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Shara_nuku's Shop

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I am a KS5 Spanish Teacher and I have lived and worked in England teaching Spanish since 2010. I am from Cerdanyola del Vallès, just outside Barcelona. Currently working in a Sixth Form College in Northwich. Visit my blog to see the free stuff I have!




I am a KS5 Spanish Teacher and I have lived and worked in England teaching Spanish since 2010. I am from Cerdanyola del Vallès, just outside Barcelona. Currently working in a Sixth Form College in Northwich. Visit my blog to see the free stuff I have!
Spanish Alevel - Presente y Preterito - El juego de la Oca

Spanish Alevel - Presente y Preterito - El juego de la Oca

Alevel game boards for the present and the preterite tenses. It includes all categories of irregulars. When students fall in a square with 2 or 3 verbs, they conjugate the verbs given (Yo canto, tú cantas...). If they fall in an orange square, that is a speaking questions and they speak for a minute. For the rest of La Oca rules, you will find a slide with the explanations.
French GCSE - L'environnement Carrousel activities

French GCSE - L'environnement Carrousel activities

This resource includes: -a match up activity in which students have to match up key infinitives that can be used as a starter. -a card sort game (differentiated for Low and High Ability students) -a carrousel reading activity with 4 different texts. You can group students and each group can read a different text. -a glossary worksheet to complete by students and another one that comes already completed. -a plenary activity using Twitter. These resources can take 2 or 3 lessons to complete.
AS Grammar Gameboard

AS Grammar Gameboard

This resource is a gameboard for the end of the year for AS students or for the beginning of the year for A2 students. The aim is to revise grammar and practise a bit the speaking. Students work in pairs or in groups and roll the dice to get to the FIN square. If the get a 6 when rolling the dice, they stay where they are and have to say 6 connectives. One person in the group writes the connectives that are being said down so that they avoid repeating them. This will force them to think about more connectives.
La Casa de Bernarda Alba - A3 Revision Mat

La Casa de Bernarda Alba - A3 Revision Mat

This mat is for those studying La Casa de BA. in the new Spanish Alevel. It includes quotes, connectives, opinion phrases, intensifiers, idioms, subjunctive phrases and if clauses. Also, verbs that are followed by a preposition. I have tried to select verbs and idioms that apply to the play so that students can improve their essays. It would be useful for the old curriculum A2 students too. At the back, there are verb tables with all the regular conjugations to help students conjugate the verbs.
El Laberinto del Fauno Bundle

El Laberinto del Fauno Bundle

4 Resources
Here is a bundle with the 4 resources I have made for my students for the topic of El Laberinto. They are the resources I have added to TES over the last couple of months. You save 52% by getting them using this bundle.
Alfombrilla del Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Lab mat)

Alfombrilla del Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Lab mat)

Aquí os dejo una “mat” que he hecho para los alumnos de AS que ya pronto tienen su examen. También puede servir para los de A2 (he arreglado un par de erratas que se me colaron). Incluye: - citas de los personajes - if clauses - por / para - idioms - sequencing words - gustar verbs Por detrás he incluido las conjugaciones del indicativo y el presente / imperfecto de subjuntivo.
En el restaurante: Menús de países hispanohablantes (Year 7)

En el restaurante: Menús de países hispanohablantes (Year 7)

This resource is a market place activity in which students have to work in groups in a carrousel style. Every group has the vocab sheet to gather vocab and create their own glossary plus a reading comprehension sheet to fill in whilst they have the menu. It is important that students divide the work up: some can look up the vocabulary whilst the others can answer the questions. Or, they could all spend some minutes looking up the words first and then answering the questions. You can use the stopwatch website and its timers so that students can see how much time they have left. The aim is that they read the menus and that they get to learn about other countries and their famous dishes whilst consolidating some of the Food vocab they learnt in previous lessons. There are menus for a Basque restaurant, a Catalan restaurant, a Mexican restaurant and the last one is a menu from Costa Rica. This activity takes up the whole hour (if you get every group to look at 2 menus) and I used it at the end of the Food Unit. You can also use the menus for Role Plays the next lesson. If your groups do 2 menus then you can get your students to talk to the rest about the food they learnt that people eat in those countries. I used this activity with a Y7 class and it worked very well. Students were engaged and they loved the role plays we did the following lesson. As a follow up activity you could ask them to design their own menus of other Spanish speaking countries. They could use the computers to do some research and then do their designs.
Preguntas orales para Spanish Year 1 (AQA)_Bank of prompting questions and advice

Preguntas orales para Spanish Year 1 (AQA)_Bank of prompting questions and advice

¡Al fin acabé! I have finally finished putting together oral questions to practice for the speaking. This is a 26 pages booklet with a few hundred questions that students can use to practice but also to research some topic areas. First couple of pages also include info about the oral examination and some tips. And then, there is a bank of idioms that students can use with translations and examples of the idioms so that they can see how they would be used. They are all grouped per topic but can be used for lots of other topics.
El laberinto del Fauno - Essay titles Booklet and A3 Essay draft planner

El laberinto del Fauno - Essay titles Booklet and A3 Essay draft planner

This booklet includes the AQA mark scheme, a quotes exercise, 11 essay exercises that come with bullet points and 8 essay titles without a bullet point. I added as well for my students essay phrases so that they can have it all in one place. The A3 planner is basically a sheet that we use when writing an essay in class or that students can use at home to structure their essays a bit more. I added some teacher feedback points that I normally highlight so that students see what they have to amend, change or add. I had the feeling that I was always writing the same things regarding the stucture and this teacher feedback box makes the marking a bit quicklier. Regarding the accuracy and errors I tend to use a blue highlighter for the errors that I think that they can correct themselves. Then, next lesson, they have to show me their corrections. If the structure is not quite what they need, I tend to ask them to staple a cue card and write down one of the paragraphs again following the feedback I give them.
Ser and Estar A3 Posters

Ser and Estar A3 Posters

Two posters, one for ser and another one for estar. We have them near the board in class and students find it helpful when completing translations in A2. They can all have a quick look when encountering the verb “to be”.
Spanish Vocabulary Lists for the AQA topics of Family, Cyber, Idols, Heritage, Identity and Genders

Spanish Vocabulary Lists for the AQA topics of Family, Cyber, Idols, Heritage, Identity and Genders

Find attached the pdf and word files for the 6 AS units that I have made for my students. I start with the Unit of Cyber since we have many students doing both French and Spanish and this way they do not all start with the topic of family at the same time. I have also uploaded the assessments I have made for every page of vocabulary. I give my students an exercise booklet for every unit and I place these lists at the beginning of each unit. They have to fill them in and they use them to revise. All these lists are on Memrise for my students.
Spanish Subjunctive Booklet & Mat for Alevel (updated version + answers)

Spanish Subjunctive Booklet & Mat for Alevel (updated version + answers)

This booklet is a 25 pages booklet that includes the regular and irregulars that students could have to face using the mnemonics WEIRDO and DISHES. It also includes the subjunctive stem changing verbs, verbs that have a spelling change and IR verbs. Preview does not show much of it but there is plenty of practice. You will also be able to find the Juanes song, A Dios le pido and conjunctions that need the subjunctive. The practice that students have in this booklet includes verb drills for regular and irregular verbs, gapfills (AS style) and translations. Also attached the power point with the Subjunctive Phrases you can find in the booklet and the answer to those match ups. Power point comes with two plenaries: a heads and tails and a Twitter one. NEW: Subjunctive Assessment. I have added an assessment to test students at the end of the unit. NEW: I have updated this booklet in January 2021 and have added the answers. Have also updated the power point.
Spanish Imperfect Subjunctive group of resources (booklet and revision mats)

Spanish Imperfect Subjunctive group of resources (booklet and revision mats)

Here you can find the imperfect subjunctive booklet I put together for my students plus 2 revision mats that help them to squeeze this tense in their oral and written work. The booklet includes all the irregulars plus gapfill and translation exercises. You can also find a ppt that includes a dice game. Have you got 20 sided dice? You will need some! Students have to roll the dice to find out what verb they have to conjugate in the imperfect.
El laberinto del Fauno

El laberinto del Fauno

Varied worksheets on the topic of Pan's Lab that include activities about the director, Devil's Backbone, themes, symbols, references to other stories, characters, a gameboard and some questions for the oral. I have also included the cover of the booklet that my students have. I added the pdf documents and also the word documents for other teachers to adapt if wanted.
Spanish Future Tense Mat, Display and Revision Poster

Spanish Future Tense Mat, Display and Revision Poster

Pack of resources for the future tense. It includes the revision mat that has the Simple Future on one side and the “IR A” future on the other side. It also includes an Irregular verbs display with the 12 irregulars (tener, saber, poner, poder…). My students find these type of mats very helpfull since they summarise everything they need to know for their tests. Finally, I have also included a revision poster of the 12 irregular verbs. Ideal for the new GCSE curriculum but also for the Alevel curriculum. All the documents are in pdf and word but you will need to install the fonts I have used for the word versions. I have added a modified version I made for a Year 7 class.