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Editable Daily Planner Overview Templates

Editable Daily Planner Overview Templates

**These editable daily planner templates can help you organize your daily activities. **Why is weekly planning important? ** Weekly planning is important for many reasons, but here are some of our favourites: planning your time can make you more productive it’s easier to balance work and life weekly planning can help you say ‘no’ to things when you’re too busy you will always know what’s going on and your daily and weekly goals This** PPTX** download includes 8 printable daily overview templates to assist teachers & kiddos with their day-to-day planning and organisation throughout the week, Monday to Sunday, with a focus on personal wellbeing and task management. These templates comes in black & white version that is sure to brighten up your day each and every time you start to make your day’s plans on a new template. I hope this will be a useful resource for you! Also, your feedback is very important to me so please don’t hesitate to tell me what you think about my work! Also, if you have any questions or dissatisfaction regarding this product please contact me before rating it. I will fix any possible inconvenience. I am always trying to improve my work** ( lubnarauf60@gmail.com )**. And… if you have any suggestion about how I can improve my work, or if you need something that you can’t find anywhere just contact me at my mail add.
Editable Daily Planner colorful Templates(The House of Education)

Editable Daily Planner colorful Templates(The House of Education)

**These editable daily planner templates can help you organize your daily activities. Why is weekly planning important? Weekly planning is important for many reasons, but here are some of our favourites: ** planning your time can make you more productive it’s easier to balance work and life weekly planning can help you say ‘no’ to things when you’re too busy you will always know what’s going on and your daily and weekly goals This PPTX download includes 8 printable daily overview templates to assist teachers & kiddos with their day-to-day planning and organisation throughout the week, Monday to Sunday, with a focus on personal wellbeing and task management. These templates comes in colorful version that is sure to brighten up your day each and every time you start to make your day’s plans on a new template. I hope this will be a useful resource for you! Also, your feedback is very important to me so please don’t hesitate to tell me what you think about my work! Also, if you have any questions or dissatisfaction regarding this product please contact me before rating it. I will fix any possible inconvenience. I am always trying to improve my work ( lubnarauf60@gmail.com ). And… if you have any suggestion about how I can improve my work, or if you need something that you can’t find anywhere just contact me at my mail add.
Mother's Day Graphics

Mother's Day Graphics

Get the 129 ClipArt, Stock, & Vector Images Inside! It’s mother’s day and many people wants to express their warm greetings to their mother online. If you are a clever internet marketer, chances are you may want to take advantage to this heart-warming event to every people’s lives. Greet your mother using the power of visual graphics that you are about to get inside this product. Your feedback is much appreciated, and helps me provide more work that you are looking for. I am always quick to respond to questions as well. Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches: Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates about this store. Terms of Use: Thank you for downloading my product. All rights reserved. Having purchased or free downloading this product, you are granted to make copies of it for: **• Your own personal use and • single classroom only** You can’t upload this product on any website or blog or modify any part of it or share with others or claim it as your own, it is strictly prohibited and against the law of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. hope you enjoy this! Thank you! You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave a feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you!
Daily Planner colorful Templates(The House of Education)

Daily Planner colorful Templates(The House of Education)

**These daily planner templates can help you organize your daily activities. **Why is weekly planning important? ** Weekly planning is important for many reasons, but here are some of our favourites: planning your time can make you more productive it’s easier to balance work and life weekly planning can help you say ‘no’ to things when you’re too busy you will always know what’s going on and your daily and weekly goals This** PDF** download includes 8 printable daily overview templates to assist teachers & kiddos with their day-to-day planning and organisation throughout the week, Monday to Sunday, with a focus on personal wellbeing and task management. These templates comes in colorful version that is sure to brighten up your day each and every time you start to make your day’s plans on a new template. I hope this will be a useful resource for you! Also, your feedback is very important to me so please don’t hesitate to tell me what you think about my work! Also, if you have any questions or dissatisfaction regarding this product please contact me before rating it. I will fix any possible inconvenience. I am always trying to improve my work** ( lubnarauf60@gmail.com )**. And… if you have any suggestion about how I can improve my work, or if you need something that you can’t find anywhere just contact me at my mail add.
Multiplication times table puzzles and counting(Patrick's theme)

Multiplication times table puzzles and counting(Patrick's theme)

How does this resource excite and engage children’s learning? A fun way for children to learn their times tables and test themselves on both the multiplication and counting fact. These simple multiplication table puzzles from 0 to 20 & counting 0 to 100 in Patrick’s theme. With the help of these times tables, your pupils will perfect their 0 to 20 times tables in a fast-paced and educational activity.The activity encourages pupils to consider both the multiplication times tables and counting elements of puzzles. ** These puzzles are:** 0 times table 1 times table 2 times table 3 times table 4 times table 5 times table 6 times table 7 times table 8 times table 9 times table 10 times table 11 times table 12 times table 13 times table 14 times table 15 times table 16 times table 17 times table 18 times table 19 times table 20 times table 1 to 100 counting 100 to 1000 10000 to 20000 You can use these puzzles in school, at home or on the go! The great thing about puzzles is that they’re simple to use and provide instant feedback. Simple Directions: Simply copy on card stock, laminate, and store in baggies/envelopes for long term use or make individual copies for students to keep and use for homework, morning work, or early finisher work. You’ll be able to base lessons around this times tables & counting activities, use them in short exercises and use them at home. Learning times tables & counting are easy thanks to these puzzles. If you like this product, please follow my store by clicking the green ‘follow me’ at the top of my store page. This will keep you up to date regarding the latest sales and freebies in my store! Also, remember, leaving feedback .
Multiplication times table puzzles and counting(Seuss theme)

Multiplication times table puzzles and counting(Seuss theme)

How does this resource excite and engage children’s learning? A fun way for children to learn their times tables and test themselves on both the multiplication and counting fact. These simple multiplication table puzzles from 0 to 20 & counting 0 to 100 in Dr.Seuss theme. With the help of these times tables, your pupils will perfect their 0 to 20 times tables in a fast-paced and educational activity.The activity encourages pupils to consider both the multiplication times tables and counting elements of puzzles. These puzzles are: 0 times table 1 times table 2 times table 3 times table 4 times table 5 times table 6 times table 7 times table 8 times table 9 times table 10 times table 11 times table 12 times table 13 times table 14 times table 15 times table 16 times table 17 times table 18 times table 19 times table 20 times table 1 to 100 counting 100 to 1000 10000 to 20000 You can use these puzzles in school, at home or on the go! The great thing about puzzles is that they’re simple to use and provide instant feedback. Simple Directions: Simply copy on card stock, laminate, and store in baggies/envelopes for long term use or make individual copies for students to keep and use for homework, morning work, or early finisher work. You’ll be able to base lessons around this times tables & counting activities, use them in short exercises and use them at home. Learning times tables & counting are easy thanks to these puzzles. If you like this product, please follow my store by clicking the green ‘follow me’ at the top of my store page. This will keep you up to date regarding the latest sales and freebies in my store! Also, remember, leaving feedback .
Contraction Easter Puzzles with worksheets

Contraction Easter Puzzles with worksheets

Your students will have fun matching the puzzle pieces to the correct contraction in this Easter Puzzle Fun activity! This pack is filled with a variety of contraction activities, all with an Easter theme.These puzzles & worksheets are quick and easy to prepare for morning work, substitutes, early finishers, anytime! Included: Contraction Egg Puzzles (56 puzzles) 1 Contraction List Poster (color version) 1 Contraction List Poster (black & white version) Contraction or not Activity Cut & Paste sheet Ready to print and go! Thank you for stopping by to check out my products. If you like what you see and find it useful, PLEASE come back and leave me feedback. It would be greatly appreciated and you’ll earn TpT credits!
Self Improvement and Motivation for Success

Self Improvement and Motivation for Success

Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Your feedback is much appreciated, and helps me provide more work that you are looking for. I am always quick to respond to questions as well. Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches: Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates about this store. Terms of Use: Thank you for downloading my product. All rights reserved. Having purchased or free downloading this product, you are granted to make copies of it for: • Your own personal use and • single classroom only You can’t upload this product on any website or blog or modify any part of it or share with others or claim it as your own, it is strictly prohibited and against the law of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. hope you enjoy this! Thank you! You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave a feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you!
Fantasy Adult Coloring Pages for Teachers & students

Fantasy Adult Coloring Pages for Teachers & students

Even teachers need to relax and color sometimes too! Adult coloring has so many benefits. It helps decrease stress levels, inspire positive thinking, keep one’s focus on the present moment, and more! Coloring helps stimulate the brain and generate mindfulness in students and teachers of all ages. Simply print and go! Terms of Use: Thank you for downloading my product. I sincerely hope, you found this activity useful and students would enjoy doing it. All rights reserved. Having purchased or free downloading this product, you are granted to make copies of it for: • Your own personal use and • single classroom only** You can’t upload this product on any website or blog or modify any part of it or share with others or claim it as your own, it is strictly prohibited and against the law of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. **Hope you enjoy this! Thank you! ** You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave a feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you!
Facebook Timeline Cover Version 7

Facebook Timeline Cover Version 7

Stand from the Crowd on Facebook Using this Cool and Eye-Grabbing Timeline Cover! If you are an internet marketer, marketing your website, selling your product or simply be an authority in the niche market you are in, facebook is the place where you can do that. Chances are, you will noticed that in this social media network, your competitors are also in here. So are you going to dominate them? Simple. Use an eye-grabbing facebook timeline cover that can be use as your brand. Inside this package, you will immediately receive 15 timeline cover image and its screenshots on how it actually looks like in your facebook page. Do you don’t need to hire expensive graphics artist anymore! Learn More About Financing Your Child’s School Year! It’s clear that public school isn’t free after all, so what is a parent on a limited budget to do about it? The first thing to do is to accept it, and the next thing to do is to plan for it. If you’re a low-income parent, keep reading; there will be options and resources for you too. You may be surprised to learn about how much each parent is expected to buy for each child in school. Much of this is due to less funding for public schools and also simply technological advances and an unwillingness for local governments to raise taxes to pay for the additional expenses. Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Your feedback is much appreciated, and helps me provide more work that you are looking for. I am always quick to respond to questions as well. Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches: Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates about this store. Terms of Use: Thank you for downloading my product. All rights reserved. Having purchased or free downloading this product, you are granted to make copies of it for: • Your own personal use and • single classroom only You can’t upload this product on any website or blog or modify any part of it or share with others or claim it as your own, it is strictly prohibited and against the law of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. hope you enjoy this! Thank you! You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave a feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you!