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'Your one stop shop for ENGAGING, AUTHENTIC ideas to keep your students busy, and schools wanting you to come back. Resources that are easy to use with links to some amazing websites and a host of free resources.' Teaching is one of the most creative jobs I know, even after 30 years of teaching I realise that every day is different. You may be teaching the same subjects and grades, but it's children that make teaching both the challenging and rewarding profession that I have known. Creating




'Your one stop shop for ENGAGING, AUTHENTIC ideas to keep your students busy, and schools wanting you to come back. Resources that are easy to use with links to some amazing websites and a host of free resources.' Teaching is one of the most creative jobs I know, even after 30 years of teaching I realise that every day is different. You may be teaching the same subjects and grades, but it's children that make teaching both the challenging and rewarding profession that I have known. Creating
Animal Themed Bundle Cross Curricular Unit year 5 and 6

Animal Themed Bundle Cross Curricular Unit year 5 and 6

3 Resources
This is the bundle for your Stage 3 students . This combination booklet is a time saver for all primary teachers. Within the book are links and activities which will keep your upper primary classes busy for a week or more. There are links to units of work, videos, interactive games, fantastic apps and printable activities. Based on the theme of Animals, children will enjoy 'The Great Kapok Tree' and 'The Great Bear' To use these booklets to their best, you will need to really explore the links and contents within them. The suggested timetable is linked to hundreds of ideas for CAPA and PDHPE. This bundle also includes a set of lateral thinking puzzles to get them thinking
Ocean Road Trip themed Decor Pack

Ocean Road Trip themed Decor Pack

Create a beautiful, calm and organized class with this OCEAN ROADTRIP Themed editable pack with a bright sunny background. I have put together a pack to cover everything you might need. Take a look at the preview to see some of the items included. This set is designed to meet the needs of abilities across a range of classes. Master decor pack- which includes name desk cards with number lines and alphabets, an alphabet desk card, tub labels, group job labels, editable calendar, numbers in circle themed tags, name tags, colour posters, birthday cards, awards, alphabet cards, desk group name cards, editable cards to make your own. alphabet cards with images alphabet cards without images- ideal for copying or use with playdough and sorting folder spines for easy identification daily schedule editable calendar continents of the world tub labels-rectangle and square bunting newsletter template-editable punctuation posters roman numerals 2D, 3D and nets of shapes Number cards with ten frames Times Table Charts A3 Roman Numerals A3 Continents A3 Punctuation Posters A3 Foundation style numbers and letters for NSW teachers (Other states- no problem as these are all fully editable Additional A3 sheets included are: weather chart jobs list daily calendar classroom poster maths language posters maths mindset posters with emoji themes angles types of triangles time facts parts of speech posters I have used Century Gothic as the placeholder in these slides but it is up to the teacher to individually modify them. The lines may not suit the font that you are using and so I have provided you with a blank sheet that can be used for you to add the line style that is used in your particular school or district. In Australia, for example, we have a different font style for each state and so it would be incredibly difficult to create a resource for everyone of them….hence this resource being made editable. If you would prefer not to do the editing yourself, I am happy to do it for you for you for a small fee (you would need to provide the font for me to use as I don’t have all school fonts on my computer) This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
Grade 3-4 Sub Plans for Emergency Teaching days and Relief Teachers

Grade 3-4 Sub Plans for Emergency Teaching days and Relief Teachers

Being a relief teacher and a substitute teacher can come with its own set of challenges. This Relief Teacher Survival Kit is your one-stop resource for handling a job assignment with confidence and ease! Your students will LOVE all of the easy-to-use activities If you are just starting out in your teaching career, or if you need a spark of new ideas, this resource is jam-packed with activities you can use with your students. It includes hundreds of fun, authentic, and engaging activities that I have used with great success in my own classrooms throughout my teaching career. -This pack will help you to pick up and tackle any class in grades 3-4 Activities are aligned to suit the capabilities of these students with additional sheets that can be used as covers for work books, or early finishing activities What is included in this pack? Math worksheets Fractions-shapes and numbers Math facts Place value Graphs and data Sudoku Two step addition Multiplication practise Shapes Word Problems A range of worksheets across different aspects of any literacy curriculum- spelling, writing, grammar and comprehension Spelling sheet Find a word Advertisement Verbs, nouns and adjectives Descriptive writing Synonyms and antonyms Comparative idioms Film review Present Simple Tense Confusing verbs Icebreaker activities My weekend Find someone who Guess who Geography worksheets- general geography activities so that they can be used across all countries Pet investigation-which country, fun facts Natural and built environments Compass Reading comprehension -Floods Seasons Country Fact files and comparison Design a coin and a note A-Z of countries PDHE Feeling Safe Personal boundaries Secrets People I trust Teaching tips for Relief/Substitute teachers-teacher feedback On arrival at your school Preparing your bag of tricks Rewards and awards Teacher feedback sheet Incident report sheets While you were out Behavior management strategies Positive phrases to use with your students Getting to know you Cover sheets A sheet for each subject that students can color in or use as book covers. Ideal to use as an early finishing sheet to have on hand if you need it. The key to feeling less stress and having more success as a substitute teacher is being organised and well-prepared. Print and bind the pages into a book format, which you can take with you to your various teaching assignments.Don’t forget to rate after downloading! (It gives you credit towards your next TpT purchase! This is for use by one teacher in one classroom. If you would like to share with your colleagues, PLEASE purchase a multiple license. Thank you :)
Animal Themed Cross Curricular Unit k,1,2

Animal Themed Cross Curricular Unit k,1,2

3 Resources
This is the bundle for your ES1 and Stage 1 students. This combination booklet is a time saver for all primary teachers. Within the book are links and activities which will keep your infants class busy for a week or more. There are links to units of work, videos, interactive games, fantastic apps and printable activities. Based on the theme of Animals, children will enjoy 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' 'One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab.'' Mrs Wishy Washy' and 'The Gruffalo' To use these booklets to their best, you will need to really explore the links and contents within them. The suggested timetable is linked to hundreds of ideas for CAPA and PDHPE.
Relief Teaching Survival Kit' - Great for Supply and New Teachers (Australia)

Relief Teaching Survival Kit' - Great for Supply and New Teachers (Australia)

Every Relief teachers dream kit. Over 700 Pages in this resource bundle. The kit is 570 pages, and included in it is the Animal guessing game in both PDF and PowerPoint for use with IWB. (Both 158 pages each) The Ultimate Relief Teaching Survival Kit is designed for any primary teacher, but essentially with Casual Relief teachers in mind. The book includes teacher written activity sheets and Weblinks to support the teaching of all Key Learning Areas of the Syllabus and save you hours of frustrating searching for online resources. Improve your effectiveness as a teacher with a working knowledge of the internet, enabling you to provide exciting and engaging activities for your students and in so doing increase your chances of call- backs from schools. The resources included in the book gives up-to-date coverage of the context and requirements of relief teaching. It provides a toolkit of professional, technical and pre-tested strategies for use in the classroom that will help make your job as a Specialist Relief Teacher a rewarding one. I am so excited to have collaborated with some respected and talented resource makers who have given permission for full versions of some of their resources to be included in this E Book. Please take the time to check out the other wonderful resources that they have available online to help build your Relief Teaching Kit to be the ULTIMATE ‘bag of tricks’, guaranteed to impress both schools and students alike. Included in the book Meet my wonderful collaborators What do I need to do to begin Casual Relief Teaching? Classroom and Behaviour Management Making up your bag of tricks Planning Literacy Numeracy Science History Geography Library Art and Craft Drama Music PDHPE and Games Computer Room Time RFF Mindset and Mindfulnesss Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) Apps for teachers and Students Playground Duty Tips Report Writing Aboriginal Education Special Needs Facebook Groups Pinterest Boards How to Find Free Resources Printable Resources Blank Game Boards Bibliography Troubleshooting Tips Credits My Social Links and Other Resources. Printable resources are included in a single bundle for ease of printing (print on single side only if you are going to laminate)- over 300 items to print for your Ultimate Teaching bag of tricks!! Please Read the Terms of Use in the Book (page 10)
Math Bundle for Early Grades

Math Bundle for Early Grades

8 Resources
This bundle is a great starter kit for anyone who is looking to build their resources for younger grades. These are suitable for children aged between 5-7 with plenty of activities to reinforce concepts of trading, number facts and subitising. The ipad screens are a great way for students to record their findings. Easily wiped if there is an error!! Save 50% on the total price of these resources in this bundle
PIRATES cross curricular bundle Perfect for THINK LIKE A PIRATE DAY

PIRATES cross curricular bundle Perfect for THINK LIKE A PIRATE DAY

This bundle is on sale at its lowest price and includes 5 of the 10 cross curriculum pirate units which will be added as I go. They will include pirate STEM Talk like a pirate cards word Wall Mapping and grid work with a pirate theme Counting and graphing Pirate themed objects for younger students Pirate themed decor pack Pirate themed Award Cards ROLL a story Decor Pack Pirate research and create pack
Behaviour Management Strategies and Printables

Behaviour Management Strategies and Printables

This is a carefully chosen selection of the Behaviour management sections of my Ultimate Relief Teaching Survival Kit. If you are only interested in Behaviour management strategies in the classroom then this resource will be a great addition to your teaching resource kit. This 203 page resource has plenty of links and printable ideas for any primary classroom teacher to include in their professional library of resources. Included in this resource are: Terms of Use Being the Best you can be- websites, articles and advice Classroom Behaviour and Behaviour Management- weblinks, posters, traffic light system printables Ice Breakers- printable fun cards to use in groups or on IWB, would you rather discussion strips, websites, class planner, My Bag of Tricks- Suggestions and strategies, Weblinks, and Blooms taxonomy poster for reference Reward Systems- cafe style punch cards, no cost reward cards, class currency printables, reward bracelets, Class Dojo style award cards, Interactive timetable suggestion linkedd to all of my pinterest boards. Planning tools and websites What to do on RFF- Positive Mindset- posters and links Playground duty- responsibilities and weblinks, incident report Trouble Shooting Tips Printable Classroom Posters Bibliography My social links and Acknowledgements
Easy Links, Wonderful Websites for very busy Teachers

Easy Links, Wonderful Websites for very busy Teachers

Why this book?? Have you bookmarked, pinned and saved hundreds of links? Do you promise that one day you will sort them out? This book may be the answer to your organisational dreams. It is designed to be an easy to use, interactive resource. It has been sorted into categories with links to provide answers and help for frequently asked questions posed in posts on Facebook and other social group forums. 400 hyper-linked webpages and PDFs This small investment will save you hours of your precious planning time and money. By investigating the comprehensive list of websites and links to free resources you can inexpensively build on your vital pool of resources. It is estimated teachers spend $2000 annually on resources. Let this book help to keep some of this money in your pocket Contents Mindfulness in the Classroom Art Anti-Bullying and Resilience Drama Music and Singing PDHPE and Games Geography History Science Curriculum Maths Literacy Behaviour Management Classroom Management Relief Teaching Resources Fabulous Freebies Wonderful Weeblies Educational Blogs Aboriginal Education Report Writing Special Needs Pinterest for Teachers Facebook for Teachers New Scheme Teachers and Accreditation CV and Job Applications Brain Breaks and Time Fillers Internet Safety Interactive Whiteboards Thinking Skills
A Survival Kit for Supply and Relief Teachers

A Survival Kit for Supply and Relief Teachers

Now includes additional resources....Behaviour management booklet and Attention Getters. Since first compiling this resource in 2010, the classroom of the 21st Century has changed rapidly. Collaboration amongst teachers has also evolved, whether it be through Facebook, Blogging, Weeblies , Wiki spaces, Livebinder, Symbaloo, Twitter, Pinterest etc. There is so much on the internet now that at times it can become consuming and slightly overwhelming. I have included more website links and included a description of each website and what you will find there which is new. The activities remain the same. I have been building up my Pinterest Boards, so have included links to them within the book. Hope that you enjoy the layout. After 30 years of teaching, I thought it was well overdue to start sharing all those gems that you use in your day to day teaching that help make learning more meaningful and fun. I began to build a resource kit for myself when I began casual teaching, and then I realised just how many ideas and activities I had been using over the years. I have spent many hours searching through websites, searching books for great ideas and activities. I have now collected and compiled my book of activities and hints for casual teachers ...... A survival Kit to take with you when the phone rings, and you aren't sure what to take with you. The eBook can be used with any storage, to access when you need a quick activity or weblink. Copyright is granted to print off 1 copy for personal classroom use. (Please respect copyright and do not share or attempt to sell PDF, or print hard multiple copies)
Survival Kit for Relief Teachers, Easy Links Wonderful Websites for very busy teachers, Animal Logic bundle

Survival Kit for Relief Teachers, Easy Links Wonderful Websites for very busy teachers, Animal Logic bundle

3 Resources
Easy Links- Wonderful Websites for Very Busy Teachers Click here to see a video presentation Why this book?? Have you bookmarked, pinned and saved hundreds of links? Do you promise that one day you will sort them out? This book may be the answer to your organisational dreams. It is designed to be an easy to use, interactive resource. It has been sorted into categories with links to provide answers and help for frequently asked questions posed in posts on Facebook and other social group forums. What do you get? 105 page e-book 400 Web links Attention getters (3 pages of ideas) Behaviour Management Booklet (7 pages) Suitable for Primary and Secondary Teachers Time saving resource with a wealth of downloads to save you money FLIPBOOK sample pages click here A Survival Kit for Casual Relief Teachers After 30 years of teaching, I thought it was well overdue to start sharing all those gems that you use in your day to day teaching that help make learning more meaningful and fun. I began to build a resource kit for myself when I began casual teaching, and then I realised just how many ideas and activities I had been using over the years. I have spent many hours searching through websites, searching books for great ideas and activities. I have now collected and compiled my book of activities and hints for casual teachers ...... A survival Kit to take with you when the phone rings, and you aren't sure what to take with you. The eBook can be used with any storage, to access when you need a quick activity or web link. Copyright is granted to print off 1 copy for personal classroom use. 111 pages Animals are a great topic to use with all grades. This pack may be the answer to many of your preparation needs. Check out what is included in the resource bundle What do you get? 60 Real animal photos Clipart of environments Photos of real environments Word cards Venn diagrams Suggested games and activities to play with these cards 10 game cards with rules and how to play Matrix game Memory Game Compound word animal puzzles World maps of Continents (for animal sorting) PDF version Editable PowerPoint version 158 slides/pages
Animal Themed Bundle Cross Curricular Unit year Kindergarten to 6

Animal Themed Bundle Cross Curricular Unit year Kindergarten to 6

7 Resources
This is the complete set of Animal Themed booklets. This series is based around the theme of animals, and explores a wide range of age appropriate topics and activities. Booklets can easily be adjusted to suit other grades, all you need to do is adapt to suit your teaching style and the needs of your students. 'Wow' your classes with some engaging activities and websites linked across all KLA's. This bundle will save you half the price of buying booklets individually and will guarantee to save you hours of preparation time. Click on individual booklets to find out more detail about each one or watch the YouTube links above. You get a free classroom management booklet (7pages) and a free attention getting booklet (4 pages)
Kindergarten to year 6  Sea Themed Bundle

Kindergarten to year 6 Sea Themed Bundle

7 Resources
Year 5 Unit The underwater theme is continued throughout this booklet, and the book chosen is "Turtle Bay"by Saviour Pirotta, illustrated by Nilesh Mistry. It is a based on a true story set in Japan, of a man who would spend his days at a certain time of the year, sweeping the beach. Taro, the young child in the story is fascinated by this, and in time he meets the beautiful turtles when they come onto the beach to lay their eggs. There are some fabulous links to websites in the thematic section of the booklet to support doing a mini unit of work on sea turtles. They are a fascinating animal, that is under pressure from human activity in the oceans. I am thrilled to be able to bring you some free resources from GoTeachThis and Ripper Reading Resources. The challenge with this booklet is to choose which of the wonderful resources you will use in your classroom. Over 30 pages and 80 links!! Save yourself valuable time searching the internet for resources, I have done all the hard work for you. This resource could be differentiated for use with year 4 or Year 6. To use this resource effectively you need to explore all of the links provided and tailor make the suggested activities to suit your teaching style and the learning needs of your student.s All of the hard work searching the internet for inspiration and resources has been done for you. The suggested timetable has interactive links to my Pinterest board, so that your resources will continue to grow as more pins are added. Within the book there are over 60 links to websites, and for those of you who follow my 'Surviving Casual Teaching' facebook group, you will know that I have a good working knowledge of helpful teaching resources. I recommend that you buy copies of the picture books for days when you may not have IWB capability.You can never have enough picture books in your life!!! Year 6 Unit The Island, by John Heffernan is a wonderful story about a blind boy who sees the beauty of the island he lives on, while the people around him cannot see it. A fantastic story with a link to a narration by the author. Some great links to accelerated literacy activities, and the theme of this booklet investigates our oceans and the threats to our marine life. Lots of links across all KLA's with a fully interactive timetable which links to my pinterest board. A free resource from GoTeachThis and Ripper Reading Resources, makes this amazing value for money and such a time saver. Stage 3 bundle is also available. This resource could be differentiated for use with year 5 To use this resource effectively you need to explore all of the links provided and tailor make the suggested activities to suit your teaching style and the learning needs of your student.s All of the hard work searching the internet for inspiration and resources has been done for you. The suggested timetable has interactive links to my Pinterest board, so that your resources will continue to grow as more pins are added. Within the book there are over 60 links to websites, and for those of you who follow my 'Surviving Casual Teaching' facebook group, you will know that I have a good working knowledge of helpful teaching resources. I recommend that you buy copies of the picture books for days when you may not have IWB capability.You can never have enough picture books in your life!!!
Supply Starter Kit

Supply Starter Kit

3 Resources
This kit comprises Survival Kit for Casual Relief Teachers Easy Links Wonderful Websites Behaviour management resources and Printables A great starter kit for anyone who may be about the begin their role as a supply or casual relief teacher. This bundle will save you a massive Ten pounds
Bonanza Bundle of Resources - 30 resources in this Huge Pack

Bonanza Bundle of Resources - 30 resources in this Huge Pack

Over 600 pages of ideas and activities!! This bundle has my most popular resources in it. "The Survival Kit for Casual Relief Teachers"-111 pages of ideas and activities linked across all KLA's. This is a great starter for any Casual Teacher's resource kit, so many ideas that are guaranteed to make your life a little easier. Easy Links-Wonderful websites for very busy teachers Have you bookmarked hundreds of links? This book may be the answer to your organisational dreams. It is designed to be an easy to use, interactive resource. It has been sorted into categories with links to provide answers and help for frequently asked questions posed in posts on Facebook and other social group forums. Booklet Bundles which are all integrated across all KLA's to make programming easier. These booklets are for all classes with links to online versions of picture books through slideshare or youtube, integrated lesson plans and a fully interactive timetable which links to all of my pinterest boards. Never be short of an idea again. Themes are 'Under the Sea'and 'Animals' 'First and Second hand accounts'- linked to Australian events in recent history eg opening of the opera house, Harbour Bridge, Apology to the Nation, Cyclone Tracy, Cliffy Youngs marathon run, Cathy Freemans gold medal run. This resource makes teaching first and second hand accounts of events, authentic and engaging. Fairy Tales- K-2 A themed unit of work on Fairy Tales for infants classes. Enough activities in here to be differentiated for middle primary students too. 'Optical illusions - a great brain break to use or can be integrated with Art, to create some fantastic 3D art projects 'Scattergories'-this game is a fantastic addition to any teachers toolkit, complete with lists for lots of variety Digital links booklets- 2 downloads with suggested links to apps and websites for Numeracy and Literacy. A fantastic resource if you don't know where to start looking for resources on the internet The files shown in this bundle incredible value You will get 30 ebooks in total This is a winzip file so please make sure you have a programme to open it. Click on each book title to see a description of the product. Survival Kit for Casual Relief Teachers Easy Links-Wonderful websites for very Busy Teachers Animal Themed Booklets Sea themed Booklets First and Second Hand Accounts- Australian Topics Optical Illusions Scattergories Game Literacy Links Numeracy Links Fairy Tales Lateral thinking game Editable behaviour bracelets Behaviour Posters Fishing for Answers Blank word search template Harmony Day activities Fast finishers bundle and Xmas activities