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Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons

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15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!




15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!
Lesson 2 US Constitution Features Principles

Lesson 2 US Constitution Features Principles

Edexcel Politics ALevel USA Can be used for AQA too Lesson on the Features/ principles of the American Constitution including Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances and Federalism. This is lesson 2 of my unit and follows on from the work we did on the Constitution in lesson 1 and the framers of the constitution. Students learn about the features, using modern, up to date examples mainly from Obama and Trump administrations. They then evaluate how effective the checks and balances are etc, Would the Founding Fathers be pleased with the results?
The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis

Edexcel GCSE Superpower relations Key Topic 2: Cold War Crises Lesson 4 The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 This lesson follows my lesson on the Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs invasion It examines the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev’s defence of sending missiles to Cuba and Kennedy’s decision making as well as the divisive advice from the Hawks and Doves in foreign and defence policy. The consequences of Cuban Missile Crisis are also covered alongside an 8 mark write a narrative account question. Also includes a gap fill model answer to the Explain two consequences of the Bay of Pigs invasion question including an SEND version with words to use to make it easier.
History of USA

History of USA

This lesson was designed as an introduction to US Politics but can also be used as a Historical overview for studying the History of the USA in depth- can be used as a first lesson to build a big picture narrative of the USA and why it remains so divided today. Designed to last a full 2 hour lesson.
WWI Medicine Improvements to Medicine

WWI Medicine Improvements to Medicine

Edexcel GCSE Medicine Through Town WWI Medicine on the Western Front Lesson looking at the developments in medicine during and throughout WWI Includes: Plastic Surgery–Harold Gillies Neurosurgery–Harvey Cushing Shell Shock- Seale Hayne Shrapnel Wounds- Carel Dakin method, debridement etc Blood Transfusions Xrays Thomas Splint Fully resourced does not require textbooks or any additional info other than the video links (supplied) and slides.
WWI The Chain of Evacuation

WWI The Chain of Evacuation

Edexcel GCSE History Medicine Through Time WWI Site Study This lesson examines the problems faced with the Chain of Evacuation Why was the Chain of Evacuation Problematic and how was it improved? All resources included no need for textbooks/ any other resources.
WWI Medicine Gas Attacks

WWI Medicine Gas Attacks

This lesson looks at gas attacks through the skill of source evaluation of utility. Tasks designed for students to develop their skills in evaluating sources. All info included alongside video clips. Also includes model answers to the 8 mark how useful question
The Second Berlin Crisis 1958-1961

The Second Berlin Crisis 1958-1961

Edexcel GCSE History Superpower Relations and the Cold War Key Topic 2: Escalating Tensions Lesson 1 examines the second Berlin crisis, causes, events and consequences with detail on the summits which followed to try and de-escalate tensions between the USA and USSR Very detailed information on the powerpoint; no textbook or other resources needed- complete lesson which links to the next lesson; the Berlin Wall. Also includes 18 question retrieval quiz (answers on the slide for self/ peer assessment) on the entire topic 1: Origins of the Cold war.
Lesson 2 US Constitution Principles/ Features

Lesson 2 US Constitution Principles/ Features

Edexcel Politics ALevel but can be used for AQA This is a double (2 hour) lesson on the Principles and Features of the Constitution. Includes all up to date case studies and examples from the updated Bennett book (2021). Very comprehensive, suitable for new teacher with no knowledge- all informationn and examples included in worksheets and slides. Students to work independently learning about the principles then do some class discussion and evaluation before completing their own “report cards” for the Principles to grade them and justify the grades they have given.
Long Term Causes WWI

Long Term Causes WWI

Long Term Causes of World War I This is a two-three lesson plan looking at the MAIN causes of WWI starting with tensions between the Great Powers and looking at key themes such as Weltpolitik and Imperialism, Alliances and Nationalism and Militarism and Arms/ Naval races. Also includes the Moroccan and Bosnian crises (in brief!) Includes powerpoint, worksheets and several activities- including historiography and interpretations of Germany’s role in “starting WWI.” Suitable for KS3 or as an intro to KS4 unit on International relations.
The Perkin Warbeck Rebellion 1491-1499

The Perkin Warbeck Rebellion 1491-1499

OCR Alevel Tudors Rebellion and Disorder/ Tudor Rebellions This is a lesson on Perkin Warbeck’s rebellion I teach this AFTER the Cornish rebellion even though it technically begins before- this is to group the economic rebs and have them bookended by Dynastic threats and also to show the response to the rebellion when Warbeck lands in Cornwall in Sept and ensure students do not muddle that with the Cornish rebellion of 1497 (early summer) Can be used for any Tudor Rebellions/ Tudors ALevel Very detailed and in depth- all themes covered.
The Yorkshire Rebellion 1489

The Yorkshire Rebellion 1489

OCR Tudors Rebellion and Disorder/ Tudor Rebellions Thematic ALevel Course This lesson covers the Yorkshire Rebellion of 1489. I teach the rebellions initially thematically with attention to the themes as we go through and then I cover the themes discretely at the end. This lesson includes all notes and materials needed for the Yorkshire rebellion 1489 including an analysis of the threat posed Note: Picture files (PNG) are for illustration only. Your downloaded folder will contain fully editable documents in powerpoint and word.
The Lovell and Stafford Rebellion

The Lovell and Stafford Rebellion

OCR Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors ALevel History- this can also be used for other boards studying Tudor Rebellions Lesson 2: Lovell and Stafford Rebellion Comprehensive and complete lesson, fully resourced studying the Lovell and Stafford Rebellion Includes detailed notes on Causes, Aims, Nature, Events, Threat posed, Government response and Impact of the Lovell and Stafford Rebellion. Also includes the “pink sheet” we use to record the basics about all rebellions which aren’t depth studies.
Anglo Saxon Resistance

Anglo Saxon Resistance

Edexcel GCSE History: Anglo Saxon and Norman England Key Topic 2 Lesson covering Anglo Saxon rebellions against William This fully resourced lesson has everything you need to teach the rebellions against William. In reality it will take two lessons to do it properly and properly tell the stories of the Saxons who fought back. Covers the rebellions of Edwin and Morcar, Edgar Aethling and King Sweyn and Hereward the Wake.
The Feudal System

The Feudal System

Edexcel Anglo Saxons and Normans Topic 3: Life in Norman England Lesson 1: The Feudal System Detailed lesson on the Feudal system, importance of Tenants in Chief, Knights and Knight Service. Any references to textbook can be ignored as all info from textbook is on the slides but if you have the textbooks, you can set it as independent work instead. Includes key terms, diagrams etc.
The Godwins and Rising against Tostig

The Godwins and Rising against Tostig

Two lessons for GCSE Edexcel Anglo Saxon and Norman England House of Godwin and rise to power and the Rising against Tostig Includes exam question (12 marker) and model answer Fully resourced with powerpoints and worksheets
How did William Establish Control

How did William Establish Control

Edexcel GCSE: ANglo Saxons and Normans Can be used/ adapted for other exam boards. Topic 2- looking at the ways in which William established control- this is a lesson created to save teaching time by covering a lot of content in 1 lesson with students splitting the workload and then teaching each other the content. Includes retrieval quiz for topic 1 Anglo Saxons and all resources necessary- if you don’t have the textbooks all info is on the slides which can be printed and handed out to relevant groups.
How did the Bolsheviks Consolidate Power?

How did the Bolsheviks Consolidate Power?

Lesson on the Red Terror, the Cheka, Political Decrees, Murder of Romanovs, War Communism and Gulags This is a source based lesson for students to do in groups. It examines the various methods Bolsheviks used to consolidate their power and control. To complement my lessons on the Civil War- this has more in depth analysis of War Communism, Propaganda, the Cheka etc as well as in depth work on murder of the Romanovs. No powerpoint- just a big A3 template, a card sort and lots of sources
Russian Revolutions Revision

Russian Revolutions Revision

Tired of mixing up revolutions? This resource is designed to support ALevel/ GCSE students in differentiating between the 3 revolutions in Russia. It is a colour code match up of information for the 1905, Feb 1917 and Oct 1917 revolutions. Includes: Long term causes, short term causes/ sparks, aims, leadership and support, events, impact on government etc. Also includes answers.
Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine

Edexcel GCSE lesson (can be used for any board) Detailed and complete lesson on TRuman Doctrine and Marshall Plan and the consequences including the formation of Comecon and Cominform and the division of Europe into 2 alliances. This is lesson 3 in my Cold War Unit for Key Topic 1: Origins of the Cold War. Includes all info// detail on slides, no need for textbooks or any other resource.
The Berlin Blockade and Airlift 1948- 1949

The Berlin Blockade and Airlift 1948- 1949

Edexcel GCSE lesson on the first Berlin Crisis 1948-1949 From Unit of work on Superpower Relations This is lesson 4 in my unit of work key topic 1: Origins of the Cold War Examines Causes and Consequences of the First Berlin Crisis, includes previously classified documents from the Truman library