Parking activity with phase 5 sounds and phase 4/5 tricky words.
You could either park a car and say the, find a space with a specific sound or match images on cars to their sound
Either use a car and park in the space saying the number, or used numbered cards and match numbers to numicon pieces. You could even match number sentences to numicon pieces
The enormous potato book clues on magnifying glasses to hide around the class and guess the book by clues about characters, a potato and the word “pull”
Initial sound/ secret word tray inserts made for Hobbycraft trolley tray with 1 large and 3 small sections.
Children can either find just the inital sound or all 3 and try and sound out the “secret word”
Tray inserts for:
1 more and 1 less
Ordering smallest to biggest
Ordering biggest to smallest
CVC word building
colour sorting
making numbers 1-6 and 11-16
initial sounds (can also be used to make a secret word)
10 more and 10 less