A range of topic resources to promote writing initial sounds or finding the initial sound. They are all compatible with yellow door alphabet pebbles but you could use magnetic letters or similar as well as writing.
Halloween Initial sounds activity with cute images and spaces to either write the sound, find a matching magnetic letter or yellow door alphabet pebbles
1 document can also be used if you are doing witches kitchen rather than Halloween
Witches Kitchen Fine Motor activity to fill in the images with loose parts - Grapat compatible.
Could also make a game using dice and roll to fill and see who fills their shapes first.
Story Maps for a range of stories and great for children to tell the story themselves.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
The Gruffalo’s Child
Fine motor build a rainbow with a coloured version to complete rainbow colours or blank to make your own rainbow.
2cm spaces so Grapat compatible or you could use counters/ pom poms