Hero image




Mostly vocabulary stories


The best warriors in the planet ever were the Spartans. They had the mores to leer at their enemies and fight with emotion. However; as time went on, revisions were made, adulterations their code. Delicacy began tint their lives. It was insideous at first. The last gasp of the Spartans was when a conservator tried to return them to their martial ways. The best soldiers on the planet ever were the Spartans. They had the culture to sneer at their enemies and fight with feeling. However; as time went on, changes were made, spoiling their ethos. Tenderness began creep into their lives. It was subtle at first. The last gasp of the Spartans was when a restorer tried to return them to their war-like ways.


VOCABULARY - COMMON WORD STORY 31 THE THEORY OF TIME This is a writing exercise using common words. I have collected a list of 17,000 words. From this I have chosen twenty words at random. The exercise is to write a story with at least ten of them. I have included my story along with a translation into other words. Here is the list: HOROLOGY BROGUE ACHROMATIC IMPLANT PROSPECT INTERLARD COLANDER RIP CONDOM CAPRICCIO SLEAZY MONSIGNOR THEORY SHRED DECIDUOUS IVY ADRENALINE RATLINE WOVE Here is my story: Horology is woven into today's society. It's like a clock is implanted in our brains. However; ancient people made do without a shred of modern time-keeping. They kept time by observing the growing ivy or the fall of deciduous leaves. The prospect of no clocks would rip society, leaving it bland and achromatic. Time keeping is imbedded into today's society. It's like a clock is part of our brains. However; anciet people made without even a bit of modern time keeping. They kept time by looking at growing plants or the fall of tree leaves. The idea of no clocks would tear society, leaving it bland and colorless. FINAL THOUGHTS: This is an enjoyable thing to do; writing a story and then rephrasing it.


This is a writing exercise. It will get you to creatively write a story. Make a story from this list, using at least ten words: (I have included my story answer, with a paraphrase of it.) transfusion yule romanesque debris her inherent shinner fillet meteor burmese salient verbiage odd fascism accost whiplash bib gibe napalm formica THE AMERICAN HOSPITAL The American hospital was in an odd Romanesque building in the French town of Arl, during World War Two; the fight against fascism. Nurse Bell made her way through the debris that was inherent to war. An occasional meteor came out of the German salient, causing injuries. They gave transfusions, treated whiplash and napalm burns. During Christmas 1944, they had a giant Yule log in the fireplace to cheer the troops. The American hospital was in an odd tenth century building in the French town of Arl, during World War Two; the fight against the Nazis. Nurse Bell made her way through the wreckage is a part of war. An occasional shooting star came out of the German forward position, causing injuries. They gave blood, treated auto accidents and chemical burns. During Christmas 1944, they had a giant festive log in the fireplace for the troop’s moral. I never would have writing this story without the word prompts.


This is a writing exercise. It will get you to creatively write a story. Make a story from this list, using at least ten words: (I have included my story answer, with a paraphrase of it.) tape controversy stuff celibacy eat cull caucus gospel waxen goat korean perspicacious animate divination tawny fort brazen coroner mindset flake WHAT THE KOREAN WAR GENERAL DID There was an animated controversy during the Korean war. It was investigated by a congressional caucus which culled information from tapes. They said a general lived in a safe fort, eating to stuff himself with rich food. At the same time, he had a mindset to feed troops into battle without regard. The coroner said many deaths could have been avoided with a more perspicacious attitude. There was an lively scandal during the Korean war. It was explored by a congressional committee which drew information from recordings. They said a general lived in a secure strong place, eatting to fill himself with rich food. At the same time, he had an attitude to send troops carelessly into battle. The death investigator said many casualties could have been avoided with a more cautious strategy.


THE BASIC MATH EVALUATOR and COURSE explained The math product I offer, Basic Math Evaluator and Course, is special to me. I was a Speech Improvement Teacher in a high school in the 1990’s. My students always failed a basic math course that was offered to them in place of the regular course. The way they were taught was degrading and ineffective. This hurt me because I was poor in math in high school in a similar way. I resolved to write a program with my new found BASIC programming skills. The staff of my school was cooperative and supportive. The program, as you see it, was the result of this effort. It can be used in a course. Problems can be presented so that several types of problem appear in a sequence. Students must recall how to do them again and again. Because they work individually, tutoring in place is possible. After a test, the program shows you a list of the skills you know and don't know based on your answers. We had great success with this approach. The program has been upgraded to work with BBC BASIC for Windows and has three variations of questions. The problem of images was cleaverly side stepped by presenting images as pictures, instead of being generated each time. With modern computers and the internet, it is now available to you! Thank-you TES, Thank-you Russell! (BBC BASIC creator). I hope you use it and it’s ideas will be adopted.


Do you want to run multiple choice tests with students working together? The Testing Machine allows students to enter multiple choice answers together using one prepared keyboard. The Testing Machine was sought after by the founders of machine learning. This invention uses a standard computer and keyboard to accomplish this task. Because computers have buffers, several keystrokes can be reacted on that are close together. This makes it possible for several students t use on computer. This is useful for teachers working in small groups. A full explanation is included in the program.


BASIC COMPUTER PROGRAMING CLEARING THE BUFFER When you press Enter in a BASIC computer program, the computer stores it and acts on it when it gets a chance. The reason for this is there may be a lag in responding to typing and the computer does not want to lose information. This can cause a problem. If you press ENTER several times the computer will do it again and again even though you meant for only one repetition to be done. There are times you want to clear the buffer, clear commands to get a new clean chance to enter new commands. This is a way to do this: REPEAT X$=INKEY$(0) UNTIL X$="" EXPLAINATION: REPEAT gets an action UNTIL a condition is met. INKEY$(0) takes information from the buffer(keystrokes you make or have made) When all this information is used up, the buffer is cleared. X$="" means the buffer is cleared.


Basic computer language was first brought out in 1963 to allow ordinary people to program computers; before this only specialists could do this and the language was very difficult. When computers became cheap and widely available in the 1980’s, BASIC was part of the package. There are many versions of BASIC based on the same concepts. Commands are listed in order to tell the computer what to do. These commands are the program and can be saved. BASIC is similar to English and has command words based on what the word does. These are many books and web sites on this topic for beginner programmers. Programming is a satisfying endeavor you can get better in. You can write simple programs to do games and tasks. Here are some of the main key words: These simple commands and be combined into complex programs of actions the computer can do again and again. DOWN LOAD this product to see some essential words and ideas.
COMMON WORD STORY 53                             MODERN MANHATTAN


COMMON WORD STORY 53 MODERN MANHATTAN Modern Manhattan has a lot of cachet. People cram into its markets to get a bagels and parched people go into its bars to drink. There is such an impulse to come to New York, that it is necessary to have a big police force 24/7 in rotation of shifts to accede to the demand. This is where a boy can make a hit album and get rich and famous. Today’s Manhattan has a lot of class. People jam into its food stores to get a bagels and thirsty people go into its bars to lap it up. There is such an drive to come to New York, that it is necessary to have a big security force every day all day in changing shifts to meet the demand. This is where a youth can make a hit song and get a lot of money and notice.


PLANNING AND WRITING A COMPUTER PROGRAM Computers are awesome and BASIC language makes this vast power available and easy. But, what should you write? It should do something, answer something. I’ve been playing BINGO. Someone claimed there are lucky numbers. At least two theories claim there are better numbers and configurations that win more. DOWN LOAD THE PRODUCT TO SEE THE WHOLE ARTICLE


This is a writing exercise. It will get you to creatively write a story. Make a story from this list, using at least ten words: (I have included my story answer, with a paraphrase of it.) tape controversy stuff celibacy eat cull caucus gospel waxen goat korean perspicacious animate divination tawny fort brazen coroner mindset flake SAINT STEPHAN THE FIRST MARTYR Saint Stephan was the first martyr. He denounced devination in an animated way, causing controversy in the pagan city. To tempt him, he was asked to eat brazen goat offered to idols that the pagans stuff themselves with. He grew waxen and began preaching the gospel with a firm mindset and refused; so they killed him. Saint Stephan was the first person killed for the faith. He condemned fortune-telling in an lively way, causing a commotion in the pagan city. To catch him up, he was asked to eat grilled goat offered to pagan gods that the pagans gorge themselves with. He grew pale and began preaching the gospel with a steady attitude and said no; so they killed him.


AN ENGLISH WORD LIST Many attempts have been made to list a complete list of common English words. Here is mine. It took one year to compile. It is 17,000 words long. THE RULES I have tried to make it short but inclusive Any word that I have never heard or seen has been left out. I have usually only included one form of a word: government not governmental. THE REASONS FOR A COMMON WORD LIST Not to say I climbed it because it was there but such a project should be done; that is, any word you can think of is (or should be) on this list. I guess it is useful to learn English. It does display the richness of English; how any idea can be communicated. A BIOGRAPHY Such a list is a reflection of the interests and activities of the compiler. English peoples have participated in all the interests and activities of mankind. New words are continuously entering (and leaving) the “list”. I myself at 73 years old have many interests on an introductory level; without being boring and tedious. A spelling program is possible - a w then you see the word can be read, you can attempt a spelling, word. AVAILABLE AND FREE So here it is. Amazing how it fits in such a small space.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 61 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: RESIGNED RESOLVE RESOLUTION RESTRAINT RESERVE MY VOCABULARY STORY: The ship wrecked crew were resigned to a long stay on their tropical island. They had a resolve to survive. They agreed on a resolution. They would have restraint to make their reserves last as long as possible. SIMPLE VERSION: The ship wrecked crew acknowledged they would have a long stay on their tropical island. They had a determination to survive. They agreed on a plan. They would have self-discipline to make their supplies last as long as possible. HINDI: मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: जहाज के क्षतिग्रस्त चालक दल को अपने उष्णकटिबंधीय द्वीप पर लंबे समय तक रहने के लिए इस्तीफा दे दिया गया था। उनमें जीवित रहने का संकल्प था। वे एक प्रस्ताव पर सहमत हुए। उनके पास अपने भंडार को यथासंभव लंबे समय तक बनाए रखने के लिए संयम होगा। सरल संस्करण: जहाज के क्षतिग्रस्त चालक दल ने स्वीकार किया कि वे अपने उष्णकटिबंधीय द्वीप पर लंबे समय तक रहेंगे। उनके पास जीवित रहने का दृढ़ संकल्प था। वे एक योजना पर सहमत हुए। उनके पास अपनी आपूर्ति को यथासंभव लंबे समय तक बनाए रखने के लिए आत्म-अनुशासन होगा। ARABIC: قصة مفرداتي: تم استسلام طاقم السفينة المحطمة لإقامة طويلة في جزيرتهم الاستوائية. كان لديهم عزم على البقاء على قيد الحياة. واتفقوا على قرار. سيكون لديهم ضبط النفس لجعل احتياطياتهم تدوم لأطول فترة ممكنة. نسخة بسيطة: وأقر طاقم السفينة المحطمة بأنهم سيقيمون لفترة طويلة في جزيرتهم الاستوائية. كان لديهم تصميم على البقاء على قيد الحياة. اتفقوا على خطة. سيكون لديهم الانضباط الذاتي لجعل إمداداتهم تدوم لأطول فترة ممكنة. KOREAN: 내 어휘 이야기 : 난파된 배의 선원들은 열대 섬에 장기간 머물기 위해 사임했습니다. 그들은 살아남겠다는 결의를 가지고 있었습니다. 그들은 결의안에 동의했습니다. 그들은 가능한 한 오래 비축할 수 있도록 자제할 것입니다. 간단한 버전 : 난파된 배의 선원들은 열대 섬에 오래 머무를 것이라고 인정했습니다. 그들은 살아남겠다는 결의를 가지고 있었습니다. 그들은 계획에 동의했습니다. 그들은 공급품을 가능한 한 오래 지속시키기 위해 자제력을 가질 것입니다. VIETNAMESE: CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Thủy thủ đoàn bị đắm tàu đã cam chịu ở lại lâu dài trên hòn đảo nhiệt đới của họ. Họ đã có một quyết tâm để tồn tại. Họ đã đồng ý về một giải pháp. Họ sẽ có sự kiềm chế để làm cho dự trữ của họ tồn tại càng lâu càng tốt. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Thủy thủ đoàn bị đắm thừa nhận họ sẽ ở lại lâu dài trên hòn đảo nhiệt đới của họ. Họ đã có một quyết tâm để tồn tại. Họ đã đồng ý về một kế hoạch. Họ sẽ có kỷ luật tự giác để làm cho nguồn cung cấp của họ tồn tại càng lâu càng tốt.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 60       The King's Simple Defender

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 60 The King's Simple Defender

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 60 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: ACKNOWLEDGE ACCLAIM EXEMPLARY NAIVETE ARTICULATE MY VOCABULARY STORY: Joan of Arc has been acknowleged for her patrotism. Acclaim for her support of the French King. She fought in an exemplary way against the English. With simple naivete she was articulate in her defence of the King. SIMPLE VERSION: Joan of Arc has been recognized for her patrotism. Praise for her support of the French King. She fought in a commendable way against the English. With simple unsophistication she was a spokeswoman in her defence of the King. HINDI: मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: जोन ऑफ आर्क को उनकी देशभक्ति के लिए स्वीकार किया गया है। फ्रांसीसी राजा के समर्थन के लिए प्रशंसा। उन्होंने अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ अनुकरणीय तरीके से लड़ाई लड़ी। सरल भोलेपन के साथ वह राजा के बचाव में मुखर थी। सरल संस्करण: जोन ऑफ आर्क को उनकी देशभक्ति के लिए पहचाना गया है। फ्रांसीसी राजा के समर्थन के लिए उसकी प्रशंसा। उन्होंने अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ सराहनीय तरीके से लड़ाई लड़ी। सरल अपरिष्कृतता के साथ वह राजा के बचाव में एक प्रवक्ता थी। ARABIC: قصتي المفردات: تم الاعتراف بجوان دارك لوطنيتها. أشاد بدعمها للملك الفرنسي. قاتلت بطريقة مثالية ضد الإنجليز. بسذاجة بسيطة كانت واضحة في دفاعها عن الملك. نسخة بسيطة: لقد تم الاعتراف بجان دارك لوطنيتها. الثناء على دعمها للملك الفرنسي. لقد قاتلت بطريقة جديرة بالثناء ضد الإنجليز. وببساطة بسيطة كانت متحدثة باسم دفاعها عن الملك. KOREAN: 내 어휘 이야기: 잔 다르크(Joan of Arc)는 애국심을 인정받았습니다. 프랑스 왕에 대한 그녀의 지원에 대해 찬사를 보냅니다. 그녀는 영국에 맞서 모범적인 방식으로 싸웠습니다. 그녀는 단순하고 순진하게 왕을 변호하는 데 명쾌했습니다. 간단한 버전: 잔 다르크(Joan of Arc)는 애국심으로 인정받았습니다. 프랑스 왕에 대한 그녀의 지원을 칭찬합니다. 그녀는 영국군에 맞서 훌륭하게 싸웠습니다. 단순하고 단순하게 그녀는 왕을 옹호하는 대변인이었습니다. VIETNAMESE: Joan of Arc đã được thừa nhận vì lòng yêu nước của cô ấy. Hoan nghênh sự ủng hộ của cô đối với Vua Pháp. Cô ấy đã chiến đấu một cách mẫu mực chống lại người Anh. Với sự ngây thơ giản dị, cô đã nói rõ ràng khi bảo vệ Nhà vua. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Joan of Arc đã được công nhận vì lòng yêu nước của cô ấy. Khen ngợi sự ủng hộ của bà đối với vua Pháp. Cô ấy đã chiến đấu một cách đáng khen ngợi chống lại người Anh. Với sự đơn giản và không phức tạp, cô đã trở thành người phát ngôn bảo vệ Nhà vua.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 65 CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: DISPUTATIOUS SKEPTIC GUILE MUNDANE SOLUBLE MY VOCABULARY STORY: Disputatious skeptics say UFO’s are real. They are being covered by by guile. Realists say there are more mundane explanations for UFO’s. Soluble substances in the atmosphere can look like UFO’s. SIMPLE VERSION: Argumentative doubters say UFO’s are real. They are being covered by by trickery. Realists say there are more ordinary explanations for UFO’s. unstable substances in the atmosphere can look like UFO’s. HINDI: मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: विवादास्पद संशयवादियों का कहना है कि यूएफओ असली हैं। उन्हें छल द्वारा कवर किया जा रहा है। यथार्थवादियों का कहना है कि यूएफओ के लिए अधिक सांसारिक स्पष्टीकरण हैं। वायुमंडल में घुलनशील पदार्थ यूएफओ की तरह दिख सकते हैं। सरल संस्करण: तर्कपूर्ण संदेह करने वालों का कहना है कि यूएफओ असली हैं। उन्हें छल-कपट से कवर किया जा रहा है। यथार्थवादियों का कहना है कि यूएफओ के लिए अधिक सामान्य स्पष्टीकरण हैं। वायुमंडल में अस्थिर पदार्थ यूएफओ की तरह दिख सकते हैं। ARABIC: قصة مفرداتي: يقول المتشككون المتنازعون إن الأجسام الغريبة حقيقية. يتم تغطيتهم بالمكر. يقول الواقعيون إن هناك المزيد من التفسيرات الدنيوية للأطباق الطائرة. يمكن أن تبدو المواد القابلة للذوبان في الغلاف الجوي مثل الأجسام الغريبة. نسخة بسيطة: يقول المشككون الجدليون إن الأجسام الغريبة حقيقية. يتم تغطيتهم بالخداع. يقول الواقعيون إن هناك تفسيرات أكثر عادية للأطباق الطائرة. يمكن أن تبدو المواد غير المستقرة في الغلاف الجوي مثل الأجسام الغريبة. KOREAN: 내 어휘 이야기 : 논쟁의 여지가있는 회의론자들은 UFO가 진짜라고 말한다. 그들은 속임수에 의해 덮여있다. 현실주의자들은 UFO에 대한 좀 더 세속적인 설명이 있다고 말한다. 대기 중의 용해성 물질은 UFO처럼 보일 수 있습니다. 간단한 버전 : 논쟁적인 의심을 품는 사람들은 UFO가 진짜라고 말합니다. 그들은 속임수에 의해 덮여있다. 현실주의자들은 UFO에 대한 좀 더 일반적인 설명이 있다고 말한다. 대기 중의 불안정한 물질은 UFO처럼 보일 수 있습니다. VIETNAMESE: CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Những người hoài nghi tranh cãi nói rằng UFO là có thật. Họ đang bị bao phủ bởi guile. Những người theo chủ nghĩa hiện thực nói rằng có nhiều lời giải thích trần tục hơn cho UFO. Các chất hòa tan trong khí quyển có thể trông giống như UFO. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Những người nghi ngờ lập luận nói rằng UFO là có thật. Họ đang bị che đậy bởi mánh khóe. Những người theo chủ nghĩa hiện thực nói rằng có nhiều lời giải thích thông thường hơn cho UFO. Các chất không ổn định trong khí quyển có thể trông giống như UFO.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 66 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: FEASIBLE FLAGRANT GULLIBLE DELETERIOUS DELINEATE MY VOCABULARY STORY: It is feasible to do flagrant crimes against gullible consumers. Deleterious results have been delineated in law suits. SIMPLE VERSION: It is possible to do outrageous crimes against trusting consumers. Damaging results have been outlined in law suits. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? संभव FLAGRANT भोला हानिकारक अंकित करना मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: भोले-भाले उपभोक्ताओं के खिलाफ खुलेआम अपराध करना संभव है। कानून के मुकदमों में हानिकारक परिणामों को चित्रित किया गया है। सरल संस्करण: उपभोक्ताओं पर भरोसा करने के खिलाफ अपमानजनक अपराध करना संभव है। कानून के मुकदमों में हानिकारक परिणामों को रेखांकित किया गया है। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: ممكنا صارخ السذاجه الضاره تحدد قصة مفرداتي: من الممكن ارتكاب جرائم صارخة ضد المستهلكين السذج. تم تحديد النتائج الضارة في الدعاوى القضائية. نسخة بسيطة: من الممكن ارتكاب جرائم شنيعة ضد المستهلكين الموثوق بهم. تم تحديد النتائج الضارة في الدعاوى القضائية. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 실행할 수 있는 악명 높은 속 해로운 윤곽을 그리다 내 어휘 이야기 : 속기 쉬운 소비자에 대해 극악무도한 범죄를 저지르는 것이 가능합니다. 해로운 결과는 소송에서 묘사되었습니다. 간단한 버전 : 신뢰하는 소비자에 대해 터무니없는 범죄를 저지를 수 있습니다. 해로운 결과는 소송에서 설명되었습니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: KHẢ THI LAGRANT CẢ TIN CÓ HẠI HOẠ CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Việc phạm tội trắng trợn đối với người tiêu dùng cả tin là khả thi. Kết quả có hại đã được mô tả trong các vụ kiện. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Có thể làm những tội ác thái quá chống lại người tiêu dùng tin tưởng. Kết quả gây thiệt hại đã được nêu trong các vụ kiện.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY  64  John Lennon's troubled life

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 64 John Lennon's troubled life

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 64 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: censorious censure charismatic cerebral assertion MY VOCABULARY STORY: People were censorious about John Lennon. The charismatic and cerebral former Beatle had a troubled life in New York City. He was censured with assertions of his illegal drug use. SIMPLE VERSION: People were highly critical of John Lennon. The magnetic and witty former Beatle had a troubled life in New York City. He was scolded with claims of his illegal drug use. HINDI: मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: लोग जॉन लेनन के बारे में सेंसरशिप रखते थे। करिश्माई और दिमागदार पूर्व बीटल का न्यूयॉर्क शहर में परेशानी भरा जीवन था। उनके अवैध नशीली दवाओं के उपयोग के दावों की निंदा की गई थी। सरल संस्करण: लोग जॉन लेनन के अत्यधिक आलोचक थे। चुंबकीय और बुद्धिमान पूर्व बीटल का न्यूयॉर्क शहर में परेशानी भरा जीवन था। उनके अवैध नशीली दवाओं के उपयोग के दावों को लेकर उन्हें डांटा गया था। ARABIC: قصتي المفردات: كان الناس ينتقدون جون لينون. عاش فريق البيتلز السابق ذو الشخصية الجذابة والعقلية حياة مضطربة في مدينة نيويورك. تم انتقاده بتأكيدات على تعاطيه غير القانوني للمخدرات. نسخة بسيطة: كان الناس ينتقدون بشدة جون لينون. عاش فريق البيتلز السابق المغناطيسي والبارع حياة مضطربة في مدينة نيويورك. لقد تم توبيخه بمزاعم تعاطيه غير القانوني للمخدرات KOREAN: 내 어휘 이야기: 사람들은 존 레논에 대해 비난했습니다. 카리스마 있고 지적인 전 비틀즈 멤버는 뉴욕에서 힘든 삶을 살았습니다. 그는 불법 약물 사용에 대한 주장으로 비난을 받았습니다. 간단한 버전: 사람들은 존 레논에 대해 매우 비판적이었습니다. 매력적이고 재치 있는 전 비틀즈 멤버는 뉴욕에서 힘든 삶을 살았습니다. 그는 불법 마약을 사용했다는 주장으로 꾸중을 들었다. VIETNAMESE: CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Mọi người chỉ trích John Lennon. Cựu thành viên Beatles lôi cuốn và thông minh đã có một cuộc sống đầy rắc rối ở thành phố New York. Anh ta đã bị kiểm duyệt với những khẳng định về việc sử dụng ma túy bất hợp pháp của mình. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Mọi người rất chỉ trích John Lennon. Cựu thành viên Beatle đầy lôi cuốn và hóm hỉnh đã có một cuộc sống đầy rắc rối ở thành phố New York. Anh ta bị mắng khi cho rằng mình sử dụng ma túy bất hợp pháp.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY  63       Lincoln tried to have peace

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 63 Lincoln tried to have peace

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 63 Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: PARADOX PARAGON PACIFIST INTIMATE INTERVENE MY VOCABULARY STORY: There is a paradox about Lincoln. He is a paragon of a wartime president but was called a pacifist in his own time. This was intimated because he tried to intervene to prevent the war. SIMPLE VERSION: There is a odd fact about Lincoln. He is a model of a wartime president but was called a peace lover in his own time. This was suggested because he tried to negotiate to prevent the war. HINDI: मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: लिंकन के बारे में एक विरोधाभास है। वह एक युद्धकालीन राष्ट्रपति के पैरागॉन हैं, लेकिन उन्हें अपने समय में शांतिवादी कहा जाता था। यह सूचित किया गया था क्योंकि उन्होंने युद्ध को रोकने के लिए हस्तक्षेप करने की कोशिश की थी। सरल संस्करण: लिंकन के बारे में एक अजीब तथ्य है। वह एक युद्धकालीन राष्ट्रपति के मॉडल हैं, लेकिन उन्हें अपने समय में शांति प्रेमी कहा जाता था। यह सुझाव दिया गया था क्योंकि उन्होंने युद्ध को रोकने के लिए बातचीत करने की कोशिश की थी। ARABIC: قصة مفرداتي: هناك مفارقة حول لينكولن. إنه نموذج لرئيس زمن الحرب ولكن كان يطلق عليه داعية سلام في عصره. تم التلميح إلى ذلك لأنه حاول التدخل لمنع الحرب. نسخة بسيطة: هناك حقيقة غريبة عن لينكولن. إنه نموذج لرئيس زمن الحرب ولكن كان يطلق عليه محب للسلام في عصره. تم اقتراح هذا لأنه حاول التفاوض لمنع الحرب. KOREAN: 내 어휘 이야기 : 링컨에 대한 역설이 있습니다. 그는 전시 대통령의 모범이지만 당시에는 평화주의자라고 불렸다. 이것은 그가 전쟁을 막기 위해 개입하려고 시도했기 때문에 암시되었습니다. 간단한 버전 : 링컨에 대한 이상한 사실이 있습니다. 그는 전시 대통령의 모델이지만 당시에는 평화 애호가라고 불렸다. 이것은 그가 전쟁을 막기 위해 협상을 시도했기 때문에 제안되었습니다. VIETNAMESE: CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Có một nghịch lý về Lincoln. Ông là một hình mẫu của một tổng thống thời chiến nhưng được gọi là một người theo chủ nghĩa hòa bình trong thời đại của mình. Điều này được thân mật vì ông đã cố gắng can thiệp để ngăn chặn chiến tranh. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Có một sự thật kỳ lạ về Lincoln. Ông là hình mẫu của một tổng thống thời chiến nhưng được gọi là một người yêu hòa bình trong thời đại của mình. Điều này được đề xuất bởi vì ông đã cố gắng đàm phán để ngăn chặn chiến tranh.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 23       Changable Ideas


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 23 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: discerning doctrine malleable gratify divergent MY VOCABULARY STORY: Discerning historians have noticed the doctrine of the Church is malleable to gratify divergent groups through history. SIMPLE VERSION: Insightful historians have noticed the ideas of the Church can change to satisfy the needs of very different people through history. PARAPHRASE: The Church’s ideas are flexible and have been interpreted differently to met the needs of widely different groups.