A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Addition and Subtraction. The worksheet has preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught and topic questions to complete afterwards. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 3 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
3C1 add and subtract numbers mentally, including: (1) a three-digit number and ones (2) a three-digit number and tens (3) a three-digit number and hundreds
3C2 add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
3C3 estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers
3C4 solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction
Preparation Questions:
Add / Subtract Mentally: Subtract One Digit From Three Digit With Single Borrow
Add / Subtract Mentally: Subtract Multiple of 10 From Three Digit Number And Answer =
Add / Subtract Using Written Methods: Add Two Digit To Three Digit Numbers With Carries
Topic Questions:
Add / Subtract Mentally: Subtract Multiple of 10 From Three Digit Number
Find missing numbers in arithmetic sequence Given increase amount
Add / Subtract Using Written Methods: Add Three Digit To Three Digit With Carries And Answer =
Add / Subtract Using Written Methods: Subtract Two Digit From Two Digit Number With No Borrow And Answer =
Find missing digits to make 3-digit addition work whilst shown in grid
Check a subtraction with an addition
Add / Subtract To Solve Problems: Subtract One Digit From Three Digit With Single Borrow When Written As An Addition
Find One Digit Subtraction From Three Digit To Find Three Digit
Fill in digits to make addition work
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Basic Fractions. The worksheet has SATs-like questions for the student to complete. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 3 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
3F1a count up and down in tenths; recognise that tenths arise from dividing an object into 10 equal parts and in dividing one-digit numbers or quantities by 10
3F1b recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators
3F1c recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and nonunit fractions with small denominators
Find Fraction Of Shaded Squares (tenths)
Find missing fraction on number line (tenths)
Find missing fraction from written question (tenths)
Find unit fraction of small amount with diagram
Find unit fraction of small amount
Find non-unit fraction of small amount
Convert shaded squares to unit fraction
Convert shaded squares to non-unit fraction
Find missing fraction on number line
A double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers on Place Value. The worksheet has SATs-like questions for the student to complete. Also included is a full marking grid so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve.
Suitable for Year 3 Students.
The download includes the Questions PDF and the Answers PDF.
Strands included:
3N1b count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100
3N2a compare and order numbers up to 1,000 read and write numbers to 1,000 in numerals and in words
3N2b find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number
3N3 recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones)
3N4 identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations
3N6 solve number problems and practical problems involving 3N1–3N4
Find missing number in 50 times table
Find missing number in 8 times table
Find numbers in list closest and furthest from a number
Read, Write, Order And Compare Numbers: Add 9XX and 100
Read, Write, Order And Compare Numbers: Find Number That Subtracts 100 To Make 4 Digit Number
Read, Write, Order And Compare Numbers: Find Number That Subtracts 10 To Make 3 Digit Number
Find Missing Addition To Make Three Digit Number From Adding Three Different Placed Values
Find missing number on number line
Find who wins game that involves guessing correct weight
If you are teaching Year 3 at Key Stage 2 this bundle includes all the worksheets you will need.
Worksheets include:
→ a double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers.
→ exam-style questions to secure initial understanding and also explore deeper understanding.
→ Full marking grids are included so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve in each topic area.
→ Each worksheet can be used for classwork, homework or assessment.
✰ We have worksheet for all the other parts of the Key Stage 2 spec. Check out our shop for more information.
If you are teaching Year 5 at Key Stage 2 this bundle includes all the worksheets you will need.
Worksheets include:
→ a double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers.
→ preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught
→ topic questions to complete afterwards
→ exam-style questions to secure initial understanding and also explore deeper understanding.
→ Full marking grids are included so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve in each topic area.
→ Each worksheet can be used for classwork, homework or assessment.
✰ We have worksheet for all the other parts of the Key Stage 2 spec. Check out our shop for more information.
If you are teaching Year 4 at Key Stage 2 this bundle includes all the worksheets you will need.
Worksheets include:
→ a double-sided PDF worksheet with questions and answers.
→ preparation questions for the student to complete before the topic is taught
→ topic questions to complete afterwards
→ exam-style questions to secure initial understanding and also explore deeper understanding.
→ Full marking grids are included so students have a gap-analysis of what they understand and what they need to improve in each topic area.
→ Each worksheet can be used for classwork, homework or assessment.
✰ We have worksheet for all the other parts of the Key Stage 2 spec. Check out our shop for more information.