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Mathplane's Shop

Average Rating4.61
(based on 13 reviews)

A few items from the mathplane site. There are notes, examples, practice tests (with solutions), and more. All math levels, test prep, enrichment, comics, and more. Thanks for visiting! (We appreciate the support)..




A few items from the mathplane site. There are notes, examples, practice tests (with solutions), and more. All math levels, test prep, enrichment, comics, and more. Thanks for visiting! (We appreciate the support)..
150 SAT LEVEL 2 (Subject Test) Math Questions

150 SAT LEVEL 2 (Subject Test) Math Questions

These 150 Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra II, and Pre-Calculus questions help review for the SAT Subject Math Test (***LEVEL 2). Increase knowledge and improve time management and exam accuracy. Includes Solutions and a few comics. Available in other formats at mathplane.com. Thanks for visiting and supporting TES!
Geometry Triangle Parts and Centers

Geometry Triangle Parts and Centers

This 15 page packet includes parts of triangles: median, altitude, perpendicular bisector, and angle bisector. There are definitions, notes and examples of the centers: centroid, incenter, circumcenter, and orthocenter. There is a practice test (w/ solutions) that applies these concepts -- as well as linear equations, midpoint, and slope.. If you would like to pay for this packet, we appreciate your support! (Proceeds go to TES and the mathplane site.).. Or, you can check out more free geometry content at mathplane. Thanks for visiting!
Logarithm Review Packet

Logarithm Review Packet

This 40+ page packet is a compilation of notes, examples, and practice exercises (with detailed solutions). Topics include exponents, roots, logarithms, e, half-life, word problems, and more. Download or visit mathplane.com to see these and other algebra items. Thanks! (Proceeds support TES and the mathplane site.).
Complete Quadratics Overview

Complete Quadratics Overview

Complete Quadratics Overview has notes, formulas, examples, word problems, and practice quizzes (plus detailed solutions); Algebra topics include 3 forms of quadratic (vertex, intercept, and standard); completing the square, quadratic formula; identifying vertex, intercepts, axis of symmetry, and discriminant; graphing and identifying quadratic equations when given 3 points (utilizing matrix, calculator function, or solving 3 equations with 3 unknowns). Thanks for visiting!
Matrix Coordinate Geometry

Matrix Coordinate Geometry

This 14-page introduction to matrix coordinate geometry involves matrices, transformations, and rotations in the coordinate plane. In addition to examples, there is a practice quiz (with detailed solutions). For more details, contact us. Any proceeds support the mathplane site maintenence and TES. Thanks for visiting!
Trigonometry Navigation Direction and Bearings

Trigonometry Navigation Direction and Bearings

This 16-page introduction to navigation includes examples, diagrams, and formulas. Topics include law of sines and cosines and geometry concepts. Plus, there is a practice quiz (with detailed solutions). If you have questions, let us know. Thanks for visiting! Mathplane.
HIdden Message Puzzles 3 - Algebra 2 Trig

HIdden Message Puzzles 3 - Algebra 2 Trig

12 "hidden message puzzles", integrating a variety of math topics from Algebra and Trigonometry.... (Logarithms, Sequences and Series, Exponents, Word Problems, Trig functions, Degrees/Minutes/Seconds, and more!)... Brief math notes and detailed solutions are included... Review math concepts, practice skills, and learn something new! Thanks for visiting! (Proceeds go to TES, the mathplane site, and extra treats for my dog, Oscar!....).... Find other hidden message samples at mathplane.com
Hidden Message Math Puzzles 2

Hidden Message Math Puzzles 2

19 hidden message puzzles, covering a variety of math topics.. (decimals, fractions, roman numerals, exponents, probability, area, word problems, slope, factors, and more!).. Puzzles vary in level of difficulty; Practice math skills in a fun way (and perhaps learn something new!)... Find samples at the mathplane site. Thanks for visiting!
Introduction to periodic functions: Tangent & Reciprocals

Introduction to periodic functions: Tangent & Reciprocals

This two-part trigonometry packet has notes, examples, and 2 practice tests (with solutions). It includes a brief review of sine and cosine functions; transformations of trig functions (amplitude, horizontal shift, period, vertical shift, and reflection); tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant graphing; comics and random topics. We appreciate your support. Proceeds go to TES and the mathplane site. Thanks for visiting!
Introduction to periodic functions: sine and cosine

Introduction to periodic functions: sine and cosine

This trigonometry packet includes notes, examples, and 2 practice tests (and solutions). In addition to the 4 components of trig graphs (amplitude, horizontal ('phase') shift, vertical shift, and period), random comics and math topics briefly appear. Plus, several word problem examples. Thanks for visiting, and we appreciate your support!
150 SAT Subject Test - Math LEVEL 2 practice questions

150 SAT Subject Test - Math LEVEL 2 practice questions

These 150 Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra II, and Pre-Calculus questions help review for the SAT Subject Math Test (***LEVEL 2). Increase knowledge and improve time management and exam accuracy. Includes Solutions and a few comics. Available in other formats at mathplane.com. Thanks for visiting and supporting TES!
SAT / ACT Topics to know

SAT / ACT Topics to know

A list of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry topics with sample questions. The 54 multiple choice problems include solutions. Find other, more in-depth math test prep resources or other math resources inside TES or at mathplane.com. (Or, check out the comics archives for a bit of humor!)
Complete Conics: Notes, Examples and Tests

Complete Conics: Notes, Examples and Tests

Complete conics offers notes, examples, formulas and graphs; includes circles, ellipses, hyperbolas, and parabolas. (30 + pages). Topics include standard and general forms, center, foci, vertices, directrix, horizontal vs. vertical, eccentricity, completing the square, latus rectum, solving systems, and more.. Each conic section has a practice test AND solutions... Thanks for your support!
Geometry Circles Review

Geometry Circles Review

This 75-page math packet is a compilation of notes, examples, and 5 practice exercises (with solutions). It is designed to review concepts related to circles - including arcs, angles, segments, power theorems, sector area, standard form, and more.
Complete Conics: Notes, Examples and Tests

Complete Conics: Notes, Examples and Tests

Complete conics offers notes, examples, formulas and graphs; includes circles, ellipses, hyperbolas, and parabolas. (30+ pages).. Topics include standard and general forms, center, foci, vertices, directrix, horizontal vs. vertical, eccentricity, completing the square, latus rectum, solving systems, and more.. Each conic section has a practice test AND solutions... Thanks for your support!
200 SAT ACT Math questions (USA)

200 SAT ACT Math questions (USA)

200 SAT ACT Math multiple choice questions; Algebra, Geometry, and basic Trigonometry. A supplement to standardized test prep in the US. Review subjects, improve time management and test taking skills. (A variety of math topics, including word problems, number lines, exponents, functions, area, factoring, and more!) If you have questions, suggestions, or requests, let us know at mathplane.com.
Limits and Asymptotes Review

Limits and Asymptotes Review

A brief review of limits and asymptotes. Includes notes and examples of finding limits of functions. Also, there is a 2-page practice quiz (with solutions). Or, find other pre-calculus and calculus materials at mathplane.com. Thanks for visiting!
Two Roman Numeral Exercises

Two Roman Numeral Exercises

This introduction includes brief notes about Roman Numerals, 2 hidden message puzzles (with solutions), and 2 comics. Find more math resources, support, or contact us at mathplane.com. Cheers.
Algebra 1 review practice test

Algebra 1 review practice test

Algebra 1 review practice test. 24 questions and solutions. Subjects include graphing, factors, linear systems, absolute value, Venn Diagram, and more! Free downloads in .pdf and .docx format. Find more topics at mathplane.com. Thanks for visiting!