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Mr P's Maths Store

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(based on 42 reviews)

A collection of engaging mathematics resources to help your students get the most out of your maths lessons. You will find a wide variety of resources from worksheets to whole class activities with more being added every week!




A collection of engaging mathematics resources to help your students get the most out of your maths lessons. You will find a wide variety of resources from worksheets to whole class activities with more being added every week!
Rotations Worksheet

Rotations Worksheet

Worksheet with 12 rotation questions for pupils to complete. The first six have the centre of rotation drawn on the grid, the last six the pupils will have to find them themselves.
Addition and Subtraction Maze Activity Collection

Addition and Subtraction Maze Activity Collection

Three engaging worksheet activity focused on addition and subtraction. Pupils must answer the questions on each sheet and follow the answers to find the correct route through the maze! Ideally suitable for primary or low ability KS3 pupils. Answers are included!
Addition and Subtraction Treasure Hunt Collection

Addition and Subtraction Treasure Hunt Collection

Three treasure hunt activities on addition, subtraction and a mix of the two that engage pupils and add variety to lessons. Pupils can complete the task individually or in pairs. The cards should be cut out and stuck around the wall of the classroom. Pupils go and stand near one of the cards (in a pair or individually) - possibly whiteboards should be given to them for working out - and they start with that card. When they answer the question on the card they go and find the card that has that answer on, making a note of the order of the cards (the card numbers are at the bottom of the cards). When they get round to the card they started at, pupils are done and come to you to check their work. The correct order is included in the documents so you can see quickly where any mistakes have been made. Blank answer sheets are also included for pupils to write down the card numbers.
Density Mass Volume Bingo

Density Mass Volume Bingo

Fun, engaging and easy to use bingo activity to help pupils consolidate their use of the density mass and volume formulae. Recommended for about 10-15 minutes of lesson time after covering the topic in more detail. 30 questions and answers, pupils choose 9 answers at the start and put them in a 3x3 grid before running through the questions.
Pythagoras Bingo Selection

Pythagoras Bingo Selection

Three great, engaging and easy to use bingo activities on Pythagoras Theorem with different difficulty levels to be targeted at your class. The answers are on the second slide for the pupils to choose at random. The files are in Powerpoint format so they can be used on any system. The first has questions purely on finding the hypotenuse, the second is a mix of finding the hypotenuse and the shorter side and the questions in the third mostly involve different units - for these questions the students are told on each slide what units to put their answer into.
Linear Equations with Brackets Code Breaker

Linear Equations with Brackets Code Breaker

Simple yet engaging code breaker activity in which pupils solve equations with brackets and write the letter of the equation under the corresponding answer to reveal the hidden message of who stole the school laptops. Message should read "The Thief was Prince Harry!"
Addition and Subtraction Crossnumber Collection

Addition and Subtraction Crossnumber Collection

WARNING: CURRENTLY MISTAKES IN THIS, WILL BE FIXED ASAP Three engaging cross number worksheets to help pupils practice addition and subtraction skills. Pupils will really enjoy this activity as it can add some interest to a relatively dry topic. Answers included!
Decimal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Decimal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

This worksheet is a combination of my decimal addition and decimal subtraction worksheets, aimed at teachers who prefer to teach these together. There are three sections, the red section assists pupils by setting out the problems for them at first before forcing them to do so themselves. In the yellow section the pupils must set out all the problems themselves, whereas the green section contains worded questions and some problem solving elements. Answers are included.
Decimal Division Connect 4 Game

Decimal Division Connect 4 Game

Connect four game for pupils to do in pairs or groups of four (with two teams of two pupils). In my experience the activity works best when the board is laminated and pupils can use whiteboard markers. Pupils take it in turns to try and answer a question, and are peer assessed by the other team. If they get it correct they can put their initials over the space, and the goal is to get four squares in a row. The pupils could also used coloured post-its or counters. Answers are included.
Addition and Subtraction Silhouette Sheets

Addition and Subtraction Silhouette Sheets

Engaging puzzle activities on addition and subtraction that are ideal as either a consolidation for lower ability KS3-GCSE pupils or a lesson starter for higher attainers. Pupils must answer the questions and shade out the answers in the grid above. When they have finished they should see the number 103 on the addition sheet, and the number 42 on the subtraction.
Density Mass Volume Fill The Grid

Density Mass Volume Fill The Grid

The powerpoint has a table of density, mass and volume values, with one missing from each row. The table is covered up, and on each slide two different squares are revealed and then covered up again. Pupils must concentrate to write down the values that are revealed, and work out the missing ones. The first pupil to complete the table wins.
Decimal Multiplication Silhouette

Decimal Multiplication Silhouette

Engaging decimal multiplication activity sheet that is ideal as either consolidation for numeracy skills or as cover work. Pupils must answer the questions and shade out the answers in the grid above. When they have finished they should reveal the number 612.
Decimal Multiplication Connect 4

Decimal Multiplication Connect 4

Connect four game for pupils to do in pairs or groups of four (with two teams of two pupils). In my experience the activity works best when the board is laminated and pupils can use whiteboard markers. Pupils take it in turns to try and answer a question, and are peer assessed by the other team. If they get it correct they can put their initials over the space, and the goal is to get four squares in a row. The pupils could also used coloured post-its or counters. Answers are included.
Decimal Subtraction Silhouette Activity

Decimal Subtraction Silhouette Activity

Engaging activity sheet based on decimal subtraction that is ideal as either consolidation for numeracy skills or as cover work. Pupils must answer the questions and shade out the answers in the grid above. When they have finished they should reveal the number 182
Linear Graphs from Table of Values Worksheet

Linear Graphs from Table of Values Worksheet

This double sided worksheet is aimed at lower ability pupils - it starts with some fairly simple y = x + 1 graphs etc. before ramping up the difficulty to x + y = 4 and some lines with negative gradients. Also, the tables of values themselves use x values from 1 to 5, as the class I used this with were taught to fill in tables of values in the same way that they would generate a sequence (eg for y = 2x + 1: write out the 2 times table and add 1 to each number).
Finding the Mode Worksheet

Finding the Mode Worksheet

Three stage worksheet for finding the mode of a set of data. In the first section the questions are started for the pupils, with support gradually removed. The second section is to develop fluency, starting with some questions with minimal changes and developing the difficulty to include questions involving multiple modes, or none. The third section is for reasoning questions to help develop pupils understanding of the concept.
Equations With Unknowns on Both Sides Codebreaker

Equations With Unknowns on Both Sides Codebreaker

Simple yet engaging code breaker activity in which pupils solve equations with unknowns on both sides, then write the letter of the equation under the corresponding answer to reveal the hidden punchline to the joke at the top of the page. Message should read "Because it had so many problems".
Multiplication Crossnumber

Multiplication Crossnumber

An engaging cross number worksheet to help pupils practice their written multiplication skills. Pupils really enjoy this activity as it can add some interest and competition to a relatively dry topic.
Differentiated Written Addition Worksheet

Differentiated Written Addition Worksheet

Differentiated written addition worksheet designed for KS2 or low attaining KS3 pupils. The questions come in three levels - Red (plain addition building up to carrying), Amber (Carrying leading up to pupils setting up the columns themselves) and Green (Pupils set up the columns, includes some decimal addition). There is also an extra GCSE style problem solving functional maths question to challenge the higher attaining pupils.
Two Step Linear Equations Code Breaker

Two Step Linear Equations Code Breaker

Simple yet engaging code breaker activity in which pupils solve the two step equations and write the letter of the equation under the corresponding answer to reveal the hidden message of what Mr Chips had for breakfast. Message should read "Chocolate ice cream sandwiches".