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Digestive System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

Digestive System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

This 76 slide power point presentation will help to teach your students about the digestive system. Topics include: oral cavity, teeth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, large intestine, histology, enzymes, defecation and common vocabulary terms Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture or in student driven instruction.
Blood Anatomy and Physiology Power Point

Blood Anatomy and Physiology Power Point

This 104 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about blood as well as disorders of the blood. Topics include: Characteristics of blood, plasma, erythrocytes, leukocytes (granulocytes, agranulocytes), chemotaxis, diapedesis, platelets, hemostasis, blood groups/typing, blood genotypes and phenotypes, Punnett squares, as well as multiple disorders of the blood. Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used as part of lecture.
Respiratory System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

Respiratory System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

This 69 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about the Respiratory system. Topics include: anatomy/function of respiratory system, the respiration process, gas transport, respiratory volumes and capacities, and factors affecting respiratory rate. Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture or student driven instruction.
Histology (Tissues) Anatomy and Physiology  POWER POINT

Histology (Tissues) Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

This 127 slide power point presentation will help to introduce your students to histology. Includes epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous tissues with characteristics of each tissue type and histology slides. Ideal for a histology unit in an Anatomy and Physiology or related course. Can be used with available Histology worksheets.
The Nursing Assistant POWER POINT (Nursing/Health Sciences)

The Nursing Assistant POWER POINT (Nursing/Health Sciences)

This 43 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about being a nursing assistant. Topics include: Nurse Practice Acts, scope of practice, OBRA, the training program (classroom and clinical skills), Competency evaluation, certification, nursing tasks, presenting a professional appearance (uniform, jewelry, hair, nails, etc), and personal and professional characteristics (empathy, dependability, competence, honesty, patience, etc). Ideal for a CNA, GNA, CCMA, or health sciences course and can be used in lecture.
Stress POWER POINT (Health/Psychology/Health Sciences)

Stress POWER POINT (Health/Psychology/Health Sciences)

This 61 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about stress. Topics include: stress (eustress, distress), sources of stress, types of conflict, personality types (A/B), responses to stress, physical effects of stress, effects of stress on the immune system, and positive and negative ways of coping with stress. Ideal for a Psychology, Health, or related course and can be used in lecture or student-driven learning.
Psychology:  Consciousness and Sleep  POWER POINT

Psychology: Consciousness and Sleep POWER POINT

This 89 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about consciousness and sleep. Topics include: consciousness, consciousness as sensory awareness, consciousness as direct inner awareness, consciousness as sense of self, levels of consciousness, altered states of consciousness, sleep stages, no sleep, dreams, problems with sleep (insomnia, nightmares/terrors, sleep walking, sleep apnea, narcolepsy), meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, and drugs and consciousness. Ideal for a psychology or related course and can be used in lecture or for student-driven learning.
Psychology:  Thinking and Language POWER POINT

Psychology: Thinking and Language POWER POINT

This 74 slide power point presentation will help to introduce your students to thinking and language. Topics include: thinking, symbols, concepts, prototype, algorithms, trial and error, difference reduction, means-end analysis, working backwards, analogies, insight and incubation, problem solving and creativity, reasoning, and language (phonemes, morphemes, syntax, semantics)
Introduction to the Elements- Medical Terminology POWER POINT

Introduction to the Elements- Medical Terminology POWER POINT

This power point presentation will help your students to learn 175 common medical terminology elements. Learning these elements will give your students a solid foundation and enable them to successfully break down, interpret, and understand complex medical terms. Powerpoint can be used in a lecture/class setting, provided to students for independent study or a combination of both. Ideal for a CNA, GNA, CCMA, health sciences or related course and can be used with Medical Terminology worksheets (available separately).
The Chemistry of Life POWER POINT (Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology)

The Chemistry of Life POWER POINT (Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology)

This 96 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn how chemistry is related to the human body. Topics include: matter, atoms, isotopes, periodic chart, most common elements of living matter, bonds (ionic, covalent, hydrogen), common substances in living systems (water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, ammonia, nucleic acids, ATP), reactions, movement of substances into and out of cells, and pH. Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture.
Vital Signs POWER POINT- Nursing Assistant/Health Sciences/Medical Assistant

Vital Signs POWER POINT- Nursing Assistant/Health Sciences/Medical Assistant

This 85 slide power point presentation will help to introduce your students to vital signs. Topics include: Temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, pain, capillary refill, pulse points, normal ranges, equipment used, and key terminology. Note: This presentation focuses on the introduction/theory/science of vital signs. It does not focus on the precise skill steps involved with measuring vital signs. Ideal for a variety of courses (CNA/GNA/CCMA) and can be used in lecture. Vital Signs worksheets are also available in my store.
Infection Control in Health Care POWER POINT (Nursing/Health Sciences)

Infection Control in Health Care POWER POINT (Nursing/Health Sciences)

This 98 slide power point presentation will help to teach your students about infection control in health care. Topics include: very basics of microbiology (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, parasites, spores, difference between bacteria, viruses, treatment of infections), the chain of infection, local vs system infections, body defenses, hospital acquired infections, carriers, vectors, fomites, superbugs, medical asepsis, hand hygiene (handwashing vs waterless cleaners), potentially infectious excretions or secretions, sharps, standard precautions, use of PPE, types of transmissions (direct, indirect, airborne, droplet and vector), isolation, sequence for applying and removing PPE, things to remember and exposure incidents. Ideal for a CNA/GNA/CCMA, dental assistant, surgical tech, or related course and can be used in lecture.
Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

Urinary System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT

This 126 slide power point will help your students to learn about the urinary system. Topics include: kidney anatomy, nephron anatomy, formation of urine, filtration, reabsorption, secretion, urinary output, urinalysis and findings, ureters, urinary bladder anatomy, chemical control of urinary secretion (ADH, Aldosterone, Renin), and brief descriptions of some urinary disorders (UTI, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, dialysis, renal calculi, hydronephrosis). Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture. Can also be used with available Urinary System worksheets.
Neonate and Infant- Growth and Development POWER POINT

Neonate and Infant- Growth and Development POWER POINT

This 115 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about a human’s first year of life. Topics include: premature babies, neonates, infant abduction, colostrum, meconium, fontanelles, newborn weight/length, head circumference, Apgar, infant jaundice, reflexes, sleep, breast and bottle feeding, umbilical cord care, circumcision, bathing, cradle cap, colic, patterns of growth and development, gross and fine motor development, attachment and trust, separation and stranger anxiety, vision, hearing, smell and taste development, physical exams, immunizations, speech, social development, toys, and safety and security. Note: this pptx does not include congenital/genetic disorders or special infant circumstances or diseases. Ideal for a CNA/CCMA or introductory course/unit in growth and development or related courses and can be used in Lecture.
Puberty and Adolescence Growth and Development POWER POINT

Puberty and Adolescence Growth and Development POWER POINT

This 66 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about human puberty and the adolescent years. Topics include: puberty, hormonal influence by hypothalamus/pituitary gland, changes in males/females, precocious and delayed puberty, Turner/Klinefelter syndromes, physical/cognitive/psychosocial changes in adolescence, early/middle/late adolescence traits, influence of peers, health promotion in adolescence, safety issues, legal aspects, and illness/disease in adolescence. Ideal for a CNA/CCMA or related Growth and Development course and can be used in lecture. Other Growth and Development power points are also available.
The Toddler Years Growth and Development POWER POINT

The Toddler Years Growth and Development POWER POINT

This 61 power point presentation will help your students to learn about humans during the second and third years of life. Topics include: weight/height, socialization, play, speech, teeth, sleep and sleep disturbances, separation anxiety, sibling rivalry, gross and fine motor development, bathing, toilet training, autonomy, temper tantrums, aggressive behavior, setting limits, and safety. Ideal for a CNA/CCMA or other related course in growth and development and can be used in lecture. Other growth and development power points also available.
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities:  Nursing Assistant POWER POINT

Legal and Ethical Responsibilities: Nursing Assistant POWER POINT

This 57 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about legalities and ethics in health care. Topics include: civil and criminal law, malpractice, negligence, defamation, false imprisonment, abuse, assault, battery, invasion of privacy, informed consent, HIPAA, advanced directives, living will/power of attorney, DNR, patients’ bill of rights, basic rules of ethics, and professional standards. Ideal for a CNA/GNA/CCMA or related course and can be used in lecture.
Introduction to Phlebotomy POWER POINT (Health Sciences, Nursing)

Introduction to Phlebotomy POWER POINT (Health Sciences, Nursing)

This 70 slide power point presentation will help to introduce your students to phlebotomy. Powerpoint begins with a review of blood- characteristics, formed elements and plasma, and then introduces phlebotomy. Includes: equipment, blood collection tubes and additives, order of draw, capillary puncture, test requisition, verifying patient identity, common venipuncture sites, complications, common tests (CBC, differential, blood chemistry, coagulation tests, ESR), morphology, and hemoglobin A1C. Note: power point does not review steps involved with blood collection. Can be used in a variety of courses in a lecture setting or student driven instruction.
Pharmacology: Medication Preparations and Supplies (POWER POINT) Health Sciences

Pharmacology: Medication Preparations and Supplies (POWER POINT) Health Sciences

This 50 slide power point presentation will help to teach your students about types of medication preparations and supplies. Topics include: drug form and routes abbreviations, parenteral drug forms, oral drug forms (tablets, enteric coated tablets, capsules, sustained release capsules, lozenges, suspensions, emulsions, elixirs, syrups, solutions), rectal drug forms, intravenous drug forms (IV push, piggybacks, drips), IM, SC, ID, epidural, intraosseous injections, topical drug forms, supplies (med cup, pill crusher, pill cutter), needles (length, gauge), parts of a syringe, types of syringes, sharps containers, and Rights of Drug Administration. Ideal for a variety of courses, including health sciences, Medical Assistant, Pharm Tech, or Nursing Assistant. Can be used during lecture or with student driven learning.
Neoplasms (Cancer)   POWER POINT (Anatomy/Health Care/Nursing)

Neoplasms (Cancer) POWER POINT (Anatomy/Health Care/Nursing)

This 84 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about neoplasms. Topics include: definition, growth pattern and appearance, benign/malignant, tissues of origin (sarcomas, carcinomas, lymphomas), normal cell growth, differentiation, benign/malignant neoplastic growth, hyperplasias, cancer development, lymph/blood system metastasis, grading/staging, causes of cancer, personal risk behaviors, cancer prevention, CAUTION acronym. signs and symptoms of cancer, cachexia, and cancer treatment.