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Year 1 teacher.
Year 1 Narrative Unit: Pinocchio

Year 1 Narrative Unit: Pinocchio

Year 1 Narrative Unit: Pinocchio by Giuseppe Di Lernia Icluded: PowerPoint Lessons x8 Overview Full written Lesson Plan PowerPoint Lessons x8 Activities & Resources Scaffolds & Challenges Printable WALTS This unit of work is suited for Year 1 in the Autumn Term WALT: Experience the world of puppets WALT: Give opinions about a story WALT: Retell a story WALT: Write two sentences WALT: Write two sentences WALT: Create a new character and our own picture story WALT: Write a sequence of sentences WALT: Review and edit our work
Year 1 Art Lesson: Christmas Bauble inspired by Andy Warhol

Year 1 Art Lesson: Christmas Bauble inspired by Andy Warhol

Year 1 Art Lesson: Christmas Bauble inspired by Andy Warhol One stand alone lesson for Year 1 pupils to create a Christmas bauble in the style of Andy Warhol’s ‘Fairy and Christmas ornaments 1955’. Artistic skills: Drawing, designing, collage, expressing feelings and evaluating.
Year 1 Science Lesson: Seasons in our Gardens (Spring focus)

Year 1 Science Lesson: Seasons in our Gardens (Spring focus)

Year 1 Science Lesson: Seasons in our Gardens (Spring focus) PowerPoint lesson x1 Activity & Resource Memory training starter Scaffold & Challenge Printable WALT/ Worksheet WALT: Observe changes across the four seasons (spring) WILF: I can observe changes over time I can notice patterns and relationships in changes
Year 1 Science Lesson: Materials for Homes

Year 1 Science Lesson: Materials for Homes

Year 1 Science Lesson: Materials for Homes PowerPoint Lesson x1 Activity and Resource Memory training starter Scaffold & Challenge Printable WALT/Worksheet WALT: Describe the simple physical properties of materials used for homes WILF: I can name materials I can notice and explain relationships between material properties and uses
KS1 DT: Food - Where do fruits and vegetables  come from?

KS1 DT: Food - Where do fruits and vegetables come from?

KS1 DT: Food - Where do fruits and vegetables come from? WALT: Understand where a range of fruit and vegetables come from WILF: I know what a product is I know that products have a user PowerPoint lesson x1 Memory training starter Activity & Resources Scaffold & Challenge
Year 1 English Unit: Letters to Santa

Year 1 English Unit: Letters to Santa

Year 1 English Unit: Letters to Santa PowerPoint Lessons x6 Activities & Resources Scaffolds & Challenges Printable WALTS Writing Outcome: Letter to Santa WALT: Explore letters WALT: Identify features of a letter WALT: Join words with ‘and’ WALT: Join words with ‘and’ WALT: Plan to write a letter WALT: Write a letter
KS1 PSHE Unit: Digital Lifestyles

KS1 PSHE Unit: Digital Lifestyles

KS1 PSHE Unit: Digital Lifestyles PowerPoint lessons x6 Discussion led learning Activities & resources Memory training Printable WALTS WALT: Talk about our identity both in real life and online WALT: Create a safe online portal WALT: Design our own online page WALT: Recognise when something we see or hear online makes us uncomfortable WALT: Know what to do when something online makes us uncomfortable WALT: Share what we have learned with others
KS1 PSHE Unit: Financial Capability

KS1 PSHE Unit: Financial Capability

KS1 PSHE Unit: Financial Capability PowerPoint Lessons x6 with links, activities and resources Typed WALTS included Lesson 1 WALT: Know where the money they might have come from and know how to keep it safe Lesson 2 WALT: Know some ways money might be used and how it is an finite source Lesson 3 WALT: Know that there are some things we have to buy and some things we choose to buy Lesson 4 WALT: Understand what a family might need to pay for and some of the ways it might be done Lesson 5 WALT: Know how to keep simple financial records Lesson 6 WALT: Understand that the feelings we may have about money are varied and may change
Year 1 RE Unit of work for Enquiry 3: What do Jews remember on Shabbat?

Year 1 RE Unit of work for Enquiry 3: What do Jews remember on Shabbat?

Year 1 RE Unit of work for Enquiry 3: What do Jews remember on Shabbat? PowerPoint lessons x5 Activities & Resources Scaffolds & Challenges Weblinks Printable WALTS WALT: Explore the Jewish story of Creation WALT: Explore artefacts related to Shabbat WALT: Explain what is allowed and not allowed during Shabbat WALT: Understand the importance of rest and relate this to the Jewish Creation story WALT: Compare our lives to Jewish traditions
Year 1 RE Enquiry 4: What does the cross mean for Christians?

Year 1 RE Enquiry 4: What does the cross mean for Christians?

Year 1 RE Enquiry 4: What does the cross mean for Christians? RE Unit of work: PowerPoint lessons x4 Activities & resources Memory training starters Scaffolds & challenges Web links and suggested books Printable WALTS WALT: Explore the Easter story WALT: Explore symbols of Christianity WALT: Design an Easter card that represents Christian beliefs WALT: Understand the importance of hope and what it means to Christians