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World Cup football 2018 BUMPER activity and display pack
A bumper activity resource pack to help the children celebrate and learn about the forthcoming Football World Cup held in Russia.
There are lots of resources to create bulletin boards for your classroom or the whole school and activities for all ages and abilities.
Included in the pack:
A coloured A4 word card
Two acrostic poem worksheets- ‘World Cup’ and ‘Football’
Five simple colouring pictures and four World Cup colouring posters
Country worksheet- choose a country participating in the World Cup and find out more about it
Design a football kit- two different worksheets
Design a World Cup mascot- three worksheets
Design a football stadium worksheets
Design a World Cup trophy worksheet
Dice game- roll a die and colour the football top with the corresponding number plus a game for more able/ older students to add the numbers on two dice and colour the football top with the corresponding number
A football themed display border- print the pieces as many times as you need for you display board
Flag worksheets- three different worksheets to colour, match and draw flags of different countries participating in the World Cup
An alphabet line on Footballs- these could also be printed to make into display titles
Football player worksheet- find out some facts about your favourite footballer
Group stage result posters in colour and black and white- fill in the results from the first stages of the World Cup
Newspapers- five different worksheets to write news reports- some blank and some with headlines to use as a starter
Russia facts- a set of coloured fact cards about Russia, the hosts of the 2018 World Cup
Russia flag to colour
Photographs of some famous landmarks in Russia and Russian money
Tracing worksheets- great for younger students to trace over the dotted lines
A trophy number line
Word cards- a set of football and World Cup themed word cards great to add to a display
Word searches- two word searches, one country themed and the other football themed
A workbook cover
Crossword- themed for the 2018 World Cup
World Cup fact cards
World map activity worksheet- match the flags to countries on the map and locate other countries with teams participating in the World Cup
Writing pages- four worksheets with football themed borders which can be used for displaying work or for writing activities
Writing worksheets- Four writing worksheets to write match commentaries and thoughts of a footballer

LUCY AND TOM AT THE SEASIDE story resource pack- Holidays, Summer
Lucy and Tom at the Seaside
A great resource pack for the story ‘Lucy and Tom at the Seaside’
The pack includes:
A long colourful display banner
A display border with colourful buckets and spades
Speech bubble worksheets
Word and picture cards for display or word walls
Words relating to the story on sandcastles
Drawing activity worksheets to accompany the story
An alphabet line on donkeys
A number line to 30 on seagulls
A ‘seaside’ acrostic poem worksheet
Stick puppets to make of Lucy and Tom- coloured version and black and white versions included
Sequence worksheets
Story telling props
A postcard worksheet
An odd and even number line on shells
Number jigsaws to cut and make
Rockpool worksheets
A picnic worksheet
Decorate a sandcastle
Match the ice creams with different quantities of sprinkles to the correctly numbered cone
Missing number worksheets to fill in the numbers on the sandcastles plus blank versions for you to add your own numbers
Writing sheets with different borders in colour and black and white
Writing activity worksheets to accompany the story
Photos of beaches and beach activities- great for discussion and displays
A colourful bingo game to accompany the story
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

CVC snowmen activity- phonics, spelling, winter, snow
A set of 30 snowmen to make to spell CVC words.
There are 6 snowmen for each middle sound.
Great for phonics activities during winter and the snowy weather.

Initial sound snowmen activity- phonics, alphabet, winter, snow
A set of snowmen to create to practice initial sounds.
Each snowman has the head with the sound on the hat and 5 picture snowballs to build your snowman.
Great for independent and group phonics activities during winter and in the run up to Christmas.

Numicon games and activities- Number shapes, Numeracy
The pack includes:
Bingo game- identify the number shapes 1-10
Matching pairs- Match the number shapes to the number- numbers 1-10 and numbers 10-20
Jigsaw puzzles- Match the four parts of each puzzle with number, Numicon number shape, number tower and objects to count
Loop games- Loop games for numbers to 10, 20 and 30
Board game- Collect the amounts shown and count the number shapes
Carpet game- Choose a card and count the objects on it and then collect the corresponding Numicon number shape
Turtle game- These cards can be used for a matching pairs game to find the same amounts or used to order the number shapes to 10
Number rockets- Make rockets using numbers, Numicon number shapes, counting hands, number towers and counting objects- these make a great display
Number bonds dominoes- Numicon themed number bond domino game
Dominoes- match the Numicon number shapes
Clip cards- Clip the number with a peg which matches the number shape
Please note: These are not official Numicon resources but have been created by ourselves to support the scheme.

Number Rhyme activity pack 2- four popular counting rhymes- sausages, astronauts, monkeys, ten bed
A fun pack with activities and props for singing four popular number rhymes:
1- Ten fat sausages sizzling in the pan:
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
A collecting sausages game
A sausage number line to 20
Singing props
Colouring picture
Rhyme card
2- Five little monkeys
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
A monkey face mask
A monkey number line to 20
Singing props
A board game with three sets of differentiated addition game cards
Colouring picture
Rhyme card
3- Five little astronauts
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
Missing number cards- 20 different cards to write the number or add the astronaut number card
An astronaut number line to 20
Singing props
A large moon and rocket and space men for display
Rocket pattern matching pairs game
An astronaut face mask
Colouring picture
Rhyme card
4- Ten in the bed
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
Build a bear dice game
A teddy bear number line to 20
Teddy bear colour matching pairs game
Singing props
Colouring picture
Rhyme card

Number Rhyme activity pack 1- three popular counting rhymes- frogs, ducks, space men
A fun pack with activities and props for singing three popular number rhymes:
1- Five little ducks went swimming one day:
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
Missing number cards to laminate and use with dry-wipe pens- 10 different cards
Number bingo
A duck number line to 20
Singing props
2- Five little speckled frogs:
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
A floor game with frog counting cards and instructions for playing
A frog number line to 20
A lily pad target game with numbered lily pads which children can throw beanbags onto
Singing props
3- Five little men in a flying saucer:
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
Missing number cards to laminate and use with dry-wipe pens- 10 different cards
Counting cards- two sets up to 10- count the stars or spacemen and add the number cards
Colouring picture
A spaceman number line to 20
Singing props

Multicultural alphabet line display - diversity,
Create a lovely colourful display.
This alphabet line has boys and girls each with different hair colour and skin tone and some wearing glasses to promote a diverse environment for your teaching.

NEW TERM bumper pack- displays, classroom, games, activities etc
This is a huge pack ideal for a new term or new classroom
The pack includes:
Welcome posters and banners and various classroom posters
All about me workbook with lots of pages and a display banner
Twelve different alphabet lines to fit in with various topics
Areas of learning posters for Early Years and KS1
A birthday pack with display cakes to add names to, a birthday train, days of the weeks posters and flashcards, birthday balloons and a banner
A classroom calendar to make plus posters
Various classroom management posters
Colours posters and games
An emotions pack with worksheets, display materials and activities
Various games to print and play including bingo and matching pairs games
Lots if literacy resources including games, activities, posters, flash cards etc
Five different number lines
Four number rhyme power points
Lots of number resources including games, display materials, flash cards etc
A selection of play dough mats for numbers, alphabet and nursery rhymes
Sand and water area posters
Maths shape resources including activities and games etc
Two story power points
Visual timetables for Early Years and KS1
Other resources including display borders, tray and peg labels plus more

Writing bumper resource pack- mark making, phonics, literacy
Writing Area Resources
A bumper set of resources to use in your classroom or setting to create a stimulating and exciting writing and mark making area.
The pack includes:
Display materials:
Phoneme bunting flags- 2 flags for each phoneme one with the phoneme on and the other with a word and picture containing that phoneme
Alphabet line- Large colourful pencils each with the lower and upper case letters
Alphabet desk card- an A4 card with lower and upper case letters and an initial sound picture for each letter
Alphabet picture frieze- A5 cards with lower and upper case letters and a picture for each letter
Alphabet strip- a table top alphabet strip on coloured pencils
Alphabet books- a colourful set of books each with the lower case letter on
Flashcards- coloured cards with days of the week, months of the year and the seasons
Display border- a colourful pencil themed border to print out as many times as you need it
Posters for your writing area- including ‘Our Writing’, ‘We like to write’, two posters for ‘What will you write today?’
Stationery labels- coloured picture and word labels for your stationery pots in the writing area
Tray labels- 20 labels for your resources trays
Word wall bricks- 100 bricks with Reception words
Writing flash cards- 28 writing themed words such as sentence, full stop, character etc –a great addition to the writing area for older children
Display banners- a long colourful banner ‘Writing area’ and ‘Writing’
Large post box- a large colourful post box which prints over 6 pages- print out and stick to a box to create a post box for the children to post their letters
Writing materials:
Birthday invitations- 3 different designs
Book sheets- a book review and 2 different sheets about the children’s favourite books
Letters to Santa- 5 different designs
Postcards- 3 different holiday postcard designs
Magic spell- 3 sheets for writing a magic spell
Menus- 3 designs
Newspapers- Lots of different designs for different abilities
Recipes- 2 different designed sheets
Shopping lists- 4 designs
Thank you cards- 4 designs plus two blank cards to design
Wanted posters- 5 different posters for different abilities
Wedding invitations- 2 designs
Activity sheets- trace over the numbers 1-10, trace over the alphabet letters, find and colour the letters of the alphabet
Writing border sheets- a large collection of A4 photocopiable sheets with patterned borders

Nursery Rhyme song sack pack- Games, posters, activities, display
The pack includes:
Rhyme sheets for 6 popular Nursery Rhymes:
Humpty Dumpty
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Twinkle Twinkle
Hickory Dickory Dock
Baa Baa black Sheep
Jack and Jill
Colour character props for each rhyme- these would be great on a display or great when laminated and kept with nursery rhyme books for singing the rhymes
Black and white characters and props for each rhyme for the children to colour/ collage etc
A large (3xA4) size grandfather clock in colour for the rhyme ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’
Colourful games to accompany each rhyme
A 3D wall and Humpty Dumpty model to make using a split pin
Numbered blackbirds up to 24 for the rhyme ‘Sing a Song of Sixpence’
A rhyming word game
A4 colouring sheets for each rhyme
A great bumper pack-great for displays, games and making class rhyme books.

Number bunting display -various sets in colour and black and white
Number bunting sets
Three colourful sets of number bunting to hang in your classroom or the outside area-
Just print and display!
Each flag is approximately A4 in size but can be printed smaller
The pack includes:
Set 1
Numbers from 0-100 on colourful star flags
Set 2
Coloured number flags to 50
Set 3
Counting bunting- each flag has a number from 1-20 and the corresponding number of pictures
All of the sets are also included in black and white so they can be coloured in- they contain extra blank flags so that they can be made as a whole class activity with each child decorating their own flag- a great new term activity!

Money resource pack- games, worksheets,flash cards, display materials
Now updated to show the new £1 coin
The pack includes:
Money maths vocabulary cards
Posters of each of the coins
Coin flash cards
A long display banner 'Money' decorated with pictures of coins
Large outlines of purses and smaller coloured coin pictures for whole class work
A bingo game to print and play to recognise different coins
Word problem cards for displays- there are various difficulties of problems on the cards so you can choose the ones most suitable for your children
Display posters showing different items with different prices and different ways of paying for them
Coin dominoes game
Coin matching cards- match real coins onto the life size pictures on the cards
Various worksheets for adding coins
How much is in each purse- a collection of worksheets for different abilities
Money box activity- count the money in each money box and match to the correct card
Money in your hands activity- count the money held in each hand and match to the correct card
Various worksheets for coin recognition- matching and colouring suitable for younger children
Making 5p and 10p worksheets- various worksheets including colouring the coins to make 5p/10p, add morecoins to make the totals, choosing the coins to pay for different objects
Blank pages showing different objects with price labels- these can be adapted for differing abilities and used for various activities
A coin fan to make so the children can show the different coins
Collecting change board game
Money word problem worksheets
Various activity packs with coins, money holders, items to buy and activity guide including: The sweet shop, The toy shop and Five currant buns
Power Points:
Coin recognition
How much money is in each purse
Giving change

Flower matching pairs game- flash cards, display
A lovely matching pairs game with British flowers.
This pack contains one set of coloured cards.
The cards can be used as a matching pairs game or as flash cards or displayed in the outdoor area for children to spot and name the flowers in the surroundings.

Tree matching pairs game- flash cards, display- Forest schools
A lovely matching pairs game with British trees.
This pack contains two sets of coloured cards- one with tree names and one without.
The cards can be used as a matching pairs game or as flash cards or displayed in the outdoor area for children to spot and name the trees in the surroundings.

Time resource pack- telling the time, games, worksheets
The packi includes:
Display banner- a long colourful banner for your display
Display border- a colourful border to print out as many times as you need for your display boards
Clock posters- A4 posters showing clocks and the times for o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past
Vocabulary cards- decorated cards with vocabulary related to time
Bingo games- Two bingo games- one for o’clock times and the other for half past/ quarter to and quarter past
Teaching posters- A4 and A3 posters to print and laminate to add the times to of an analogue clock and a digital clock
Calendar- A colourful rainbow calendar to make for your class
Make you own clock- cut out the numbers and hand and make your own clock
Posters- a collection of posters about different times eg. There are 60 minutes in an hour
Seasons pack- an A4 poster showing the four seasons, individual posters for each season, a selection of colour photos for each season, a cut and stick worksheet and sorting boards and pictures
Loop cards- various loop card games for different times
Days of the week cards
Months of the year cards
Dominoes- match the analogue clocks to the written times
All about time- a poster with statements about time
Clock poster- a poster with a labelled clock
Question cards- great to add to your display
Posters- a set of posters showing an analogue clock, the time in words and a digital clock for different times
Day and night photographs
A large collection of worksheets and a workbook cover including:
O’clock, half past and quarter to/past
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Problem solving
24 hour clock
Digital clocks
What happens at different times of the day
Order the days and months
My Day
Plus many more!

The Zoo topic pack- zoo animals
The pack includes:
Display banner- a long colourful display banner
Display border- a display border with zoo animals to print out as many times as you need for a display of any size
Photos- coloured photos of different zoo animals
Zoo animal posters- pictures of different animals found in zoos with their names
Face masks- animal face masks in colour and black and white to use for role play or story telling- also included is a zoo keeper face mask
Escaped animal posters- fill in the details of escaped animals- 3 version of this worksheet for differentiation
Animal adjective- a collection of cards with adjectives to describe different animals
My trip to the Zoo- a book to make about a trip to the zoo
Zoo keeper diary- fill in the details of what a zoo keeper might do in a day
Dice game- roll a die and collect the numbered part of your animal
Animal jigsaws- cut up the animal pictures along the lines and reassemble to make the animal
My favourite zoo animal worksheet- draw and write about your favourite animal
Alphabet line- a cute alphabet line with lower case letters on monkeys and upper case letters on bananas
Animal number line- a number line from 0-50 on zoo animals
Design a zoo animal cage- choose a zoo animal and design a suitable cage for it
Design a zoo- choose which animals you will have in your zoo and design the zoo
If I were an animal worksheet- decide which zoo animal you would like to be and draw and write about it
Describing animal worksheets- a collection of worksheets for different animals asking the children to describe them
Animal fact cards- learn all about different zoo animals with these colourful posters
Label the animals- label different zoo animals
Literacy worksheets- match the animal to the names, write the initial sounds, writing outline sheets
Make a spiral snake- decorate the snake and then cut out to make a hanging spiral snake
Writing pages- four decorated photocopiable pages for writing- great to add to your writing area
Colouring pictures- a collection of zoo animal colouring pictures

Materials science topic pack- floating and sinking, magnets, sorting activities
A topic pack for teaching about materials
The pack includes:
Display materials including posters, banner, photos etc
A materials bingo game
A Power point about different materials
Sorting pictures
Plus lots more!

Mad About Minibeasts story topic pack- mini beasts, insects
The pack includes:
Display banner
Display border
Word cards- words on decorated cards relating to the story
Animal labels- a set of word cards with the animal names and the sounds and movements they make in the book
Large pictures
Colour butterflies
Word and picture cards- flashcards showing the minibeasts and the name
Alphabet- an alphabet line on different minibeasts
Writing sheets- a set of writing sheets with borders for the children to write on and use in the writing area
Acrostic poems- decorated sheets to write acrostic poems about the different minibeasts
A4 word card- a picture and word card to use when writing about the minibeasts
Writing worksheet- write some sentences about the different pictures on the worksheets
My favourite minibeast- draw and write worksheet
Word search- 2 different decorated word searches about minibeasts
Describing worksheets- think of some words to describe the different minibeasts
Worksheets- match the minibeast to the name, write the initial letter sounds
Number line- a number line to 100 on different minibeasts
Counting book- draw the correct number of minibeasts on each page
Counting cards- count the minibeasts
Count the spot- count the number of spots on each ladybird and then order the cards
Number rhyme packs- rhymes about minibeasts which include rhyme card, face masks and singing props
Odd/ Even number line- a number line to 20 on butterflies and caterpillars
Order size minibeasts
Mini beast sorting- sort different mini beast pictures by number of legs, wings etc
Fact cards
Colour photos
Power Point- a power point with simple facts about different minibeasts
Minibeast clues- read the minibeast clues and match to the correct picture
Build a caterpillar- Collect the coloured pieces you need for your caterpillar
Picture bingo
Colour bingo- collect the different coloured butterflies for your board
Matching pairs
Dice game- roll the die and colour the numbered minibeast- a game to play with friends or an independent activity
Stick puppets
Face masks
Colouring- a collection of colouring worksheets
Split pin minibeasts
Cut and stick scene- choose some minibeasts to make your own garden scene
Decorate the minibeasts
Play dough mats- a collection of activity mats to use with play dough
Jigsaws- cut out the pieces and reassemble to make the minibeast
Tracing picture
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

PEOPLE WHO HELP US topic pack- school, emergency services, fire fighters
The pack contains:
1- A long colourful display banner
2- Word picture cards with different people who help us, vehicles they use and equipment they use
3- Topic words on display cards
4- A display border with pictures of different people who help us- this can be printed as many times as you need for a display board of any size
5- An A4 word mat with words and pictures
6- A number line
7- A picture bingo game
8- Writing sheets to write about the different people and how they help us
9- Writing sheets
10- A Power Point about different people who help us and how they help
11- A set of cards with equipment used by different people to match to the people
12- A set of hat matching cards to match to the different people
13- Worksheets to draw and write about different people who help us and how they help us
14- Photographs of people who help us and the equipment and vehicles they use
15- Maths counting mats from 1-10
16- Stick puppets to make
17- Colour masks to make
18- An alphabet line on people
19- A set of themed play dough mats
20- Description matching cards to match to the correct person
21- Question cards
22- Two wordsearches
23- A set of speech bubble worksheets to write what each person is saying about how they help us
24- 'Our Visitor' worksheet to fill in after a class visit from somebody who helps us such a police officer etc
25- Colouring pictures
26- A board game where children have to say how the person helps us or who uses the equipment or vehicle- a great game for discussion
The Emergency Services
A Power Point about the emergency services and how the different people help us
A number rhyme set with rhyme card and props and masks 'Five Little Firemen'
A themed writing card
An alphabet line on emergency vehicles
Worksheets about the different services and the equipment and vehicles used
Themed wordsearches
Label the uniform worksheets
Writing worksheets
Dot to dot maths sheets
A number line on hats and helmets
People who help us at school
A Power Point about the different people at school who help us and what they do
A writing mat
Topic word cards about the different people and what they do
Writing worksheets
Themed wordsearches
Various worksheets to write and draw about the different people and the equipment they might use
People who help us to keep healthy
A Power Point about people who help us to keep healthy such as nurses, doctors and dentists
Cut and stick activity to sort the equipment used by a doctor
A writing mat
Themed wordsearches
A number line on teeth
Various writing worksheets
Sorting pictures to sort the food and drink which are good and bad for your teeth