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Outstanding GCSE and A level chemistry resources

Average Rating4.25
(based on 461 reviews)

Having taught GCSE and A level chemistry for 6 years and being an examiner I have developed a solid understanding of what makes a lesson outstanding and seek to share this with other teachers.




Having taught GCSE and A level chemistry for 6 years and being an examiner I have developed a solid understanding of what makes a lesson outstanding and seek to share this with other teachers.
Chemistry science club for KS4 and A level - Ethanol as an alternative fuel source

Chemistry science club for KS4 and A level - Ethanol as an alternative fuel source

This is a planned lesson sequence for delivering an 18 lesson science club for older students. They investigate ethanol as an alternative fuel source to petrol. The lessons cover: the ethanol rocket demo, making ethanol by fermentation from sucrose (sugar) then filtration and distillation, making ethanol from glucose produced by cellulase digestion of cellulose (mashed up filter paper) then filtration and distillation. basic titration, advanced titration of ethanol to calculate concentration, calorimetry, comparison of the different methods of ethanol production. Links to RSC practicals are provided for all of the demo and practicals and a total of 8 risk assessments have been written for all of the practicals with links to CLEAPPS. Calorimetry lessons are available from my other resources. Please rate these resources and leave feedback.
Ethics presentation lessons - 21 ethic questions with sources for and against

Ethics presentation lessons - 21 ethic questions with sources for and against

This is a comprehensive set of lesson resources that I have created for form lesson time. The lessons begin with the PowerPoint that introduces a brief history of ethics (religion, Socrates, Kant) then gets students to consider what we mean by the term 'ethics'. A definition is provided. The teacher then goes through how the presentations will be structured and tips for giving a good quality presentation. Students then select which one of the 21 questions they would like to investigate using the sources that have been carefully provided. Many of these sources I have come across (e.g. the Sports Gene, James Mitchell). Others I have had to research. Websites links are provided. Students then plan their presentations and present for 3 to 5 minutes. There is a checklist that can be used to provide feedback. The pictures used are not under copyright protection.
Atomic structure GCSE complete scheme of work (9 hours, 9 lessons) with outstanding lessons, demonstrations, exam skills and peer assessment

Atomic structure GCSE complete scheme of work (9 hours, 9 lessons) with outstanding lessons, demonstrations, exam skills and peer assessment

9 Resources
This is a complete set of GCSE Atomic structure lessons and fully differentiated resources. The lessons are suggested to be taught in this order: elements and compounds, balancing equations, separating mixtures, isotopes and structure, models of the atom, history of periodic table and noble gases, alkali metals, halogens, transition metals. The suggested teaching time is 1 hour per lesson and so this scheme of work requires 9 hours of teaching time. There are a variety of fun demos included such as sodium reacting with chlorine. For each demo there is a link to Royal Society of Chemistry explanations for how to safely carry out the demo. Please note that a fume cupboard is required for some demonstrations. The lesson starters recap prior learning and the lessons conclude with plenaries that develop exam technique. There are challenge tasks included in every lesson to stretch more able students. The aim is that each of these lessons is an outstanding lesson that provides the opportunity for all pupils to make excellent progress. Please rate these resources and leave feedback.
Fossil fuels lessons GCSE - outstanding lessons that provide support and challenge, recap prior learning, demonstrate progress

Fossil fuels lessons GCSE - outstanding lessons that provide support and challenge, recap prior learning, demonstrate progress

13 Resources
This is a set of 10 lessons including a revision lesson on fossil fuels. Included are lessons on combustion, formation of crude oil, fractional distillation, fermentation, alkanes, alkenes, calorimetry, bond enthalpy (advanced lesson for more able students) and alternatives to crude oil. Please take the opportunity to look at each of these lessons to find out more information and comment on them.
Organic Chemistry GCSE complete scheme of work - 2016 Specification - includes carboxylic acids, alcohols, condensation polymers, biological molecules -

Organic Chemistry GCSE complete scheme of work - 2016 Specification - includes carboxylic acids, alcohols, condensation polymers, biological molecules -

17 Resources
This is a very comprehensive set of resources that has been planned specifically for the 2016 specification - AQA topic 4.7 organic chemistry. The teaching sequence is: crude oil, alternatives to crude oil (includes combustion), fraction properties (practical + homework set), alkanes, fractional distillation (practical + homework due), cracking (demo), alkenes, addition polymerisation, alcohols, carboxylic acids, condensation polymerisation (practical) and biological polymers (practical). There is thorough differentiation and the varied starter activities recap prior learning. There are lots of exam questions to check progress.