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'Your one stop shop for ENGAGING, AUTHENTIC ideas to keep your students busy, and schools wanting you to come back. Resources that are easy to use with links to some amazing websites and a host of free resources.' Teaching is one of the most creative jobs I know, even after 30 years of teaching I realise that every day is different. You may be teaching the same subjects and grades, but it's children that make teaching both the challenging and rewarding profession that I have known. Creating




'Your one stop shop for ENGAGING, AUTHENTIC ideas to keep your students busy, and schools wanting you to come back. Resources that are easy to use with links to some amazing websites and a host of free resources.' Teaching is one of the most creative jobs I know, even after 30 years of teaching I realise that every day is different. You may be teaching the same subjects and grades, but it's children that make teaching both the challenging and rewarding profession that I have known. Creating
Harmony Day Themed Fast Finishing Activities

Harmony Day Themed Fast Finishing Activities

A Selection of games for numeracy and literacy to use as warm ups, brain breaks or extension activities for fast finishers. Harmony day Themed, with BLM that can printed off and coloured in to keep them busy. Boggle Game Number of the day Categories worksheet and game What are your spelling words worth? A handy resource for casual teachers, includes a blank so that you can make up your own games. You will get a powerpoint presentation and PDF in this bundle
Easter Themed Brain Breaks, Time fillers or Extension Activities

Easter Themed Brain Breaks, Time fillers or Extension Activities

A Selection of games for numeracy and literacy to use as warm ups, brain breaks or extension activities for fast finishers. Easter themed with BLM that can printed off and coloured in to keep them busy. Boggle Game Number of the day Categories worksheet and game What are your spelling words worth? A handy resource for casual teachers, includes a blank so that you can make up your own games.
Bonanza Bundle of Resources - 30 resources in this Huge Pack

Bonanza Bundle of Resources - 30 resources in this Huge Pack

Over 600 pages of ideas and activities!! This bundle has my most popular resources in it. "The Survival Kit for Casual Relief Teachers"-111 pages of ideas and activities linked across all KLA's. This is a great starter for any Casual Teacher's resource kit, so many ideas that are guaranteed to make your life a little easier. Easy Links-Wonderful websites for very busy teachers Have you bookmarked hundreds of links? This book may be the answer to your organisational dreams. It is designed to be an easy to use, interactive resource. It has been sorted into categories with links to provide answers and help for frequently asked questions posed in posts on Facebook and other social group forums. Booklet Bundles which are all integrated across all KLA's to make programming easier. These booklets are for all classes with links to online versions of picture books through slideshare or youtube, integrated lesson plans and a fully interactive timetable which links to all of my pinterest boards. Never be short of an idea again. Themes are 'Under the Sea'and 'Animals' 'First and Second hand accounts'- linked to Australian events in recent history eg opening of the opera house, Harbour Bridge, Apology to the Nation, Cyclone Tracy, Cliffy Youngs marathon run, Cathy Freemans gold medal run. This resource makes teaching first and second hand accounts of events, authentic and engaging. Fairy Tales- K-2 A themed unit of work on Fairy Tales for infants classes. Enough activities in here to be differentiated for middle primary students too. 'Optical illusions - a great brain break to use or can be integrated with Art, to create some fantastic 3D art projects 'Scattergories'-this game is a fantastic addition to any teachers toolkit, complete with lists for lots of variety Digital links booklets- 2 downloads with suggested links to apps and websites for Numeracy and Literacy. A fantastic resource if you don't know where to start looking for resources on the internet The files shown in this bundle incredible value You will get 30 ebooks in total This is a winzip file so please make sure you have a programme to open it. Click on each book title to see a description of the product. Survival Kit for Casual Relief Teachers Easy Links-Wonderful websites for very Busy Teachers Animal Themed Booklets Sea themed Booklets First and Second Hand Accounts- Australian Topics Optical Illusions Scattergories Game Literacy Links Numeracy Links Fairy Tales Lateral thinking game Editable behaviour bracelets Behaviour Posters Fishing for Answers Blank word search template Harmony Day activities Fast finishers bundle and Xmas activities
Animal Themed Bundle Cross Curricular Unit year 3 and 4

Animal Themed Bundle Cross Curricular Unit year 3 and 4

3 Resources
This is the bundle for your Stage 2 students. Year 3 This resource booklet is a time saver for all primary teachers. Within the book are links and activities which will help keep a year 3 class busy for a week or more. There are links to units of work, videos, interactive games, fantastic apps and printable activities. Based around the theme of Animals, children will have opportunities to engage in some wonderful activities base on the story book "Giraffes can't dance" by Giles Andreae All resources and sites that have been selected are free, or through subscription (with no fee) To get maximum benefit from this eBook you will need to really explore the links and contents to adapt and modify to the children you will be working with. The suggested timetable is linked to hundreds of ideas for CAPA and PDHPE. Year 4 This booklet uses one of my all time favourite stories, "Lester and Clyde" by James H. Reece. A wonderful tale that explores the themes of pollution on the environment, recycling, and of course frogs. There are resources linked to all of these ideas within the booklet. Your students may enjoy a research project using a Webquest, or investigate how far a 'cottonball frog' can jump. This resource is a time saver; there are some fabulous links for you to explore and make these units of work your own. To get the best use out of this booklet, I encourage you to click on all of the available downloads and links. There are many treasures hidden in here. The Pinterest board alone is full of some fantastic and engaging activities for the theme of frogs and caring for our environment. You could easily stretch this unit to a month with all the ideas available. Free Classroom management booklet included and this bundle includes a set of ICEBREAKER cards
Analysing First and Second Hand Accounts- Australian events

Analysing First and Second Hand Accounts- Australian events

I hope that you find this resource helpful with explicit teaching of first and second-hand accounts of an event. They have been based on Australian events for use in Australian schools, or if you are studying Australia as a unit of work. Extensive research has gone into each passage and they have been written to fit the purpose of this teaching focus There are prompt cards, language analysis charts, comparison templates, links to footage of the events on YouTube, links to some fantastic resources to practise this challenging activity (including power points) Topics covered Cliff Young wins the Westfield Ultra Marathon Cathy Freeman wins Gold at the Sydney 2000 Olympics The opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge Australia II wins the America's cup The opening of the Sydney Opera House Jessica Watson sails solo around the world Thredbo Landslide disaster Cyclone Tracy devastates Darwin Kevin Rudd's apology to the Stolen Generation Linked to Australian outcomes
Supply Starter Kit

Supply Starter Kit

3 Resources
This kit comprises Survival Kit for Casual Relief Teachers Easy Links Wonderful Websites Behaviour management resources and Printables A great starter kit for anyone who may be about the begin their role as a supply or casual relief teacher. This bundle will save you a massive Ten pounds
Easy Links, Wonderful Websites for very busy Teachers

Easy Links, Wonderful Websites for very busy Teachers

Why this book?? Have you bookmarked, pinned and saved hundreds of links? Do you promise that one day you will sort them out? This book may be the answer to your organisational dreams. It is designed to be an easy to use, interactive resource. It has been sorted into categories with links to provide answers and help for frequently asked questions posed in posts on Facebook and other social group forums. 400 hyper-linked webpages and PDFs This small investment will save you hours of your precious planning time and money. By investigating the comprehensive list of websites and links to free resources you can inexpensively build on your vital pool of resources. It is estimated teachers spend $2000 annually on resources. Let this book help to keep some of this money in your pocket Contents Mindfulness in the Classroom Art Anti-Bullying and Resilience Drama Music and Singing PDHPE and Games Geography History Science Curriculum Maths Literacy Behaviour Management Classroom Management Relief Teaching Resources Fabulous Freebies Wonderful Weeblies Educational Blogs Aboriginal Education Report Writing Special Needs Pinterest for Teachers Facebook for Teachers New Scheme Teachers and Accreditation CV and Job Applications Brain Breaks and Time Fillers Internet Safety Interactive Whiteboards Thinking Skills
A Survival Kit for Supply and Relief Teachers

A Survival Kit for Supply and Relief Teachers

Now includes additional resources....Behaviour management booklet and Attention Getters. Since first compiling this resource in 2010, the classroom of the 21st Century has changed rapidly. Collaboration amongst teachers has also evolved, whether it be through Facebook, Blogging, Weeblies , Wiki spaces, Livebinder, Symbaloo, Twitter, Pinterest etc. There is so much on the internet now that at times it can become consuming and slightly overwhelming. I have included more website links and included a description of each website and what you will find there which is new. The activities remain the same. I have been building up my Pinterest Boards, so have included links to them within the book. Hope that you enjoy the layout. After 30 years of teaching, I thought it was well overdue to start sharing all those gems that you use in your day to day teaching that help make learning more meaningful and fun. I began to build a resource kit for myself when I began casual teaching, and then I realised just how many ideas and activities I had been using over the years. I have spent many hours searching through websites, searching books for great ideas and activities. I have now collected and compiled my book of activities and hints for casual teachers ...... A survival Kit to take with you when the phone rings, and you aren't sure what to take with you. The eBook can be used with any storage, to access when you need a quick activity or weblink. Copyright is granted to print off 1 copy for personal classroom use. (Please respect copyright and do not share or attempt to sell PDF, or print hard multiple copies)
CHRISTMAS Cross Curricular Activities k-6

CHRISTMAS Cross Curricular Activities k-6

This 90 page Christmas unit has activities and links across all KLAs so that you need not spend hours searching the net for fun and engaging tasks. Includes both English and US spelling on some printables so that they can be used universally. Some links to free resources are included in this resource so there is plenty of exploring to be done. You can use these activities as brain breaks, introductory tasks, time fillers... keep them on your USB for a quick and easy access.


Use these quick writing starters to get the brain ticking over. These are best used as a timed activity with students given a short amount of time 10-15 minutes to work on their writing. No worrying about spelling, the focus of these tasks is to get the ideas flowing and down onto paper. Group sharing of ideas is an important and integral part of this process. Students may be encouraged to work further on one of these ideas. Use the dice template for a different variation of characters settings and problems with a multitude of combinations. Best printed on heavy card stock or laminated for durability.


These cards are wonderful for use as a brain break or as a way of stimulating discussion in the classroom. Use as a writing response card Think, pair, share discussion Would you rather strips for debating and speaking ideas. Early finishing cards Laminate to prolong the use of these cards


A small sample of some of the great graphic organiser which are just a small part of the larger collection of printable resources in my 'Ultimate Relief teaching Survival Kit' Print these off to use to plan, summarise, brainstorm or use on the IWB with the smart ink tools to help work collaboratively with the students, so that they get the idea to fill in their own worksheets. Space has been left for you to fill in your own topic for each worksheet. The original book has over 570 pages, an incredibly thorough resource for any Substitute or relieving teacher. Enjoy this free version and I hope that they are a welcome addition to your teaching kit.