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Pays du monde (textes d'information et exercices) - français

Pays du monde (textes d'information et exercices) - français

Pays du monde (textes d’information et exercices) - français Preview: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13068305 You will receive the material and solutions in DOCX format and in PDF format! Afghanistan, Afrique du Sud, Albanie, Algérie, Allemagne, Andorre, Angola, Antigua-et-Barbuda, Arabie saoudite, Argentine, Arménie, Australie, Autriche, Azerbaïdjan, Bahamas, Bahreïn, Bangladesh, Barbade, Belgique, Belize, Bénin, Bhoutan, Biélorussie, Bolivie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Botswana, Brésil, Brunei, Bulgarie, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodge, Cameroun, Canada, Cap-Vert, Chili, Chine, Chypre, Colombie, Comores, Congo, République, Congo, République démocratique, Corée du Nord, Corée du Sud, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatie, Cuba, Danemark, Djibouti, Dominique, Égypte, Émirats arabes unis, Équateur, Érythrée, Espagne, Estonie, Eswatini, États-Unis d’Amérique, Éthiopie, Fidji, Finlande, France, Gabon, Gambie, Géorgie, Gibraltar, Grèce, Grenade, Guatemala, Guinée, Guinée équatoriale, Guinée-Bissau, Guyana, Haïti, Honduras, Hongrie, Inde, Indonésie, Irak, Iran, Irlande, Islande, Israël, Italie, Jamaïque, Japon, Jordanie, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirghizistan, Kiribati, Kosovo, Koweït, Laos, Lesotho, Lettonie, Liban, Libéria, Libye, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Macédoine du Nord, Madagascar, Malaisie, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Malte, Maroc, Maurice, Mauritanie, Mexique, Micronésie, Moldavie, Monaco, Mongolie, Monténégro, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibie, Nauru, Népal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Oman, Ouganda, Ouzbékistan, Pakistan, Palaos, Panama, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Paraguay, Pays-Bas, Pérou, Philippines, Pologne, Portugal, Qatar, République centrafricaine, République dominicaine, République tchèque, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Russie, Rwanda, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis, Saint-Marin, Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines, Salomon, Salvador, Samoa, São Tomé-et-Príncipe, Sénégal, Serbie, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapour, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Somalie, Soudan du Sud, Sri Lanka, Suède, Suisse, Suriname, Syrie, Tadjikistan, Taïwan, Tanzanie, Tchad, Thaïlande, Timor oriental, Togo, Tonga, Trinité-et-Tobago, Tunisie, Turkménistan, Turquie, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Vatican, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yémen, Zambie, Zimbabwe
Länder der Erde (Informationstexte und Übungen ) - deutsch

Länder der Erde (Informationstexte und Übungen ) - deutsch

Länder der Erde (Informationstexte und Übungen ) - Deutsch You will receive the material and solutions in DOCX format and in PDF format! Preview: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13068305 Afghanistan, Ägypten, Albanien, Algerien, Andorra, Angola, Antigua und Barbuda, Äquatorialguinea, Argentinien, Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Äthiopien, Australien, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesch, Barbados, Belgien, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Botswana, Brasilien, Brunei, Bulgarien, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire (Elfenbeinküste), Dänemark, Deutschland, Dominica, Dominikanische Republik, Dschibuti, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estland, Eswatini (Swasiland), Fidschi, Finnland, Frankreich, Gabun, Gambia, Georgien, Gibraltar, Grenada, Griechenland, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Indien, Indonesien, Irak, Iran, Irland, Island, Israel, Italien, Jamaika, Japan, Jemen, Jordanien, Kambodscha, Kamerun, Kanada, Kap Verde, Kasachstan, Katar, Kenia, Kirgisistan, Kiribati, Kolumbien, Komoren, Kongo, Demokratische Republik, Kongo, Republik, Kosovo, Kroatien, Kuba, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Lettland, Libanon, Liberia, Libyen, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxemburg, Madagaskar, Malawi, Malaysia, Malediven, Mali, Malta, Marokko, Marshallinseln, Mauretanien, Mauritius, Mexiko, Mikronesien, Moldawien, Monaco, Mongolei, Montenegro, Mosambik, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Neuseeland, Nicaragua, Niederlande, Niger, Nigeria, Nordkorea, Nordmazedonien, Norwegen, Oman, Österreich, Osttimor, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua-Neuguinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippinen, Polen, Portugal, Ruanda, Rumänien, Russland, Saint Kitts und Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent und die Grenadinen, Salomonen, Sambia, Samoa, San Marino, São Tomé und Príncipe, Saudi-Arabien, Schweden, Schweiz, Senegal, Serbien, Seychellen, Sierra Leone, Simbabwe, Singapur, Slowakei, Slowenien, Somalia, Spanien, Sri Lanka, Südafrika, Südkorea, Südsudan, Suriname, Syrien, Tadschikistan, Taiwan, Tansania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad und Tobago, Tschad, Tschechien, Tunesien, Türkei, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Ungarn, Uruguay, Usbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatikanstadt, Venezuela, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigtes Königreich, Vietnam, Weißrussland, Zentralafrikanische Republik, Zypern
Países del mundo (textos informativos y ejercicios) - Español

Países del mundo (textos informativos y ejercicios) - Español

Países del mundo (textos informativos y ejercicios) - Español Preview: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13068305 You will receive the material and solutions in DOCX format and in PDF format! Afganistán, Albania, Alemania, Andorra, Angola, Antigua y Barbuda, Arabia Saudi, Argelia, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaiyán, Bahamas, Bahrein, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belice, Benín, Bielorrusia, Bolivia, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Botsuana, Brasil, Brunéi, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bután, Bélgica, Cabo Verde, Camboya, Camerún, Canadá, Chad, Chile, China, Chipre, Ciudad del Vaticano, Colombia, Comoras, Congo, República del, Congo, República Democrática del, Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur, Costa de Marfil, Costa Rica, Croacia, Cuba, Dinamarca, Dominica, Ecuador, Egipto, El Salvador, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Eritrea, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Estados Unidos de América, Estonia, Etiopía, Filipinas, Finlandia, Fiyi, Francia, Gabón, Gambia, Georgia, Gibraltar, Grecia, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea Ecuatorial, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Guyana, Haití, Honduras, Hungría, India, Indonesia, Irak, Irlanda, Irán, Islandia, Islas Marshall, Islas Salomón, Israel, Italia, Jamaica, Japón, Jordania, Kazajstán, Kenia, Kirguistán, Kiribati, Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Lesoto, Letonia, Liberia, Libia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Líbano, Macedonia del Norte, Madagascar, Malasia, Malawi, Maldivas, Mali, Malta, Marruecos, Mauricio, Mauritania, Micronesia, Moldavia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Myanmar, México, Mónaco, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Níger, Omán, Pakistán, Palaos, Panamá, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Paraguay, Países Bajos, Perú, Polonia, Portugal, Qatar, Reino Unido, República Centroafricana, República Checa, República Dominicana, Ruanda, Rumania, Rusia, Samoa, San Cristóbal y Nieves, San Marino, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Santa Lucía, Santo Tomé y Príncipe, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leona, Singapur, Siria, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suazilandia, Sudáfrica, Sudán del Sur, Suecia, Suiza, Surinam, Tailandia, Taiwán, Tanzania, Tayikistán, Timor Oriental, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad y Tobago, Turkmenistán, Turquía, Tuvalu, Túnez, Ucrania, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistán, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Yibuti, Zambia, Zimbabue
Paesi del mondo (testi informativi ed esercizi) - Italiano

Paesi del mondo (testi informativi ed esercizi) - Italiano

Paesi del mondo (testi informativi ed esercizi) - Italiano Preview: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13068305 You will receive the material and solutions in DOCX format and in PDF format! Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua e Barbuda, Arabie saoudite, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaigian, Bahamas, Bahreïn, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgio, Belize, Benin, Bhoutan, Bielorussia, Bolivia, Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Botswana, Brasile, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodge, Camerun, Canada, Capo Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chine, Cile, Cipro, Città del Vaticano, Colombie, Comore, Corée du Nord, Corée du Sud, Costa d’Ivoire (Costa d’Avorio), Costa Rica, Croazia, Cuba, Danimarca, Dominica, Ecuador, Egitto, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini (Swaziland), Etiopia, Figi, Finlandia, Francia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germania, Gibraltar, Gibuti, Grecia, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea Equatoriale, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, I Paesi Bassi, Il Belgio, Il Kosovo, Il Lussemburgo, Inde, Indonésie, Irak, Iran, Irlanda, Isole Solomon, Israël, Italia, Jamaïque, Japon, Jordanie, Kazakistan, Kenya, Kirghizistan, Kiribati, Koweït, L’Islanda, La Lettonia, La Turchia, Laos, Lesotho, Liban, Liberia, Libia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Macedonia del Nord, Madagascar, Malaisie, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marocco, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexique, Micronesia, Moldavia, Monaco, Mongolie, Montenegro, Mozambico, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norvegia, Nuova Zelanda, Népal, Oman, Ouzbékistan, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua Nuova Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Polonia, Portogallo, Pérou, Qatar, Regno Unito, Repubblica Ceca, Repubblica del Congo, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Repubblica Dominicana, Romania, Ruanda, Russia, Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis, Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines, Sainte-Lucie, Samoa, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapour, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Somalia, Spagna, Sri Lanka, Sud Africa, Sud Sudan, Suriname, Svezia, Svizzera, Syrie, São Tomé e Príncipe, Tadjikistan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thaïlande, Timor oriental, Togo, Tonga, Trinité-et-Tobago, Tunisia, Turkménistan, Tuvalu, Ucraina, Uganda, Ungheria, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yémen, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Émirats arabes unis, États-Unis d’Amérique
Music - Mega Bundle

Music - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 272 pages on the subject of music (workbook, worksheets). You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization. These are the topics: Accidentals (1), Accidentals (2), Bass clef, Chords (Major), Chords (Major, Minor), Chords (minor), Instrument images (1), Instrument images (2), Instrument images (3), Intervals (1), Intervals (2), Intervals (3), Keys (Major), Keys (major, minor), Keys (Minor), music (bundle), note and rest values, notes with treble clef, Piano Keys, Read music (1), Read music (2), Read music (3), Reading-and-writing-music-notes (Workbook), Scales (Major, Minor)
Mytholgy - Mega Bundle

Mytholgy - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 582 pages (xx worksheets) of 97 worksheets. You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization. These are the topics: Amun, Anubis, Bastet, Hathor, Horus, Isis, Khonsu, Ma’at, Mut, Nut, Osiris, Ptah, Ra (Re), Sekhmet, Set, Shu, Sobek, Tefnut, Thoth, Balder, Bragi, Eir, Forseti, Freyja, Freyr, Frigg, Gefjon, Heimdall, Hel, Idun, Loki, Njord, Odin, Sif, Skadi, Thor, Tyr, Ullr, Vidar, Greek Mythology Aphrodite, Greek Mythology Apollo, Greek Mythology Ares, Greek Mythology Artemis, Greek Mythology Athena, Greek Mythology Demeter, Greek Mythology Dionysus, Greek Mythology Eris, Greek Mythology Eros, Greek Mythology Hades, Greek Mythology Hecate, Greek Mythology Helios, Greek Mythology Hephaestus, Greek Mythology Hera, Greek Mythology Hermes, Greek Mythology Hestia, Greek Mythology Hypnos, Greek Mythology Iris, Janus, Morpheus, Nemesis, Nike, Pan, Persephone, Poseidon, Selene, Thanatos, Triton, Tyche, Zeus’s Birth, Roman Mythology Apollo, Roman Mythology Bacchus, Roman Mythology Bellona, Roman Mythology Ceres, Roman Mythology Cupid, Roman Mythology Diana, Faunus, Fides, Fortuna, Janus, Juno, Jupiter, Laverna, Mercury, Minerva, Mithras, Neptune, Ops, Pluto, Pomona, Proserpina, Quirinus, Salacia, Saturn, Terminus, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan
Psychology - Mega Bundle

Psychology - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 996 pages (332 worksheets) of psychology worksheets. You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization. Some of the topics: Adolescent Psychology | Adult Psychology | Behavioral Psychology | Biological Basis of Behavior | Child Psychology | Cognition and Language | Cognitive Psychology | Cross-Cultural Psychology | Developmental Psychology | Educational Psychology | Evolutionary Psychology | Forensic Psychology | Health Psychology | History of Psychology | Humanistic Psychology | Industrial-Organizational Psychology | Intelligence | Introduction to Psychology | Learning | Memory | Motivation and Emotion | Neuropsychology | Personality Theories | Positive Psychology | Psychodynamic Psychology | Psychological Disorders | Research Methods in Psychology | Sensation and Perception | Social Psychology | Sport Psychology | States of Consciousness | The Psychology of Addiction | The Psychology of ADHD | The Psychology of Advertising | The Psychology of Ageism | The Psychology of Aging | The Psychology of Agnosticism | The Psychology of Anger | The Psychology of Animal Behavior | The Psychology of Anxiety | …
Religion - Mega Bundle

Religion - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 1056 pages (176 worksheets) of xxx worksheets. You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization. Some of the topics: The Beliefs of Agnosticism | The Beliefs of Bruneian Islam | The Beliefs of Hinduism | The Beliefs of Jordanian Christianity | The Beliefs of Timorese Catholicism | The Concept of Afterlife in Different Religions | The Concept of Afterlife in Indonesian Islam | The Concept of Afterlife in Malaysian Islam | The Concept of Afterlife in Maldivian Islam | The Concept of God in Armenian Christianity | The Concept of God in Atheism | The Concept of God in Bruneian Islam | The Concept of God in Different Religions | The Concept of God in Filipino Catholicism | The Concept of God in Indonesian Islam | The Concept of God in Iraqi Islam | The Concept of God in Malaysian Islam | The Concept of God in Norse Mythology | The Concept of God in Singaporean Religion | The Concept of Heaven and Hell | The Concept of Heaven and Hell in Israeli Judaism | The Concept of Heaven and Hell in Laotian Buddhism | The Concept of Heaven and Hell in North Korean Religion | The Concept of Heaven and Hell in Thai Buddhism | The Connection Between Religion and Burmese Morality | The Connection Between Religion and Indonesian Morality | …
Middle East Conflict - Mega Bundle

Middle East Conflict - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 246 pages (workbook, Escaperoom, worksheets) You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization.
Media - Mega Bundle

Media - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 1134 pages (xx worksheets) of 189 worksheets. You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization. These are the topics: The Challenges of Media Accessibility, The Challenges of Media Disinformation, The Challenges of Media Ethics, The Challenges of Media Fragmentation, The Challenges of Media in The Era of Algorithmic Bias, The Challenges of Media in The Era of Content Moderation, The Challenges of Media in The Era of Cybersecurity, The Challenges of Media in The Era of Deepf, The Challenges of Media in The Era of Disinformation, The Challenges of Media in The Era of Fake News, The Challenges of Media in The Era of Privacy Concerns, The Challenges of Media in The Information Age, The Challenges of Media in The Post-Truth Era, The Challenges of Media Literacy Education, …
Math - Mega Bundle

Math - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 411 pages with worksheets, task cards, puzzles, dominoes and dice games. These are the topics: Mental arithmetic with natural numbers and decimals.
Animals and Plants - Mega Bundle

Animals and Plants - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 2263 pages (xx worksheets) of 377 worksheets. You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization. Some of the topics Aardvark, Acai Berry (Euterpe oleracea), Adaptation, Adrenal Glands, Agave (Agave spp.), Alligator, Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller), Alpaca, Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), Amla-Indian Gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica), Ant, Apple (Malus domestica), Armadillo, Aronia Berry (Aronia melanocarpa), Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea), Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), Aubergine-Eggplant (Solanum melongena), Avocado (Persea americana), Axolotl, Baboon, Bacteria, Bald eagle, Banana (Musa spp.), Bandicoot, Barley (Hordeum vulgare), Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Bat, Bear, Bee, Beetle, Beetroot (Beta vulgaris), Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum), Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), Bilby, Biodiversity, Biomes, Biotechnology, Bison, Black Eyed Pea (Vigna unguiculata), Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum), Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), Boa constrictor, Boysenberry (Rubus ursinus x idaeus), Broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica), Budgerigar, Buffalo, Butterfly, Butternut Squash (Cucurbita moschata), Cacao (Theobroma cacao), …
Chemistry - Mega Bundle

Chemistry - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 2262 pages (xx worksheets) of 377 worksheets. You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization. These are the topics: Acetals, Acetic acid, Acid-base titration, Actinides, Activation energy, Adhesion, Aerosols, Air density, Air, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Alkali metals, Alkaline earth metals, Alkaline manganese cell, Alkanes, Alkanoic acids, Alloy, Amides, Amino acids, Amino group, Ammonia, Ampholyte, Anion, Anionic polymerization, Aqua regia, Aromatics, Arrhenius equation, Atomic structure in chemistry, Autoprotolysis of water, Auxochrome groups, Azo dyes, Benedict’s reagent, Benzene, Benzoic acid, Biodiesel, Biuret reaction, Blast furnace process, Bohr model of the atom, Boron group, Boudouard equilibrium, Bromine, Brønsted-Lowry acid-base theory, Buffer solution, Calorimetry, Capillary action, Carbon cycle, Carbon group, Carbon modifications, Carbonates, Carbonic acid, …
Geography - Mega Bundle

Geography - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 2394 pages (399 worksheets) of geography worksheets. You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization. These are the topics: Aconcagua (Argentina) | Aegean Sea | Alps (Europe) | Altai Mountains (Asia) | Amundsen Sea | Amur River (Asia) | Andaman Sea | Andes (South America) | Annapurna (Nepal) | Apennine Mountains (Europe) | Appalachians (North America) | Arabian Sea | Araguaia River (Brazil) | Arctic Ocean | Atlantic Ocean | Atrai River (Asia) | Baffin Bay | Bagmati River (Asia) | Baltic Sea | Barak River (Asia) | Barents Sea | Bay of Bengal | Beaufort Sea | Bellingshausen Sea | Bering Sea | Bhote Koshi River (Asia) | Black Sea | Brahmani River (Asia) | Brahmaputra River (Asia) | Broad Peak (Pakistan, China) | Brooks Range (North America) | Budhi Gandaki River (Asia) | Buri Dihing River (Asia) | Caribbean Sea | Carpathian Mountains (Europe) | Caspian Sea | Caucasus Mountains (Europe, Asia) | …
Biology - Mega Bundle

Biology - Mega Bundle

This package contains an incredible 5628 pages (938 worksheets) of biology worksheets. You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization. Some of the topics: 2nd Law of Mendel | 3rd Law of Mendel | 5 Kingdoms of life | Abiotic environmental factors | ABO system | Acetylcholine | Acid rain | Action potential | Active immunization | Active transport | Adaptive immune response | Adaptive radiation | Adder | Additive polygeny | Adenine | Adenosine triphosphate | ADHD | Adrenaline | Adult stem cells | Aerobic cellular respiration | Afferent nerves | Age structure of Germany | Aggression inhibition | Aggressive behavior | AIDS | Albatross | Alcoholic fermentation | Alexander Fleming | Algae | Allele | Allen’s rule | Allergy | Allopatric speciation | Allosteric inhibition | Alternation of generations | Altruism | Alzheimer’s | Amino acid sequence comparison | Ammonites | Amniocentesis | Amoebas | Amphetamine | Amphibian | Amphibians | Amygdala | Anaconda | Anaerobic cellular respiration | Analogy | Anaphase of mitosis | …
Large Music Bundle

Large Music Bundle

This material pack consists of 132 pages (plus 132 pages of solutions) with worksheets, games and task cards on various music topics: Note values, note names, scales, instruments, accidentals, chords, piano keys, intervals, chords, …
Computer Science

Computer Science

This package contains an incredible 4056 pages (676 worksheets) of computer science worksheets. You will receive the worksheet in PDF format for easy printing and in DOCX format for customization. Some of the topics: 2d Array in C | Abstraction Computer Science | Access Modifiers | Accumulator | Actor Model | Advanced Data Structures | Agile Methodology | Agile Scrum | Algorithm Analysis | Algorithm in C | Analogue Signal | AND Gate | AND Operator in C | Android | Anti Malware Software | Apache Flink | Apache Kafka | App Design | Approximation Algorithms | Arithmetic Logic Unit | Array as function argument in c | Array C | Arrays | Assembler | Assignment Operator in C | Automata Theory | Automatically Creating Arrays in Python | AVL Tree | B Tree | Backtracking | Backup | Backus Naur Form | BCD Counter | …