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Petermorris2001's Shop

Average Rating4.57
(based on 2621 reviews)

Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.




Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.
Bist du fit und gesund?

Bist du fit und gesund?

Higher Level texts about health and fitness, followed by comprehension, summarising, 'find the phrase', and adaptation exercises plus a writing task to wrap it up.
Das Wunder von Bern

Das Wunder von Bern

Exercises to accompany the film. There is a scene-setting text with comprehension questions for students to do before watching the film, followed by comprehension and manipulation work and a writing task to do after watching the film. (Vor dem Film ist nach dem Film.) There are two slightly different versions, one for Foundation and one for Higher level.
Uniform in Deutschen Schulen?

Uniform in Deutschen Schulen?

Text based on internet threads about the idea of introducing school uniform in Germany. Text is followed by comprehension questions in English, a 'find the phrases' exercise and a text manipulation exercise. Hopefully, this will provide pupils with some useful language for commenting on school uniform in their own school,
DIALOG Wie wichtig ist dein Handy?

DIALOG Wie wichtig ist dein Handy?

Interview about mobile phone use, featuring relatively accessible language. The dialogue is followed by speaking practice, a 'find the phrase' exercise, a manipulation exercise, another speaking exercise and a writing task.


About as simple a history of the divided city of Berlin as I could come up with. Designed as an introduction to the topic.
Cannabis- und Akoholkonsum in Deutschland

Cannabis- und Akoholkonsum in Deutschland

This is an edited version of Kiffen und Komasaufen, which I uploaded previously. This version has been altered to suit the needs of my AS class. The text is followed by a richtig/falsch/nicht im Text exercise, questions in German, a 'find the phrase' activity, a translation into German of English language data regarding the situation in the UK, and a writing activity in which students must then compare and contrast the data from both countries.
Pour ou contre les fast-foods

Pour ou contre les fast-foods

Short text, adapted from an authentic source, in which young French speakers discuss fast-food. The stimulus text is followed by comprehension and manipulation exercises, a bit of grammar and a writing task.
World Cup Quiz and Speaking Activity

World Cup Quiz and Speaking Activity

Powerpoint containing a set of activities which become progressively more challenging (i) a multiple-choice quiz (ii) more demanding reading activities regarding the history of the World Cup (iii) reading activities relating to Brazil (iv) images to provoke discussion. Use the bits that suit your class!
Verbs with être  in the passé composé

Verbs with être in the passé composé

This resource contains a dialogue in which a ghost recounts his birth, life and spectacular death, and manages to include the standard list of 13 verbs with être in the passé composé. There is a reflexive verb in the passé composé chucked in for good measure. The dialogue is followed by a capture sheet, upon which the pupils must add examples of the 13 verbs in the passé composé to the given list of infinitives.