"Samia's Shop" represents samples of learning experiences/activities aligned with the Math elementary curriculum and PYP program. These resources aim to encourage students to explore concepts through inquiry and play, apply and develop their reasoning and thinking skills, and deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts.
"Samia's Shop" represents samples of learning experiences/activities aligned with the Math elementary curriculum and PYP program. These resources aim to encourage students to explore concepts through inquiry and play, apply and develop their reasoning and thinking skills, and deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts.
It is always a good idea for students to review taught objectives throughout the summer. Not only it is a wonderful way to fill lazy summer days, but it is also an excellent way to help children retain the skills they learned during the school year.
This resource contains a suggested list of authentic activities that children can do on their own, with their friends, or family members.
These activities are presented in the Activity Board where children have to select at least a total of 20 activities (two for each week of the summer vacation) to complete, and to have a grown-up initial on each box they have finished.
In addition, and since play is fundamental to the well-being and the development of a child, there is among the activities a list of suggested Games that parents can play with their child, as well as Electronic Games that they can play on a computer or on a tablet.
Have fun & Enjoy your vacation!
This learning experience is an open-ended activity that encourages imagination amongst children as they learn more about fractions and activate their prior knowledge. There is no one correct answer; all responses are accepted and teachers can benefit from the variety of responses to encourage negotiation and discussion.
A number line is a significant tool used to visualize numbers, compare and order them, and establish the relationship between different types of numbers. This activity helps students locate fractions and mixed numbers on a number line.
In this activity, students are asked to apply their understanding regarding the part-whole relationship by spotting the mistake of six representations of given models. Each model is made up of six representations of the one in the middle. Only one hexagon is not equivalent to others. Students have to find it and justify their answers by using different representations.
“I Have Who Has” is an interactive game to play as a whole class or in a small group. Skills range from Pre-K to sixth grade. Content can be adapted to cover any concept.
In this game, students demonstrate their understanding of the relationship between fractions, decimal numbers, and percentages, in addition to representing them on a number line.
The natural numbers are a set of counting numbers that we see and use every day to specify “discrete quantities”. But what about many situations that require more precision than whole numbers can provide?
This learning experience will guide students to explore some of these situations.
The 100 grid is an effective tool that helps students connecting fractions with decimals and percentages. Give them a 100 grid with some squares shaded and ask them to represent the shaded parts in different ways.
Challenge students by giving them a 100 wheel instead of the grid.
This activity aims to help students figuring out the use of percentages in real life situations. They are required to describe, interpret, and analyze the value of given sales used in newspapers ads.
This activity asks learners to use their knowledge about fractions, decimal numbers, and percentages to solve problems in a real context. It could be used as a provocation to start a unit of inquiry about different types of numbers or at the end of the unit as a summative assessment.
Units of measurement provide a significant context for understanding numbers and their values, particularly when comparing quantities. By encouraging students to compare different units of measurement, educators can help them develop a stronger foundation in comparative reasoning, enabling them to more effectively make sense of numerical relationships.
This document is a set of questions that you can use as a dynamic routine with your learners.
Whether you are parents or a teacher, this activity encourages your students to do problems that boost their reasoning and thinking skills and permit them to think logically and critically.
It is always a challenge for students to deal with improper fractions. This lesson guides them through inquiry steps to model improper fractions and find their relationship with mixed numbers.
Learning through play is essential for the kids development, helps them learn to forge connections with others, and develop their understanding by sharing ideas and negotiation. This learning experience allows kids to apply comparing decimal numbers through play.
Teachers can also use this learning experience to assess students understanding of the place value and their skills in comparing two decimal numbers.
Number talks are short daily routines that help students develop their computational fluency. “Number of the Day” is one of the most effective activities used as a part of Math routines. The following is a template for 1-digit number useful for first and second graders.
“Number talks” sont de courtes routines quotidiennes qui aident les élèves à développer leurs compétences en calcul. Le « Nombre du jour » est l’une des activités les plus efficaces utilisées dans le cadre des routines mathématiques. Ce qui suit est un modèle de numbre à 1 chiffre utile pour les élèves de première et deuxième année.
Number talks are short daily routines that help students develop their computational fluency. “Number of the Day” is one of the most effective activities used as a part of Math routines. The following is a template for 2-digit number useful for first and second graders.
Number talks are short daily routines that help students develop their computational fluency. “Number of the Day” is one of the most effective activities used as a part of Math routines. The following is a template for 3-digit number useful for second and third graders.
“Number talks” sont de courtes routines quotidiennes qui aident les élèves à développer leurs compétences en calcul. Le « Nombre du jour » est l’une des activités les plus efficaces utilisées dans le cadre des routines mathématiques. Ce qui suit est un modèle de numbre à 3 chiffres utile pour les élèves de troisième et deuxième année.
“Number talks” sont de courtes routines quotidiennes qui aident les élèves à développer leurs compétences en calcul. Le « Nombre du jour » est l’une des activités les plus efficaces utilisées dans le cadre des routines mathématiques. Ce qui suit est un modèle de numbre à 1 chiffre utile pour les élèves de première et deuxième année.
Que vous soyez parents ou enseignant(e), cette activité encourage vos élèves à résoudre des problèmes qui renforcent leurs capacités de raisonnement et de réflexion et leur permettent de penser de manière logique et critique.