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Using show don't tell in creative and descriptive writing

Using show don't tell in creative and descriptive writing

A set of worksheets aimed at improving the quality of writing by learning to use 'show don't tell' effectively. Includes an explanation and example of 'show don't tell' , a self - assessment task, differentiated objectives, three tasks of increasing difficulty and extension tasks. There is space for students to write so nothing else is needed and therefore this would be ideal for cover and, with very little adapting, for homework too.
Gothic Poetry SOW, resources and assessment

Gothic Poetry SOW, resources and assessment

7 Resources
A complete set of resources to teach 'The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner' with a detailed scheme of work to follow, a detailed assessment plan and an easy-to-mark homework project. Also includes a poetry self-assessment sheet to assess knowledge of terminology at the start of the unit and a placemat to support students with poetry analysis.
Improving sentence structure in writing

Improving sentence structure in writing

A set of worksheets aimed at improving the quality of writing by learning to write sentences effectively. Includes an explanation and examples of how to vary sentences and their use, a page of description for students to study, a self -assessment task, differentiated objectives, three tasks of increasing difficulty and extension tasks. There is space for students to write so nothing else is needed and therefore this would be ideal for cover and, with very little adapting, for homework too.
Gothic genre homework project and research task on contextual information

Gothic genre homework project and research task on contextual information

A project homework sheet outlining details of a presentation on the Gothic genre. This serves as a speaking and listening task as well, and therefore does not require any marking in a formal way, just a speaking and listening grade. Research task: prompts students to gather contextual information about the genre - a good preparatory exercise before beginning a Gothic text.
Gothic poetry The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner Parts 1-4 activity pack

Gothic poetry The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner Parts 1-4 activity pack

Part 1 of the poem tasks: Part one of the poem with space beneath each quatrain to write a modern translation. Questions on this part of the poem, lanmguage links to Gothic genre and mini writing task. Part 2 PEEL practise tasks with peer assessment grid and differentiated sheet for less able and student answer sheet. Part 3 True or false, summary of events, writing task and peer assessment Part 4 - tone - analysis of language and tone created in the poem Including differentiated learning objectives
Poems of the Decade - 'Material' by Ros Barber

Poems of the Decade - 'Material' by Ros Barber

A set of four worksheets for students to explore and analyse the poem. Includes differentiated learning objectives, extension tasks and ideas for class discussion. The tasks vary in style (mindmapping, listing, questions on structure, tone etc. quotation grids and tables to plot links to other poems.
our versus are - homophone worksheet

our versus are - homophone worksheet

A handy worksheet for student s to clarify the differences between 'our' and 'are'. Includes explanations of each word with examples and three separate tasks. Good as a starter or extension activity.
Subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses

An explanation and example of subordinate clauses. Tasks of increasing difficulty and differentiated objectives.
Prefixes Activity Worksheet

Prefixes Activity Worksheet

A brief explanation and example of prefixes followed by several simple tasks. Tasks become progressively more difficult and include extensions. A 2 page word document.