I am currently a Spanish teacher and I was tired of looking for effective, straightforward teaching resources for my Spanish students so I decided to make them myself! Prior to teaching, I was professionally trained in curriculum design & development. Today, my materials and approach to teaching Spanish are used by Spanish teachers all across the country! I am new to TES but wanted to explore another avenue for sharing my teaching resources with as many people as possible! Happy teaching!
I am currently a Spanish teacher and I was tired of looking for effective, straightforward teaching resources for my Spanish students so I decided to make them myself! Prior to teaching, I was professionally trained in curriculum design & development. Today, my materials and approach to teaching Spanish are used by Spanish teachers all across the country! I am new to TES but wanted to explore another avenue for sharing my teaching resources with as many people as possible! Happy teaching!
Use these fun Christmas-themed activities to teach your Spanish students some holiday-inspired vocabulary and phrases! Activities include the following:
Vocabulary-picture match (2)
Christmas crossword (clues in English or in Spanish)
Christmas word search
Snowman mask
Christmas songs with Spanish lyrics
I like to put on some festive music and dedicate an entire class to holiday fun!
Answer keys are included!
¡Feliz Navidad!
Introduce your younger students to the 21 Spanish-speaking countries of the world using these fun coloring pages (7 total).
Overview (World Map)
The Caribbean
Central America
South America
There is no better way to teach kids clothing vocabulary in Spanish than with this fun, shopping simulation role-play game! A class favorite for sure!
The objective of this game is to be the first “shopper” to buy at least one item of clothing from five different categories before your opponents, but be careful not to run out of money! Shoppers have €100 to spend at their favorite store in Spain!
Included with this resource:
“Mi Tienda Favorita” catalog
Clothing flashcards (84 items!)
Play money in EUROS
Step-by-step instructions for playing the game
Links to YouTube videos that introduce clothing vocabulary in Spanish
Clothing Vocabulary (84 vocabulary words of clothing, shoes & accessories)
Numbers by 5’s to 100
How to Play…
You are going shopping at your favorite clothing store in Spain! Choose up to 5 individual shoppers or teams and 1 store attendant to begin the game.
Pass out a game board and €100 to each shopper. The store attendant will control the extra money for making change and the clothing items (flashcards).
Shoppers have €100 to spend but they need to buy at least one item from each of the following categories:
Roll the dice. You will choose one item from the category according to the roll of the dice. ¡DESCUENTO! If you roll a 6, the item is on sale! Take 50% off the price of any item you like!
If you roll the dice and already have an item from that category, you may purchase something else from another player, from the store, or pass and wait for your next turn.
You LOVE accessories! If you roll a 4, you MUST purchase something from the accessory category.
In order to buy the item from each category, you must ask for it in Spanish using the correct vocabulary. (Refer to your catalog for help with this.) Keep your items on the game board by category.
The first person to purchase at least one item from each category without running out of money wins!
Everything you need to supplement your food lesson! (Recommended for grades K-2nd!)
Use this series of worksheets with your younger Spanish students to support classroom instruction! This resource includes a coloring page followed by worksheets and a short story for reading comprehension.
Looking for more resources like this? Check out my “Español Básico, Libro 1” workbook series. Book 1 covers the following 10 lessons:
Saludos y Despedidas
Números, Alfabeto, Colores y Formas
El Calendario y El Tiempo
La Hora y Vocabulario de la Escuela
Los Verbos y “Me Gusta”
Los Animales y Las Partes del Cuerpo
Mi Familia
La Comida
¿Adónde vas? Y ¿Qué vas a hacer?
Los Países Hispanohablantes del Mundo
Reinforce learning of possessive adjectives with this fun board game! The object of the game is to be the first person to collect at least two flashcards in all categories using the correct possessive adjective & associated vocabulary word based on the picture.
In order to play this game, students should first be familiar with Spanish possessive adjectives, (singular & plural), and simple vocabulary associated with food, school items, family members, household items, personal items, animals, and clothing. (Alternatively, you can write Spanish vocabulary words on the back of the flashcards if you want to focus on the possessive adjectives alone.)
Possessive adjectives covered by this game are:
Print out the game board on white card stock and cut into two half-size game boards, (you may need multiple copies). Laminate or use page protectors for durability. Print out flashcards on white card stock. Cut along the lines.
For this game you will need:
Game board, one per player
One dice
Choose 4-5 students, or have students choose partners and work in teams. Give the players each a game board.
Detailed instructions for playing the game are included.
A listening exercise for young Spanish students made in collaboration with Calico Spanish!
This is a simple exercise to help students with listening, comprehension, and writing skills by listening to a simple story by Calico Spanish.
First, have students listen to the story on YouTube called “El Cumpleaños de Pepe” by Calico Spanish. (Link included.)
Then, have students complete the worksheets (8 total) working together as a class.
Use character props to discuss the story! (Included!)
Teacher Tip! For a similar but more basic activity, check out the story of “Pedro, el Pez” or “Así Me Gusta a Mí”!
Calico Spanish specializes in creating story-based Spanish curriculum anyone can use to teach Spanish to young children. Explore and learn with Pedro and all his amigos at CalicoSpanish.com/Discover-Stories. Images used with permission from Kids Immersion, LLC.
Recommended for grades K-2nd!
Use this series of worksheets with your younger Spanish students to support classroom instruction! This resource includes a coloring page followed by worksheets and a short story for reading comprehension.
Use this series of worksheets with your younger Spanish students to support classroom instruction! This resource includes a coloring page followed by worksheets and a short story for reading comprehension.
This group of worksheets (lesson 4) will help students with how to describe their family & what is found in each part of a house in Spanish. These worksheets are intended to support classroom instruction and reinforce learning.
For more worksheets like this, check out the following…
Español Básico para Niños, Libro 3, is an entire workbook recommended for grades 1st-3rd that covers the following lessons:
Lección 1 – Repaso del Básico (Saludos, Calendario y Tiempo, Colores y Formas)
Lección 2 – ¿Qué hora es?
Lección 3 – ¡Tantas Preguntas! (Palabras Interrogativas)
Lección 4 – Mi Familia y Mi Casa
Lección 5 – ¡Más Verbos!
Lección 6 – Me Duele
Lección 7 – La Música ¿Puedes tocar?
Lección 8 – La Ciudad y Los Modos de Transporte
Lección 9 – Los Deportes
Lección 10 – La Naturaleza
Are you ready for Earth Day on April 22nd?
Use these fun Earth Day-themed activities to teach your Spanish students some Earth Day-inspired vocabulary and phrases!
Activities include the following:
Vocabulary-Picture Match (3)
Earth Day Crossword Puzzle
Earth Day Word Search
Nature Picture Labeling Activity
Answer keys are included!
¡Feliz Día de la Tierra!
A listening exercise for young Spanish students made in collaboration with Calico Spanish!
This is a simple exercise to help students with listening, comprehension, and writing skills by listening to a simple story by Calico Spanish.
First, have students listen to the story on YouTube called “Pedro, el Pez” by Calico Spanish. (Link included.)
Then, have students complete the next two worksheets working together as a class.
Finally, have students color the coloring page at the end for fun! (One basic, and one a little more difficult.)
Teacher Tip! After watching the video, use the story props on page 7 to ask questions about the story. For example…
¿De qué color es Pedro?
¿De qué color es la guitarra de Pedro?
¿A quién conoce Pedro?
¿Cómo se llama el niño?
¿Tiene Pedro una pizza?
¿Tiene Pedro un piano?
¿Qué tiene Pedro?
Calico Spanish specializes in creating story-based Spanish curriculum anyone can use to teach Spanish to young children. Explore and learn with Pedro and all his amigos at CalicoSpanish.com/Discover-Stories. Images used with permission from Kids Immersion, LLC.
Are you ready for Valentine’s Day?
Use these fun Valentine’s Day-themed activities to teach your Spanish students some holiday-inspired vocabulary and phrases!
Activities include the following:
Vocabulary-picture match (2)
Valentine’s Day crossword puzzle
Valentine’s Day word search
Heart-shaped card
Answer keys are included!
¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!
I love using simple songs and stories to reinforce learning! Calico Spanish has a lot of great videos to teach basic concepts like “Me Gusta” and learning how to use descriptive words in Spanish. I’ve developed this activity to blend nicely with these videos by Calico Spanish.
First, have students listen to the story on YouTube called “Así Me Gusta a Mí” by Calico Spanish.
Then, have students listen to “Chocolate, Uno, Dos Tres…” by Calico Spanish.
Then, have students complete the worksheets working together as a class.
Are you ready for Earth Day on April 22nd?
Use these fun Earth Day-themed activities to teach your Spanish students some Earth Day-inspired vocabulary and phrases!
Activities include the following:
Vocabulary-Picture Match (3)
Earth Day Crossword Puzzle
Earth Day Word Search
Nature Picture Labeling Activity
Answer keys are included!
¡Feliz Día de la Tierra!
There is no better way to teach kids about the names of foods in Spanish than with this fun, restaurant-style game! Students should first be familiar with basic food vocabulary in Spanish. Use menus, play money, place setting, and food flashcards and have kids role-play ordering food in Spanish at a restaurant. A class favorite for sure!
Included with this resource:
Menu for “El Restaurante Fantástico”
Place setting, one with labels and one without, (fork, knife, spoon, plate, glass, napkin, salt & pepper)
44 Food Flashcards for breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks, and deserts
Detailed instructions for playing the game
This listening activity works with a great free online resource through YouTube called “Buena Gente.” There are six episodes and each is between approximately 4-10 minutes long. Follow Sofía and Mateo on a journey where they attempt to find the owner of some very important belongings left behind in their new apartment! All episodes are based in Mexico.
I recommend this activity for students in grades 5 or higher, with at least one full year of Spanish. (This material reinforces grammatical concepts typically covered in a Spanish 1 & 2 HS course.)
These listening exercises are a great way for students to practice comprehension, learn new vocabulary, and discuss grammatical concepts like preterite vs. imperfect, the use of the subjunctive, the future tense, and more! The actors speak very slowly and clearly. I recommend showing these videos with the Spanish subtitles on for the first time and without them the second or third time. After watching, have students work alone or in groups to answer the questions. Review answers with the class to work on pronunciation and to answer any questions. A great tool to reinforce learning!
Worksheets for each episode include a review of verbs, vocabulary introduced in the video, true & false questions, fill-in-the-blanks, question & answer or multiple choice.
Links to jump directly to “Buena Gente” episodes through YouTube are also provided along with an answer key!
This is lesson 1 (28 pages) that covers a review of the basics. This lesson is intended for students who have already been introduced to these basics but could use a refresher.
“Basics” includes worksheets covering the following Spanish fundamentals:
Greetings & Goodbyes
Seasons & Weather
This is a fun introduction to young Spanish students just starting their journey in learning Spanish basics.
This workbook covers the following ten colors in Spanish:
Rojo - red
Amarillo - yellow
Anaranjado - orange
Verde - green
Azul - bue
Rosado - pink
Morado - purple
Marrón - brown
Negro - black
Blanco - white
Included with this resource are all of my favorite worksheets for younger Spanish students, (recommended for grades K-2nd), covering the following lessons:
Lección 1 – Saludos y Despedidas
Lección 2 – Números, Alfabeto, Colores y Formas
Lección 3 – El Calendario y El Tiempo
Lección 4 – La Hora y Vocabulario de la Escuela
Lección 5 – Los Verbos y “Me Gusta”
Lección 6 – Los Animales y Las Partes del Cuerpo
Lección 7 – Mi Familia
Lección 8 – La Comida
Lección 9 – ¿Adónde vas? y ¿Qué vas a hacer?
Lección 10 – Los Países Hispanohablantes del Mundo
Each lesson includes the following activities:
Coloring & drawing activities
Written & verbal activities
Fill in the blank
Match vocabulary words to the corresponding picture
Short dialogue at the end of each lesson for practice!
Use these worksheets as a workbook for your students or print out only what you need for a particular lesson. There are over 100 worksheets included! Worksheets cover all of the lessons listed above and include written exercises, grammar exercises, coloring & drawing activities, and more! My students honestly love these worksheets!
IMPORTANT! Tired of printing and photocopying? If you’re looking for a beautiful professionally printed and bound workbook to distribute to your students, contact me at info@micaminospanish.com!
If you’re not using YouTube videos to supplement learning in your Spanish classes, you’re missing out on an incredible free resource!
This resource includes direct links to 100’s of YouTube Spanish-learning videos painstakingly organized lesson by lesson from my Spanish Basics series, (see below). Simply click on the link and you’ll find countless hours of the best Spanish learning videos from my favorite artists like:
Super Simple Español
Calico Spanish
SAS Curriculum Pathways
El Perro y El Gato
WhyNot Spanish
And more, more, more!
This resource was compiled over years and is the result of hours and hours of searching and previewing YouTube looking for the most entertaining and educational Spanish learning videos, and then organizing them by lesson. I NEVER teach a class without having this document at my fingertips! I hope you’ll find it as INVALUABLE as I do! All six elementary schools in our district use these videos to teach and entertain our Spanish students from Kindergarten through 5th grade.
YouTube video links are provided under the following topics/lessons:
Greetings & Goodbyes & Introduction to “SER”
Numbers, Alphabet, Colors & Shapes
The Calendar & Weather Basics
Telling Time & School Vocabulary
Common Verbs & “Me Gusta”
The Body & “Me Duele”
Animals of the Farm, Forest, Ocean & Jungle
Asking Questions, Adjectives & My Family
Introduction to Food
Introduction to the Present Tense
Introduction to the Simple Future
Introduction to Spanish-Speaking Countries
Prepositions of Place
Parts of a House
Introduction to Clothing
Introduction to Physical Descriptions
Introduction to Professions
Introduction to Affirmative Tú Commands
Daily Routine & Reflexive Verbs
Introduction to Hobbies & Pastimes
The City & Means of Transportation
Holiday-Themed YouTube Videos:
Holiday & Christmas
Valentine’s Day
Earth Day
Cinco de Mayo
Mother’s Day / Father’s Day
Spanish Songs & Comprehension Activities:
Simple Spanish Songs for Younger Children
Traditional Music
Familiar Stories told in Spanish
Interactive Activities & Listening Comprehension
IMPORTANT! Please make sure to preview videos prior to showing them to your students and choose what is most appropriate for your class. I do not own the rights to these videos and they may be taken down at any time without prior notice by the owner or by YouTube.