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First Maths For First Choice Resources

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I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.




I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Je n'ai pas peur !

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Je n'ai pas peur !

Here is a simple French story. I have included a big set of English guided reading worksheets to help you get more out of each of the stories. Je n'ai pas peur ! Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'I Am Not Afraid!', English , Level 1 by Mini Shrinivasan Illustrator Rayika Sen Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Une petite fille sort seule dans l'obscurité. Que va-t-elle trouver ? Ce livre est l'un des quatre ouvrages de la série "Grandir".
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Je sais fabriquer plein de choses !

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Je sais fabriquer plein de choses !

Here is a wonderfully illustrated book - Je sais fabriquer plein de choses ! I have also included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help you get more out of each book your students reads. Je sais fabriquer plein de choses ! Translator Sak Untala Original story: 'I Can Make Things!', English , Level 1 by Mini Shrinivasan Illustrator Tanvee Nabar Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading). Language French Synopsis Les enfants peuvent fabriquer plein de jolies choses. Découvre-les dans ce livre appartenant à la collection « Je grandis », qui comporte quatre titres.
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme - Je sais monter !

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme - Je sais monter !

I have developed a super simple French guided reading scheme, using a wide range of beautifully illustrated books. I have also enclosed lots of English guided reading sheets to help you get more out of each book. Je sais monter! Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'I Can Climb!', English , Level 1 by Mini Shrinivasan Illustrator Deval Maniar Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Ici, un petit garçon apprend à monter. Mais peut-il descendre ? Ce livre est l'un des quatre de la série « Grandir ».
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Je veux celui-là !

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Je veux celui-là !

I have collected together a wide range of different beautifully illustrated books for a simple French reading scheme. I have also included a large set of simple English guided reading worksheets to help you get the most out of each book you buy. Je veux celui-là ! Translator Sak Untala Original story: 'I Want That One!', English , Level 1 by Mala Kumar Illustrator Soumya Menon Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis "Pas celui-là," dit la maman d'Anil lorsque celui-ci réclame quelque chose. "Pas celui-là", lui répondent également tous les marchands. Tout cela met forcément le petit garçon très en colère !
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - La Cadeau de Noël de Sam

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - La Cadeau de Noël de Sam

Are you looking for a range of low cost French story books? Here is a great Christmas story - La Cadeau de Noël de Sam. I have also added a lot of English guided reading worksheets to the pack to help you get more out of the book. La Cadeau de Noël de Sam Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'Sam's Christmas Present', English , Level 1 by Annie Besant Illustrator Alicia Souza Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Sam veut son cadeau de Noël maintenant ! Mais il est caché dans un endroit secret. Veux-tu découvrir ce que Sam a fait ?
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - La lune et la casquette

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - La lune et la casquette

Here is a lovely story about a boy, his cap and the moon - La lune et la casquette. I have also included a lot of English guided reading worksheets to help you get more out of this book. La lune et la casquette Translator Annie Marois Original story: 'The Moon and The Cap', English , Level 1 by Rohini Nilekani Illustrator Angie & Upesh Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Est-ce que tu aimes porter une casquette les journées ensoleillées? Dans cette petite histoire, tu découvriras qui d'autres aiment porter une casquette.
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Le gros roi et le chien maigre

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Le gros roi et le chien maigre

Here is a fun story about a fat king and an thin dog - Le gros roi et le chien maigre - I have also included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help you get more out of each book. Le gros roi et le chien maigre Translator Sak Untala Original story: 'Fat King Thin Dog', English , Level 1 by Parismita Illustrator Parismita Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis Toi aussi, court avec le gros roi pour attraper le chien maigre !
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - L'imperméable rouge

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - L'imperméable rouge

Here is a fun story about a raincoat - L'imperméable rouge. In addition I have included lots of English guided reading scheme worksheets to help you get more out of this book. L'imperméable rouge Translator Sak Untala Original story: 'The Red Raincoat', English , Level 1 byKiran Kasturia Illustrator Zainab Tambawalla Reading Level 1 is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading. Language French Synopsis Manu a un nouvel imperméable. Il a très hâte de l'essayer, mais la pluie se fait attendre... attendre... et attendre encore.
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Ma ferme

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Ma ferme

I have developed a super simple French guided reading scheme. Today's title is Ma ferme. I have also included lots of English guided reading sheets to help and inspire you to get more out of each book you buy and use. Ma ferme Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'My farm', English , Level 1 by Lavanya Nagappan Illustrator Lavanya Nagappan Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Lors d'une promenade, un chien, Bilbo rencontre des animaux de la ferme et apprend des choses à leur sujet. Combien d'animaux de la ferme pourras-tu repérer sur cette image et qui sont-ils ?
Super Simple French Reading Scheme For Beginners - Ma maison

Super Simple French Reading Scheme For Beginners - Ma maison

Here is a wonderful set of books - this one has the title Ma maison. I have also included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help and inspire you to get more out of this book. Ma maison Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: ' घ ', Hindi , Level 1 by Rukmini Banerji Illustrator Rajeev Verma 'Banjara' Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis Bienvenue dans ma maison!
French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Mon petit monde secret !

French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Mon petit monde secret !

Here is a beautifully illustrated book - Mon petit monde secret ! I also have included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help and inspire you in ways to get more out of each book you buy and use. Mon petit monde secret ! Translator Janani Ganapathi Original story: 'What If?', English , Level 1 by Hari Kumar Nair Illustrator Hari Kumar Nair Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Quand Shyam est ensommeillé, il a de la peine à se brosser les dents. Par contre, rêver n'est pas pas un problème du tout.
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Mes amis

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Mes amis

Here is a great story - Mes amis - you can read and discuss with your class. I have also included a large number of English guided reading worksheets to help and inspire you on ways to get more out of each book you read with the class. Mes amis Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: Hindi , Level 1 by Rukmini Banerji Illustrator Rajeev Verma 'Banjara' Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: J'ai beaucoup d'amis. Je les aime tous mais un d'entre eux tout particulièrement !
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Ma meilleure amie

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Ma meilleure amie

Ma meilleure amie (My best friend) is a beautifully illustrated story. I have also included lots of English guided reading worksheets to both help and to inspire you to get more out of the book. Ma meilleure amie Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'My Best Friend', English , Level 1 by Anupa Lal Illustrator Suvidha Mistry Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading). Language French Synopsis: Veux-tu avoir un ami très spécial ? Lis ce livre et tu pourras constater que tu as déjà un ami très spécial!
French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Où vont ces fourmis ?

French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Où vont ces fourmis ?

Here is a great book - Où vont ces fourmis ? - which you can share and explore with your class. In addition to this book, I have enclosed lots of English guided reading worksheets to help and inspire you in ways to get more out of each book you buy and use in the classroom. Où vont ces fourmis ? Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'Where do these ants go?', English , Level 1 by Anushruti Ganguly Illustrator Deepa Balsavar Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Veux-tu savoir où vont les fourmis ? Rejoins Mili et Troy et suis leur passionnante journée.
French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Pas maintenant !

French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Pas maintenant !

Pas maintenant ! is all about a boy getting ready for a big surprise. I have also included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help and inspire you to develop a wider range of learning activities related to this book. Pas maintenant ! Translator Janani Ganapathi Original story: 'Not Now, Not Now!', English , Level 1 by Rohini Nilekani Illustrator Ruchi Shah Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis Le petit garçon dans cette histoire veux faire quelque chose maintenant, mais les adultes disent "PAS MAINTENANT" ! Est-ce que ça te fâches quand quelqu'un te dit ça ?
French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Perdu et trouvé

French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Perdu et trouvé

The little boy has lost something. He searches everywhere for it. Perdu et trouvé. I have also included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help and inspire you to find ways to get out of each book. Perdu et trouvé Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'Lost and Found', English , Level 1 by Sukhada Rahalkar Illustrator Sukhada Rahalkar Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Un petit garçon recherche quelque chose qu'il a perdu et devine ce qui va se passer quand il va le retrouver ? Lis la suite pour le découvrir toi-même.
French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Qu'est-ce qui te rend spécial

French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Qu'est-ce qui te rend spécial

What makes you special? - Qu'est-ce qui te rend spécial - is a great starting point for any class. In addition to this book. I have included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help and inspire you to discover different ways of using the book. The book sheets you complete, the more your students get out of the learning process. Qu'est-ce qui te rend spécial Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'WHAT MAKES YOU SPECIAL', English ,Level 1 by Nalini Sorensen Illustrator Greystroke Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Nous voulons tous être le meilleur. Meilleur que les autres. Mais... comment ? Qu'est-ce qui te rend spécial est une délicieuse lecture, avec des illustrations dynamiques, qui rappelle aux lecteurs ce qui fait vraiment chacun de nous un être spécial. (Qu'est-ce qui te rend spécial a d'abord été écrit pour Hachette Inde et publié dans leur magazine Toot, en Décembre 2011.)
French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Vilain petit chien

French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Vilain petit chien

Want to teach your French class about animals and outside activities? Then the book - Vilain petit chien- is perfect for you. In addition, I have included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help inspire you to think of other ways you could use this book in your classroom to get maximum learning from every purchase. Vilain petit chien Translator Sak Untala Original story: 'Naughty Dog', English , Level 1 by Kanchan Bannerjee Illustrator Deepa Balsavar Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Si tu avais une queue, tu la remuerais après avoir lu cette histoire. Ce livre fait partie de la collection « Les animaux qui nous entourent », qui comporte quatre livres.
Park and Garden Bundle

Park and Garden Bundle

15 Resources
Are you wanting lots of different resources about plants. Key vocabulary, writing prompts, and lots of different images about the different aspects of park life. A huge discount when you buy it as a bundle (over 50% reduction!)
In The News Bundle

In The News Bundle

7 Resources
Are you looking for a way of making your "In the news?" topic interesting and relevant? Here is a set of resources, where you can discuss the weather, the impact of Brexit on your life and politics. There are story prompts and ESL courses on politics, crime and other news stories.