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MUSIC PLAYER 3        Simple Piano Songs

MUSIC PLAYER 3 Simple Piano Songs

Here are 12 Public Domain piano songs as adapted from The Public Domain Songbook by David Berger and Chuck Israel. Follow along in their book to learn to read music! Many new cool features including note for note playing with the ability to go backwards to play notes again. Note names shown as on the score and as played in a key signature. Songs with lyrics: I’m Alway Chasing Rainbows Let Me Call You Sweetheart Oh! How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning Low Bridge Everybody Down Oh! Danny Boy Pack Up Your Trouble in Yoy Kit Bag Nearer My God to Thee Columbia the Gem of the Ocean Look for the Silver Lining Lift Every Voice and Sing Greensleeves It’s a Long Way to Tipperary Suitable for a sing along.
HOW TO LEARN TO READ MUSIC        The Music Player Explained

HOW TO LEARN TO READ MUSIC The Music Player Explained

HOW TO LEARN TO READ MUSIC SKITTONE 2023 A pleasant way to do this is to follow simple music scores as you hear the music. I am writing music players that shows the note names as the music is played. I am using the book The Public Domain Song Book by David Berger and Chuck Israel - Such Sweet Thunder Press. This has a lot of well known, simple piano music with no double notes, perfect for a beginner or a computer program. The lyrics are fun too. The Music Player: I have written a computer program to play piano. I started from scratch with children's books and a keyboard. I learned that the music scale has three half notes in it, making it all a horror. Players must memorize scales - which black keys are required in a particular scale (there are twelve of them!). This is a daunting task. The piano keyboard is designed with this issue in mind. Some white keys have the half notes built into them. The key of C requires no black keys because the half notes are built in. If you want to raise the pitch (up to 11 keys) and play a scale it involves black keys; ingenious but a real mess. In other words; you see B on the score and press the appropriate key, knowing the key signature. The staff has which keys are sharp or flat as an aid at the beginning of the line. There are 6 sets of 12 keys playing the FACE EGBDF pitches; sounds complicated. The repeating black key pattern configurations serve as landmarks on the keyboard. Becoming an accomplished player is a lengthy and commendable accomplishment. An alternative to this is a computer program to sort this out. The 85 keys of the piano can be treated equally so key shifts are accomplished by just moving up and down a number of keys. The tune is just a pattern; recognizable if shifted up or down the keyboard. This works! Tricks are possible like changing key signtures and octaves; playing note by note; backing up, etc. Note names are shown both as on the score and the key pressed after the key signature change. The Limitations of my Music Player: Being reckless, impulsive and irreverant, I took on this project directly irregardless to music traditions. This quickly resulted in a workable player that has problems and limitations. Music is divided into beats with time signatures. My player uses wait times. That is, it has recorded piano notes which are allowed to play different amounts of time. This greatly simplifies writing music but is wrong. It even greatly upsets real musicians! Sorry. My computer has a limited tolerance to playing sounds quickly; if overloaded it just breaks down, so having a precise idea on the length of played sounds is a good idea. Beats help organize several instruments playing together but my program is solo voce.


12 more great simple piano songs. program uses wav files from a Steinway piano. Key and octave changes possible. Continuous play. Original lyrics with bouncing ball. Learn about the major scales. Program code in BBC included. Easy and fun. Songs included: AFTER YOU’VE GONE ALEXANDER’S RAGTIME BAND APRIL SHOWERS THE BAND PLAYED ON BILL BAILEY, WON’T YOU PLEASE COME HOME BEAUTIFUL DREAMER BY THE BEAUTIFUL SEA THE BOWERY BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON CAROLINA IN THE MORNING CHICAGO (THAT TODDLIN’ TOWN) YOU MADE ME LOVE YOU


In this program, you pick the notes you hear. The program plays one of these notes. You pick which note was played. The answer is give. It has auto play which plays notes automatically. This is ear training; you will gain the ability to distinguish what note is being played. Because you can pick notes further apart, it is easier. You may want to pick notes one octave apart, etc.


WHY AM I WRITING MUSIC PROGRAMS? SKITTONE 2023 Many people sing and hum; however; the musical score is a barrier to many. Have you even looked at a sheet of music and tried to read it? What I intend to do is make programs to aid in playing the piano: Which key to press to make what sound. I think of it like learning touch typing. There is a good dose of rote learning in it. The kind of thing a computer can aid in. Sight reading of notes; playing are composing are goals On the way; I will have to teach the computer to read music too. The computer must have sounds that come out in response to some sort of notation system that is computer like.


Much music can be made of the twelve notes of the scale. This program does this: Shows a scale of notes. Plays the notes one by one with its note lit up in red. The purpose of this program: Familiarizes you with the notes and their pitches. You should be able to recognize which note is being played. This will make it so you can read music from notes on a scale.