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I am a retired EAL teacher. My resources are being produced as a result of need identified while teaching a wide range of EAL students.




I am a retired EAL teacher. My resources are being produced as a result of need identified while teaching a wide range of EAL students.
Days, Months and Seasons

Days, Months and Seasons

The aim of this resources is to teach students the names and order of days, months and seasons in English. There are opportunities for ordering, cut and stick and writing. A front cover has been included if the making of a booklet is required. The words for some special days are included. They are New Year’s Day, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Eid and St Valentine’s Day. It is suggested that the internet can be used to find unknown information. At the end there is a chart for recording class birthdays, followed by a worksheet for recording the survey results. This has been produced for students who are new to English but it is also suitable for use with native English Speakers.
Number Dominoes

Number Dominoes

Number dominoes is suitable for use with students who have a range of levels of English acquisition. It is also useful for native English speakers who are working at different levels. There are six sets of dominoes in this resource. Dominoes Game 1 - Matching number words and numbers in order 1 -50 Dominoes Game 2 – Matching number words and numbers in order 51 – 100 Dominoes Game 3 - Matching number words and numbers out of order 1 – 50 Dominoes Game 4 – Matching number words and numbers out of order 51 - 100 Dominoes Game 5 – Matching number words and numbers in order 1 - 20 Dominoes Game 6 – Matching number words and numbers out of order 1 – 20 The individual dominoes for each game are easily identified by the different coloured borders. The games can be used for learning to read the names of the numbers up to 20 or 100. For younger students the dominoes in order games are also useful for learning number order. It is suggested that students name the number and read the number word on the domino as it is placed on the table. This will help students to retain the vocabulary.
Carpenter / Joiner Vocabulary Activities and Worksheets

Carpenter / Joiner Vocabulary Activities and Worksheets

This resource has been designed for use with carpenters / joiners who are learning English as an Additional Language and are planning to work in an English speaking country or who are already employed in an English speaking country. The subject specific vocabulary is presented in a variety of ways , offering many different opportunities to allow students to familiarise themselves and learn, in a fun way, some vocabulary related to their trade. There are 90 photographs of tools and other items associated with the trade. Activities include - Picture and Word Matching,2 sets of Dominoes, I have... Who has...? Game and Bingo (13 base boards) with call out cards. There are also some Write the Word worksheets and 6 pages of reference sheets that enable students to work independently. There are opportunities for speaking, listening, reading and writing, with the main focus on speaking and listening. While playing the games vocabulary is reinforced by naming the tool / object when placing a card on the table. If vocabulary building resources are required for other occupations, please let me know. Feedback is important to me so that I am able to produce the most helpful resources.
Farm vocabulary Games, Worksheets and Activities

Farm vocabulary Games, Worksheets and Activities

Are you doing a class topic on farms or just wanting to increase English vocabulary? The worksheets, activities and games in this resource provide fun ways of introducing and reinforcing vocabulary in a variety of ways. After students have learned to identify and name the targeted vocabulary, the look and say reference pages enable students to work independently when completing worksheets and activities and while participating in the games. Opportunities for improving the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are available. This resource is printable and can be used within the purchasing institution.
Musical Instruments for EAL /ESL/ ELL

Musical Instruments for EAL /ESL/ ELL

This printable resource Musical Instruments provides a range of worksheets activities and games for teaching and reinforcing the vocabulary of 20 musical instruments through listening, speaking, reading and writing. The resource also includes learning and recording a few facts about some musical instruments. The resource has picture and word matching cards, dominoes, I have… Who has? game, cut and stick, word searches, information cards, true and false and chart completion by identifying and extracting the relevant details from the information cards. Laminating is recommended for durability of the games and information cards . If the information cards are separated and given to individual students, this will encourage speaking in English and interaction with other students who will need to see all the cards for completion of each of the True or False worksheets. A few questions could be suggested for students to use when locating the required information cards. The following are a few examples of what could be written on a white board so that students could have support while asking for/locating cards. Who has the ________ card? Do you have the _______ card? May I have the __________ card please? Can I have the __________ card please? Are you finished with the ___________ card? Would you pass me the ________ card please. or I’m looking for the __________ . I need the ___________.
Days, Months and Seasons Worksheets and Activities

Days, Months and Seasons Worksheets and Activities

The aim of this resources is to teach students the names and order of days, months and seasons in English. There are opportunities for ordering, cut and stick and writing. A front cover has been included if the making of a booklet is required. The words for some special days are included. They are New Year’s Day, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Eid and St Valentine’s Day. It is suggested that the internet can be used to find unknown information. At the end there is a chart for recording class birthdays, followed by a worksheet for recording the survey results. This has been produced for students who are new to English but it is also suitable for use with native English Speakers
About me

About me

This resource is useful for children who have learned the correct letter formation and who are now able to write over dotted letters and copy simple sentences. The content, (as the title suggests) is about the child. Worksheets include opportunities for reading, writing, speaking, drawing and discussion. Topics include their physical appearance, some body parts, who lives at home, likes and dislikes, the alphabet, numbers to ten and friends. If this resource is to be used as a booklet, two choices of front cover are available. For children who are at the initial stage of learning English, the visuals help with developing English vocabulary. If the booklet pages are used as homework tasks, this will allow parents to see their child’s progress and provide input if required.
Verbs - worksheets and games

Verbs - worksheets and games

Verbs Worksheets and Games provides an introduction to four of the English tenses – Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple and Past Continuous. A reference page with visual support has been provided to aid comprehension. The verbs used are:- run, write, sing, dance, sleep, read, eat, drink, play and paint. The information provided is :- • Verb ‘to be’ present and past tenses • When to use the tenses • Spelling rules • Pronouns and use of ‘s’ or ‘es’ in present simple third person singular The games/activities included are :- • Verb Dominoes- picture and words • Verb Picture and word matching cards • Verb Bingo There is a wide range of worksheets, including cut and stick, crossword and word search. Some answers are provided.
Verb - I have... Who has....? game

Verb - I have... Who has....? game

This game provides a fun way of developing listening, speaking in sentences and reading skills. It also reinforces the vocabulary introduced in the resource called Present Tense Verbs 70+ The verbs include: arrange, bang, bark, brush, carry, chop, comb, cover, crack, dive, drag, drop, fasten, fill, fish, gather, glue, hammer, hug, juggle, laugh, lick, listen, measure, open, wash, paint, post, pour, prick, shampoo, snore, sneeze, spill, spray, stir, water, wave, wipe, whisper, yawn ,bend, blow, buy, cut, drink, eat, feed, ring, sing, slide, swing, write give ,hold, light This Verb - I have.. Who has..? game is included in the 70 + Verb collection for EAL / ESL / ELL resource available in the EALEE shop, so please don't purchase this game if you already have this resource.
Pesent Tense Verbs 70+ ( Present Simple and Present Continuous)

Pesent Tense Verbs 70+ ( Present Simple and Present Continuous)

It is much easier to explain the meanings of English verb vocabulary by using visual support and less time consuming for students if they don’t have to constantly make reference to a home language dictionary. Over 70 verbs are introduced in reference pages which have pictures with words. These pages can be used when completing the worksheets if verbs are unknown. The verbs include: arrange, bang, bark, brush, carry, chop, comb, cover, crack, dive, drag, drop, fasten, fill, fish, gather, glue, hammer, hug, juggle, laugh, lick, listen, measure, open, wash, paint, post, pour, prick, shampoo, snore, sneeze, spill, spray, stir, water, wave, wipe, whisper, yawn ,bend, blow, buy, cut, drink, eat, feed, ring, sing, slide, swing, write give ,hold, light The verbs in the reference pages are presented in the present tense. The main focus is on increasing verb vocabulary and forming present simple and present continuous. There are worksheets with visual support and sentences to be completed with the appropriate verbs. Optional booklet covers are also included. Worksheets are available in either colour or black only. There is also a present tense I have…. Who has…? Game available in the EALEE shop. (71 cards) This game is included in the 70+ Verb collection resource for past simple and past continuous. This game is suitable for reinforcing the same verbs used in this resource.
Body Parts for EAL /ESL / ELL / EFL / ESOL / ELD

Body Parts for EAL /ESL / ELL / EFL / ESOL / ELD

This body parts resource provides a variety of fun ways to teach and reinforce body parts vocabulary using the four skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. The Read and Say page at the beginning can be used as a reference page, allowing students to successfully complete tasks independently if vocabulary is unknown. The following words are introduced in this resource. eye, mouth, nose, ear, tongue, hand, head, teeth, arm, leg, foot, toes, nails, shoulders, tummy, hair, finger and thumb. Included in this resource are:- • Read and Say Reference Page • Picture and word matching cards • Body part dominoes – words and pictures • I have…. Who has….? Game • Match the words to the pictures • Cut and stick • Word searches and solutions • Write the words beside the pictures • True or false • Label the body parts • Bingo base boards and call out cards
Pocket Vocabulary Homework Fun

Pocket Vocabulary Homework Fun

Pocket Vocabulary Homework Fun has been designed for use with students who are new to English. By sending the pockets (containing 5 words) home, it provides parents/guardians with opportunities to become more involved with their child’s acquisition of English. Parents could also benefit from their use if they are also new to English. There are 14 pockets. The topics covered are School, Fruit, Vegetables, Food, Drinks, House, Body, Clothes, Vehicles, Colours, Numbers, Jobs, Pets and Flowers. The vocabulary used: Pencil, rubber, eraser, sharpener, chair, table Apple, banana, orange, grapes, pineapple Potato, onion, carrot, cauliflower, cabbage Jam, egg, ice cream, bread, cake Coffee, tea, water, juice, milk Bedroom, hall, living room, bathroom, kitchen Head, mouth, ear nose, eye, Shoes, trainers, skirt, jacket, jumper Bus, train, aeroplane, car, van Blue, red, green, purple, yellow One, two, three, four, five Teacher, nurse, postman, fireman, chef Hamster, cat, rabbit, dog, horse Daffodil, snowdrop, crocus, rose, tulip The pockets are available for printing in either colour or black and white. Sheets for recording who has been given the pockets are also included. They are on pages 29 and 30. Your feedback is very important to me because it lets me see which products are most useful for your students. This helps me to decide if alterations should be made and which new resources I should be producing. Thank you for looking and I appreciate all feedback.
Prepositions  for EAL  / ESL / ELL / ELD / ESOL / ELD

Prepositions for EAL / ESL / ELL / ELD / ESOL / ELD

This cute little hippo makes learning prepositions an interesting and fun experience. By referring to the reference pages, if prepositions are unknown, students are able to successfully complete worksheets. This raises self esteem and consequently builds confidence in using English. The worksheets included are :- Match the words with pictures Circle the word and write in the sentence Write about the pictures Cut and stick - Cut out the hippos and stick in the right place (There are dotted lines for cutting and inserting the hippo when the targeted preposition is behind.) Flash cards are also provided. These could also be used to make an attractive display on the walls to help students to remember and retain the introduced vocabulary. The sentence provided on each flash card contains a preposition used in context. Laminating the reference pages and flash cards is recommended.
Transport Vocabulary Building Resources for EAL / ES L/ ELL

Transport Vocabulary Building Resources for EAL / ES L/ ELL

This resource provides fun ways of learning the English vocabulary of transport. The reference page provides support to students when completing activities, worksheets or playing the games. This enables students to work independently, achieve success and build confidence. Vocabulary car, bicycle / bike, van, caravan, helicopter, rowing boat, ship, aeroplane, scooter, rocket, bus, ambulance, train, lorry, tricycle, submarine, hot air balloon, raft, fire engine, police car, motor bike, kayak, quad, parachute, hang glider, surf board, motor boat Here is the Contents Page CONTENTS – TRANSPORT Page Transport Reference Page 1 Picture and Word Matching Cards 2 – 8 Picture and Word Dominoes 9 – 15 I have ….. Who has…..? Cards 16 – 20 Cut and Stick Worksheets 21 – 24 Bingo Call Out Cards 25 – 26 Eight Bingo Base Cards 27 – 30 Word Searches 31 – 32 Match the Words to Pictures Worksheets 33 – 37 Crosswords 38 – 41 Car Part Dictionary Work 42
Sentence Word Order for EAL / ESL / ELL

Sentence Word Order for EAL / ESL / ELL

Are your students needing to improve their English word order? These worksheets and the suggested follow up activity will help with both written and spoken sentence construction. The 17 worksheets provide illustrations with words provided, in a jumbled order, for making sentences to describe the pictures. Students have the opportunity to rearrange the words and write a sentence describing what is happening in each picture. An additional benefit to completing this task, is that English vocabulary can also be increased because of the use of the visuals depicting the activities to be described. There are 68 sentences to be completed and an optional front cover for use if the worksheets are to be made into booklets. Star Wars characters have been added to make the worksheets more appealing. A sheet for recording students’ completion of the sheets is included. Answer sheets are also provided, giving the option for peer correction. There are verb reference pages at the beginning ( in colour) for use if vocabulary is unknown. All worksheets are in black only, so printing costs are kept to a minimum. If access to photocopying facilities is limited or unavailable, the answers to the questions could be written in a note book, enabling the worksheets to be used over and over again with different students. When the worksheets are completed, a suggested follow up activity could be one student miming a selected action from the illustrations in the worksheets. The other students then try to guess what the student is doing. Depending on the levels of language acquisition, students can use the models of the ordered sentences to express verbally in a sentence what is being mimed, or just provide a one word answer. The student providing the correct answer then gets a chance to choose a different activity and mime to the class. This is usually a fun activity enjoyed by all.
70+ Verb Collection for EAL / ESL / ELL students

70+ Verb Collection for EAL / ESL / ELL students

It is much easier to explain the meanings of English verb vocabulary by using visual support and less time consuming for students if they don’t have to constantly make reference to a home language dictionary. Over 70 verbs are introduced in reference pages which can be used when completing the worksheets if verbs are unknown. The verbs include: arrange, bang, bark, brush, carry, chop, comb, cover, crack, dive, drag, drop, fasten, fill, fish, gather, glue, hammer, hug, juggle, laugh, lick, listen, measure, open, wash, paint, post, pour, prick, shampoo, snore, sneeze, spill, spray, stir, water, wave, wipe, whisper, yawn ,bend, blow, buy, cut, drink, eat, feed, ring, sing, slide, swing, write give ,hold, light The verbs in the reference pages are presented in the present tense. The main focus is on increasing verb vocabulary and forming past simple and past continuous with both regular and irregular verbs. There are worksheets with visual support and sentences to be completed with the appropriate verbs. Worksheets for matching irregular verb present and past words to the appropriate picture, crosswords, dominoes, present and past bingo (20 boards) and present tense I have…. Who has…? (71 cards) Present and past word matching cards are also included. Games and activities always make learning more interesting and fun. Worksheets are available in either colour or black only.
Pocket Vocabulary Homework Fun for EAL / ESL

Pocket Vocabulary Homework Fun for EAL / ESL

Pocket Vocabulary Homework Fun has been designed for use with students who are new to English. By sending the pockets (containing 5 words) home, it provides parents/guardians with opportunities to become more involved with their child’s acquisition of English. Parents could also benefit from their use if they are also new to English. There are 14 pockets. The topics covered are School, Fruit, Vegetables, Food, Drinks, House, Body, Clothes, Vehicles, Colours, Numbers, Jobs, Pets and Flowers. The vocabulary used: Pencil, rubber, eraser, sharpener, chair, table Apple, banana, orange, grapes, pineapple Potato, onion, carrot, cauliflower, cabbage Jam, egg, ice cream, bread, cake Coffee, tea, water, juice, milk Bedroom, hall, living room, bathroom, kitchen Head, mouth, ear nose, eye, Shoes, trainers, skirt, jacket, jumper Bus, train, aeroplane, car, van Blue, red, green, purple, yellow One, two, three, four, five Teacher, nurse, postman, fireman, chef Hamster, cat, rabbit, dog, horse Daffodil, snowdrop, crocus, rose, tulip The pockets are available for printing in either colour or black and white. Sheets for recording who has been given the pockets are also included. They are on pages 29 and 30.


LANGUAGE - This resource provides worksheets and games for developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The pair work game develops the ability to communicate verbally, concentrate and follow instructions. The ‘I have…Who has…?’ game is particularly useful for those new to English. They have the opportunity to hear the Cinderella vocabulary, sentences with a repetitive structure and the chance to reproduce the structure with the support of being able to read the words. This game is beneficial to all students. MATHS - A bar chart, counting items to 10 and filling in missing numbers 1-30 worksheets related to the Cinderella theme are included. The resources cater for a wide range of ability Here is list of the contents contained in the Cinderella resource Characters – words and pictures for reference Vocabulary – words and pictures for reference Picture and Word matching cards Dominoes Characters – Colour and copy sentences Ordering characters and items as they appear in the story. Sort good and bad characters Order characters from kind – nasty Writing sentences about characters – I like/don’t like __________ because…. Writing an invitation to the Ball to a class member/partner Writing an acceptance to the Ball invitation Writing to decline the Ball invitation Bar chart for recording class results about who is going/ not going to the ball Cinderella ‘Wanted’ poster Alternative Cinderella ‘Wanted’ poster Crown colouring page Horses and coach colouring page Counting items (1 – 10) Write in the missing numbers 1 from (1 – 30) Write in the missing numbers 2 from (1 – 30) Colour to match crowns Instructions for Cinderella pair work game Cards for the Cinderella pair work game Cinderella ‘I have….Who has…..?’ game A selection of black and white clipart for students to cut out and use if writing an alternative story about Cinderella and lined pages for story writing
ESL/EAL/EFL/ELD/ELL  Worksheets and Games for Young Emeregent Learners

ESL/EAL/EFL/ELD/ELL Worksheets and Games for Young Emeregent Learners

This ESL / EAL / EFL / ELD/ ELL printable/ photocopiable booklet contains worksheets and games designed for students learning English although it could also be useful for native English speakers. The worksheets will increase the reading and writing of everyday object vocabulary. Games provide opportunities for the development of speaking and listening skills and interaction with peers. The worksheets would be most suited to young emergent learners, although older students and even adults could use some of the games. The vocabulary is introduced on three different reference pages. These reference pages can be used to support the completion of worksheets, thus enabling students to work independently. The resources are suitable for use with isolated learners and classes of emergent learners including EFL students. Vocabulary1 house, car, bus, train, van, bird, dog, cat, school, boy, girl and woman Vocabulary 2 head, hand, foot, man, cow, horse, baby, box, fish. ship, book and ball Vocabulary 3 lorry, flower, mug, plate, knife, fork, spoon, bowl, sheep, tree, bike and pig There are additional reference pages and revision worksheets on number 0 -20 and colours to enable completion of worksheets. Worksheets include: write the word under a picture, sentence completion This is a ..... Here is a......, colour to match and write the word, colour and write, copy the sentences, write the number word, write the number, draw and colour There are three games all for consolidation of the targeted vocabulary. They are: 1. Everyday Objects Bingo / Picture and Word Matching Activity 2. Everyday Objects Dominoes 3. Snap Cards.