Nick & Bethan Redshaw's A-Level Psychology Resources
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(based on 65 reviews)
Nick and Bethan are co-authors of the highly successful independent learner series of student workbooks and have been teaching A level Psychology since 1999 and involved in Examining for over 15 years.
Nick and Bethan are co-authors of the highly successful independent learner series of student workbooks and have been teaching A level Psychology since 1999 and involved in Examining for over 15 years.
NEED a Lesson? Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time.
This PowerPoint fully supports our popular Memory Section of our Popular Student Workbooks and covers the following learning objective:
Lesson 7 - Retrieval failure due to absence of cues
SPECIAL OFFER (by popular request) includes the Attachment Workbook, MTLP Lesson Plans and all the PowerPoint’s for the Attachment Topic:
Content includes;
Week 1 - Explanations of Attachment
Lesson 1 - Animal studies of attachment Lorenz and Harlow
Lesson 2 - Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory of Attachment
Lesson 3 - The Learning Theory of Attachment
Week 2 - Caregiver-infant interactions in humans
Lesson 4 -Caregiver-infant interactions in humans
Lesson 5 - Stages of attachment identified by Schaffer
Lesson 6 - Multiple attachments and the role of the father
Week 3 - Types of Attachment
Lesson 7 - Use of the “Strange Situation”
Lesson 8 - Cultural variations in attachment including van Ijzendoorn
Week 4 - Bowlbys Theory of Maternal Deprivation
Lesson 9 - Bowlbys Theory of Maternal Deprivation
Lesson 10 - Romanian orphan studies
Lesson 11 - The influence of early attachment
Written by leading authors and teachers Nick and Bethan Redshaw to help their students achieve their full potential. (Teacher Reference - JB Can not recommend these resources more highly! Has made the delivery of A level psych a dream! )
The WORKBOOK and supporting POWERPOINT(s) are also available individually here on TES
Student Workbook and Supporting Powerpoints Covers all the compulsary specification criteria click on each resource to view the contents it covers.
SPECIAL OFFER - AQA Year 2 - Schizophrenia Workbook & Powerpoints - Bundle Only £26 (normally £29 if bought individually)
The workbook and powerpoints are a must and will help your students achieve their potential in the NEW A Level Exams as well as saving you hours of preparation time. IDEAL for developing the flipped classroom.
The WORKBOOK and supporting POWERPOINT(s) will also be available individually here on TES
Written by leading authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 Psychology in Context, ISSUE, DEBATES and OPTIONS and builds on their highly successful year 1 material which is also available to download here on TES (Teacher reference - I have bought your Year 1 e-workbook, which I found to be amazing! )
Student Workbook and Supporting Powerpoints Cover:
Option 2 Schizophrenia - Learning Objectives
On completion of this unit you should be familiar with the following:
Week 15 -The Classification of Schizophrenia
1. The Classification of schizophrenia.
2. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia, including hallucinations and delusions.
3. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia, including speech poverty and avolition.
4. Reliability and validity in diagnosis and classification of schizophrenia, including reference to co-morbidity, culture and gender bias and symptom overlap.
Week 16 - Biological explanations for Schizophrenia
1. The Biological explanations for schizophrenia
2. Genetics
3. The dopamine hypothesis
4. Neural correlates
Week 17 - Psychological explanations for Schizophrenia
1. Psychological explanations for schizophrenia
2. Family dysfunction
3. Cognitive explanations, including dysfunctional thought processing
Week 18 - Therapies for Schizophrenia
1. Drug therapy: typical and atypical antipsychotics
2. Cognitive behaviour therapy as used in the treatment of schizophrenia
3. Family therapy as used in the treatment of schizophrenia
4. Token economies as used in the management of schizophrenia
5. The importance of an interactionist approach in explaining and treating
schizophrenia; the diathesis-stress model.
Our Resources are also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE AREA (Psychexamhelp). Students need to pay an additional subscription to receive LIVE help and exam performance feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page
Written by leading academic authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw this answer booklet is specifically for all the questions in our Approaches sections of our successful and extremely popular student workbooks:
1. AS Level - Introductory Topics and Psychology in Context Workbook ISBN 978-1-326-80919-5
2. A Level - Paper 2 Psychology in Context Student Workbook ISBN 978-1326809133
3. Approaches Student Workbook here on TES
OUR Student Workbooks build on over fifteen years of outstanding success and is ideally suited for the classroom, homework, independent study, review, exam preparation and extension. (students that also use our student workbook go on to achieve outstanding results).
The AS Level - Introductory Topics and Psychology in Context Workbook and Year 1 - Approaches Student Workbook can be downloaded here on TES our A Level Paper 2- Psychology in Context Student Workbook can only be purchased direct from our Amazon Bookshop
Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources. " Nick and Bethan your student workshop was fantastic pitched at the right level, we will definitely be using you again next year for both Year 12 and Year 13 - excellent resources" Inner London School.
This eagerly anticipated powerpoint has been produced by leading authors Nick and Bethan specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 - OPTION 3 - Forensic Psychology and maps onto our VERY popular Year 2 - Option 1 - Cognition and Development Workbook also available for download here on TES
This powerpoint covers Week 9 - Vygotsky’s theory of Cognitive Development
1. Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development, including the zone of proximal development and scaffolding.
Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE.
Our workbooks are also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE ACADEMY (Psychexamhelp) and LIVE Online Course. Students need to pay an additional subscription to receive LIVE help and exam performance feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page or contact Nick and Bethan
Nick & Bethan are proud to have worked with top independent and state schools since 2004 developing 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources that have helped 10,000's students achieve results above that of the national average.
" Nick and Bethan your student workshop was fantastic pitched at the right level, we will definitely be using you again next year for both Year 12 and Year 13 - excellent resources" Inner London School.
This Mini Bundle Includes the Independent Learner Workbook (ILW) and Powerpoint for Lesson 1 Week 7 - Research Methods Additional Content
Learning Objectives
On completion of this unit you should be familiar with the following:
Lesson 1. Research methods
a. Content analysis, coding and Thematic analysis
b. Case studies.
Our complete Teacher Resource Pack (TRP) is available for only £595 and includes all our year 1 and year 2 teaching and learning resources or if budgets are tight for only £30 we will set up your own bespoke TRP which you can add to at your own pace.
Contact us for further information on
Visual and Engaging Psychology Specific Posters by Nick and Bethan Redshaw
As most of you know we run the very popular Psychexamhelp on Twitter. Many a time we have been asked by teachers how they can get hold of our colourful and engaging posters.
So by popular demand we have posted them here on TES all you need to do is print them out at your school.
Designed by us their aim is to break down the AQA Psychology Specification into easily digestible chunks of information. Our visual and attention grabbing designs are guaranteed to brighten up your classrooms and engage your students. A really good tip is to make your classroom specific for the Learning Cycle you are in, for example if covering Social Influence put up your Social Influence posters and create colourful and engaging learning environments for your pupils?
We offer over 100 different designs, covering all the psychology topics topics, from Paper 1 through to Paper 3.
About these Practice Papers and Mark Schemes (students that also use our student workbook go on to achieve outstanding results)
Summative Assessment - the goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against a gold standard or benchmark.
This Question Paper Covers - Paper 2 Psychology in Context
1. Approaches in Psychology
2. Biopsychology
3. Research Methods
Our practice papers and associated mark schemes have been prepared by our team of highly experienced assessment writers all of which have over 16 years of experience as senior examiners and heads of departments and considered by a panel of subject specialists/teachers all from high achieving state and independent schools across the UK to ensure they cover the relevant specification topic areas and provide the most realistic practice papers
The actual tests may not be identical, but we are confident these provides our students and your students the best possible preparation for the exams.
Please note that Advanced Success is not associated with the AQA or any other awarding body in any way. These tests do not include any official questions and they are not endorsed by the AQA or any other awarding body.
Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time. The comprehensive powerpoint fully supports our popular student workbook section on the Explanations for forgetting also available to download from TES
Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE.
SPECIAL OFFER - AQA Year 2 - Forensic Workbook & Powerpoints - Bundle Only £25 (normally £34 if bought individually)
The workbook and powerpoints are a must and will help your students achieve their potential in the NEW A Level Exams as well as saving you hours of preparation time. IDEAL for developing the flipped classroom.
The WORKBOOK and supporting POWERPOINT(s) will also be available individually here on TES
Written by leading authors and teachers Nick and Bethan Redshaw specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 Psychology in Context, ISSUE, DEBATES and OPTIONS and builds on their highly successful year 1 material which is also available to download here on TES (Teacher reference - I have bought your Year 1 e-workbook, which I found to be amazing! )
Student Workbook and Supporting Powerpoints Cover:
Option 3 Forensic Psychology - Learning Objectives
On completion of this unit you should be familiar with the following:
Week 21 - Defining and Measuring Crime
1. Problems in defining crime.
2. Ways of measuring crime, including official statistics, victim surveys and offender surveys.
Week 22 - Offender Profiling
1. Offender profiling
2. The top-down approach, including organised and disorganised types of offender
3. The bottom-up approach, including investigative Psychology
4. Geographical profiling.
Week 23 - Biological Explanations of Offending Behaviour
1. An historical approach (atavistic form)
2. Genetics
3. Neural explanations.
Week 24 - Psychological explanations of offending behaviour
1. Eysenck’s theory of the criminal personality
2. Cognitive explanations; level of moral reasoning and cognitive distortions, including hostile attribution bias and minimalisation
3. Differential association theory
4. Psychodynamic explanations.
Week 25 - Dealing with offending behaviour
1. The aims of custodial sentencing
2. The psychological effects of custodial sentencing.
3. Recidivism.
4. Behaviour modification in custody.
5. Anger management and restorative justice programmes.
Our Resources are also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE AREA (Psychexamhelp). Students need to pay an additional subscription to receive LIVE help and exam performance feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page
Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources.
This eagerly anticipated powerpoint has been produced by leading authors Nick and Bethan specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 Psychology in Context, ISSUE, DEBATES and OPTIONS and maps onto our VERY popular Year 2 - AQA New Specification Workbook - Issues and Debates also available for download here on TES
This powerpoint covers Week 3;
1. Universality and bias. Gender bias including androcentrism and alpha and beta bias.
2. Cultural bias, including ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.
3. Ethical implications of research studies and theory, including reference to social sensitivity
Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE.
Students can also subscribe to our A Level PsychExamhelp. to receive LIVE help and feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page and contact Nick and Bethan our follow us here on TES and send us a message.
Written by leading authors Nick and Bethan Redshaw specifically for the AQA Psychology Paper 2 Specification content for Research Methods
Teacher Reference: Summer 2016—Hi Nick and Bethan, it went brilliantly! Over 50 per cent of my 51 students got A grades – Inner London School with a high proportion of pupil premium students.
Paper 2 RESEARCH METHODS - Learning Objectives
On completion of this Topic you should be familiar with the following:
Click on Each link to view the full content covered:
Week 1 - The Experimental Methods
Week 2 - The Non-Experimental Methods
Week 3 Key Features of Science
Week 4 Data handling and analysis
Week 5 Ethics in Psychology
Our workbooks are also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE AREA (Psychexamhelp). Students can also receive LIVE help and exam performance feedback at a small extra cost for more information go to our website or contact us through twitter.
NEED a Lesson? Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time.
This PowerPoint fully supports our popular Attachment Section of our Popular Student Workbooks and covers the following learning objective:
Lesson 9 - Bowlbys Theory of Maternal Deprivation
An area students often struggle with this very short clear presentation covering the main assumptions (A01), strengths and weaknesses (A03)of the cognitive approach is ideal.
My students love them.
Since 2004 Nick and Bethan have worked with top independent and state schools to develop 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources. " Nick and Bethan your student workshop was fantastic pitched at the right level, we will definitely be using you again next year for both Year 12 and Year 13 - excellent resources" Inner London School.
This eagerly anticipated powerpoint has been produced by leading authors Nick and Bethan specifically for the AQA Psychology Specification Year 2 - OPTION 3 - Forensic Psychology and maps onto our VERY popular Year 2 - Option 3 - Forensic Psychology Workbook also available for download here on TES
This powerpoint covers Week 22 - Offender Profiling
1. Offender profiling
2. The top-down approach, including organised and disorganised types of offender
3. The bottom-up approach, including investigative Psychology
4. Geographical profiling.
Fully mapped onto the NEW Specification and SOW and has been fully crossed reference with question papers and mark schemes from Spec A, B and the New STEM. In addition includes material and terms mentioned in the SOW but not included in most 'endorsed textbooks' DOWNLOAD sit back and LIVE LIFE.
Our workbooks are also be supported by our Unique LIVE ONLINE ACADEMY (Psychexamhelp) and LIVE Online Course. Students need to pay an additional subscription to receive LIVE help and exam performance feedback for more information go to our website at the right hand side of the page or contact Nick and Bethan
NEED a Lesson? Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time.
This PowerPoint fully supports our popular Memory Section of our Popular Student Workbooks and covers the following learning objective:
Lesson 3 - Types of long-term memory
NEED a Lesson? Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time.
This PowerPoint fully supports our popular Attachment Section of our Popular Student Workbooks and covers the following learning objective:
Lesson 6 - Multiple attachments and the role of the father
NEED a Lesson? Save yourself HOURS and HOURS of planning and preparation time.
This PowerPoint fully supports our popular Social Influence Section of our Popular Student Workbooks and covers the following learning objective:
Lesson 6 - Explanations for Obedience
Nick & Bethan are proud to have worked with top independent and state schools since 2004 developing 'Outstanding' teaching and learning resources that have helped many students achieve results above that of the national average.
" Nick and Bethan your student workshop was fantastic pitched at the right level, we will definitely be using you again next year for both Year 12 and Year 13 - excellent resources" Inner London School.
This Independent Learner Powerpoint covers the following Learning Objectives:
Option 2 Eating Behaviour Week 16 - Explanations for Anorexia Nervosa
1. Biological explanations for anorexia nervosa, including genetic and neural explanations.
2. Psychological explanations for anorexia nervosa:
· family systems theory, including enmeshment, autonomy and control;
· social learning theory, including modelling, reinforcement and media;
· cognitive theory, including distortions and irrational beliefs.
Our complete Teacher Resource Pack (TRP) is available for only £595 and includes all our year 1 and year 2 teaching and learning resources or if budgets are tight for only £30 we will set up your own bespoke TRP which you can add to at your own pace.
Contact us for further information on