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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story 1000  The Feelings at the Start of World War Two

Vocabulary Story 1000 The Feelings at the Start of World War Two

1 Vocabulary Story 1000 The Feelings at the Start of World War Two . In the beginning of WW2, a confluence of events showed vivid proof of the inimical intents of Germany and Japan. In amity, throngs of recruits joined up to form units, it was an auspicious sign. Poltroons hid. Everyone wanted to be claimant for being the one that gouged out the Furher’s eyes. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 1000 The Feelings at the Start of World War Two . In the beginning of WW2, a coming together of events showed stark proof of the harmful intentions of Germany and Japan. In good will, crowds of recruits joined up to form units, it was a favorable sign. Cowards hid. Everyone wanted to be the one to say he was the one that took out the Furher’s eyes. . .
Vocabulary Story 999  How the Pesticide Industry Behaved After WW2

Vocabulary Story 999 How the Pesticide Industry Behaved After WW2

1 Vocabulary Story 999 How the Pesticide Industry Behaved After WW2 . The herbicide industry was a juggernaut. The dichotomy of regulator and promoter became blurred for government. In their hubris they overused weed killers; a decanter of which could poison a whole city. This was untenable and astute people blew the whistle; with startling revelations people were arraigned for. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 999 How the Pesticide Industry Behaved After WW2 . The weed killer industry was a steam roller. The dual role of umpire and advocate became blurred for government. In their pride they overused weed killers; a jug of which could poison a whole city. This was unsupportable and alert people blew the whistle; with shocking data people were brought to trial for. . . . . 3 Vocabulary Story 999 How the Pesticide Industry Behaved After WW2
Vocabulary Story 998 How Jesus Did With Herod

Vocabulary Story 998 How Jesus Did With Herod

1 Vocabulary Story 998 How Jesus Did With Herod . Jesus was sent to Herod a miserly product of nepotism, to see if his countryman could reconcile his case. So Jesus stood there in his lacerated clothes and Herod questioned him in his own idioms. It was an unprecedented situation; the elegantly pompadoured Herod and Jesus in his crown of thorns. It could have been Jesus’s salvation but Herod double his veracity and said he prevaricated and sent him away. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 998 How Jesus Did With Herod . Jesus was sent to Herod a grasping product of inbreeding, to see if his countryman could solve his case. So Jesus stood there in his ripped up clothes and Herod questioned him in his own language. It was a first as a situation; the stylishly coiffured Herod and Jesus in his crown of thorns. It could have been Jesus’s lifeline but Herod double his truthfulness and said he lied and sent him away.
Vocabulary Story 997  Where My Travels Have Taken Me

Vocabulary Story 997 Where My Travels Have Taken Me

1 Vocabulary Story 997 Where My Travels Have Taken Me . My peregrinations took me to halcyon places and others with absolute tumult. Best to be wily and distinguish between the two at a distance. One place had vestiges of the old days - tiers of flayed animal heads! Reprehensible! . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 997 Where My Travels Have Taken Me . My wanderings took me to peaceful places and others with complete chaos. Best to be wise and see between the two at a distance. One place had left overs of the old days - rows of skinned animal heads! Shameful! .
Vocabulary Story 996   What Old Rulers Do

Vocabulary Story 996 What Old Rulers Do

1 Vocabulary Story 996 What Old Rulers Do . When a potentate gets to be an octogenarian, it’s an unfaltering rule that he turns to genocide and terror as a panacea for his loosening grip on power. This was a systematic problem in China. They even have an ideogram describing it. It is an angular symbol meaning 'end of reign - tremble. It was an inane system. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 996 What Old Rulers Do . When a strongman gets to be an 80 year old, it’s an unfailing rule that he turns to mass murder and terror as a cure-all for his loosening grip on power. This was a built-in problem in China. They even have an letter describing it. It is a squarish symbol meaning 'end of reign - tremble. It was a nonsensical system.
Vocabulary Story 995  What Things are Kind in a Bad Economy

Vocabulary Story 995 What Things are Kind in a Bad Economy

1 Vocabulary Story 995 What Things are Kind in a Bad Economy . Oscillations in the economy cause snafus. Before the abyss, people hoard in a raucous way. People are proffered the dregs and take it. Once indomitable people beg or become criminals, absconding with funds and goods. They take the pledge verbatim but don’t intend to keep it. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 995 What Things are Kind in a Bad Economy . Swings in the economy cause mess ups. Before the fall, people pile up goods in a wild way. People are offered the left-overs and take it. Once proud people beg or become criminals, running off with funds and goods. They take the pledge word for word but don’t intend to keep it.
Vocabulary Story 994  The USA is Your Best Friend, Really

Vocabulary Story 994 The USA is Your Best Friend, Really

1 Vocabulary Story 994 The USA is Your Best Friend, Really . From pragmatic experience, it has been found best to ally with the USA. You get great perquisites; hence the stereotype of Uncle Sam. I say this without being supercilious or insolent as an American myself. So the fall of the USA into being a nonentity has kindled bedlam. This passage has been bowdlerized. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 994 The USA is Your Best Friend, Really . From practical experience, it has been found best to join with the USA. You get great benefits; thus the image of of Uncle Sam. I say this without being proud or insulting as an American myself. So the fall of the USA into being of little importance has caused chaos. This passage has been edited.
Vocabulary Story 993  How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West

Vocabulary Story 993 How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West

1 Vocabulary Story 993 How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West . The paucity of buffalo made the old days with so many buffalo seem an anachronism. These heavy virile beasts got influenza and for an interlude none could be seen. What was such a pedestrian sight before was rare; it gave a sense of foreboding. People inveigled the pretentious buffalo hunters but they alone did not do the job. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 993 How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West . The scarcity of buffalo made the old days with so many buffalo seem long ago and far away . These heavy healthy beasts got the flu and for a while none could be seen. What was such a common sight before was rare; it gave a sense of desolation. People blamed the puffed up buffalo hunters but they alone did not do the job. .
Vocabulary Story 992  German Industry at the End of WW2 Carries On

Vocabulary Story 992 German Industry at the End of WW2 Carries On

1 Vocabulary Story 992 German Industry at the End of WW2 Carries On . People defamed German industry as their fortunes began to ebb at the end of WW2. Their use of husbandry became ever more intricate as a continuum of raw materials became in short supply. It bemused bomber crews, with a panorama of the destruction, that they could carry on at all. Bavaria, with its proximity to coal mines, held out the longest. Not that the workers were mollycoddled or anything. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 992 German Industry at the End of WW2 Carries On . People said bad things about German industry as their fortunes began to fall at the end of WW2. Their use of resources became ever more tricky as a range of raw materials became in short supply. It confounded bomber crews, with a wide view of the destruction, that they could carry on at all. Bavaria, with its nearness to coal mines, held out the longest. Not that the workers were pampered or anything. .
Vocabulary Story   991  The Grace and Allen Comedy Show

Vocabulary Story 991 The Grace and Allen Comedy Show

1 Vocabulary Story 991 The Grace and Allen Comedy Show Grace and Allen was a show about a couple. The wife was a verbose matron who was skittish and invoked imbecility as an excuse. For some reason people thronged to this act and applause reverberated. The husband, though loving, had disdain and acted perturbed. How such a travesty of comedy could be perpetrated is a mystery. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 991 The Grace and Allen Comedy Show Grace and Allen was a show about a couple. The wife was a talkative mature lady who was nervous and gave stupidity as an excuse. For some reason people flocked to this act and applause echoed. The husband, though loving, had contempt and acted bothered. How such a poor imitation of comedy could be carried out is a mystery. .
Vocabulary Story 990  Why Welfare is Soul Sucking

Vocabulary Story 990 Why Welfare is Soul Sucking

1 Vocabulary Story 990 Why Welfare is Soul Sucking . One can postulate about the predicament of the destitute to try to go beyond stereotypes to see the mosaic from afar. Intrinsic is their relationship with a byzantine wellfare system which seeks for you to renounce your independence and rationalizes state control over you. You often have to be like a chameleon just to survive. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 990 Why Welfare is Soul Sucking . One can theorize about the problems of the poor to try to go beyond stock images to see the puzzle from afar. A part is their relationship with a complexly bizzarre wellfare system which seeks for you to give up your independence and legitamizes state control over you. You often have to be like a changling just to survive. . .
Vocabulary Story 989  Why the Catholic Church Fell Apart

Vocabulary Story 989 Why the Catholic Church Fell Apart

1 Vocabulary Story 989 Why the Catholic Church Fell Apart . A retrospective of the dilapidated Catholic Church is warranted. It is an outgrowth of apostasy. The effusion of donations stopped. As a pragmatic matter, reputed holy abbesses abdicated and sought connubial relations to survive. . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 989 Why the Catholic Church Fell Apart . A look back at the broken down Catholic Church is in order. It is an result of unbelief. The flow of donations stopped. As a practical matter, highly held holy head nuns resigned and sought marriage relations to survive. .
Vocabulary Story   The News from the Cooking Shows

Vocabulary Story The News from the Cooking Shows

1 Vocabulary Story The News from the Cooking Shows . Cooking is in the zeitgeist of 2022. The culinary escapades of Jack Pepin are popular on TV; panegyrics are made about him. People rue not seeing him make every scintilla of food. First he gives lush lettuce an ablution in cold water; then uses an indulgent amount of olive oil - an iridescent mix of herbs and vinegar to make a yummy vinaigrette. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story The News from the Cooking Shows . Cooking is in style in 2022. The cooking exploits of Jack Pepin are popular on TV; hymns of praise are made about him. People regret not seeing him make every small bit of food. First he gives bushy lettuce a dunk in cold water; then uses a liberal amount of olive oil - an shiny mix of herbs and vinegar to make a yummy vinaigrette. .
Vocabulary Story 987  Why Gold was Banned in the USA

Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA

1 Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA . It is a paradox that with the advent of the gold standard, owning ingots of gold was banned in the US. The protagonist of this move was FDR who had an affinity for economic tinkering, a connoisseur of mercantilism. The economy went into a stupor but government censors muted the news. Heirloom gold ownership was OK and people dissemble a lot to get around the rules. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 987 Why Gold was Banned in the USA . It is an oddity that with the coming of the gold standard, owning gold bars was banned in the US. The lead actor of this move was FDR who had an fondness for economic tinkering, a disciple of mercantilism. The economy went into a swoon but government watchdogs softened the news. Oldly held gold ownership was OK and people lied a lot to get around the rules.
Vocabulary Story 986  Why the South Left the US Union

Vocabulary Story 986 Why the South Left the US Union

1 Vocabulary Story 986 Why the South Left the US Union . Circa 1840, a fraternal confederation of thinkers began to call for southern independence. When things started to reach an impasse, they had their toxic repertoire of speeches and actions ready. It was suffused with irrational rhetoric but had cachet with Southerners who felt empathy with them. When they took down the US flag, there was a blithe mood in Southern lands. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 986 Why the South Left the US Union . Around 1840, a brotherly organization of thinkers began to call for southern independence. When things started to reach a deadlock, they had their deadly bag of tricks with speeches and actions ready. It was filled to the brim with nonsensical thinking but had the OK with Southerns who felt oneness with them. When they took down the US flag, there was a cheerful mood in Southern lands. .
Vocabulary Story 985  Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers Danced

Vocabulary Story 985 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers Danced

1 Vocabulary Story 985 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers Danced . It is fortuitous that Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire made dance movies. They left a legacy that has the approbation of film critics. Astaire, an emigrant from England, is held as an idol. His banter with Rodgers was fertile ground for comedy. Their routine by a cataract is hilarious. When Rodgers dissented to be in a fifth film, her proxy was a flop. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 985 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers Danced . It is fortunate that Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire made dance movies. They left a gift that has the approval of film critics. Astaire, an transplant from England, is held as a god. His light back and forth conversation with Rodgers was fodder for comedy. Their scene by a waterfall is side splitting. When Rodgers said no to be in a fifth film, her stand in was a flop. .
Vocabulary Story 984  What Old Radio Shows Were Like

Vocabulary Story 984 What Old Radio Shows Were Like

1 Vocabulary Story 984 What Old Radio Shows Were Like . The epoch of radio shows produced a compendium of great shows. The exquisite plots were reiterated later in TV shows. There was shrewd work done by geniuses, some of which were autistic and lived in NYC garrets. One blanches with revulsion at the poor material of today which anyone knowledgeable loaths. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 984 What Old Radio Shows Were Like . The age of radio shows produced a treasure trove of great shows. The wonderful plots were repeated later in TV shows. There was witty work done by geniuses, some of which were very inwardly focused and lived in NYC attics. One blushes with disgust at the poor material of today which anyone knowledgeable hates. .
Vocabulary Story 983  The Change Over to Paper Money

Vocabulary Story 983 The Change Over to Paper Money

1 Vocabulary Story 983 The Change Over to Paper Money . The transition to paper money led to sweeping changes in the fiscal situation of the USA. There had been phobia and bombast against it and abortive attempts to make the change. Experts appraised the situation and said the economy was like a pneumatic tire, ready to burst and paper money could relieve it. The change was done with nonchalance during the Civil War. Posthumously revealed notes show the fear the government had at the move. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 983 The Change Over to Paper Money . The change to paper money led to far ranging changes in the financial situation of the USA. There had been fear and speeches against it and unsuccessful attempts to make the change. Experts studied the situation and said the economy was like a air filled tire, ready to burst and paper money could relieve it. The change was done casually during the Civil War. After death notes revealed, show the fear the government had at the move. .
Vocabulary Story 982  Building Washington D.C.

Vocabulary Story 982 Building Washington D.C.

1 Vocabulary Story 982 Building Washington D.C. . It is unequivocal that Washington D.C.'s land was swampland. There were vivid signs disease festered there, with sporadic outbreaks. No artifice could hid it. The unparalleled effort to build the new city, that began in 1783, met with asperity. Competent artisans were hard to find and ill workers were lackluster. A plaque commemorates the ground breaking site. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 982 Building Washington D.C. . It is clear that Washington D.C.'s land was swampland. There were stark signs disease rankled there, with occasional outbreaks. No artistry could hid it. The unprecedented effort to build the new city, that began in 1783, met with difficulty. Reliable craftsmen were hard to find and ill workers were sluggish. A plaque marks the ground breaking site. .
Vocabulary Story   The Kidnapping of th Lindberg Baby

Vocabulary Story The Kidnapping of th Lindberg Baby

1 Vocabulary Story The Kidnapping of th Lindberg Baby . The abduction of the Lindberg baby caused national trauma. An indefatigable consolidated man hunt was conducted with consummate skill. The vapid criminal was found with his evil animal totems and charged with willful murder. The corrugated feet of his ladder matched the prints at the crime scene. The trial was carried in the small town of Linden New Jersey in a egalitarian way and he was found guilty and executed. . . 2 Vocabulary Story The Kidnapping of th Lindberg Baby . The kidnapping of the Lindberg baby caused national shock. An untiring coordinated man hunt was conducted with great skill. The tired out criminal was found with his evil animal charms and charged with intentional murder. The ridged feet of his ladder matched the prints at the crime scene. The trial was conducted in the small town of Linden New Jersey in a democratic way and he was found guilty and executed. .