My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Sentence practice with preterit regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs
Write an original sentence using the following guidelines:
Write the clue word (ayer etc), the subject (person), preterit verb conjugation in the correct order in the template provided.
Add 3-4 words to expand on the sentence. Your sentence must make sense.
Students will write 6 sentences per verb for a total of 18 sentences
Example: Ayer / hablé/ yo
Verbs included:
Page 1 (-Ar verbs): hablar, ayudar, comprar, mirar, bailar, escuchar
Page 2 (-Er verbs): comer, beber, correr, volver, vender, comprender
Page 3 (-Ir verbs): escribir, vivir, salir, decidir, recibir, compartir
This is a worksheet to practice writing sentences with ir + a + infinitive
Complete each sentence in the template using the following guidelines:
Write the correct conjugation of IR (to go) to match the subject (person).
Write “a”
Choose a different infinitive -ar, -er -ir from the word bank.
Add 3-4 words to expand on the sentence
Students will write a total of 18 sentences separated by infinitive type ( 6 -ar, 6 -er, and 6 -ir). A list of infinitives are provided with their English translation.
This is a introductory worksheet to practice writing sentences in the present subjunctive. Only regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs are used for the present subjunctive. A structured template is provided for students to write their sentences.
Page 1
Part 1: Conjugate the introductory verbs in column A in the present tense and conjugate the verbs in column B in the present subjunctive. Students will conjugate 5 introductory verbs and 5 present subjunctive verbs.
Part 2: Using the introductory verbs (present tense) and present subjunctive verbs from part 1, create an original sentence by filling in the template and adding 2-3 additional words. Students will write 5 sentences.
Subjunctive verbs used: estudiar, comer, vivir, comprender, aprender
Page 2
Part 3: Conjugate the introductory verbs in column A in the present tense and conjugate the verbs in column B in the present subjunctive.Students will conjugate 5 introductory verbs and 5 present subjunctive verbs.
Part 4: Using the introductory verbs (present tense) and present subjunctive verbs from part 3, create an original sentence by filling in the template below and adding 3-4 additional words. Students will write 5 sentences.
Subjunctive verbs used: viajar, mirar, escribir, leer, limpiar
This worksheet is a matching practice with questions in the imperfect tense.
There are 20 questions total and answer key is included.
Verbs included:
-AR: hablar, bailar, jugar, mirar
-ER: comer, beber, leer, aprender
-IR: vivir, salir, recibir, compartir
Reflexive: despertarse, acostarse
Irregular: ser, ir, ver (each verb used twice)
j. hablabas / hablaba m. bailaba / bailaba
____ 1. ¿Con quién _______ tú mucho? Yo ________ con José. (hablar)
____ 2. ¿Dónde _______ Paula cada tarde? Ella _______ en su casa. (bailar)
Length: 2 pages including answer key
This worksheet is a practice with questions on the uses of the imperfect tense in Spanish. All questions are information questions and reflexive verbs are included.
(1) Habitual actions / 6 questions
(2) Age / 1 question
(3) Time / 4 questions
(4) Weather / 7 questions (students will answer with 7 different types of weather)
(5) Season / 2 questions
(6) Date / 1 question
(7) Description of clothing / 2 questions
(8) Name / 2 questions
(9) Description of a place / 2 questions
(10) Description of a person / 2 questions
(11) Feeling / emotion / 2 questions
Students can also do this practice orally.
Length: 2.5 pages
This is a worksheet to practice -go verbs in the present subjunctive.
Part 1: Conjugate each verb for all persons in the present subjunctive in the template provided. (9 total)
Part 2: Complete each sentence with a different -go verb in the present subjunctive and add 3-4 words to expand on the sentence in an original manner. Sentences should not be repetitive (using the same words over and over). (9 total)
Pages 1-3 are the practice and pages 4-5 are the answer key for part 1.
Answer key is included for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary.
Practice: Imperfect tense with reflexive verbs
Conjugate each verb for all persons in the template provided. Then, answer the personal question in a complete sentence.
Verbs included: lavarse, banarse, quedarse, despertarse, acostarse (5 total)
Students will conjugate the 5 verbs for all six persons and answer one personal question with each verb in the imperfect tense.
Answer key is included. For personal questions, student answers will vary.
Reflexive pronouns and imperfect tense endings for -ar, -er, -ir verbs are included for reference.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
Imperfect tense: Original questions speaking activity (Create original questions and interview a classmate)
Before interviewing a classmate, write a question with the for each verb type
-ar, -er, -ir) using these guidelines:
Conjugate the infinitive (verb) in the imperfect tense to match the subject (person)
Add 2-3 words (or more) to expand on the question.
Add a clue word (cada día etc) from the list below in any order
Students will create 15 original questions (5 -ar, 5 -er, 5 -ir) in the structured template provided. The template includes question words, infinitives, and subjects. A list of clue words with English translation are also provided.
Verbs included:
-AR: hablar, practicar, jugar, mirar, bailar (page 1)
-ER: leer, comer, aprender, correr, volver (page 2)
-IR: vivir, escribir, salir, recibir, asistir (page 3)
For irregular verbs ser, ir, ver, students will answer 6 personal questions (2 for each verb), instead of creating their own. (page 3)
Practice: Tener que infinitive sentence completion
Complete the sentences using these guidelines:
Write the correct conjugation of tener
Write “que”
Choose the correct infinitive phrase from the word bank to logically complete the sentence
There are 10 sentences total. A template is provided for students to write #1-3 from above.
mirar la tele / prestar atención
En la clase yo _______ / _____ / _______
Answer: En la clase yo tengo /que / prestar atención
Answer key is included.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
This worksheet is a practice on parts of speech in Spanish. It is ideal for Spanish 1 students.
Students will read 3 short paragraphs in the present tense and write the appropriate parts of speech in the template provided. For each paragraph, students will find subject / subject pronoun, noun, infinitive, verb, adjective, preposition.
Brief notes on aforementioned parts of speech are provided for reference.
Answer key is included.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
Practice: Las clases y la tarea
The following group of students have a favorite class. For every class, write one activity that the student does in class and a possible homework assignment that the student has to do using the word bank and the guidelines provided.
For the class activity, write a sentence in the present tense and conjugate the verb(s). Use column A of the word bank.
For the homework: write a sentence with tener + que + infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir). Use column B of the word bank.
Tomás: Me gusta la clase de francés
Completar una práctica de verbos / aprender la lengua y la cultura francesa
*En la clase Tomás aprende la lengua y la cultura francesa
*Para la tarea, él tiene que completar una práctica de verbos
There are 8 classes total: inglés, matemáticas, ciencias, historia, educación física, español, música, arte
Answer key is included.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and page 3-4 are the answer key.
Practice: Present tense of -ar, -er, -ir verbs
Verbs included:
AR: hablar, mirar, comprar, tocar, estudiar, ayudar
ER: comer, aprender, leer, vender, correr, beber
IR: vivir, escribir, abrir, compartir, recibir, decidir
For each verb type: -ar, -er, -ir, there are two sections
Part 1: Match each conjugation with its subject (person) using the verb bank. (6 total for all 6 persons)
Part 2: Complete each sentence below by writing the correct verb conjugation in the first blank using part 1. For the second blank, expand on the sentence by adding 2-3 words. Your sentence must make sense. (6 sentences total)
Answer key is included for the verb conjugations only. For part 2, student answers will vary for the second blank.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
Part 1: Match each conjugation with its subject (person) using the verb bank.
Verb bank: compran / hablo / miráis / ayudas / estudiamos / toca
Yo: _______________ Nosotros: ________________
Tú: _______________ Vosotros: ________________
Él: ________________ Uds: ____________________
Part 2: Complete each sentence below by writing the correct verb conjugation in the first blank using part 1. For the second blank, expand on the sentence by adding 2-3 words. Your sentence must make sense.
Yo ______________ con mis amigos ________________________________
Tú _____________ a tu madre _____________________________________
Practice: Spelling change -car, -gar, -zar preterit verbs
For each verb type, the practice is structured in the following way.
Part 1: Write the spelling change in the blank provided. (4 total)
Buscar: to look for / Yo: bus_____ é
Part 2: Complete each sentence by writing the correct verb from part 1 and add 3-4 words in the second blank to expand on the sentence. No on-line translators. (4 total)
Ayer yo ___________ un libro _________________________________
Part 3: Conjugate each verb for all persons in the preterit. (2 total)
Page 1: -CAR / verbs included: buscar, tocar, practicar, sacar
Page 2: -GAR / verbs included: jugar, pagar, llegar, entregar
Page 3: -ZAR / verbs included: empezar, comenzar, almorzar, cruzar
Answer key is included. Note: In part 2, student answers will vary in the second blank.
Pages 1-3 are the practice and pages 4-6 are the answer key.
Reflexive verbs sentence completion activity (present tense)
Part 1: Complete each sentence by conjugating the reflexive verb and by choosing the appropriate phrase from the word bank below to complete the sentence. (10 sentences total)
Regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs only in part 1.
Verbs included: lavarse, levantarse, desayunarse, mirarse, quedarse, secarse, ducharse, maquillarse, ponerse, aburrirse
con jabón y agua / la fiesta de cumpleaños
(lavarse) Yo _______ / ______________ las manos _________
Answer: Yo me / lavo las manos con jabón y agua.
Part 2: Same as part 1 using stem change verbs. (9 sentences total)
Verbs included: sentarse, despertarse, divertirse, sentirse, probarse, acostarse, dormirse, vestirse, despedirse
las noches escolares / una silla en la sala
(sentarse > e-ie) En mi casa yo _______ / _______________ en __________
Answer: Yo me / siento en una silla en la sala.
Answer key is included.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
Stem change verbs practice
E-IE stem change verbs
Verbs included: pensar, querer, mentir, preferir, empezar, comenzar, entender
Part 1: Complete each blank with the correct conjugation. Note: Stem change verbs have a stem change in all conjugations except nosotros and vosotros. (7 total)
All verbs are structured as follows:
Pensar: to think
Yo _______________ en el fin de semana. ¿En qué ______________ tú?
Nosotros: _____________ Vosotros: __________________
Él / ella / Ud: _____________ Ellos / Ellas / Uds: _______________
Part 2: Answer the 7 personal questions with the aforementioned verbs in a complete sentence. All questions are information questions.
Answer key is included. For part 2, student answers will vary.
Pages 1-3 are the practice and pages 4-6 are the answer key.
Reading conversation: La mochila con materiales escolares
Marcos just bought a new backpack with school supplies to start off the new school year. His younger sister Elena is asking him about why each school supply item is used. Complete Marcos’s responses using the word bank provided.
School supplies included: el lápiz, las carpetas, el resaltador, el cuaderno, la memoria flash, la grapadora, los bolígrafos, las tijeras, la calculadora, el borrador,
la regla, las crayolas (12 total)
para guardar mis papeles / para escribir
Elena: ¿Qué haces con el lápiz?
Marcos: Yo lo uso ________________________________
Answer: Yo lo uso para escribir.
Elena: ¿Qué haces con las carpetas?
Marcos: Yo las uso ____________________________________
Answer: Yo las uso para guardar mis papeles.
Pages 1-2 are the conversation and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
Students can also complete this conversation orally, if desired.
Stem change verbs practice: E-I stem change verbs (present tense)
Verbs included: pedir, servir, repetir, competir, seguir, vestirse
Part 1: Complete each blank with the correct conjugation. Note: Stem change verbs have a stem change in all conjugations except nosotros and vosotros. (6 total)
All verbs except morir are structured as follows:
Pedir: to ask for / to order
¿Qué ________________ tú en el café? Yo _______________ el té.
Nosotros:__________________ Vosotros: ___________________
Él / Ella / Ud: _________________ Ellos / Ellas / Uds: ___________________
Part 2: Answer the 6 personal questions with the aforementioned verbs in a complete sentence. All questions are information questions.
Answer key is included. For part 2, student answers will vary.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
Stem change verbs structured conjugation practice (e-i)
For each infinitive, make the appropriate stem change in column 2 and write the appropriate verb endings in column 4. Do not make any stem changes in the nosotros and vosotros conjugations
Verbs included: pedir, repetir, servir, competir, seguir, decir
Answer key is included.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
This practice can be used as students are being introduced to e-i stem change verbs.
Stem change verbs structured practice (o-ue)
For each infinitive, make the appropriate stem change in column 2 and write the appropriate verb endings in column 4. Do not make any stem changes in the nosotros and vosotros conjugations
Verbs included: almorzar, mostrar, volver, devolver, poder, dormir
Answer key is included.
This practice can be used as students are being introduced to o-ue stem change verbs.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
This worksheet is a guided practice on e-ie stem change verbs in the present tense.
For each of the three infinitives (pensar, querer, preferir), students will find the vowel that stem changes, write the stem and the stem change and correct verb ending in the spaces provided.
On the last page, students will conjugate 6 infinitives for all persons (empezar, entender, mentir, cerrar, perder, sugerir)
Answer key is included.
Pages 1-3 are the practice and pages 4-6 are the answer key.
This practice can be used as students are first introduced to e-ie stem change verbs.