These documents provide Senior leaders and Governors a reflective review of the type of questions and evidence Ofsted inspectors may ask or look out for. It is an excellent opportunity to have leaders in the school prepared for the inspection and these documents will guarantee successful, comprehensive preparation for Outstanding Ofsted inspection outcomes.
Whole school policies and documentation for leaders and school business managers to implement the legal policies required of school buildings and premises linked to health and safety requirements.
This excellent Literacy resource provides comprehensive short and medium term lesson plan, all teaching resources, power-point presentations, additional workbooks resource and a wealth of time saving teaching and learning resources that will motivate learners while they are engaging in class based learning. The whole unit of planned lessons and resources are based around the story The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith. This valuable differentiated learning Literacy Based resource will is comprehensive to use in Observed lessons and will save you time thinking about how to motivate and engage your learners to show excellent progress. Excellent Value and Cost Effective resource. Enjoy your TEACHING :)
This is an excellent resources for SENCO's and Heads who need to demonstrate a system to show how all universal services are working together to deliver the outcomes of all children who have an EHCP or awaiting assessment for one . One of the key features identified in the SEND code of practice 2015 is working together across education, health and social care for joint outcomes. As a school it is required that we should ‘develop a joint understanding of the outcomes that their local population of children and young people with SEN and disabilities aspires to, and use it to produce a joint plan, which they then deliver jointly, and review jointly.’ The legal framework in relation to the code of practice indicated that under Section 25 of the Children and Families Act 2014 local authorities (Schools) should ensure integration between educational provision, health and social care provisions, where this would promote wellbeing and improve the quality of provision for disabled young people and those with SEN. (page 38 of the Code of Practice).
As a result of the legal framework and Ofsted recomendation it was decided to devise a universal system where all provision / outcomes are identified and specific to the individual children at ………. School. Having discussed this with external professionals and researched what is identified as outstanding practice, I began to create a system that is universal with all stakeholders and acknowledges the views of the child and how to best support them. In reflection to the above a new whole school framework has been develop and I have worked closely with the Head of Care, Chair of governors, Educational Psychologist, LA SEND Department, …….. (Upper School SENCO), ……..(Team Teach Lead), ……. (PSA) to produce a system called (Individual SEN Support Plan).
Understanding Child and Young People Development
These excellent practical resources provides the opportunity for school senior leaders, governors and school business managers to effectively manage statutory regulation linked to school administration and finance. The word documents can be edited and can be used to show how systems in your school are effectively managed debt management, freedom of information, data protection, terms of reference and the legal administration of meeting the Ofsted standards for good to outstanding practice.
This marked assignment achieved outstanding grade feedback that meeting the requirements of the CACHE diploma and outcomes of the course. It is in word format that will allow you to edit the document and save you time researching some of the key tasks.
This engaging presentation links to the theme of 'Being Ourselves' and focus on mental health awareness for primary school children . The powerpoint presentation and script can be edited to meet the needs of your school. A competition to allow children to engage in a whole school activity helps supports a whole school approach to mental health.
This is a guidance document that has been developed to set a progression of learning within the subjects of the Primary National Curriculum
The Maths, English and Science guidance is based purely on the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. In other subjects, the statutory requirements are supported by additional progression guidance (shown in italics).
When planning, teachers should also refer to the non-statutory notes and guidance in the National Curriculum document .
This will support qualified, NQT, and student teachers to plan and assess the skills as required in the Primary national Curriculum. It will support assessment opportunities and help writing end of year reports as identifying the skills children are taught from year 1 to year 6.
Communication and Professional Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults
This marked assignment achieved outstanding grade feedback that meeting the requirements of the CACHE diploma and outcomes of the course. It is in word format that will allow you to edit the document and save you time researching some of the key tasks.
This excellent bank of differentiated work sheets can support engaging and focused GSP learning opportunities that links to the text we’re going on a bear hunt. These work sheets will provide at least 2 weeks of learning focus that will allow children to explore the language used within the text and help them to compose writing opportunities at an independent level.
This short but very humorous play script will be make the audience shout out with laughter and can be edited and extended to add additional parts or lines. This play script can be used alone or as a starting point to make a night to remember.
This completed successful application form provides a clear and purposeful example of what is consider to be a ready standard to meet the requirements to study for the NPQH. This example will provide you with a formate that can be edited to meet your leadership skills with a focus on how to successfully apply for entry for the NPQH qualification.
This outstanding lesson plan and resources provide an excellent Literacy lesson for Year 1/ 2 children with differentiated tasks and ideas to get learners active and engaged in the lesson. The lesson was recently grade a good by inspectors and can be used to promote writing activities linked to the process of stages for talk for writing. This is an excellent time saving lesson plan that can be adapted for your class and edited.
This NPQH resource package will provide new applicants the opportunity to review completed marked assessments linked to the new framework with good scores, which requires students to achieve the AWARD of NPQH. This will allow you to review the requirements and support you in the journey of completing and passing the NPQH QUALIFICATION AWARD. GOOD LUCK!
This covering letter and personal statement supports the application process to headship or application for a senior leadership post. This example provided help me gain an interview and successful application for the post of Headship.