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LJ Create STEM Shop

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We provide a range of free, and low-cost STEM resources for schools and further education. Our resources include theory presentations, activity sheets, information fact files, and informative posters for your classroom.




We provide a range of free, and low-cost STEM resources for schools and further education. Our resources include theory presentations, activity sheets, information fact files, and informative posters for your classroom.
Heat Energy - Conduction of Thermal Energy

Heat Energy - Conduction of Thermal Energy

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at conduction of thermal energy. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate how heat is transferred by conduction. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 20 mins 20 slides covering: • Heat • Transfer of Heat • Conduction • Conduction in Solids • Conduction in Liquids and Gases • Conductors • Insulators
Spreadsheets - Working with Rows and Columns

Spreadsheets - Working with Rows and Columns

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at working with rows and columns in spreadsheets. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Identify how to work with rows and columns in a spreadsheet. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 15 slides covering: • Rows and Columns • Selecting Columns • Selecting Rows • Column Width • Row Height • Copying and Pasting Columns • Copying and Pasting Rows • Inserting New Columns • Deleting a Column or Row
Microstructure of Alloys

Microstructure of Alloys

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at the microstructure of alloys. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate the microstructure of alloys. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: 30 mins 19 slides covering: • Solid Solution • Substitutional Solid Solution • Solid Solution Strengthening • Interstitial Solid Solutions • Limited Solubility • Dispersion Strengthening • Microstructures of Alloys
Plant Biology - Reproductive Systems of Plants

Plant Biology - Reproductive Systems of Plants

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at reproductive systems of plants. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the reproductive system of plants. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 60 mins 50 slides covering: • Flowering and Non-flowering Plants • The Liverwort - Non-flowering • Liverwort Structure • Liverwort Sperm • Liverwort Eggs • Fertilization in the Liverwort • The Liverwort Sporophyte Generation • Germination of the Liverwort Spore • Alternation of Generations - Liverwort • Flower Structure - The Perianth • Flower Structure - The Calyx and Corolla • Flower Structure - The Androecium • Flower Structure - The Gynoecium • Flower Structure - The Ovary • Flower Structure - The Nectaries • The Production of Pollen Grains • The Flowering Plant Male Gametophyte • Structure of the Ovule • The Embryo Sac as a Spore • Pollination • Pollination - Anthers • Fertilization • Pollen Germination • Development of the Seed and Fruit
Food Chains

Food Chains

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at food chains. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how matter flows through food chains. Explore how energy flows through food chains. Main Skills: Extract information, demonstrate understanding, apply knowledge, model. Duration: 30 mins 19 slides covering: • What is a food chain? • Energy Release • Inorganic Nutrients • What Happens to the Energy? • Grazing Food Chains • Detritus Food Chains • Detritus Food Chains v Grazing Food Chains • Interrelationships Assessment Sheet - Word Document based assessment includes questions that students should be able to answer directly from the presentation, or by applying the information from the presentation. The Assessment Sheet Teachers Guide provides the correct answers and solutions to questions in the assessment.
Atomic Structure - Thompson and the Properties of the Electron

Atomic Structure - Thompson and the Properties of the Electron

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at Thompson and the properties of the electron. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore Thompson’s contribution to the concept of atomic structure. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 14 slides covering: • Cathode Rays • Investigation of Cathode Rays • What Could the Cathode Rays be? • J J Thompson’s Experiment • J J Thompson’s Conclusions
Atomic Structure - Waves and Spectra

Atomic Structure - Waves and Spectra

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at waves and spectra. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Calculate frequency, wavelength and energy of electromagnetic waves. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams and perform calculations. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 32 slides covering: • Electromagnetic Spectra • Features of Electromagnetic Waves • Speed of Electromagnetic Waves • Speed, Wavelength and Frequency • Energy and Frequency • Max Planck and Albert Einstein • Quantum of Energy • Types of Spectra • Emission Spectra • Quantum of Energy • Other Emission Spectra • Absorption Spectra
Earth Systems - Natural Hazards

Earth Systems - Natural Hazards

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at natural hazards. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how science can be used to make predictions of natural hazards and reduce their effects. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 29 slides covering: • Natural Hazards • Predicting Natural Hazards • Volcanic Hazards • Studying Volcanoes • Decade Volcanoes • Volcano Monitoring • Mitigation • Evacuation • Other Natural Hazards
Earth Systems - Natural Catastrophes

Earth Systems - Natural Catastrophes

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at natural catastrophes. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how natural events and human activities create catastrophic events. Identify the impact of catastrophic events on ecosystems. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 20 slides covering: • Natural Hazards • Floods • Tsunami • Earthquake • Hurricane • Where Do Natural Hazards Happen? • Effects of Natural Hazards • Natural Disasters • Why Study and Monitor Hazards? • Human Activity
Earth Systems - Water and Earth

Earth Systems - Water and Earth

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at water and Earth. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how water affects materials and processes on Earth. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 20 slides covering: • Water and the Rock Cycle • Water and Weathering • Physical Weathering • Chemical Weathering • Water and Erosion • Water Erosion - Run-off • Water Erosion - Ground Water • River Erosion • River Transportation • River Energy • Deposition
Scientific Methodology - Analysis of Scientific Explanations

Scientific Methodology - Analysis of Scientific Explanations

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at the analysis of scientific explanations. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how to analyse scientific explanations to identify the key factors. Main Skills: Interpret written text, make decisions and predict outcomes. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 41 slides covering: • Scientific Explanations • Analysis • Analytical Methods • Empirical Evidence • Logical Reasoning • Experimental Testing • Observational Testing • Examining All Sides of Evidence
Spreadsheets - Working with Cells

Spreadsheets - Working with Cells

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at working with cells in spreadsheets. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Identify how to work with data in cells of spreadsheets. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 16 slides covering: • Cells • Selecting Cells • Editing a Cell • Copying and Pasting Cells • Cell References • Moving Cell Data • Clearing Cells
Distribution of Natural Resources

Distribution of Natural Resources

A presentation suitable for Grades 6-8 looking at distribution of natural resources. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the distribution of mineral, energy and groundwater resources. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 26 slides covering: • Mineral Resources • Ore Deposits • Volcanic Processes • Hydrothermal Processes • Sedimentary Processes • Copper Mountains • Metal Resources • Energy Resources • Coal • Oil and Natural Gas • Non-Renewable Resources • Finding New Resources • Water • The Aral Sea
The Excretory System and Health

The Excretory System and Health

A presentation most suitable for KS5 looking at the excretory system and health. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate major diseases affecting the excretory system. Investigate how scientific, medical, and technological advances impact diseases of the excretory system. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 28 slides covering: • Urinary Tract • Urinary Tract Infections • Lower Urinary Tract Infections • Upper Urinary Tract Infections • Kidney Infections • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) • Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) • Kidney Failure (Renal Failure) • Dialysis • Transplant • Nephritis • Kidney Stones • Treatment of Kidney Stones • Cancer of the Kidney • Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy
The Digestive System and Health

The Digestive System and Health

A presentation most suitable for KS5 looking at the digestive system and health. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate major diseases affecting the digestive system. Investigate scientific, medical, and technological advances that help prevent diseases of the digestive system. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 27 slides covering: • Infections • Autoimmune Disorders • Crohn’s Disease • Ulcerative Colitis • Celiac Disease • Polyps • Cancer • Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer • Colorectal Cancer • Causes and Risk Factors • Treating Colorectal Cancer • Non-invasive Tools of Diagnosis
The Musculoskeletal System and Health

The Musculoskeletal System and Health

A presentation most suitable for KS5 looking at the musculoskeletal system and health. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore major diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 17 slides covering: • Malfunctions of the Musculoskeletal System • Osteoporosis • Osteomalacia (Common Rickets) • Leukemia • Muscular Dystrophy • Arthritis • Keeping a Healthy Musculoskeletal System
The Respiratory System and Health

The Respiratory System and Health

A presentation most suitable for KS5 looking at the respiratory system and health. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore major diseases that affect the respiratory system. Explore scientific, medical and technological advances that help prevent and treat diseases of the respiratory system. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 29 slides covering: • The Role of the Respiratory System • Asthma • Asthma Inhalers • Bronchitis • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) • Emphysema • Pneumonia • Lung Cancer • Medical Advances to Fight Lung Cancer • Prevention of Respiratory System Diseases • Treatments of Respiratory System Diseases • Surgery to Treat Respiratory System Diseases
The Integumentary System

The Integumentary System

A presentation most suitable for KS5 looking at the integumentary system. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate the components that make up the integumentary system. Investigate the function of the integumentary system. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 27 slides covering: • The Skin • The Structure of the Skin • The Epidermis • The Layers of the Epidermis • Keratin • The Cells of the Stratum Corneum • The Dermis • Subcutaneous Layer • Hair • Nails • The Functions of the Integumentary System • The Dermis and Thermoregulation • Sweating • Functions of Hair and Nails
The Integumentary System

The Integumentary System

A presentation most suitable for KS5 looking at the integumentary system. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate the components that make up the integumentary system. Investigate the function of the integumentary system. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 27 slides covering: • The Skin • The Structure of the Skin • The Epidermis • The Layers of the Epidermis • Keratin • The Cells of the Stratum Corneum • The Dermis • Subcutaneous Layer • Hair • Nails • The Functions of the Integumentary System • The Dermis and Thermoregulation • Sweating • Functions of Hair and Nails
Algorithms and Problem Solving

Algorithms and Problem Solving

A presentation most suitable for KS4 looking at algorithms and problem solving. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore program design methods used to solve problems. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 23 slides covering: • Problem Solving • Specification Requirements • Analysis and Design • Algorithms • Algorithms and Flowcharts • Pseudocode