoming an Educational Psychologist - series of lessons - mock application & interview

Becoming an Educational Psychologist - series of lessons - mock application & interview

Designed for GCSE students to learn how to become an Ed Psych. The lesson goes through the application and interview process. All students take part in all steps of the process e.g. writing the personal statement, giving constructive feedback, etc. A fun and engaging series of lessons that are perfect for developing team work skills. Designed to be taught over three lessons, but easily adaptable to less/more.
Ethics of psychological research - GCSE two lessons

Ethics of psychological research - GCSE two lessons

A GCSE Lesson about ethics in psychological research. The lessons aims to teach students about the ethical guidelines all researchers must follow when conducting research. The two main activities are a research task (use of computers if possible) and a create your own study task. Students will also explore Zimbardo's study as an example of unethical research.
Rameriz - GCSE Edexcel Psychology (link to aggression)

Rameriz - GCSE Edexcel Psychology (link to aggression)

GCSE Psychology lesson for the Edexcel spec. This lesson explores key information about the study and breaks the study down in to manageable sections. Students also have the opportunity to complete the Buss-Perry Questionnaire (downloaded from the internet, but I have attached it so you don't have to search for it separately). The questionnaire allows students to activity learn and understand how psychologists complete research. This lesson was originally taught as two 50 minute lessons but can be adapted to teach in one lesson.