Snowflake/snow/polar themed fine motor activity with 4 different mats to place gems, glass nuggets, pom poms, Grapat or similar to make their own snow/ snowflakes or the letter S.
Also includes winter coloured rainbow
Design a wreath/Christmas Tree
Includes; design prompt cards for a wreath and tree and blank tree and wreath if needed.
Please note you will need to get the gems/pom poms etc as they are not included.
A River story map
Settings image on Word document and PPT slides
please note that there are a couple not included like the waterfall to simplify the text
Ordering numbers/ size tray inserts for the Hobbycraft trolley tray with 1 large section and 3 small parts
Example for ordering largest to smallest and smallest to largest
Initial sound/ secret word tray inserts made for Hobbycraft trolley tray with 1 large and 3 small sections.
Children can either find just the inital sound or all 3 and try and sound out the “secret word”
natural frames from 1-5 spaces to build your own words. Compatible with yellow door pebbles.
Great for any intervention, 1-1 work or continuous provision in EYFS or KS1.