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A Day at the Clinic: Endocrine System Diseases and Disorders Case Studies

A Day at the Clinic: Endocrine System Diseases and Disorders Case Studies

This activity includes 11 mini case studies on disorders of the endocrine system (diabetes, acromegaly, Grave’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, and more). Each case involves a patient who presents with symptoms and students will identify the gland involved, diagnosis of disorder and treatment options. Teachers can determine the depth of student response and whether students work independently or with a partner. Ideal for an anatomy and physiology or human body course and can be used as classwork or as a project. Can be used with other Endocrine system worksheets. Answer key provided.
Pharmacology: Patient Education Scenarios Mini-Case Studies (Nursing, Pharmacy)

Pharmacology: Patient Education Scenarios Mini-Case Studies (Nursing, Pharmacy)

This worksheet includes 10 mini pharmacology scenarios involving patient education opportunities. Students will independently read the scenarios then answer questions (they may need to briefly research the medication in question). Students can then discuss in small groups (virtual, hybrid, or in person) before coming together to discuss as a class. It’s a great way to discuss not only medications (side effects, noncompliance, antibiotics, etc) but also patient education. Ideal for a Medical Assistant course but could also be used in a pharm tech, pharmacology, or health sciences course. Can be used with other Pharmacology worksheets. Answer key (suggested) provided.
On My Way to Being A CNA...Clinical Case Studies (Nursing, Health Sciences)

On My Way to Being A CNA...Clinical Case Studies (Nursing, Health Sciences)

This nursing assistant learning activity includes 19 mini scenarios involving residents and/or patients and questions about their care. This activity applies prior knowledge, problem solving and critical thinking skills and is can be completed by an individual student, or completed in small groups. Answer key provided (although answers may vary).
Ethical Considerations in Workplace- Mini Case Studies (Nursing, Health Care)

Ethical Considerations in Workplace- Mini Case Studies (Nursing, Health Care)

This worksheet includes 12 mini ethical case studies dealing specifically with the healthcare work environment. Students will independently read the scenarios and then answer questions (mostly opinion, some legal thoughts). Students can then discuss in small groups (even if virtual) before finally discussing as a class. It’s a great way to discuss proper conduct and ethical behavior in the workplace! Ideal for a CNA/GNA, Medical Assistant, or Health Sciences course and can be used as a classwork/group activity. Can be used with other Ethics and Legality worksheets.
Anatomy and Physiology Pre Test- What Do You Know? (science)

Anatomy and Physiology Pre Test- What Do You Know? (science)

This 100 multiple choice question pre-test is a great first or second day activity to see what prior knowledge students are bringing into your Anatomy and Physiology class. It can be used in class or as a homework assignment, as an individual pre-test, or given to small groups to discuss and work on together. Can also be given at the end of the year as a post test, to see student growth. Questions vary in complexity! Answer key provided.
The Lymphatic System (Immune System, Anatomy and Physiology) POWER POINT

The Lymphatic System (Immune System, Anatomy and Physiology) POWER POINT

This 73 slide power point presentation will introduce your students to the lymphatic/immune systems. Topics include: functions, lymph, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, lymph circulation, organs of the lymphatic system (tonsils, thymus, Peyer’s Patches, spleen), immunity, T/B lymphocytes, antigens and antibodies, and cells of the immune response and other defenses. Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture or in student driven instruction.
Developmental Psychology Infancy and Childhood (POWER POINT)

Developmental Psychology Infancy and Childhood (POWER POINT)

This 95 slide power point presentation will help introduce your students to the developmental psychology of infancy and childhood. Topics include: role of nature/nurture, maturation, critical period, tabula rasa, stages versus continuity, physical development, motor development, reflexes, perceptual development, social development, attachment, separation/stranger anxiety, Harry Harlow’s monkey experiment, imprinting, secure versus insecure attachment, parenting styles, influences on self-esteem, Piaget’s cognitive development, and Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. Ideal for a Psychology or related course and can be used in lecture or in student-driven learning.
What is Psychology? (Psychology) POWER POINT

What is Psychology? (Psychology) POWER POINT

This 65 slide power point presentation will help to introduce your students to the field of psychology. Topics include: psychology, behavior, studying psychology, goals of psychology, Socrates, Aristotle, key psychologists, biological perspective, evolutionary perspective, cognitive perspective, humanistic perspective, psychoanalytic perspective, learning perspective, and sociocultural perspective. Ideal for a psychology course and can be used in lecture or for student-driven learning.
Psychology:  Learning POWER POINT

Psychology: Learning POWER POINT

This 83 slide power point presentation will help to introduce your students to learning. Topics include: classical conditioning, Ivan Pavlov and his experiments, taste aversions, extinction, generalization, discrimination, flooding, systematic desensitization, Little Albert, operant conditioning, Skinner box, reinforcement, reinforcers, cognitive factors in learning, latent learning, observant learning, effects of media violence, Albert Bandura, and the PQ4R method of learning. Ideal for a Psychology or related course and can be used in lecture or in student-driven learning.
Cultural Diversity- Considerations for Health Care POWER POINT (Nursing)

Cultural Diversity- Considerations for Health Care POWER POINT (Nursing)

This 41 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about cultural diversity and healthcare. Topics include: culture, characteristics of culture, areas of potential conflict, family organization, spirituality/religion, language, personal space, eye contact, alternative health care, and culturally appropriate care. Ideal for a CNA/GNA/CCMA, Health Sciences or related course and can be used in lecture.
Environmental and Nursing Assistant Safety POWER POINT

Environmental and Nursing Assistant Safety POWER POINT

This 63 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about the importance of environmental and nursing assistant safety in the health care setting. Topics include: environment, patient environment, hospital beds and side rails, temperature, light, cleanliness, safety measures, equipment and its care, fire safety and prevention, oxygen usage, RACE and PASS, ergonomics, OSHA and hazards. The last 16 slides include questions/photos to gauge student’s understanding. Ideal for a CNA/GNA, Health Sciences or related course and can be used with lecture.
Classification of Disease POWER POINT (Nursing Assistant/Health Sciences)

Classification of Disease POWER POINT (Nursing Assistant/Health Sciences)

This 59 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about classification of diseases. Topics include: etiology, prognosis, risk factors, acute vs chronic, congenital diseases, genetic diseases, infection and inflammation, neoplasms, therapy, diagnostic studies, and early/late detection of cancers. Ideal for a CNA/GNA/CCMA, Health Sciences or related course and can be used in lecture.
Stress POWER POINT (Health/Psychology/Health Sciences)

Stress POWER POINT (Health/Psychology/Health Sciences)

This 61 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about stress. Topics include: stress (eustress, distress), sources of stress, types of conflict, personality types (A/B), responses to stress, physical effects of stress, effects of stress on the immune system, and positive and negative ways of coping with stress. Ideal for a Psychology, Health, or related course and can be used in lecture or student-driven learning.
Vital Signs POWER POINT- Nursing Assistant/Health Sciences/Medical Assistant

Vital Signs POWER POINT- Nursing Assistant/Health Sciences/Medical Assistant

This 85 slide power point presentation will help to introduce your students to vital signs. Topics include: Temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, pain, capillary refill, pulse points, normal ranges, equipment used, and key terminology. Note: This presentation focuses on the introduction/theory/science of vital signs. It does not focus on the precise skill steps involved with measuring vital signs. Ideal for a variety of courses (CNA/GNA/CCMA) and can be used in lecture. Vital Signs worksheets are also available in my store.
Infection Control in Health Care POWER POINT (Nursing/Health Sciences)

Infection Control in Health Care POWER POINT (Nursing/Health Sciences)

This 98 slide power point presentation will help to teach your students about infection control in health care. Topics include: very basics of microbiology (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, parasites, spores, difference between bacteria, viruses, treatment of infections), the chain of infection, local vs system infections, body defenses, hospital acquired infections, carriers, vectors, fomites, superbugs, medical asepsis, hand hygiene (handwashing vs waterless cleaners), potentially infectious excretions or secretions, sharps, standard precautions, use of PPE, types of transmissions (direct, indirect, airborne, droplet and vector), isolation, sequence for applying and removing PPE, things to remember and exposure incidents. Ideal for a CNA/GNA/CCMA, dental assistant, surgical tech, or related course and can be used in lecture.
Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

This 126 slide power point will help your students to learn about the urinary system. Topics include: kidney anatomy, nephron anatomy, formation of urine, filtration, reabsorption, secretion, urinary output, urinalysis and findings, ureters, urinary bladder anatomy, chemical control of urinary secretion (ADH, Aldosterone, Renin), and brief descriptions of some urinary disorders (UTI, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, dialysis, renal calculi, hydronephrosis). Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture. Can also be used with available Urinary System worksheets.
Puberty and Adolescence Growth and Development POWER POINT

Puberty and Adolescence Growth and Development POWER POINT

This 66 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about human puberty and the adolescent years. Topics include: puberty, hormonal influence by hypothalamus/pituitary gland, changes in males/females, precocious and delayed puberty, Turner/Klinefelter syndromes, physical/cognitive/psychosocial changes in adolescence, early/middle/late adolescence traits, influence of peers, health promotion in adolescence, safety issues, legal aspects, and illness/disease in adolescence. Ideal for a CNA/CCMA or related Growth and Development course and can be used in lecture. Other Growth and Development power points are also available.
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities:  Nursing Assistant POWER POINT

Legal and Ethical Responsibilities: Nursing Assistant POWER POINT

This 57 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about legalities and ethics in health care. Topics include: civil and criminal law, malpractice, negligence, defamation, false imprisonment, abuse, assault, battery, invasion of privacy, informed consent, HIPAA, advanced directives, living will/power of attorney, DNR, patients’ bill of rights, basic rules of ethics, and professional standards. Ideal for a CNA/GNA/CCMA or related course and can be used in lecture.
Medical Abbreviations: Urinary and Reproductive Systems POWER POINT

Medical Abbreviations: Urinary and Reproductive Systems POWER POINT

This power point is ideal for Health Science educators who want to teach their students Medical Abbreviations. This power point includes 30 common medical abbreviations from the Urinary and Reproductive systems and an explanation of their meaning. Can be used with other Medical Abbreviation power points.